“Irene, you are so pretty.”

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I was surprised to see Helena because she was so beautiful. She was wearing a flowing red dress, just like a mermaid.

“The clothes fit you very well.”(Helena)

“Thank you.”(Irene)

But Helena was prettier. As I stared at her without blinking, she laughed embarrassedly.

“Thanks to you, I get a gratifying chance to wear these clothes.”

“Daddy was the one who prepared everything…”

As I muttered that it wasn’t because of me, Helena snorted.

“If you hadn’t brought up the family picture, he probably wouldn’t have taken it until you were an adult.”

I wondered if it would have gone that far, but it made sense. When I brought up the family photo, Cade looked like he hadn’t even thought of it.

“Would you like to go over there? There are people who will do your hair if you go.”


I timidly walked to the place Helena pointed out. There, a woman I had never seen before was trimming cute jewelry.

“Welcome, lady. What kind of hairdo would you like?”

She handed me a book.

As I stared blankly at everything because it was unfamiliar, the woman turned over the pages one by one and showed me the hairstyles.

“I like everything because it’s all pretty.”

“Hmm. I think it would be better to decorate with accessories than to put your hair up.”

The woman who was looking at the mirror installed in front of the chair was touching my hair here and there, nodding her head.

It was an instant.

I don’t think she touched my hair much, but the hairdo was quickly completed. Looking in the mirror I moved my head around.

A flower headband with many inner leaves gently fixed the side of my hair, and I don’t know what she did, but my hair was glossy.

“How is it, do you like it?”

“Yes, I like this one.”

I answered while fiddling with the flowers on my headband. Glittering jewels were hung between the petals and in between the bands.


“Huh? Brother Arban?”

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I saw Arban walking from behind the mirror. He was wearing a voluminous white shirt and black pants. In addition to that, his curly hair, which was brushed back to the fullest, was drawing a curve.

Seeing him dressed like that, he looked like a real rich young master. I turned and looked up at Arban.

“Brother, seeing you like this, you really look like a young master!”

“……What are you saying? If I’m not the young master, what am I?”



Right. Arban was a real young master. Then why did I make such a fuss? I shook my head.

“Come if you are done.”

“Hm, going.”

Arban seemed to be on an errand to bring me.

We arrived at the place where everyone was gathered. Cade, Seth, and Ian were also ready.

Seth, like Arban, was wearing a white shirt and black pants, but the design was slightly different. If Arban was wearing a rich and elegant shirt, Seth was wearing a neat and fancy shirt.

Cade was wearing a suit that looked like a formal uniform and had a silver brooch made of the family crest on his right chest.

Likewise, Ian was wearing a black suit, but with a tie the same color as Helena’s dress.

“Have you all gathered?”

When Arban and I arrived, the photographer wearing a brown beret asked. He was leaning over the camera and looking at us.

“Everyone has arrived.”

Cade replied.

In the garden, beautifully carved white tables and chairs were placed according to the number of people. It seemed like we were taking a photo with the feeling of everyone enjoying a break in the garden. In fact, refreshments and tea were being served.

“Irene, come and sit here.”

I was thinking about where to sit when Ian called me.


“Then, is there another Irene besides you?”

“There’s not.”

Then he really called for me. That’s unexpected. 

As I headed towards Ian and Helena, Cade called me this time.

“Where are you going?”

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“You should sit here.”

“But Grandpa…”

Ian called me. As I was at a loss, not knowing where to go, Ian frowned and scolded Cade.

“Can’t even one of my grandchildren sit with me?”

“What are you talking about? Irene is my daughter. Seth and Arban are also sitting here.”

“That’s what I’m talking about, isn’t it fine to have at least one person sitting over here?”

……Now, they were fighting over the seats.

The photographer made a puzzled expression.

“Irene, decide. Where do you want to sit?”

“Of course it’s here, right?”

“She saw this grandfather for the first time, and she’s not sitting here?”

Why is this happening to me? No matter which way I went, I was afraid of the aftermath. Maybe I won’t be able to take photos today.

After thinking about it for a while, the photographer finally raised his hand.

“Excuse me.”


Cade furrowed his eyebrows. Talking to him just as I was about to make my choice seemed to get on his nerves.


The photographer who took a deep breath held the camera as if it were his lifeline, and gave his opinion.

“Why don’t you rather have the young lady and the young masters sit in the front and the other three go to the back and stand?”

“That’s a good idea!”

Helena gave a quick nod and dragged Ian’s arm with her.


“…I can’t help it.”

Ian reluctantly stood up. Eventually, only three chairs were left.

“The young lady should sit in the middle, and the two young masters should sit on either side. The head of the household should stand in the center. The other two, please stand on either side of the head of the house.”

 It was a very neat arrangement. I straightened my back in the right posture. When the situation was sorted out, the photographer prepared to take the photo.

“Okay then, let’s take a picture. One, two… three!”

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The photo was taken with a click and the photographer spoke again.

“I’ll take one more shot. Please smile a little!”

He put his eyes on the camera and made the next request. I gave a big smile, but the photographer was frightened and shook his hand.

  “……Don’t smile, let’s just go with an expressionless face.”

  “You told us to smile.”

Arban quickly lowered the corners of his mouth, which he had forced to raise. I wonder what kind of picture the photographer saw to shake his hand in such fright.

I wanted to laugh, but I squeezed my lips to hold on. 

The photographer opened three fingers and said.

“Then let’s do it again. Three, two, one!”

Well, I’m going to laugh, though, can’t hold it.

I laughed out loud before the seconds ended. Maybe the photo will come out with everyone expressionless and only me smiling. It also seemed like fun in its own way. 

The photographer stood up, looked at me, and smiled.

“Yes, it came out very well. I’ll do it one last time.”

That way, we could finish the schedule by taking the last photo.

  * * *

“Here you are, Irene. Did you bring everything you need?”


I vigorously nodded.

Helena smiled with great satisfaction at what I had brought. It was the dagger she gave me as a gift. 

I looked up at Helena. She seemed excited to be able to teach me how to handle the dagger.

“Wait a minute, I’ll show you how to use it. Can you give it to me?”


Helena was handed my dagger. She swung it with one hand. It was a simple action, but it seemed unusual.

The dagger, which had splendidly moved around in her hand, disappeared in an instant. I opened my eyes. Even though it happened right in front of my nose, I couldn’t see where it went.

“Where do you think it went?”

“Uh, where did it go?”

When I asked dumbfounded, Helena said with a determined face.

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“Irene, how can you not see it? The moment you miss it without knowing where the opponent’s weapon went…”

Helena pretended to slit her throat.

“It’s over.”

“I couldn’t see it. Too fast.”

Even if I looked at it again, it didn’t seem like it would be visible to me. Where the hell did it go?

When I checked around Helena’s hand in wonder, she smoothly drew the dagger from between her sleeves.

She began to give a brief explanation.

“There are many people who think that a dagger is not a weapon. It is also used simply for stabbing, cutting, and throwing.”

Swish, whoosh.

Helena held the dagger lightly, demonstrating a stab and slash in the air.

I thought about it even as I watched in wonder.

Looking at it this way, the dagger was too small and short. In addition, in the event of an armed conflict, even if you hate it, you have no choice but to get closer to the opponent.

“Grandma, why did you give me a dagger as a gift?”

There must be many weapons besides the dagger. Helena shyly smiled.

“Actually, it’s my favorite. I like daggers the most and handle them well. So I thought I could teach you well about them.”

“I see.”

It made sense. I decided to ask the following question.

“Why do you love daggers the most?”

Is there any special reason?

Helena put on a troubled expression for a moment, probably not knowing that I would ask such a question.

“Hmm… I like it because…”

She smiled brightly as if she had finally found the reason.

“It’s good for an ambush. You can easily hide it. I guess that’s the biggest reason.”

“…I-I see.”

Cancel it. The thought that there might be a special reason is canceled.

“Then I’ll show you the right stance, Irene. First, hold it lightly like you’re holding an egg like this.”

Helena put the dagger in my hand and explained it.

And all afternoon that day, I had to go through Helena’s caring training.

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