Ch41 - Small Grain

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The author has something to say:

Dear little angels, yesterday’s chapter was a bit rushed. My family Li Zhen was reluctant, he said that I didn’t describe his heart, so he ordered me to fix it. 

Change, so please revisit the last chapter, ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ


Sunnyshies: Don’t worry the author revised it a long time ago, the one I translated is also the revised version! It’s just that, this is the first time I saw the author’s note at the beginning of the chapter, and so I included it. And the author is also cute~

Also for title chapter, it’s 小粮食 – /Xiǎo liángshí


This kind of complex matter, Fang He thinks that he certainly wouldn’t be able to figure out, so he could only look at Li Zhen expectantly, but it was also difficult for Li Zhen to judge without seeing anything.

“No matter what, we still have to tell your sister about the water contamination first.” Fang He settled his cat paws, ready to run out again.

Li Zhen reached out and grabbed him, “It’s too dangerous, no.”


If not for Fang He suddenly broke into the space, and was suddenly thrown out by the space, he wouldn’t know that Fang He was in danger outside, but this kitten still wants to go!?

“Then what to do? And you didn’t consider a problem, if I don’t go out, will we stay in the space all the time?”

Li Zhen stood there. His relatives are outside, but for him to ask Fang He to take the risk, he couldn’t bear to. Under that kind of electric shock, it was absolutely a fluke for the kitten to live, how could he be willing to let him take risks again.

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Fang He raised his paw and stepped on his hand to say something, however, before Fang He could even speak, Li Zhen went out suddenly without a greeting. Fang He held up his empty paw, and froze for a while. Meow-wu, poop shoveling official, you bear!

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Mjcu Lf kjr jybea ab mtjrf tlw bea lwwfvljafis, tbkfnfg, atlr afgglyif rqjmf jmaejiis rfjifv tlw lcrlvf. Mjcu Lf gfrfcaoeiis kjcafv ab megrf, “Ktlr lr beagluta vlrmglwlcjalbc!”

Qtfc Ol Itfc gfjqqfjgfv lc atf gbbw ogbw yfobgf, atfgf kjr ralii cb bcf lc atf gbbw. Lbkfnfg, atf afwqajalbc bo atf ilaaif vewqilcu kjr nfgs ragbcu. Lbk ibcu tjr la yffc, Ol Itfc mjc jigfjvs offi atf hbwylf nlger lcrlvf tlr ybvs yblilcu jcv rmgfjwlcu obg tlw ab gert lc. Ol Itfc mbeiv cba vb jcsatlcu ja jii, jcv tf tegglfv yjmx ab atf rqjmf joafg bcis atgff rfmbcvr. 

When Li Zhen landed next to Fang He, Fang He’s anxious cat paw immediately waved up.

Li Zhen grabbed Fang He’s soft cat paws and kneaded them. It took him a while before he could suppress his thirst for power.

“Li Zhen, you are so good! This cat hates being locked up the most, and you have the guts to do it again!” Fang He pulled his paws hard, and looked at Li Zhen angrily.


“You shut up. You don’t know that I was locked up enough in my entire life before I escaped desperately! Others also took it for granted. When I am only a pet, you dare to shut me in too…”

Before Fang He finished speaking, Li Zhen suddenly stretched out his hand and hugged him. Li Zhen’s neck was covered by the kitten’s whole body, and his hand gently stroked his back.


Fang He sucked his nose, then his cat claws scratched Li Zhen’s neck angrily. He watched the skin scratched by his claws bled, but it quickly healed. Then Fang He pressed his head against Li Zhen’s chin, “Isn’t it just sending information through a letter? You can just write a letter to Li Yue.”

So, both of their minds were drained before? Why didn’t they think of such a simple method? After writing the letter, he just needs to send it out, it does not take a few seconds at all. 

Li Zhen pressed the soft fur under his hand and was silent for a while. If it weren’t for Fang He’s words, he would not have noticed the problem, which he should have been able to think of under normal circumstances, but now…has his thinking started to malfunction again?

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Li Zhen closed his eyes slightly, and entered the room holding Fang He in his arms.

This letter is not easy to write, Li Zhen hesitated for a while. In the end, he only wrote one sentence, “Older sister, the water is poisonous, boil it for thirty minutes and then use it, also don’t hurt the kitten in the future!”

Compared with the crooked and twisted font Fang He painted on the wall before, Li Zhen’s characters were obviously much more handsome. Then Fang He took advantage of Li Zhen’s carelessness, he bit the paper at a very fast speed and rushed out of the space resolutely. 

Li Zhen clenched his teeth angrily inside the space. When Fang He came to him with great speed, he couldn’t even stop him. But the kitten had just complained, and he couldn’t force the kitten into the space. This willful kitten! Just giving him only two minutes. Two minutes later, if the kitten does not come back, he will not care about anything, and will rush out!

At this time, Li Yue had already returned to the room. So when Fang He appeared out of thin air, Li Yue was already standing there holding the little dumpling.

Fang He was startled, but Li Yue over there was calmer than him. She just looked at him as if she had known that he could disappear and appear out of thin air.

Fang He shrank back. He didn’t know how to speak in such a tense atmosphere. So he just handed the piece of paper he was biting in his mouth forward and then meowed. At this moment, Fang He felt that he had suddenly become a Wang Xingren.

Over there, Li Yue’s gaze condensed, and immediately bent over to catch the note in Fang He’s mouth. The content on it made the indifference she had been straining for so many days suddenly disintegrate, and Li Yue’s tears glittered in her eyes for a while. She took a few deep breaths before she came back, and when she looked at Fang He, she no longer had the kind of scrutiny and indifferent gaze, “Are you my brother’s pet?”

She had always told Li Zhen before that he should raise a cat if he didn’t want to get married. When you have nothing to do, you can stroke the cat to ease your tense spirit and emotions. As far as Li Zhen’s occupation is concerned, the mental pressure must be great, but she has never seen Li Zhen raise one before. Unexpectedly, in such an apocalyptic time, Li Zhen actually raised a cat.

Li Yue previously thought that this cat is very spiritual. It was able to follow Li Zhen from the city all the way to here. And it even followed Li Zhen after he became a zombie. 

And just now, the cat suddenly broke into her temporary residence. It’s whole body was wet, and it suddenly appeared on the grid. At that time, it was already too late for her to stop it, and so the kitten was hit by the electric shock.

At that time Li Yue thought this cat would die, she somewhat felt sorry and also regretted it. But she didn’t expect the kitten to fall on the ground and kicked it’s legs twice. Except for the exploded fur all over its body, it was actually not dead yet. So she quickly let her family Liang Si absorb the electricity from the kitten and brought the kitten into the room.

She originally wanted to wipe the kitten dry and just put it there, and continue to do her things while the lightning was still thundering, but what she is doing is very dangerous. If this kitten wakes up, it will be troublesome if it breaks out again. Being alive after being shocked once doesn’t mean that it’s okay if it went through it again, so for the sake of the kitten’s safety Li Yue could only make a temporary cage with the steel bars and lock the kitten first, then warned it not to run outside with cold eyes.

Li Yue also wanted to see if she could find some clues from this cat after finishing Liang Si’s affairs. Receiving some supplies and meals everyday has made her very suspicious. If Li Zhen really becomes a zombie, how can he keep sending supplies, but if there is nothing wrong, why can’t he come out to see her? 

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She really shouldn’t have attacked Li Zhen as soon as she came up that day. Liang Pengfei had just died and she had just given birth to a child, her mood fluctuated so much and she couldn’t hold back her emotions when she saw Li Zhen’s zombie appearance. These days, she wondered if Li Zhen was just stimulating supernatural ability, and it just looked a little different from before.

But every time Li Yue heard the movement outside, she would run out immediately and she couldn’t find a single figure, but occasionally she could see this kitten whizzing past.


At this time, Fang He heard Li Yue’s question. He squatted there, and posed a very stylish look, then shook his head vigorously at Li Yue. 

Fang He had his own thoughts, and he didn’t want to admit that he was a pet in front of Li Zhen’s relatives.

When he found out that he had become a cat before, he felt that he could eat and drink enough in the apocalypse, and someone would take care of him. He is very happy to be a cat, being able to eat fish and meat. But recently under Li Zhen’s softer eyes, Fang He hopes that one day he will not only be able to speak, but also become a human being.

Li Yue, who had never expected to receive a response, was stunned for a while. She looked at the kitten’s eyes, and suddenly unconsciously asked, “Are you a human or a cat?”

After asking, she couldn’t help shaking her head. Maybe it was a cat who attained intelligence. 

Li Zhen also asked this. At that time, Fang He jokingly fooled over. But at this time, when he heard Li Yue’s question, he raised his head and replied in a serious manner, “I am a human.”

“…” Li Yue looked at Fang He’s green eyes, and they stared at each other for a while. Okay, maybe some people have the ability of beastization, her family Xiao Liang Si, who is only a few days old at most, can also have supernatural ability, what else is impossible.

Li Yue didn’t worry about this anymore. She now wanted to know how her brother is, “What about my brother?”

Fang He immediately said seriously, “I came to tell you that the water source will be polluted after it rains, and it will contain zombie virus. But the second infection will cause physical weakness and consumption of abilities, so in the future, if you use water, you must boil it for more than half an hour, or just use the bottled water. The second infection will cause you and the little dumpling…the baby to become weak.” 

Li Yue nodded, “Thank you, can you tell me what happened to Li Zhen?”

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This question is really hard to answer, Fang He can only speak vaguely, “He is inconvenient now, he will definitely come when it is convenient!”

Li Yue was silent for a while, “Liang Si, his name is Liang Si.”

“Liang Si?” Good name, Fang He nodded. Isn’t it like small grain, he likes it! 

When Li Yue was about to ask Fang He’s name, another lightning flashed outside, followed by a loud sound of thunder.

Li Yue walked out quickly. Fang He flicked his tail and wanted to follow, but Li Yue immediately turned around, “You’d better wait for me here, or you will be electrocuted once again if you come out.”

He could hear that Li Yue didn’t mean to warn him, but to remind him that there was danger of electric shock as long as he went out.

Fang He was eager to ask what the reason was, but Li Yue had already walked out quickly. 

Fang He walked round and round in the room. He always felt that these thunderbolts are closely related to the little dumpling.

Curiosity killed the cat. Fang He sighed for a while, he couldn’t hold himself back, so he opened the door with his wind ability, then at that moment, Fang He was almost hit by the sudden flash of lightning. Fortunately, he was prepared this time and closed the door instantly and escaped.


But at this moment, Fang He also saw the scene inside. The next room should be the main room. The room was full of palm-sized lightning balls, and the little dumpling named Small Grain, was flying in mid air with the lightning ball around him.

Meow-wu, this little dumpling is really against the sky. Is it possible that those lightning balls are his toys? 

But Li Zhen, who was waiting in the space, couldn’t stand it any more, and suddenly appeared in front of Fang He. He was almost attracted by the surging power of the little dumpling. Li Zhen’s eyes instantly turned red, then he abruptly hugged Fang He and rushed back to the Peach-core Space, and they both landed directly in the lake.

Fang He looked at Li Zhen, who closed his eyes, trying his best to endure. He opened his mouth, showing his cat teeth, then leaped leisurely from Li Zhen’s body, and landed on the shore. He flicked his tail, then ran away, “Poop shoveling official, you just soak there, come out and cook when you’re done!”

Li Zhen opened his eyes and looked at the kitten that ran away leisurely. He shook his head and lost his smile. He then reached out to hold his head, his thinking really seemed to have a problem again, and his control was also diminishing.

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