Even though he lose 500 points, Ichiyo obtained 500 experience, it is obvious that experience is equivalent to points, using more points will get him more experience, and the total amount of experience bars in the first level is 10.000, which means he will only reach level 2 and open new functions after using 10,000 points.

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However, according to the system, the current way to obtain system points is only one, that is, one-tenth of the daily revenue from the dishes he personally makes.

From yesterday to today, Ichiyo has sold five sweets, a total of 5.000 yen, so he has 500 points.

As for the pricing of dishes, it is obvious that the system only recognizes the price it specified when it issued the recipe, and if Ichiyo later tries to cheat and inflate the price to get points, it will not work.

Suddenly he remembers that there's another feature besides Lottery.

"System, what is this Donation feature for?"

"System is not here, please refer to the system function description and figure it out yourself."


How can I say about this system...

It's quite arrogant!

Ichiyo decisively ignored the system's reply, what a joke, if it was a narcissistic young girl, he would have some patience, but why bother to coax a system?

Consciously manipulating the points to open the donation column, there are currently only small amount of choice inside such as "Girls' Last Tour" and "Black Bullet". But "Black Bullet" and the others are grayed, clicking only to show that the host's current conditions are not met. Only "Girls' Last Tour" can be opened, and after he click it, a video appears in Ichiyo's pupils.

After a long time when the flourishing civilization of humans comes to an end, humans are basically extinct, and even biological life no longer exists in this doomsday world.

The complex and towering city has become a maze-like ruin, the machine that cannot be maintained gradually stops operating, and even the thought of when the end began and when it ended no longer exists in this world. Two girls set off from the icy and snowy world, passing through war ruins and wasteland, wandering the world on their beloved car and half-track motorcycle.

They are the only remaining humans on Earth, the last two girls!

Ichiyo watched the video led by two little girls and was shocked by the concept of the wasteland world and humanity's destruction, his breath almost stopped, and he was enveloped by emotion.

"Coexisting with despair..."

He thought to himself. "I'm not as strong as I thought. If it were me in that world, I would probably be driven crazy by the pressure from food, environment, and loneliness."

"Do good deeds without asking for a reward. The system has detected a strong desire in the host to help others. Do you want to establish contact with Chito and Yuuri in the world of 'Girls' Last Tour' and provide assistance to them?"

"System, do my rebirth and you have anything to do with each other?" Ichiyo asked.

"No," the system replied.

"Why can't I open the other options?"

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"Because the system has determined that the host's capital is not enough to support too many people. The donation function is intended to help others with the host's surplus resources, not to ruin the host's current life."

"Then let's establish contact. I want to... help them," Ichiyo said, nodding his head. He didn't know if he believed the system's words or not, but it didn't matter now. What was more important was to go to the kitchen and prepare some food to send to the two girls.

Ichiyo feels that he is not a saint, but he is also not a heartless villain. He does not reject acts of kindness that do not have a significant impact on himself.

People cannot live too selfishly and must open their hearts to others.

If someone looks at the world with a critical eye, they will always see flaws, but if they look at it with an appreciative eye, they will also see many beautiful things.

Seeing beautiful things often brings joy to the heart.

In other words, seeing two adorable young girls struggling in the post-apocalyptic wasteland moves Ichiyo.

This reminds him of the time after he watched a movie about the war of resistance. For a long time afterward, he thought about how he could contribute to that time period if he could go back in time. Or after reading a novel where the male and female leads drag out their relationship for millions of words without confessing to each other, he gets angry and wants to go back in time and kick the male lead.

In the past, he had no choice, but now the opportunity has come.

He wants to make up for the regrets he has experienced.

In the post-apocalyptic world, the designer of the building the two young girls are standing on must have been a madman because the top of the building has broken through the stratosphere, with a lot of clouds rolling around under the building. After drinking the last hot water and eating the last food, and with no more hope to climb up to, the two bewildered young girls decide to sleep on the snowy rooftop under the night sky.

Suddenly, a voice appears in their minds, a very pleasant voice, warmer than their grandfather's voice. It seems to be asking them what they want to eat?

What is ginger milk?

And there's also the snake meat soup, steaming hot and fragrant!

Is this a god?

Or is it true that there is a paradise, where it is so warm, bright, and has all kinds of food?

Ichiyo looked at the food he just made which unexpectedly gained a random emotional buff despite not being 100% complete, and transports it through a flash of gold to the two young girls in the post-apocalyptic world.

The heat and strong aroma of the food emanating from the stainless steel pot immediately wakes up the two young girls who were about to fall asleep!

"Chito, this must be a gift from the gods, right? Then I won't be polite!" The tough-looking, blue-eyed blonde girl spoke, completely indifferent to the source of the food and just wanting to eat this delicious-looking food.

The black-haired, quiet girl sleeping next to her saw the bright-eyed, drool-covered appearance of her friend and instinctively waved her small hand.


A crisp sound echoed as the blonde girl's white face turned red. She stared blankly at her companion.

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"You idiot, Yuuri!"


"At a time like this, we should thank the great divine being for their gift first!"

"And then can we eat?"

"I don't know..."

"Then let's thank the great divine being together!"


Under the guidance of Chito, Yuuri the naturally optimistic girl, prays loudly with her eyes closed while thinking of the fragrant ginger milk, "Great deity, can you give me more food tomorrow? There's also Chito's burned books, can you..."

"You idiot! Baka!"

Pa~ pa pa~ pa pa pa~ ~~

The continuous sound of slapping sounded, and the girls' slaps were not gentle at all.

Yuuri, who is naturally foolish, didn't care. She didn't understand many things and was rough-minded, but if Chito gets angry, she probably did something wrong.

But, what about the book?


Ichiyo looked around in the kitchen and finally saw basic dessert notes on the counter. Most of the contents were rough methods or introductions of Western and Chinese desserts, probably an old man's leisure reading to pass the time and find inspiration.

He picked up the notes, wrote a sentence on the cover with a pen, and sent it to the two little girls in the wasteland.

In a flash of gold light, a book appeared on the girls' heads, gently fell, and hit the girls' heads lightly.

Yuuri caught the book and held it in her hand, looks at Chito and asks, "God really gave Chito a book, so will God send us more food tomorrow?"

Chito, looking confused, shakes her head but still habitually takes the book from Yuuri's hand and says, "I don't know."



"I realized that God is actually a boy, not a girl! Maybe the ancient people got it wrong and the statues in the temple we saw before are actually male?"

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"I don't know."

"Why would God send us food and books? Is he trying to fatten us up and eat us?"

"How would I know?"

"Chito, can I start eating now? If the food God sends gets cold, it won't be good."


Chito, with a complex expression, looks at Yuuri who is drooling. In the end, Chito nods.

The two girls, who have been in a state of half starving to death for a long time, have finally tasted such delicious food, and warmth and hope spontaneously arose in their hearts.

This is the power of delicious food!

~~ ~

Ginger milk shake: completion rate 87% (warmth)

Chrysanthemum snake soup: completion rate 63% (hope)

Ichiyo carried a little bit of the remaining dishes and fed the two girls living in the end-of-the-world wasteland. He then put the remaining food into two small bowls, left the counter, and found a random table and chair in the dining room where customers were eating. He leisurely enjoyed his breakfast.

He was a good patissier, but he was also the descendant of a chef family, so he knew a little bit about cooking. At least he was not much worse than an ordinary housewife. Of course, his professionalism was not comparable to the chefs at Totsuki Academy.

Eating pastries like this is fine occasionally, but eating them every day is not good. You'll get sick of it real fast.

Most sweet pastries are made of a combination of sugar, milk, and egg. These things are not good as the main dish. Besides fat and calories, if you eat too much, you may easily develop mild anorexia.

Ichiyo used to have a long period of time when he couldn't stand sugar because he was taken by his grandfather to taste a lot of desserts and pastries when he was young. He stopped eating sugar for a long time.

"Excuse me, is anyone here?"

A woman in a professional suit walked into the low-key small shop from outside.

Actually, it's not exactly low-key. In terms of the position of the Sakuraba family, the location of this small shop is very good. It is located in a crowded area but compared to the surrounding restaurants that are full of customers early in the morning and even need to be reserved in advance, the pastry shop that Ichiyo is responsible for is a bit strange.

Located in a bustling area, but there are not many customers. The huge contrast with the surrounding restaurants is enough to make some people curious.

"There's no one..."

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Ichiyo calmly scooped a small piece of ginger milkshake with a small spoon and put it in his mouth. Occasionally, he tasted the Chrysanthemum snake soup made of snake meat that he drew from the system by lottery. It was really not bad.

It's not that Ichiyo's skills are very good, but the quality of that snake meat is high!

If it weren't for the system's guarantee that it was snake meat, Ichiyo would have thought it was the meat of a spotted pufferfish. After all, most snakes have a layer of horny skin, and the meat is green and tender, soft like a little girl's skin, and not only soft but also very tough!

This snake meat is truly a top-quality ingredient!

It is not known which great talent developed the ingredient or where this unique creature comes from.

The guests have long been abandoned by Ichiyo and left aside.

Serving guests is too much trouble.

Washing dishes is very tiring.

As for system upgrades?

Who cares? Even without the system, he is still a rich second generation. He will wait until this pastry shop goes bankrupt and he can't even afford the water and electricity bills, and then he can rightfully inherit the family business and launch a thorough reform!

Being a chef has no future!

So he decided that in the future, he would just find a wife who can cook!

Or, find a group of wives who can cook?

Today, wife number one makes western food, tomorrow wife number two makes a Chinese meal, and the day after tomorrow wife number three makes a few sushi. Sounds great!

Maybe he was infected by the emotional buff of his own dishes. Mr. Sakuraba felt super happy!

He had a faint, pleased smile on his face, and the morning sun, filtered through the large glass panes embedded in the walls that connected the store to the outside world, daylight fell on some of Ichiyo's face, tinting his hair with a thin layer of golden light.

At the store, the woman in the suit feels awkward as she looked at the man in the chef's uniform, clearly at a loss in this awkward situation.

"I'm a journalist from a food magazine, can I...?"

"I have something to do now, I'm not available to make dishes. If you want to try some snacks, you can choose from the counter in front of you, the prices are labeled under the snacks."

Calmly, he put the last piece of jelly-like ginger milk into his mouth with a spoon, Ichiyo stood up to send the bowl to the wash area in the back kitchen, came out, and stood on the side of the counter with a faint smile on his face.


[Do you have anything you like?]

The two little girls in the wasteland were also almost finished with dinner, and it was obvious that the black-haired girl Chito had read Ichiyo's message from the cover of the cookbook, and was leaving the top floor with Yuuri, heading back down to the lower level.

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