Ch14 - Hello Uncle (14) — The dog man was trying to profit from his misfortune.

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On the way back to He Xiran’s villa, at first, Su An’s attention was still completely focused towards the thought of how to take Cheng Suqing out of Shen house, but gradually, his thoughts took a turn and his face became red.

He leaned against the window, thinking wildly in his head. No matter how boldly he said that he doesn’t care about it before, but in fact, this is the first time Su An intends to roll on the bed with someone. 

I hope the first experience will be better.


He Xiran’s villa was empty, there was no one on the first floor. Su An changed his shoes, “Is there anyone?”

He bent over to put his shoes on, and his voice echoed in the living room. Alone, Su An headed upstairs and heard the sound of water in the bathroom. The frosted glass inside had a blurred figure. Su An knew it was He Xiran at first glance, and couldn’t help but scold, dog man, in such a hurry, he even started to wash before he came back?


Now that he’s in front of him, he was inexplicably scared. Su An looked at the glass door and listened to the sound of the water. He then unconsciously took two steps back.

His slippers stepped on so fast, wuwuwu, he didn’t want to sleep anymore, he was really scared.

His hand had already touched the doorknob, when suddenly a pair of arms stretched out behind him and pulled Su An into his arms, and his thin white fingers came off the doorknob weakly.

His fallen wrist was caught by the other’s hand. Su An’s pupils shrank slightly. Water dripped from the top of his head, and the clothes on his back were already soaked by his chest, “Wait—” 

Pale hands covered his mouth and he was carried into the bathroom.

Then the foggy, steaming glass door was violently imprinted with a feeble hand.

“…” Cries of pain mixed with silent sobs rang, “You, slow down…” 

Day and night, the dusky villa can’t distinguish the time. The sun seemed to be setting and rising, Su An was groggy. His arm clutched the person from behind, and two bright red marks have been drawn.

The smell of smoke was getting closer and farther away, Su An’s voice was hoarse, and he couldn’t even say a word of whimper.

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The gorgeous large tattoo appeared and swam on He Xiran’s body. Su An was about to flee, but his ankle was grabbed, and he was pulled back to his original place.

Su An: “!” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

It was like the struggle of a small beast before it died, but He Xiran showed no pity, and was even more ferocious. He usually does everything with restraint, including smoking, but this time completely forgot the four words “stop at where he should“. His self-discipline and reason was blinded by the person under him, he is trapped in the abyss and cannot be pulled out.

Qtfc Ve Cc megifv eq, tf ibkfgfv tlr tfjv jcv rcloofv ilutais bc Ve Cc’r cfmx. Llr qjif yief yibbv nfrrfir kfgf lc ogbca bo tlw, jcv atf oibk kjr ojrafg atjc fnfg yfobgf.


Ve Cc kjr jybea ab mgs.

Ktlr lr mbwqifafis vloofgfca ogbw ktja tf atbeuta. Prc’a Lf Wlgjc byrfrrlnf-mbwqeirlnf vlrbgvfg? Prc’a tf jvvlmafv ab rwbxlcu? Lf vlv cba fnfc ajxf j ygfjx wlvkjs ab rwbxf j mlujgfaaf? 

What about his high intensity of self-control?!

Su An didn’t know how long had passed, all he knew was that he passed out halfway through. When he woke up again, He Xiran’s shadow was still covering him.

This time he really cried.

F*ck, dog man. 

For three whole days, Su An had not stepped on the ground. He was completely powerless, and only the porridge and water that He Xiran fed him at a fixed time could provide him with nourishment. He couldn’t help scolding He Xiran in a hoarse voice, and scolded He Xiran from head to toe.

He Xiran didn’t say anything, he would just returned it with action. The great painter never speaks loudly on the bed, and is even silent. Is this good? It’s not good at all, because his energy was all focused on how to toss Su An, not to mention, it was him who was being done. As soon as Su An was touched by him, his whole body will trembled, and in just three days, he was almost dumb.

After three days, Su An finally put on his clothes while trembling. 

He Xiran took him out for dinner in the afternoon. A five-star hotel, and it’s in a perfect location next to a waterscape. Su An smelled the long-lost food fragrance, and was moved to tears. He wiped his nose strongly, and finally stopped cursing He Xiran to impotence in his heart while eating.

Such a vicious curse, he had cast it a thousand times in the past three days, but it was useless at all. He Xiran would only get more and more fierce.

There are musicians playing the piano in the hall, and the melody is gentle. Su An was listening to the music while trying to pick up the dish, but his fingers hadn’t completely relaxed yet, and they were shaking all the time, the dish he picked kept slipping off. In the end, the man on the opposite side delivered the dish he fancied to his bowl.

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“Thank you, Mr. He,” Su An forced a smile, wishing to scrape off a layer of He Xiran’s skin, “You can eat it too.” 

The man sitting by the window had a light expression, but he had an invisible contentment. He reached out and shook off the ash from the ashtray, “It’s all for you.”

Su An “hehe” twice, then said: “I really thank you.”

He Xiran was noncommittal and slowly sipped his cigarette.

Su An is very young, and his skin is smooth and elastic. In the past, he gave off an innocent feeling, but after these three days, he is still very well-behaved, but there is a little greenness that turns to maturity. 

The spring love between his eyebrows is very attractive.

He Xiran glanced at him, “Chu Lin was taken away because he wanted to threaten Shen Zhangxiu.”


“You said it’s the same exchange,” Su An was not surprised that He Xiran would know about this, and whispered, “Bailing out Chu Lin is definitely good for you. I have the exact news here. Chu Lin has Shen Zhangxiu’s weakness in his hand, and it is very likely that he knows the truth of Ms. He’s death, and he may also have evidence. You don’t want to avenge your sister?”

He said bitterly and incessantly, he feared that he would sleep with him again because of the matter of him taking him away from the Shen house. “Obviously this matter is also beneficial to you…” This is in line with what you said about the benefits of cooperation agreement, dog man. 

“Shen Zhangxiu deliberately calculated him with this relationship, and Chu Lin was being watched very strictly.” He Xiran unhurriedly poured a glass of red wine, “But I will bail him out tomorrow, and tomorrow, my people will take him to another place to be resettled.”

Su An felt relieved, and a heavy stone finally fell. But doubts about He Xiran’s identity continued to deepen.

The encyclopedia only said that He Xiran is a painter. He Xiran is thirty-seven years old this year, and his background in the art world should also have been picked up clean.

Su An wiped his mouth with a tissue. Their age different is nineteen years. He raised his eyes to look at He Xiran, focusing on the top of He Xiran’s head. 

Dark hair, pale and handsome face. Curly hair, mysterious and indifferent.

Not a single gray hair, nor a trace left behind by his age. Is he really not…a vampire?

But He Xiran’s skin is indeed hot, and his lips and tongue are also hot. When he was holding Su An, while acting violently, Su An lay on his chest and listened to his heartbeat for a minute. 80 beats, which was the frequency of a normal adult man.

Su An also checked a lot of information about this world, focusing on the mysterious races such as vampires, werewolves, wizards, elves, ect., and found an encyclopedia suggesting that he should go to psychiatry to check his brain. 

Therefore, it is initially judged that there are no non-scientific species beyond cognition in this world.

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Su An put this doubt aside for a while, then he whispered hesitantly: “Uncle, can I ask you one more thing?”

He Xiran’s eyes narrowed slightly, his adam’s apple rolled, and he swallowed the red wine.

“My sister, Cheng Suqing,” Su An gritted his teeth, “Can you take her out of the Shen house too.” 

He Xiran fiddled with the eagle ring on his finger, while Su An bowed his head with his movements. The rubies in the eagle’s eyes still shine as brightly as ever, and He Xiran seems to like this ring a lot. Even when he goes to bed, he never takes it off.

“She’s Shen Zhangxiu’s future fiancé,” He Xiran said in a low voice, “If she’s not in the Shen house, where else can she be.”

Su An pursed his lips and insisted, “Is there really no way?”

He Xiran paused, “It is difficult.” 

Su An’s heart sank. Cheng Suqing’s first love was rescued, but Cheng Suqing herself may not know the news. She was pregnant with a child in her stomach, and the expression on her face that day made Su An feel uneasy. He was afraid that Cheng Suqing would directly fight with Shen Zhangxiu.

But Cheng Suqing is explicitly Shen Zhangxiu’s girlfriend, and if He Xiran takes action, he doesn’t have a reason.


Even so, Su An couldn’t give up. Even if He Xiran doesn’t help, he has to find a way by himself, even if he goes to the line against Shen Zhangxiu.

The piano changed tone, and He Xiran said slowly, “But it’s not impossible.” 

Su An was stunned and looked up at him.

He Xiran looked at him and patted his thigh, “Come here.”

Su An subconsciously wanted to say, you are crazy.

Although there is no one around this place, this is a public place, next to the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, which doesn’t mean that no one will see. More importantly, in Su An’s case, he thought their deal was over. 

And everyone will revert to their previous relationship.

But He Xiran’s expression didn’t look like a joke. Su An almost crushed his teeth. He endured his anger to smash this handsome face with his fist, and slowly sat on He Xiran’s lap.

He Xiran’s legs were slightly apart, and his hands skillfully wrapped around Su An’s waist. Cheng Su’an’s ear were red, and he barely supported the table, but he tried his best to straighten his back, “U-uncle, what is the solution you are talking about?”

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He tried his best to lean forward to avoid bumping into the man behind him, but he merely did a laboriously concave an arc that is most suitable for his lower mouth. 

He Xiran touched the back of Su An’s neck. Su An shrank forward because of the cold, but the hand caught up, rubbing his blood vessels together with his Adam’s apple.

“Wu,” Su An hummed, and couldn’t hold back laughing, “Hahaha, it tickles.”

As soon as he finished laughing, his lips and teeth were touched.

Su An slapped off the great painter’s hand worth thousands of dollars, embarrassed, “He Xiran, don’t do this.” 

The hand fell on Su An’s lap. He Xiran did not move, and he looked calm and peaceful, “Don’t do what?”

“You…” Su An shyly curled his fingers into a ball, and he was very nervous, “You said that there is a way to get my sister to leave Shen Zhangxiu’s side.”

“En,” He Xiran touched Su An’s lips again, “Are you full?”

Su An turned his head to avoid him, wanting to get down from him, “Since you don’t want to talk about it, don’t do anything casually.” 

He was so angry that he wanted to go down from He Xiran, but when his toes just touched the ground, the world spun in front of him. Su An’s head hit He Xiran’s chest, and the whole person was held in his arms.

Su An was stunned, “What are you doing—”


He raised his head and glared at He Xiran angrily. He Xiran lowered his eyes, and two pairs of eyes met. Under Su An’s almost unbelievable gaze, the pigeon blood tattoo on He Xiran’s neck gradually appeared and deepened.

He was actually excited. 

The author has something to say:


100 red envelopes in this chapter, can I get your enthusiastic comments?

It is said that by smashing Su An with nutrient solution, An-An can become stronger. He needs it now, with a sincere face. 

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