Ch2 - Hello Uncle (2) — Pigeon Blood Tattoo

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After school in the afternoon, the driver took Su An back to Shen’s house. Su An went straight to the third floor and wanted to ask Cheng Suqing if he knew He Xiran. But before he reached the third floor, he heard a harsh scream, “Ah——!”

It’s Cheng Suqing. 

Su An’s expression changed, and he rushed upstairs in two to three steps.

Cheng Suqing slumped in the room, while the refrigerator was wide open, and the air-conditioning swirled into a vague mist. The dazzling white light hit her face with heavy makeup, illuminating her ghastly white and distorted face. Su An stepped forward and pulled Cheng Suqing up behind him, and scanned the surrounding nervously, “Sister, what’s the matter?”



There was a rush of footsteps outside. Special Assistant Chu, with his hair in disarray, said anxiously: “What happened!”

As if all her strength had been drawn out, Cheng Suqing grabbed Su An’s arm, barely standing up. Her long nails almost pinched into the flesh of her younger brother, “I said that only my facial masks can be placed in the refrigerator. That lump, that lump of meat…who put it in?” 

Meat, Su An’s gaze was fixed on a plate of meat that had been frozen in one piece.


The fatty and lean meat was stuck together by the condensed butter. At first glance,  it doesn’t seem to be a cooked dish, but a bunch of flesh meat that has just been cut from an animal.

He looked sideways. Cheng Suqing stared hard at the refrigerator, and veins emerged from the back of her slender hand.

Special Assistant Chu quickly stepped forward, then he looked at the plate of meat in the refrigerator. After he carried this plate of meat away, Cheng Suqing suddenly got strength, and she yelled hysterically: “——Who put this thing in my room!”


Shen Zhangxiu who slowly walked to the door frowned slightly, “Suqing.”

Cheng Suqing gave a start, she barely got up and stood up, blushing as she tucked the hair on her temples behind her ears. The white side of her face along with the back of her neck was drawn into a pitiful line, “Zhangxiu, look, such a disgusting thing appears in my refrigerator, it scares me to death.”

She stepped forward and lay in Shen Zhangxiu’s arms. Her shoulders trembled and her crying sounded.

Shen Zhangxiu sighed and stroked her back gently and affectionately, “Even so, you shouldn’t lose your temper. No matter how beautiful a person is, she won’t look good when she’s angry, do you think?” 

Cheng Suqing’s little thumb twitched, “En.”

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Su An glanced at Shen Zhangxiu.

This comforting statement sounds really strange.


While the couple upstairs cuddled, both Su An and Special Assistant Chu went downstairs together.

Special Assistant Chu pursed his lips tightly, throwing the plate of meat that turned everything into a violent storm into the trash can. He then asked the housekeeper to call all the house servants over for questioning.

Su An lowered his head and squatted next to the trash can. He was looking seriously at the mass of red and yellow meat inside, when the maid aunt came over and said with amusement: “Young Master, Special Assistant Chu wants me to put the garbage away.”

Su An stood up and stepped aside, and asked curiously: “Auntie, can you tell anything from this mass of meat?” 

Cheng Suqing’s reaction was too intense and abnormal.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“What can I tell? It’s just meat.” The aunt opened the trash bag and glanced over in wonder. The greasy meat rushed to her nose. She was about to close it again, when suddenly, “Huh”, “It really looks like that thing.”


Ve Cc’r rqlglar iloafv eq: “Qtja?”

Auntie looked at him hesitantly for a few moments, not really wanting to say anything, before whispering after a while, “It’s like a placenta.” 

Coafg Jtfcu Vedlcu gfmbnfgfv tfg mjiw, Ve Cc kjr mjiifv ab atf raevs ys Vtfc Itjcuzle, jcv jrxfv tlw kbgglfvis: “Cc-Cc, kjr atfgf jcsatlcu ecereji jybea sbeg rlrafg ktfc sbe mjwf yjmx?”

Jtfcu Ve’jc kjr bynlberis rbwfktja gfragjlcfv lc ogbca bo tlw. Ktf sbecu wjc ibkfgfv tlr tfjv, bcis tlr tjlg wbnfv lc atf vlgfmalbc bo Vtfc Itjcuzle. Ktf rxlc bc atf yjmx bo tlr cfmx lr vfilmjaf, rboa jcv tjgwifrr.

“I don’t know either”, his voice was so soft, as if he was afraid to speak loudly, “When I came back, my sister was already scared.” 

Shen Zhangxiu took off his glasses and said warmly: “Don’t be nervous.”

Cheng Su’an nodded twice, but he still looked nervous.

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The man laughed twice, “An-An protected his sister, he’s a good boy.”

Cheng Su’an was a little shy, so bowed down his head even lower. 

“How was school?” Shen Zhangxiu changed the subject and put aside the matter of Cheng Suqing, “If you have any trouble at school, just come to me. After all, I am your brother-in-law, and I will be your family from now on.”

“School is good”, he nodded obediently, “Thank you, brother-in-law.”

Shen Zhangxiu smiled, and his thin and lone eyes slightly narrowed, “It should be.”

Cheng Suqing’s younger brother was different from her, he was well-behaved and his bewildered appearance also revealed innocence. Shen Zhangxiu and Su An chatted for a while, then when his phone rang, he glanced down, “Brother-in-law will just take this call, An-An will wait here for me and can just read some books.” 

The door being closed sounded. Su An is a good boy, so he followed his advice and went to the bookcase to find some books to read. Su An glanced around, picked up a few books at random, He flipped through them a few times, then put them back.

He was lucky. In the process of tossing from side to side, he really found a white piece of paper being hidden. Su An did not have the slightest self-consciousness of being impolite. He naturally pulled it out to take a look, then his gaze stalled, this is a death certificate.

The person who died is called He Feiyu.

Su An looked at it carefully. Who is this person? What is her relationship with Shen Zhanxiu? Why is this piece of paper in Shen Zhangxiu’s study? 

Shen Zhanxui’s body is full of suspicions, not to mention other things. The mere fact that he decided to marry Cheng Suqing three months later after just knowing her for half a month is quite unusual.

Is Shen Zhangxiu really charmed by Cheng Suqing?


It doesn’t look like it.

If it is not because of liking, then what would Shen Zhangxiu’s purpose be? Could he be Chu He? 

Su An put the death certificate back in place, then sat back from where he sat before. After Shen Zhangxiu came back, he smiled embarrassedly: “Brother-in-law, I’m a little sleepy.”

Shen Zhangxiu rubbed his head, amused: “Go back.”

Su An returned to his bedroom. Before he could figure out what that placenta and He Feiyu represent, he received a text message. 

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The message informs Su An that he will have to go to He Xiran as a model on Saturday, and the address is attached below.

Su An “hissed”, unexpectedly it was time to sell his body so soon. But no matter how urgent the matter is, it’s still tomorrow. So he slept comfortably, and came to He Xiran’s studio the next morning.

There was no one in the studio, only the sound of dripping water. Su An came too early, and He Xiran was still taking a bath—— he even took a shower in the studio. 

This studio is very large, and there’s a lot of dried paint stuck on the floor and the wall. The white canvas is placed in the corner, and there’s a bedroom connected to the studio. Su An suspects that He Xiran eats and lives here on weekdays.

While looking around, he suddenly hears a “click” sound. He hurriedly raised his head and show a well-behaved smile, “Hello, teacher.”

He Xiran was only wrapped with a bath towel. The tight muscles on his chest looks so strong, and there’s a large red tattoo appearing on his pale skin, winding down from his neck, it then crawls across his chest, and stretches all the way to his heaving abdominal region.

The water droplets slid down, and were absorbed by the bath towel. 

He Xiran seemed surprised that Su An was here, but he immediately became calm: “Wait a moment.”

He left the studio and went to the bedroom.

The curly hair that was covering his eyebrows was swept away behind his ears, only now did Su An completely see his appearance clearly. Beyond those frowned eyebrows was a handsome painter. As he walked around, the tattoo on his back kept undulating, and it had the color of blood. Su An shuddered inexplicably.

When he saw He Xiran last time, he didn’t have any tattoos on his body. Now the tattoo is crawling on his neck like a snake. 

He Xiran has cold white skin and it was so pale to a sickly degree. His shoulders are wide and his waist is narrow, and his red tattoos are all over it. Although it was beautiful, even sexy, it is a bit weird that it made people tremble all over, and goosebumps fell all over the place.

Su An touched his chilly neck and felt that He Xiran was too evil.

After a while, He Xiran put on his clothes and walked out. He pointed to the blue sofa in front of the easel stand, “You sit there.” 

Su An walked over and sat down, stretching his hands on his knees like a primary student.

He Xiran said: “Strike a beautiful pose.”

“Okay,” Su An nodded seriously and tried to strike a beautiful pose, and after posing, he looked at He Xiran with bright eyes, “Teacher, is this okay?”

He Xi frowned slightly: “Relax.” 

Su An followed what He Xiran said. He Xiran pursued perfection and demanded too much. In the end, Cheng Su’an shrank and said solemnly, “I’m sorry, teacher, I don’t know how to.”

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Sniffing, he lowered his head, “I’m too stupid.”

He Xiran extinguished his cigarette, “The studio will give you money in the afternoon.”

Cheng Su’an looked up blankly, not knowing what he was talking about. The next moment, He Xiran pressed Su An’s back and bent his waist into a beautiful arc. 

Oh, that 10,000 yuan contract for a touch.

He Xiran was very skillful, he barely touched Su An a few times. Su An knelt on the sofa, one of his legs was stretched, and his young body was tense into an extremely resilient bow.

Fortunately, he didn’t let him undress today. Su An’s face was shy, and his eyelashes kept trembling. If he really made him undress, and if the other person is really Chu He, then he would be eaten clean today.

They were too close. Su An looked down, the eagle ring on He Xiran’s finger was facing him. The ruby eyes of the eagle were blindingly bright, as if they could fly out in the next moment to take away Su An’s eyes. 

Su An shuddered and moved his eyes away. Suddenly he was surprised, he said: “Teacher, the tattoo on your neck is gone.”

“Well,” the tall figure bent over, “It dissipated.”

Surprisingly, it was Su An who leaned closed to his neck. He could still see the traces of the tattoo. This thing seemed to be called a pigeon blood tattoo. It is said that it will surface after drinking, bathing, and when getting emotionally excitement, and its color will be bright red.

He sighed in relief, He Xiran isn’t so evil. 

After a while, He Xiran sat down behind the drawing board with satisfaction, and his long modeling work began. Su An stared at He Xiran without a trace for a while, and discovered that He Xiran was addicted to cigarettes.

He smokes only half of each cigarette, and the remaining half will be pinched out and discarded. The way he exhaled and inhaled the smoke is maintained at a certain frequency, and it can be even said that he is very self-disciplined in smoking.


He self-regulates a few seconds a bite, as if counting half of every bite. His restraint is buried deep into his bone marrow.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder? 

The author has something to say:

100 red envelopes in this chapter^o^

The tattoo was just a little highlight in the text. In reality this was very dangerous.

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