Ch22 - Hello Uncle (22) — Mannequin Performed Its Duty

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He Xiran actually had a villa in the mountains. The villa was cleaned very well, the bedding was soft, and the refrigerator was full of food. It turned out that during the five days that Su An was running away, although He Xiran did nothing, he directly sent people to sort out this villa.

At this time, Su An entered the dark room. That night he fell asleep due to exhaustion. When he woke up the next day, the thick curtains blocked the sunlight completely, and the room was dark. Su An blinked sluggishly, and after the sleepiness flew away, only then did he realize that something was wrong. 

He looked left and right, then raised his arms, only to find that his hands were bound to his sides and he could not move them.

Su An: “…”



Has this psycho completely gone crazy?

Su An struggled, but he couldn’t. He looked down, and saw He Xiran sitting neatly at the end of the bed, with some silver tools that didn’t look good. 

“Uncle,” Su An swallowed and asked hoarsely, “What are you doing.”


As soon as he finished speaking, he saw something on his ankle. Looking closer, it is a lifelike blue butterfly painted on his ankle.

The wings are slightly flapping, the posture is budding, beautiful like a fairy.

Su An moved his foot, what is this?


He Xiran pressed his ankle and said lightly, “This place is very beautiful and suitable for a tattoo.”

Su An only felt a chill in his bones, and subconsciously retreated.

“Don’t move.” He Xiran lifted his eyelids and glanced at him.


Unable to reason to a mentally ill person, Su An could only softly persuade him, acting like a spoiled child with him, pretending to be pitiful, trying to shake He Xiran’s heart made of iron, “Uncle, I’m afraid of pain.” 

He Xiran gently stroked Su An’s ankle with gentle movements, “It will be over soon.”

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Cheng Su’an stared at him with wide eyes, then shrank back in horror. His eyes were covered with a layer of foggy watery light, “Don’t…”

He Xiran has already started to pick up tools.

Su An sobbed and whimpered the whole time, without a few drops of tears falling. In fact, he is not so sensitive to pain, but it looks like he was really addicted to pretending to be good, and He Xiran likes to eat this cover. 

The tattoo on his foot is from the hand of a great painter, he didn’t even know what it was worth. Su An glanced at him from the corner of his eyes, and felt that it was quite beautiful.

As expected of He Xiran, the best man he slept with.

Hehehe, I’ll write this account in my small notebook.

Su An’s voice was hoarse, and after crying for two hours, he was almost dehydrated to the point of being unable to speak. He Xiran wrapped his wound, and sighed, then he got up to give him water. 

Su An took several sips anxiously, and then looked at him aggrievedly, “I want to go to the toilet.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Llr nblmf kjr ecqifjrjca, tf qegrfv tlr wbeat jcv ibkfgfv tlr tfjv, jcv tlr ktlaf obgftfjv kjr qgfrrfv jujlcra atf qliibk ecmbwobgajyis.


Lf Wlgjc ecalfv tlr tjcvr, atfc tf qlmxfv eq Ve Cc jcv kjixfv abkjgvr atf yjatgbbw. Ve Cc’r jgwr gfrafv ibbrfis bc tlr rtbeivfg, atfc tf rcloofv jcv jrxfv, “Fcmif, kts lr Vtfc Itjcuzle rb jogjlv bo sbe?”

He still didn’t forget to ask questions when he got here. The smile in He Xiran’s lips quickly disappeared, then mentioned it casually, “Because he killed my sister.” 


But Su An meekly did not say anything. He had basically gathered all the evidence by now and figured out all the stories. But all except him, Su An still doesn’t understand He Xiran.

Even Shen Zhangxiu has already been identified as Chu He. Then who is He Xiran, who is scorned by Shen Zhangxiu?

After Su An was taken to the toilet to solve his physical problems, He Xiran let him sit beside the bathtub, as he gracefully went to the sink to wash his hands. 

Su An’s eyes moved to his hand. The joints are distinct, and each knuckle was like the work of a sculptor after painstaking efforts. He Xiran’s hands are really beautiful. Just by looking at the hands, you can imagine how calm and rational the owner is.

…this calm and rational is now an insult.

He Xiran carried him back to the bed. and Su An still obediently wrapped his neck all the time. He thought that he would not be tied up again, but who knew that He Xiran would unexpectedly pull his hands and go to reach the ribbon on the bed frame.

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Su An’s voice trembled, “Uncle, do you still want to tie me?” 

He Xiran’s tone was calm, “You will run if I don’t tie you up.”

“…” Su An finally knew what Shen Zhangxiu meant about not being sick for 37 years, and he would be more terrified the moment he got sick. He squinted his eyes, and wrapped his arms around He Xiran’s neck, “I don’t want to, I want to hold you.”

He Xiran sighed helplessly, then reached out to hold Su An’s forearm, and he seemed to want to pull them apart. Su An was in a hurry, so he raised his head and kissed him. He stuck out his tongue, and said vaguely, “Uncle, kiss me.”

He tried hard to keep the person, but He Xiran didn’t move for a while. When Su An was already feeling cold, a hand grabbed the back of Su An’s head, and He Xiran fiercely took control of initiative, and suffocated Su An with a kiss. 

Finally, it was a spring night.

When he woke up again, Su An just blinked blankly. He wanted to get up, but suddenly found that his hands were still tied to the bed, and his range of motion is only this one bed.

He Xiran still tied him. Su An’s face was slightly distorted, and he almost laughed angrily.

He was fvkced by the dog man. 

For several days in a row, besides solving his physical problems, Su An had been confined to the bed by He Xiran. The villa was quiet and there were no servants. He Xiran was the only person Su An saw every day, and He Xiran’s voice alone was the only sound he could hear.

He Xiran didn’t give Su An anything like TV, mobile phone, and other things that will bring him news about the outside world. Only a paper book can relieve his boredom. Su An grinded him for a long time before he could finally walk in the whole villa.


The day he walked out of the bedroom, Su An felt like he couldn’t walk anymore. His legs were weak, and stepping on the ground was like stepping on the clouds. The living room is spacious and bright, and the windows are bright and clean. Su An was stunned for a while, then he turned around and smiled at He Xiran, “Uncle, I’m so happy.”

He Xiran looked at him carefully, his expression was as he said, he was happy without a trace of resentment against He Xiran or the desire to escape. 

“En,” The corner of He Xiran’s mouth curled up easily, “Go to dinner.”

The dining table was already filled with sumptuous meals. Su An ate happily, with a bright smile on the corner of his mouth. From time to time, he will give He Xiran a chopstick dish, accompanied with affectionate timid eyes.

Su An practiced his eyes many times in front of the mirror in the past few days. He can guarantee that he really looks like he was in love with He Xiran. He will be shy because of his kisses, and he will be happy because of being with him.

“Uncle,” Su An put the tableware into the dishwasher after eating, blushing, “I can cook too, let me cook for you the next meal, okay?” 

After He Xiran washed his hands, he took a towel to dry the water, but did not agree immediately.

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Su An hugged his waist, his is one meter and seven but he was completely hollowed out into a little bird relying on people, “Uncle, I want you to taste the food I made.”

“Good,” He Xiran finally agreed, his heart softening, “Someone will send the ingredients this afternoon.”

Su An bent his eyes with a smile, and he was happy in his heart. 

With the first concession, will the next step be far behind?

That night, He Xiran ate the food that Su An made by himself. Although he didn’t say anything, Su An noticed a slight difference, He Xiran’s mood became visibly happy.

In the days Su An was locked up, the sweet words he said can not be counted. His eyes were clean, his expression serious, and he spoke as if it were a true confession, and it was usually him who blushes first.

Under this invisible sugar-coated shell, He Xiran’s bottom line was lowered step by step. On Sunday, a sunny day, Su An was in a good mood humming a song, he jumped around with He Xiran’s change of shirt, and was very satisfied when he looked in the mirror. 

He thought, aren’t all men like this? He looked at himself in the mirror, with white shirt and long legs, his face was rosy and shiny, and his smooth bones were slender and neat.

He is going to take He Xiran down completely today and leave this d*mn mountain villa as soon as possible.

He Xiran was in the studio. Su An stopped when he came to the door of the studio. After thinking for a while, he crumpled the white shirt on his body before pushing the door in.

He Xiran was painting with a cigarette in his mouth. Hearing the sound, he looked up, then his eyes were fixed immobile, and couldn’t move his eyes away. 

Su An smiled shyly, then walked in front of his canvas and sat down next to the window bier, “Uncle, do you need a model today?”

He folded his white legs slightly as he smiled shyly. His fluffy hair was slightly longer, covering Su An’s eyebrows.


He Xiran’s eyes dimmed and kept on circling Su An’s body. The teenager was only wearing a white underwear and one of his shirts. He was only half covered, and his clean and pure smile was directed at He Xiran.

The transparent window behind him refracts the colorful sunlight, then their eyes intersect, and he has He Xiran’s flavor all over him. 

There are also ambiguous blue and red traces ;eft by He Xiran on his body.

He Xiran licked his dry lips, he lowered his eyes, then took the easel off the drawing board and replaced the paper, “Lie down on the sofa.”

Su An walked over and saw the white lace gauze on the table beside him. As a thought came, he moved at once and brought the lace gauze over.

When He Xiran raised his head again, he saw Su An lying on the sofa surrounded by only a layer of lace. 

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His shirt and underwear were casually tossed aside, and Su An, the mannequin, finally fulfilled his responsibilities.

Naked, half-naked, he has done it all.

The picture itself is hazy like a painting. The sun shines across Su An’s body, and the lace hollows cast mottled shadows on the ground, so perfect that only the word “natural” remains.

He Xiran moved the pencil in his hand, and the tip of the pencil stopped in front of the canvas. 

At a distance of about three or four meters, the tall easel blocked half of He Xiran’s face. Those eyes look at Su An as he lowered his head for a moment, and the time is still and quiet.

This body drawing lasted for four hours. Su An, who was lying on the sofa, was about to fall asleep. The sun went from high to low from bright to warm yellow, then He Xiran suddenly said, “Okay.”

Su An immediately regained his energy. After putting on his clothes, he ran to He Xiran’s side, “Uncle, let me see what you have drawn.”

He Xiran put the canvas down so he couldn’t see it, “Go back and put on your pants.” 

Su An walked out reluctantly, then he suddenly turned around when he reached the door, “Uncle, would you like to go out on a date next weekend?”

He chatted a lot, and listed all the dating activities. Before he finished speaking, He Xiran nodded, as if impatient, he said: “Go out.”

Su An obediently shut his mouth and walked out with a smile.

After he left, the studio was quiet again. He Xiran sat quietly for a moment and lifted the cloth on the drawing board. 

The paper is blank, without a stroke being drawn on.

He Xiran lit a cigarette and looked in the direction of the window.


For those four hours, he was looking at Su An.

The author has something to say: 


Sunnyshies: See! told you it’s creepy. And I think he did this all the time, Su An was modeling for him!

Anyway, one chapter, err…more like two chapters left! Well, I will divide chapter 23, but basically, only one chapter left for this arc! But, really, I really wanted to know what happen to Cheng Suqing. Her cooking was wasted…

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