Ch29 - Singing the Greatest Show (6) — Do you think it is strange?

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After He Changhuai received the news that he was going to the Chamber of Commerce tomorrow, he specially went to the tailor store to customize two more suits.

The custom-made clothes could not be taken now, so he bought another ready-made clothes that fit his size. On that day, he came to the Chamber of Commerce dressed in good spirits, with great elegance and style. 

By the time he arrived, the rest of the people were almost all there. It was Jiang Zhengring, who was sitting in the main seat. Even if He Changhuai was a strong dragon, there was still the difficult ground snake in Jingcheng.

He Changhuai had a smile on his face, and he saw Ye Su’an sitting next to Jiang Zhenrong at a glance. He raised an eyebrow and strode over. The corner of his coat was broken open by the wind, and with a suit, vest, and a tie, he was really a well-mannered young man.



“Boss Ye,” He Changhuai greeted Ye Su’an first, then pulled out the chair beside him, and put his long arms on the back of the chair behind Ye Su’an, “Why are you still dressed so plain today?”

Ye Su’an, who was wearing a thick light blue coat with knots buttons, smiled slightly, “Naturally, I’m not as trendy as Mr. He.” 

He Changhuai was indeed a trendy young man, but Su An should be six or seven years older than him. With the three year generation gap, Su An felt that he and He Changhuai were people of two worlds.


“Thank Boss Ye for your praise.” He Changhuai smiled, then stood up and looked around. He then took the red paper set aside for the Chinese New year, took off his gloves and simply folded it a few times. The red paper turned into a simple rose.

Thick calluses can be seen on his fingers, with a prominent joints, and powerful and well-defined roots. He turned the flower branch in his hand and sent it to Ye Su’an, “Boss Ye, pin it to your buttons and take a look?”

Ye Su’an looked down at the flower, and half of his porcelain white face was smooth and snow white, “Second Master, what kind of flower is this?”


He Changhuai gave a stifled laugh, “I don’t believe that Boss Ye doesn’t even know rose.”

Su An also followed with a laugh, he stretched out his hand to take it, he then bowed his head and said, “Although the Second Master hadn’t met me many times, you have sent me flowers twice. It’s not that I don’t know roses either, I just heard that in the West, this flower has a romantic meaning.”

“Indeed,” He Changhuai glanced at him admiringly, and was not stingy with praise, “My craftsmanship is not good, but Boss Ye looks good in it.”


Li Lian listened silently on the sidelines and shivered in his heart. 

He had just seen He Changhuai’s ruthless true face clearly, but now he was a little horrified to see how gentle and well-behaved He Changhuai was towards Boss Ye.

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Jiang Zhengrong knocked on the table, and said indifferently: “Second Master He, since you are here, shouldn’t it be time to start?”

He Changhuai just looked at him and gestured, “Please, President Jiang.”

This discussion was held until dark, and when the meeting broke up, the bosses of the Jincheng Chamber of Commerce did not look very good. He Changhuai looked like he could talk with a smile, but in fact, if he asked for one point, he would get two points back. Nothing good has come out of it, instead, 

it fell down on a nose of ashes.

And Ye Su’an sat firmly between He Changhuai and Jiang Zhengrong, and both of them could truly provoke people’s anger.

Everyone was angry with He Changhuai now, coupled with the previous incident in which He Changhuai splurged on the Yi Shui Building, there was a cold snort, “I heard that an actor died in Boss Ye’s theater, then isn’t Yishui in bad luck these days.”

“Boss Ye doesn’t even have a singer, does he?” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“I heard that the people who went to the theater these days have rushed to the stage and brandished their fists several times.”

“Rbcrfcrf! Kjxf atlr xlcv bo atlcu ab vfji klat, vb sbe ralii tjnf j mbcrmlfcmf?! “


Zjrafg Ol rja mjiwis bc atf rlvfilcfr, kjamtlcu tlr mbiifjuefr rlfuf Tf Ve’jc, Aljcu Itfcugbcu ogbkcfv j ilaaif, yea joafg atlcxlcu jybea la, tf ragfamtfv tlr ygbkr jujlc, jcv lwwfvljafis, tf ecxcbklcuis yfmjwf j rqfmajabg.

This was also good, he should always let Ye Su’an know the helplessness of being attacked by the enemy, in order to know his importance. 

Su An wished that these people would scold him more harshly. With a calm face, he let these people talk, his posture was straight, on the contrary, these bosses have become a joke, showing their ugly faces.

Some people were getting more and more excessive, and they laughed at the hall: “Our Boss Ye was originally an opera singer. What is there to be afraid of in the garden? As soon as Boss Ye takes the stage, wouldn’t you still be able to get everyone present applauds.”

“Boss Ye hasn’t sing for a long time. Why don’t you sing for a while, and let several of our brothers widen our horizons?”

Master Li seemed to think that it was enough, and gave his colleagues a wink. 

Su An felt very happy in his heart, he thought, aiya, was this mocking him or complimenting him? Of course, he knew that he could sing well.

“Come one, Boss Ye, do you want to change into a costume?”

He Changhuai could not help but look at Su An, but he noticed that Boss Ye seemed to be aware. He raised his eyes and his water phoenix eyes swept across him.

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“I see that the bosses also want to come on stage and sing a song,” He Changhuai said, “However, the appearance of several bosses are too unappetizing. I’m afraid that even if you don’t go to the stage, you will be able to stir people up by vomiting out their overnight meal.” 

On the way to the Chamber of Commerce, He Changhuai didn’t say a single excessive word. Now that this sentence came out, the faces of the few people who had just spoken badly were ashen, and they were so angry that they didn’t dare to say anything.

With a direct slap on the table, they turned around and walked away.

Su An softly thanked He Changhuai: “Thank you, Second Master He.”

“What they say is too much,” He Changhuai shook his head, “What are you thanking me for, Boss Ye. It should be. But my words are not perfunctory. Boss Ye has a good figure and a good voice. This is what god has rewarded you for food. They can’t be envious. ”

Ye Su’an was amused, “Second Master has not even heard me sing, so how could you know I have a good figure and a good voice?”

Second Master He’s pair of sharp eyes swiveled around Su An, as if he had taken off his clothes and measured his size, and then the corner of his lips raised frivolously, “I can tell.”

“Su An,” Jiang Zhengrong said in a cold voice, while getting up, “We Should go.” 

He frowned and his face was not very good. Su An smiled helplessly, “Okay, look at your frown, I’ll go back with you.”

After the two of them left, He Changhuai smile didn’t change, and after a long time, he put on his hat and walked out after them. Li Lian couldn’t bear it and asked, “Second Master, are you not angry?”


He Changhuai said curiously: “What am I angry about?”

“You clearly spoke up for Boss Ye, who only verbally said thank you,” Li Lian wondered, “I thought he would invite you to dinner.” Looking at it this way, Boss Ye doesn’t seem to be very close to He Changhuai either. 

“There’s no rush,” He Changhuai hooked up a smile, and said meaningfully, “I’m keeping track of it all.”

On the way back, the carriage swayed to and fro. Jiang Zhengrong sent Su An to the gate of the courtyard and handed him a wooden box, “Famous food in other places, you can go back and taste it.”

After returning, Chang Shu went to the kitchen with the wooden box, while Su An led Yu Qiong to the room with a tired face. halfway through the journey, Yu Qiong suddenly spoke “Ah, ah” with great difficulty: “Ah…Master, Master.”

Su An paused, and was surprised, “Yu Qiong, did you just speak?” 

Yu Qiong voice was hoarse, and he was struggling to spit out the words, while sweating profusely, “I…I’ll go on stage…sing, give, give you…earn money.”

In just eight words, he spoke for four or five minutes.

Su An listened patiently, and patted his head in surprise: “Yu Qiong can speak.”

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Yu Qiong’s eyes were hot, and he was almost brought to tears by this tenderness. he nodded quickly, then looked down at the ground and almost cried. 

How could Su An not see his appearance? He handed him a handkerchief, then said with a smile: “Does Yu Qiong mean that he wants to learn to sing well so he can earn me money?”

Yu Qiong nodded earnestly.

Su An looked at him for a while, then lowered his eyes and whispered : “Good boy.”

Yu Qiong said with great effort: “My…throat, will…be fine.” 

Su An had guessed that Yu Qiong supposedly experienced something and this made him dumb. However, if he can still speak out, then the possibility of healing was still high.

“En,” Su An, “I’ll cure you.”

Yu Qiong was stunned, and his tears kept falling without stopping.

Su An patted him, “Go ahead, I’ll bring you to the doctor as soon as possible, and talk about the matter of your voice.” 

Yu Qiong nodded, then he turned around and ran away in a flash. He didn’t go back to his room, but he ran straight back to the kitchen to find Chang Shi.

Chang Shi was processing the ingredients in the wooden box, which was sun-dried fish. The fish was covered with a layer of bizarre red. Yu Qiong stared at the fish, the fish’s eyes were white, with only a small black dot.


Chang Shi turned around to sharpen the knife, and the sound of rubbing pierced the ears. Yu Qiong then raised his hand and suddenly grabbed the fish and turned around to run.

“Yu Qiong!” Chang Shi roared in shock. 

Yu Qiong’s two thin legs moved quickly, and he ran towards the thatched hut and threw the red fish inside. The red fish entered the sewage in a blink of an eye.

Chang Shi was one step slower, and stared angrily at Yu Qiong.

Yu Qiong spoke with difficulty: “No, can’t——ah, eat.”

Chang Shi dragged his sleeve with an ugly face and left, “It doesn’t matter if you can eat it or not, but you need to go to the master to apologize first.” 

Yu Qiong was pulled back. Looking at the thatched hut, he grinned, and a satisfied smile appeared on his beautiful face.

Su An didn’t punish Yu Qiong. The next day, when Jiang residence sent someone to ask how the food was, he only said that it was a pity that the cook couldn’t cook it, and the good fish was wasted in vain.

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Jiang Zhengrong clenched the rocking chair and closed his eyes, “He didn’t eat it?”

“He didn’t eat it,” replied the man, “He said that the cook does not know how to cook it and made something bad.” 

Jiang Zhengrong sighed, “It’s a pity.”

“Yeah,” the man who replied couldn’t help complaining, “That fish was brought back from the south. Thanks to the winter, it took so long. We brought back five in total, and this one was wasted.”

Jiang Zhengrong didn’t speak for a while.

Yishui Building compound. 

Old Xu, who delivered the rice and grain, was chatting with Su An. When Chang Shi handed him the money, old Xu quickly wiped his hand on his clothes to receive the money, and then he suddenly lowered his voice and asked: “Boss Ye, I heard you had an actor that jumped into the well two days ago?”

Su An looked at his wrinkled face, “It did happen.”

Old Xu looked around and lowered his voice, “Boss Ye, you are good, so I dare say a word to you, believe it or not. A person who jumped into the well to die, ah, it’s bad luck! All the grievances are left in the bottom of the well. If this is ignored, there will be a big problem.”

Su An’s eyelids jumped, “What can go wrong?” 

“This wronged soul will run out to claim life!”

Someone next to him whispered: “It’s none of our business if he demands a life. The person who forced him to die is not here.”


“That’s not good,” Old Xu whispered mysteriously, with his withered bark’s hand by his mouth, “Boss Ye, why don’t you secretly find a Taoist priest? If you can’t buy two yellow talismans to stick on that well, then it’s better to find some plank of wood and stone weighed down on it!”

Su An: “Old Xu, you look very nervous.” 

Old Xu wiped his sweat, “Boss Ye, if you’re dissatisfied with what I said, then the first few times I went to deliver rice and grain to President Jiang’s residence, because there was a lot of stuff, it was often dark before I finished the delivery. Once, I had just finished collecting money from the bookkeeper and on my way back I heard a cry coming from the backyard!”

Chang Shi stepped back and hid behind the boss’ chair.

“The sound of weeping was so terrifying, I can’t tell if it’s a man or a woman,” Old Xu rubbed his arms, “To tell you the truth, I almost peed my pants! But when I saw the bookkeeper, who was walking with me, his face didn’t even change as if he did not hear it. Do you think it’s strange?”

The author has something to say: 

Su An: Let’s eat melon seeds, while listening to stories. Strange? Go on, go on.

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