They are Chasing Me!

Chapter 3.2

Chapter 3.2 : Hello Uncle (3) — How can there be vampires in this world?

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The next day, at school. Many students were still discussing the issue of the great painter’s recruitment of models at school last week, and the post became popular. Su An pressed his phone under his book to play. He found that there was a lot of information inside the post that was not included in the encyclopedia.

“He Xiran’s father is Irish, and his mother was said to have fallen in love with his father at first sight.” 

“Love at first sight? Isn’t his father very romantic?”

“Love at first sight for the woman doesn’t mean the man is a dependable person…”




His tablemate ran into him suddenly, “Su An, look outside.”

Su An looked up and saw a group of school leaders walking by with He Xiran in the corridor outside the window. The school leaders were smiling while sweating all over their faces. 

“Those old men really dressed formally today, suits in the middle of the summer.” Huang Shan put his arm on Su An’s shoulder, then he clicked his tongue, “It’s weird, Su An, look at He Xiran. He didn’t even shed a single sweat on such a hot day.”


Su An looked at He Xiran. He wore more conservative clothing than anyone else around him, and among this group of peers, he appeared cold and elegant, like a walking air-conditioner, oozing with cold air under the big sun.

Looking at him, he felt a chill rising. If not for the sun still hanging in the sky, or If it isn’t for this world being real, Su An would really think that He Xiran was a vampire.

Goosebumps rose up, “Huang Shan, do you feel that He Xiyuan is not right?”

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Huang Shan wondered, “What’s wrong?”

He Xiran, who is outside the window, suddenly turned his head and glanced at the classroom from the glass window. He didn’t know if it was an illusion, but Su An seems to have seen a green light flashing by his deep and quiet eyes.

Su An was taken aback, he smiled reflexively and curled his eyes, showing a little bit of his white teeth, which was good and sweet.

The school leaders were still bragging with He Xiran, “Mr. He, the students in our school are very sensible and will definitely not spoil you painting, so you can rest assured.” 

He Xiran retracted his eyes and let out a “En.”

He Xiran borrowed the school’s art classroom to recruit models in the school. The school didn’t ask for anything else, and even wanted to pay for He Xiran to paint an oil painting for the school. In the past few years, He Xiran has fewer and fewer paintings circulating on the market, and since the beginning of this year, he hasn’t completed a single painting.

The school is now treating He Xiran as a guest. As long as He Xiran needs it, no matter what it is, the school will try its best to fulfill it.

In the second period of the morning, the class teacher was in a hurry, “Cheng Su’an, come out for a moment.” 

The school asked Su An to accompany He Xiran around the school to find a sketching location that He Xiran liked.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ve Cc kjr ygbeuta ab Lf Wlgjc klat j qlif bo atlcur lc tlr jgwr jcv j recyegcfv ojmf. Lf Wlgjc kjr rlaalcu lc atf rtjvf bo atf agff cfza ab atf mfcagji ijxf. Ktf rtjvbkr kfgf rmjaafgfv jmgbrr tlr qjif rxlc, jcv tlr ybcs xcemxifr tfiv j mlujgfaaf lc yfakffc, ktlif yflcu kgjqqfv lc j mbja ecvfg tlr atgff-qlfmf rela.

The teenager, who came in a hurry, opened the parasol and lifted it above He Xiran’s head, “Teacher, where do you want to go?”

He Xiran flicked the cigarette ash, the teacher who brought Su An over hesitated, “Mr. He, you can’t smoke in front of the students.” 

The tall painter pinched out his cigarette and moved his eyes down to Su An’s body.

Walking here all the way under the big sun, Su An’s nose was permeated with fine sweat. His eyebrows were born thick and beautiful, and his brow bones are clear and tough. His bones are good, and his skin that was full of sweat looks better than the others.


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He Xiran got up and threw the half burned cigarette into the trash can. The teacher smiled twice in relief and soon left.

Su An asked again, with a good temper: “Where does the teacher want to go?” 

“Not going to call uncle?” He Xiran suddenly asked.

Cheng Su’an’s face blushed, and his ears shrunk in embarrassment. “Uncle”, his fingers holding the handle of the umbrella curled up, “Next to the central lake are two garden squares with rockery piles up. Would you like to go over and take a look?”

He Xiran removed the parasol, “Lead the way.”

On the way to the garden, He Xiran drew another cigarette and lit it as if no one was around. 

Su An lowered his head, smelling the pleasant scent of smoke was quite good, then he smiled coldly in his heart.

He Xiran’s façade is a cold, restrained, abstinence good man. But now that he looked at him, the previous tags he put on him were not enough. This man obviously has a big ego, he knows that Su An is a student and will need to go to class. He has been told that he can’t smoke, but he doesn’t care about it, and he still did what he should do.

He entirely follows his own pleasure, not caring about others indifferently.

The two passed by the music classroom on the way, and the pleasant and soulful melody of piano was faintly heard. Su An paused, attracted by the sound of music. He unconsciously stood by the door and listened for a while. 

He Xiran had already walked far, but found that he hadn’t followed. He turned his head and let out a puff of smoke, then looked back at Su An for a few seconds. He lifted his feet back to the music classroom, then raised his hand and knocked on the door, disturbing the piano sound inside the door.

Someone in the classroom asked: “Who?”

Su An also recovered, and looked at He Xiran in doubt.

He Xiran looked down at Su An faintly. He doesn’t have the slightest bit of guilt about ruining the music, “Follow me.” 

Su An nodded blankly, “Good, oh.”

He honestly followed He Xiran until the last period of the morning class before returning to the classroom.

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Huang Shan gave him a glass of water, and said gossiping: “Su An, why did the teacher call you out for so long?”

“Go to be an errand boy for others.” Su An’s voice was soft and weak with exhaustion, “Huang Shan, do you know why He Xiran came to our school to recruit mannequins?” 

Huang Shan touched his chin, “Coincidentally, I just got some news the other day.”

Su An raised his eyelids: “What?”


Huang Shan lowered his voice, “A friend in the circle told me that He Xiran only came back from abroad a week ago. He is a big man in the art circle,” He vaguely gave a thumbs up. “There are many eyes staring at him. But He Xiran hasn’t painted any works for more than a year or two. Some people say that He Xiran has no choice but to put down his brush, he can’t paint anymore.”

Su An was taken aback, Huang Shan was excited, and he lowered his voice even more, “I have a friend who is a fan of He Xiran’s painting. According to him, from the past to the present, He Xiran can’t paint without smoking, but I guess now he can’t paint even with smoke.” 

Su An scratched his nose. He Xiran did not smoke when he was painting, and he doubted that the canvas inside did not smell of smoke as his body did.

Then the white bottle of medicine He Xiran took, is it also related to his inability to paint?

Huang Shan was curious: “Su An, what are you asking him for?”

Su An laughed politely and scolded lightly and softly: “I wonder if he is sick in the head.” Damn it, staying next to He Xiran all morning, he can’t even look at his phone. He has to keep his eyes on He Xiran to make him comfortable. 

Huang Shan snorted and laughed.

Su An scolded He Xiran all afternoon in his heart, and only felt good after doing today’s duty. He finished wiping the blackboard and sorted the podium, but when he turned around, he accidentally scratched the palm of his hand with a nail on the corner of the podium table. The stabbing pain came, and the blood slid down his white palm, flowing along his palm lines, winding into a beautiful pattern.

 It hurts a bit. Su An wrinkled his brows and was about to find a tissue, when footsteps approached the door outside. He looked up and the man he scolded all afternoon was leaning against the door looking at his palm.

“Uncle.” Su An’s heart jumped, and he laughed feeling uneasy. He assured himself that he was smiling like a little angel, “Can you get the tissues for me?” 

He Xiran looked at him for a while without moving like a mountain. The blood ticked to the ground, and the corner of Su An’s mouth stiffened. He lowered his eyes and stepped forward, then took Su An’s hand.

Su An showed his strength, “It doesn’t hurt, it’s just a small injury…”

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He Xiran suddenly lowered his head and licked the wound on his palm.

The blood was swept away by the tip of his tongue, and his black curly hair glowed with cold luster. He Xiran concentrated on cleaning up the blood stains, he closed his eyes, and Su An could only see his long and curly thick eyelashes. 

He was shocked, and he subconsciously yanked his hand, but He Xiran still held his palm motionless.

“He Xiran…!” He called out loudly.

This man only used his five long fingers, but his strength is so strong.

The sense of absurdity in Su An’s mind is getting stronger and stronger, and the sky outside became red. It’s like a strange apparition of a monster about to appear. 

The wound was became numb and crisp. He Xiran, who was buried in his palm, finally raised his head. The small wound has already been sucked to whiteness by greed. He Xiran’s lips were stained with Su An’s blood, which dyed his lips a healthy color.

A pair of eyes fused with his father’s genes had thick green precipitation, then He Xiran said: “Shhh.”


Hush your sister, ah! Su An’s eyes widened in horror, like a frightened deer. He was about to call out, but He Xiran calmly warned him: “Do you want to be sucked entirely by me?”

Su An closed his mouth pitifully and choked, “I’ll shut up.” 

Mommy, there’s a ghost, wu.

He Xiran licked the last drop of blood from his lips, then straightened up and adjusted his clothes. Su An was trembling with fright, and his mind was full of a vampire with blue-face and fangs.

He Xiran isn’t really a vampire, is he? His skin was so pale, his brain was sick, and he licked his blood.

His fear made He Xiran laugh, and the tall man leaned down again. His shadow blocked the sunset and covered Su An. 

“Lying to you,” The smell of smoke changes from light to thick. He Xiran fixed his eyes on the light blue blood vessels on Su An’s neck, and his breath evoked the soft hairs on his skin to shiver, then he said lightly, “How can there be vampires in this world.”

The eyes that avoided the light, had no more greenness, and they were as deep as pitch-black.

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