Ch32 - Singing the Greatest Show (9) — Kowtowing Three Times

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Disaster really came from the mouth, the Taoist priest instantly break out of cold sweat.

The sound of people in the yard disappeared, and for a moment, it became so quiet that a pin drop could be heard. The corners of the Taoist priest’s forehead had a huge cold sweat dripping down, meanwhile, Boss Ye smiled slowly: “What did you say?” 

The Taoist priest faltered, “I-I didn’t say anything.”

Su An asked the others to leave, and asked the Taoist priest to come over, “Tomorrow I will go to President Jiang’s residence, you will go with me.”



The Taoist priest begged for mercy, “Please spare me for once!  All my words are nonsense!” Pa pa, he then slapped himself twice, “Master, master, Can you just pretend you never heard of it?”

“I’m not asking you to die,” Su An smiled slightly, “You just need to follow me, and take a closer look at President Jiang’s face and see if there are so-called ‘ghosts’ in his house. As long as you do these two things, what you said today will be written off, and I will give you another ten silver yuan as a reward.” 

The Taoist priest thought for a while, then gritted his teeth, “Good!”


It was fine weather the next day, Su An took the Taoist priest who pretended to be his servant to visit Jiang Zhengrong’s residence. The housekeeper took them all the way to the central hall. He then saw Jiang Zhengrong coming from the backyard, he was walking a little fast, making his limp leg somewhat obvious.

The Taoist priest hid behind Su An and poked his head out. Jiang Zhengrong has a feminine appearance and a slim figure, but he wasn’t that short. When he walked into the hall, he took the handkerchief handed by the housekeeper and wiped the sweat on his head, then he naturally pulled Su An to look around, “Thinking of looking for me?”

“Have I come to your place less often?” Su An couldn’t help but curl up his lips and smile, “President Jiang…”


From the corner of his eyes, he swiped across the foot of Jiang Zhengrong’s robe. There was scarlet blood splashed on it. Su An paused for a while and naturally retracted his eyes, “Why haven’t I seen you out of the city recently?”

Jiang Zhengrong sat down with him, “You want me to leave now?” He laughed and said sullenly, “Could it be that after I leave, Boss Ye might possibly try to look for a close friend?”

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Su An glared at him, “Speak well.”


The two chatted for a while, and Jiang Zhengrong held Su An’s hand firmly. Since he allowed Su An to touch him, he has always touched Su An. Always holding Su An’s hand or hugging Su An’s waist when speaking. His previous dislike of touching seemed to have turned into greed, and he always had to touch Su An a lot to make up for the past as well. 

Su An leaned on Jiang Zhengrong’s body. Looking at Jiang Zhengrong’s beautiful face, which was not much better than his, and felt his heart was calm and even a little numb.

Brother, I really don’t like your type.

I prefer someone a little more handsome and strong. Someone who could press and devour me wildly, it is the person with these qualities, wuwuwu.

The visit took half a day. After coming out of Jiang Zhengrong’s residence, Su An asked: “What do you see?” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf Kjblra qglfra vlv cba vjgf ab ilf ab tlw jcv rjlv tbcfrais: “P bcis offi atja Ugfrlvfca Aljcu’r ojmf njuefis tjr j ojlca fnli rqlgla fwfgulcu, lo la lr jc bwfc bo vfjat…ws xcbkifvuf jcv rxliir mjc’a mbwqjgf klat ws rfclbg ygbatfg, rb P gfjiis mjc’a afii.”

Ufgtjqr la kjr yfmjerf Aljcu Itfcugbcu kjr jigfjvs vfjv, yea tf kjr ygbeuta yjmx ab ilof ys rbwfbcf firf, rb tf mbeivc’a rff atf bwfc bo lwwlcfca vfjat.

Su An hooked his lips and sent the Taoist priest away. He then took a rickshaw on the way back to Yishui Building. In front of Yishui Building, a brand new black Buick car was parked, and as soon as Su An arrived, he saw that the Buick car’s door also opened and He Changhuai walked down from the inside. With raised eyebrows, he said in surprise: “Boss Ye, what a coincidence.”

Of course, it’s a coincidence that you’re waiting for me here! 

As Su An walked over, He Changhuai’s eyes went all over him, and he couldn’t help but recall the white porcelain jade body he saw last time. His ears turned red, and he coughed a few times to suppress the heat, then greeted him: “Boss Ye, I book a private room, do you want to join me later?”

Su An’s gaze passed over the tip of his ear, and cried out in his heart, he was so dxmn cute, but on the surface, he had a reserve face: “Since Second Master invited me, naturally I will agree.”


He Changhuai showed a smile, “Boss Ye, please.”

The private room was still the one from the last time. Su An was about to sit down, when He Changhuai stopped him. The man gentlemanly pulled out the chair and adjusted its position several times, “Boss Ye, sit down.” 

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Su An couldn’t help laughing, “Second Master, I’ll trouble you.”

“It’s okay,” He Changhuai raised his eyebrows with a smile, “I can’t let Boss Ye accompany me to watch a show, while I take care of you poorly.”

He walked over to Su An and sat down, then raised his arms to pour the tea. His arms were stretched, and the rippling full muscles held up the elegant suit shirt.

He handed Su An a cup of tea, “Boss Ye’s lips are dry, take a sip to moisten your lips.” 

Su An meekly took a sip and said with a smile, “Many thanks to Second Master.”

He Changhuai was a person with a strange contradiction. He looked well-dressed, but hidden in the subtle details was his strong dictatorship. Occasionally, he looks like a veteran player, full of aggression, but will often have red ear tips and be embarrassed.

It’s really cute, Su An’s heart was in full bloom, completely different from the previous world!

The atmosphere upstairs was just right, but the Tsing Yi singing on the stage downstage sang a wrong verse. Normally, if you sing a wrong line, then you sing it wrong, but today the audience in the building was very excited. At once, someone lifted the table and stool, the tea bowls were flying around, and there were even a burst of curses. 

Su An immediately got up and walked to the railing. The lobby became more and more chaotic. The people in Yishui Building couldn’t stop this, as well as that one. Some people even wanted to take advantage of the confusion to climb up on the stage to beat the drama troupe, the costumes were smashed to the ground with accessories.

Su An’s face turned cold. He turned around, then threw the porcelain vase on the second floor, There was a crisp “patter”, and there was a sudden silence underneath. In the whole theater, his voice was only left, “My porcelain vase is worth five hundred silver yuan, whoever makes trouble again will pay me money!”

The person leading the trouble underneath whispered, “Boss Ye, you obviously threw it yourself!”

“I threw my own porcelain vase worth five hundred silver yuan?” Su An sneered, “Go to the police station and say it and see if the police believe you!” 

The people below hesitated for a while, then turned away reluctantly. Su An breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to turn around, when He Changhuai’s expression suddenly changed. He strode forward and embraced him, then a piece of teacup porcelain brushed He Changhuai’s arm and fell to the second floor’s ground, leaving a bloodstain.

He Changhuai was injured because of he was protecting him.

The people below had already run away with nowhere to be found. Su An’s expression changed, and finally he moved. His long black crow-like eyelashes trembled slightly, and he carefully touched He Changhuai’s wound, “Second Master, why are you…”

He Changhuai glanced at the first floor, and there was no one there. The corner of his mouth evoked a smile. Suddenly, his arms embraced Su An’s sides, as he sat on the thin railing, while holding Su An. 

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Su An was startled, and subconsciously hugged He Changhuai tightly, “Second Master!”

There was nothing behind him, and the railings under his buttocks were also thin one, as if with a little carelessness, they would fall headfirst. Su An’s face turned pale, and his thin white hands tightly grasped He Changhuau’s clothes on the back, and forced a smile, “Second Master He, don’t tease me. We’re about to fall.”


“It turns out that Boss Ye is also afraid of falling down.” He Changhuai suddenly said something inexplicable.

Su An didn’t hear what was wrong with this sentence, and just continued to stick against him, “Second Master, let me down.” 

While feeling guilty for teasing him, He Changhuai was satisfied by his vulnerability and dependence. He laughed softly, “Boss Ye, I was injured in your Yishui Building, do you have nothing to say?”

The two of them had their chests against each other, and when He Changhuai lowered his eyes, he saw the concave arc of Boss Ye from his neck to his buttocks. He quickly looked away, feeling restless in his heart. His adam’s apple rolled, and he couldn’t help but move back.

“Second Master He,” Su An’s feet still didn’t touch the ground, feeling that he was in the air, and his lips were starting to turn blue, “Hurry up and let me down.”

He then held He Changhuai tightly and secretly approached seamlessly. Su An can almost feel He Changhuai’s sturdy chest and abdominal muscles. 

It’s so hard, cough.

Hehehe, like it.

He Changhuai’s guilt turned into something else. He stepped back as if unsteady, Su An was shocked and  immediately wrapped his arms around his neck and pounced on him.

He Changhuai hugged him and laughed a few times, “Boss Ye throws his arms around me, what can I do?” 

Ye Su’an hated his teasing in his heart, but he still had to glare at him with shyness and anger on the surface, “Does Second Master think this is interesting?”

He Changhuai coughed lightly and put him down, turning into a courteous appearance again, “Don’t be angry, Boss Ye, it was my mistake.”

Su An straightened his shirt with a stern face, “Second Master He can rest assured.”

He Changhuai turned to him and came closer, “You can’t say that, Boss Ye is angry, it’s my fault.” 

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Su An turned his face several times, but was blocked by him time and time again. Finally, he couldn’t hold back his smile and gave him an angry look, “All right, Second Master, sit down and I’ll take a look at your injury.”

The wound was scratched by the opening mouth of the porcelain bottle. Su An wiped the blood on him and put an ointment on it. With guilt on his brows, he said softly: “I involved Second Master.”

He Changhuai didn’t care, and sneered, “Those people, it looked like they were here specifically to smash the place. If I had been a step slower, that piece of porcelain would have hit you.” Thinking about it, he still had some fear. He Changhuai’s handsome face was cold, leaking a hidden fury in the air, “Boss Ye, leave this to me, you don’t need to worry about it anymore.”

Su An knew in his heart that this might be a trick by Master Li, and lowered his eyes, “Then I’ll trouble Second Master.” 

Ye Su’an was used to curry favor, since He Changhuai gave him a benefit, he suppressed his resentment of being teased, and showed a tender and pitiful smile to the Second Master.

Both sides were interested in making friends. During their exchange, Su An quickly became acquainted with He Changuai.


A few days later, He Changhuai suddenly pulled a man into the courtyard of the alleyway. He was in his hunting coat, and his horse whip smelled of gunpowder. The corners of his mouth were pursed coldly, and his face was full of sullenness, “Boss Ye, I brought someone here to apologize to you!”

Ye Su’an came out in a hurry to take a look. The fourth young master, Li Huang, who followed all the way while being chained, had already fainted in the back, with a foam in his mouth. Su An was shocked and looked at He Changhuai subconsciously. 

He Changhuai coldly hooked the corner of his mouth, and the whip rang with a crisp sound. Li Huang immediately sat up and cried, “Boss Ye, it’s all my fault, it’s all my fault. I sent people to smash your place, and I also killed Ji Yusheng, it’s all my fault, it’s all my fault!” As he spoke, he kowtowed to the ground, “Please spare me this time!”

Su An hadn’t recovered yet. When He Changhuai over there saw that he didn’t move, another whip fell ruthlessly. Tilting the brim of his hat using the horse whip, the man raised his chin, and said with a smile that didn’t seem like a smile: “The apology is not sincere enough.”

Li Huang “hiss” lying on the ground, full of blood, and weakly, he cried: “Boss Ye, I beg you, you can punish me any way you want.”

Su An’s gaze flickered over the man’s gloomy eyebrows. 

In front of him, He Changhuai was always graceful and elegant. It came so suddenly that Su An had a sense of trepidation that made his scalp tingle.

He Changhuai got off his horse and kicked Li Huang in front of Ye Su’an. Ye Su’an stepped back and said with a cold face, “Fourth master Li, it’s impossible.”

“Make it possible, make it possible.” Li Huang burst into tears, and hugged Su An as a life-saving thigh. He kept trying to make the leather shoe on his back lift his foot, “Boss Ye, tell me what you want me to do, I am willing to do anything! I have no complaints!”

Ye Su’an was silent for a while, then his red lips opened lightly, “Then go and apologize to Ji Yusheng by kowtowing three times.” 

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