Ch58 - O won’t lose to A (13) —— You Kissed Me

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Su An followed everyone back with the fruit, startling the people sitting there, “Where did you get the fruit?”

How to say this? Someone said with uncertainty: “It fell from the sky.” 

Yu Xiu rolled his eyes, then he randomly took one from the recruit’s arms and took a bite, and then he grimaced from the sourness, “It’s so bad!”

Shen Su’an frowned: “I think it tastes good.”



He picked up the fruit in his arms and took another bite. It was still the same sweetness. Shen Su’an affirmed: “It’s really sweet.”

Compared to Yu Xiu, everyone clearly believed in the calm colonel. They picked up the fruit with anticipation, bit it in one bite, and suddenly their expressions distorted several times. 

“Damn it, it’s really sour.”


“Ah, my teeth!”

“It’s worse than nutritional supplements, sir.”

Shen Su’an was surprised, then Admiral Yuri passed right in front of him, as if he didn’t know that he stuffed all the sweet fruit into the colonel’s arms, he went straight to the detector.


Su An understood what was going on. He finished eating the sweet fruit and entered the detector with the sweet fruits in his arms.

The fruit of love given by the Admiral is delicious.

After resting for a moment, the group still split up in two, each choosing a direction to enter the deep forest.

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Both Yuri and Shen Su’an were a little absent-minded. Su An looked at the forest in a trance, while Yuri glanced at him from time to time, then looked at him again, not knowing what he was thinking, and his cold face became hot. 

Su An pointed to the drooping vines in the jungle and said to the system, “This one is thinner than last night…this one is about the same, ah. The color of this thick vine doesn’t look very pretty ah.”

System: ……

Yuri also found that Su An was looking at the vines, he clenched his fists and coughed uncomfortably, “Colonel, you don’t look very energetic today.”

“I’m a little uncomfortable,” Shen Su’an rubbed his forehead, frowning slightly, “I had a nightmare last night.” 

Yuri was nervous: “What dream did you have?”

Shen Su’an opened his mouth, and annoyance flashed past, “It’s nothing.”

Not long after they walked forward, they came to a place where the magnetic field was chaotic. Su An and Yuri abandoned the probe and walked forward, but after a while, they suddenly saw a collapsed ground fissure.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

C vbhfc ijguf jcv rwjii mgjmxr vlnlvfv atf ugbecv lcab vbhfcr bo qlfmfr. Ktf ijgufra ugbecv olrregf lr afcr bo wfafgr klvf, jcv atf rwjiifra ugbecv olrregf lr akb bg atgff wfafgr klvf. 

Ktf agffr jgbecv atf mgjmxfv ugbecv vglfv eq jcv rtglnfifv, klat j ibbx bo fzagfwf vftsvgjalbc. Ve Cc qea jkjs tlr rtbmxfv wlcv jcv mjgfoeiis lcrqfmafv atfrf ugbecv mgjmxr, jcv atfc tf ibbxfv mibrfg, atf cfjgfra mgjmx kjr jybea 100 wfafgr klvf. Lf uijcmfv ja atf ybaabw ja gjcvbw, atfc tlr fsfr rabqqfv, jcv tf gfqfjafvis byrfgnfv j ugbeq bo afcvfg ugffc ugjrr ja atf ybaabw.

Su An squinted and said hesitantly: “Admiral, is that Moonlight Grass?”


Although moonlight grass has a beautiful name, its appearance is just ordinary grass. The only difference between them and grass is that there is a red curve at their roots.

It’s broad daylight now, the moonlight grass doesn’t glow, and it’s too far away. Su An can’t guarantee that its moonlight grass. 

Yuri squatted beside him, then looked at it for a while, and said: “It should be moonlight grass.”

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“You have to go down to this height to get it,” Su An unlocked the mecha key, and the silver mecha instantly covered his whole body, “Want to come along, Admiral?”

Yuri also covered himself with his black mecha, and replied seriously: “After dividing the military squad, every operation must be done in a team, Colonel.”

Two figures, one black and one silver, fell into the bottom of the crack like two rays of light. As soon as he landed, Su An released his mecha state. He was so hot that sweat rolled down, and part of the combat uniform was eroded by sweat in just a few seconds. “The bottom is so hot.” 

Before he finished speaking, a cool breeze came back from above, relieving some of the heat.

“…” Su An had a feeling that he could be king and god on this planet.

Yuri followed, and he also felt the heat, sweat slid down the curving arc of his sexy rolling Adam’s apple.

But he couldn’t care less about himself, he hurriedly fanned Su An with his hand and said foolishly: “Colonel, you go back first, I’ll pick the moonlight grass.” 

The wind in the two hands fans is not the same, it was not as good as the cold wind that blew just now. This fool, Shen Su’an couldn’t hold back his smile. He took off his coat and wrapped it around his waist, revealing his thin waistline defenselessly, “It’s okay, let’s get things done quickly.”

Taking a closer look, the group of grass is indeed moonlight grass. The thin red line traces on the slender grass are like lava drawn from the ground, making even these ordinary green grasses extraordinarily different.

Su An touched the ground. It was really hot to touch, and he thought for a moment, “Admiral, no wonder our soldiers couldn’t get any available resources when we explored the R-series planet in the past. Moonlight grasses are buried deep underground, and they may need hot temperatures to grow. There might be a magma underneath.”

While talking, Su An suddenly became a little worried. 

He turned around and looked at the ground. The crack was only more than 100 meters deep. The ground was already so hot at such a shallow position. This was not good news.

Looking back on that desert now, is it because of the scorching heat under the ground that it became a desert?

Is the underground magma constantly approaching the ground?

Su An frowned more and more, Yuri had carefully squatted down to pick up the moonlight grass, and called him: “Colonel?” 

Su An regained his senses and suppressed his worries, then he picked moonlight grass with him.

The two of them, like a hurricane, finished plucking all the moonlight grass they could see, and after properly storing it, Su An looked up and saw one more moonlight grass on the mud wall.

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This grass was bigger than all the moonlight grasses they had just pulled out. Su An stretched out his greedy hand and pulled it out, but it didn’t come out.

Hehe, Su An was very excited, he used his forearm to pull out the whole moonlight grass and its lush grass roots with a sudden blow. 

Just the next second after pulling out the big grass, Su An’s ears twitched and keenly caught the sound of cracks similar to the collapsing mountain. He looked up and saw that the mud wall above the entire ground fissure collapsed, and a huge shadow covered the entire ground.

“Be careful!” Yuri swooped over to overwhelm Su An, his arms covered Su An’s head, and in the next instant, chunks of mud fell on them continuously.

Yuri summoned his mecha at the last second, and firmly used his body to prop up a safe space fortress for Su An.

The disturbance lasted for nearly ten minutes, and when the dust settled, the two men had been buried in the ground a hundred meters below. 

It was pitch black in front of him, only the moonlight grass in his hand exuded a faint light.

“Admiral,” Shen Su’an’s tone was slightly anxious, “Yuri?”

Yuri’s voice came through the mecha, “Colonel, I’m fine, don’t worry.”

Su An breathed a sigh of relief, his chest heaving violently. 

“It’s just that it’s a little hard to get out now,” Yuri said. “Colonel, the ground is too hot, making it difficult for me to breathe.”

——He didn’t believe it.

Su An said with peace of mind.

It’s just being buried in the mud, he just needs to wear his mecha now and he can rush out with Yuri at full speed. 

But listening to the faint joy in Yuri’s tone, he held back and just pretended he didn’t know.

Shen Su’an struggled to raise his hand in the small space and stroked Yuri’s mecha face, “Where is the facial disassembly?”

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Yuri whispered, allowing Shen Su’an to touch around on his face haphazardly.

Finally, Shen Su’an opened the mecha’s face for Yuri. In the darkness, he couldn’t see Yuri, but he could feel Yuri’s breath slowly spraying on his face. 

The confined atmosphere made Shen Suan a little flustered, and he put on a calm face and said: “The ground seems to be getting hotter and hotter.”

“Because the upper part is also buried,” Yuri explained slowly, “The heat cannot penetrate, and it will only get hotter.”


Shen Su’an: “After you’ve rested, I’ll put on my mecha and act with you.”

“Okay,” Yuri moved suddenly, “Colonel, I…” 

He abruptly and boldly moved forward a bit and kissed Shen Su’an on the cheek.

The darkness couldn’t cover Yuri’s eyes, and he could still see everything clearly.

He blushed and his ears warmed as he looked at the colonel’s surprised look.

“Colonel, I’m sorry,” Yuri’s fingers scratched five marks on the ground and stuttered as he told a lie for the first time in his life, “Did I, did I touch you anywhere? I’m sorry, I didn’t see you.” 

The tips of Shen Su’an’s ears reddened slightly as he turned his face away and whispered, “It’s nothing.”

Yuri couldn’t help but approach him and stopped before the Colonel’s face. He deliberately restrained his breath so that the Colonel couldn’t detect it.

Su An really didn’t notice it. He suppressed his embarrassment, and when he turned his head back, his lips felt softness, and it was obvious that he had touched something.

Shen Su’an froze completely. 

Soon, Yuri’s voice rang out: “Colonel, you touched my lips.”

He said calmly, but with a slight accusation: “You kissed me.”

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