Ch6 - Chapter 6 : Hello Uncle (6) — A Good Way to Let Bygones be Bygones

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Cheng Suqing has been in the society for many years, and her contacts are much better than Cheng Su’an. In addition, she nominally wears the title of “Shen Zhangxiu’s Engaged Wife in Three Months”, and it’s more reasonable and well-founded if she inquired about He Feiyu.

But Su An thought for a while, and felt that he couldn’t put all hope on Cheng Suqing. 

So he simply searched for a private detective agency. The original body was a poor student, but Su An was not. He still had at least 260,000 yuan given to him by He Xiran, which was a lot of money, and he was able to hire a good private investigator.

After many comparisons, Su An finally contacted a private agency. He negotiated for a price, and asked the other party to find out if He Feiyu had hired caregivers two months ago. If so, who are those caregivers and where are they now?



Su An didn’t dare to let them investigate He Xiran and Shen Zhangxiu. He can give the price and the ability of the detective agency only lies there. If they can’t find anything, they would only beat the grass to startle the snake.


Outside the window, the birds chirp and chatter softly. Su An turned off the headlights and turned on the slightly less bright bedside lamp.

He Feiyu’s secret involves many people, and the things that happened to Su An are also linked together. And there is always Chu He among them.

He always has to try in order to have the opportunity to change from passive to active.


Late at night.

Cheng Suqing was sitting in the passenger seat, and there was no light in the car. The moonlight skimmed over this hidden corner, and the faces of the people in there can only be vaguely seen in the dimness.

No one said anything, but after a while, Special Assistant Chu suppressed his emotion and opened his mouth: “Ah Qing, are we going to keep this relationship going?” 

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Cheng Suqing’s make-up was exquisite. She carelessly pulled up her hair on the side of her ear, and her permed and dyed curly hair bounced up and down: “Sleeping with you occasionally is enough. So where is the relationship between us? Special Assistant Chu, honestly remember your duty, don’t forget I will marry Shen Zhangxiu in three months.”

“…” Special Assistant Chu, “Ah Qing, listen to me. You can’t be engaged to him.”

Cheng Suqing sneered without speaking. But Special Assistant Chu’s eyes turned red in an instant, and the corners of the heroic man’s mouth trembled a few times. He wiped his face severely to conceal his embarrassing expression.

The unapproachable corporate elite during the day, now resembled a fawning dog, who fell into the water.

Cheng Suqing coldly took out a slender lady's cigarette from the bag. She lit it and took a sip with no expression on her face.

“Ct Hlcu.” Vqfmlji Crrlrajca Jte ribkis mjwf bnfg, jcv ktlrqfgfv, “P xcbk sbe ralii tjaf wf, sbe mjc gfajiljaf jujlcra wf lc jcs kjs sbe kjca, yea sbe mjc’a yfa bc sbegrfio. Vtfc Itjcuzle lr cba jr tjgwifrr jr tf rffwr bc atf regojmf.” 

“Efjiis?” Jtfcu Vedlcu megifv eq tfg ilqr wbmxlcuis, “Jjc tf yf jr fzmfrrlnf jr ktja sbe vlv?”

She turned her head and looked at the shadow of Special Assistant Chu reflected on the car window.


The line of his profile was still the same as she remembers, but his youthfulness has already faded, and he becomes more calm and has turned into the appearance of a social elite.

Chu Lin grew up to be excellent, the best in the crowd. He used to be liked by female students, and now he is adored by Female employees. 

Special Assistant Chu’s voice interrupted Cheng Suqing’s thoughts, “I’m sorry, I am willing to do anything for you. But Shen Zhangxiu, you really can’t…Ah Qing, you have to believe me.”

“Really?” Cheng Suqing’s heart was sinking, feeling as if she was drowning in water and couldn’t breathe. She irritably sent this anger on Special Assistant Chu’s body, “If I don’t marry him, then who will give me money to spend, who will give me a big house to live in, who will support me?”

Special Assistant Chu was silent for a moment and suddenly smiled bitterly, “I can.”

He lowered his head, “I can, Ah Qing, from before to now, this has been my goal all the time. I want to be with you, want to marry you and have children. I will never make the same mistakes I made a second time. I want to be with you honestly. Please, Ah Qing, please forgive me once and be with me.” 

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Cheng Suqing’s eyes flushed red, she gritted her teeth, and she could barely put on a face of resentment.

“Shen Zhangxiu’s ex-wife died unexpectedly two months ago,” Special Assistant Chu held Cheng Suqing’s hand. Even if she refused, he insisted on not letting go. “Ah Qing, his ex-wife death was strange. I suspect that he agreed to your approach because of some conspiracy. I have been investigating for half a month and have found something. But I am afraid he will hurt you. Even if there is no conspiracy, if he knows the relationship between me and you, he will never let us go. ”

“Then, let’s break this relationship.” Cheng Suqing mercilessly opened the car door, “Chu Lin, do you think I will believe your words again like a naïve little girl?”


As soon as Cheng Suqing walked into Shen’s house, she saw Shen Zhangxiu sitting on the sofa.

Shen Zhangxiu drank the coffee elegantly. The steam evaporated onto the anti-blue light glasses on his face, “Have you come back?”

Cheng Suqing visibly stiffened a little, “Zhangxiu?”

She turned to laugh, and quickly walked up, “Are you waiting for me? Why didn’t you send me a message, if I knew you would be waiting for me, I would be back sooner.” 

“It’s okay,” Shen Zhangxiu smiled, “It’s justifiable to be a little late when you’re catching up with your lover.”

Her high heels stopped, and she paused two meters away from him, then she smiled reluctantly, “Zhangxiu, what are you saying? Why can’t I understand?”

Shen Zhangxiu took a sip of warm coffee, “Suqing, no one has dared to treat me like a fool for so many years.”

He curled his lips, and his sapphire blue tie wrinkled into a hill, “You’re the first one in years.” 

Cheng Suqing felt like falling into an ice cave, with fine cold sweat on her forehead, “Zhangxiu…”

“My good temper also has a bottom line,” Shen Zhangxiu said leisurely, “Suqing, I originally planned to close one eye, but you should never play tricks in front of me. You and my assistant have caused such a scandal, which really makes my head look up.”


The living room is brightly lit, just like daylight, covered with a layer of miserable white light.

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Shen Zhangxiu’s posture was very relaxed, but Cheng Suqing couldn’t laugh anymore. The chill invaded her limbs, and it was obvious that Shen Zhangxiu was still smiling, and the conversation was also very gentle, but Cheng Suqing felt dangerous in her bones, and she instinctively began to beg for mercy. “Zhangxiu, let me explain.” 

“No need.” Shen Zhangxiu mentioned to Cheng Suqing to sit next to him, “For the sake of my face, I have to act harder and let others know what will happen if they lie to me. I’ll be a joke if this scandal gets out, but the more miserable you are, the more they won’t dare to laugh, don’t you think?”

Cheng Suqing remembered the words Special Assistant Chu words before. At this moment, Shen Zhangxiu seems to be a poisonous snake in her eyes. His words carried a soft knife that was hardened with poison, and her lips squirmed but she couldn’t utter a whole word. Shen Zhangxiu’s face suddenly turned cold. He stood up, and violently kicked the sofa.

The sofa slid backwards, pulling out a harsh sound. Cheng Suqing was so frightened that she collapsed and started whimpering.

Shen Zhangxiu said gloomily: “I had given you money to support you, and I will be engaged to you in three months. As a result, you are sticky with your little lover behind my back. Is the hotel bed comfortable to roll in?” 

“I was wrong,” Cheng Suqing cried, “I was wrong and Zhangxiu, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”

She hugged Zhangxiu’s thighs in a hurry, “It’s all my fault, Zhangxiu. It’s my fault for not holding back, I won’t dare to do it again.”

The living room was quiet and peaceful, except for Cheng Suqing’s terrified cries and admissions of fault.

Shen Zhangxiu took off his glasses expressionlessly, the hair at his temples was messed up and a few strands were hanging next to his forehead. After a while, he suddenly smiled, and softly bent down to pinch Cheng Suqing’s chin. 

“Crying so pitifully,” Shen Zhangxiu sighed and exclaimed, “But this face is really good-looking, and it’s also beautiful when you cry.”

Cheng Suqing’s face was a mess. Her eye makeup was spent, and her slippery make up combined with tears stained Shen Zhangxiu’s hand. Her heart was trembling, while her throat was raised tightly, and her lower abdomen spasm in pain, “Zhangxiu, I was wrong…”

“Shhh,” Shen Zhangxiu raised his finger, “Don’t talk now.”

Cheng Suqing tried her best to swallow all her sounds, and the room suddenly fell silent. 

“Suqing, the matter of you and Special Assistant Chu getting together is a scandal. If you want me to calm down my anger, then this matter must not be known to others again.”

“Yes, yes,” Cheng Suqing choked up, “I understand.”

Shen Zhangxiu smiled, “Socialites can’t know about this either, so the engagement wedding in three months will still be held normally.”

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Cheng Suqing looked up in shock, Shen Zhangxiu still planning to marry her? 

“But I don’t like to touch people who are already dirty.” Shen Zhangxiu let go, and took out a handkerchief then wiped his hands, “This is the trouble you and Special Assistant Chu has caused me, and the price must always be taken from you, Suqing. What do you think should be done?”

A bad premonition rose in Cheng Suqing’s heart, and she shook her head slowly, “I don’t understand what you mean.”


“I have a good way to let bygones be bygones,” Shen Zhangxiu looked at Cheng Suqing, and his slender eyes narrowed slightly, then a joy appeared in them, “Baby, let your brother replace you, and he will be engaged with me in three months.”

He chuckled and said softly: “Send Cheng Su’an to my bed, and I will forgive you.” 

Cheng Suqing’s pupils tightened, “N-no, no…”

Shen Zhangxiu took a step back and thoughtfully said: “Cheng Suqing, I will give you three days to consider. You have to think carefully about whether you are going to bear my anger with Special Assistant Chu, or just write off everything. You are smart, this account should be counted.”

He turned and walked up the stairs, “By the way, I don’t want any third person to know what happened tonight.”

Cheng Suqing lay on the carpet in a daze. The footsteps faded away, and her eyes were dizzy. In her mind, Su An’s face flashed for a moment, then to Special Assistant Chu’s face for a moment. 

One is the younger brother who has dragged her down for more than ten years, and the other is the lover, who has been entangled with her for more than ten years, and then there’s also her own safety.

What to do?

The author has something to say:

Keep going, ah. The first world will get better from now on. (T_T) 

Don’t fatten me [the dragon cries bitterly]

100 red packets in this chapter

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