Ch60 - O won’t lose to A (15) —— Lao Tzu’s Infertile

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Shen Su’an punched Yuri and went home calmly.

Father Shen and Mother Shen and his two older brothers were waiting at home. When they saw him come back, they smiled and said: “Finally back.” 

Shen Su’an’s family members were all betas, and they didn’t notice the change in Su An’s scent. Su An sat silently aside and briefly returned all Father Shen’s questions.

Mother Shen asked: “The time is too short, you have a good rest today, and we’ll see you tomorrow for the next alpha.”



Shen Su’an pursed his lips: “No need.”

Mother Shen wondered: “En?” 

“Admiral Yuri will come to visit you in the near future,” Shen Su’an lowered his eyes, “He will spend my estrus period with me.”


His two older brothers gasped.

Father Shen and Mother Shen looked at each other in dismay. Even after a while, Shen Father hasn’t recovered yet: “Admiral Yuri told me last time that you are friends.”

He just returned from a mission, how could he suddenly became his son’s fiancé?


Shen Su’an was a little uncomfortable, his fair and handsome face was already blushing: “Father and mother, there is no need to arrange for me to meet with other alphas. I will go to my room to rest first.”

He nodded to his family and walked quickly back to his room.

Su An filled the bathtub with water and took a bath. The mist was like a veil, and he sighed comfortably.


“System ah,” Su An asked someone for a chat, “A person like Chu He who destroys the fate line of the original protagonist is called a saboteur. What is the name of the person who maintains the fate line of the protagonist?” 

Su An rarely asks the system about such things seriously. More often than not, the system feels like it’s just a trash can listening to Su An’s complaints, not half as useful. It is inexplicably gratified and explained in high spirits: “Host, we don’t necessarily need to maintain the fate line of the protagonist.”

The mechanical voice showed a bit of indifference: “We are called hunters, and our biggest task is to catch saboteurs. The world’s normalized value only shows how much hope there is for the world to be saved. It’s good to have a normalized value, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t. If the normalized value is lower than 60%, host, I suggest we give up this world and continue to the next world to capture the saboteurs.”

Su An: “What happens to the world where the protagonist’s fate line is disturbed by the saboteur?”

System: “The world consciousness will be polluted, and the order in the world will gradually become disordered. But there are thousands of worlds, you don’t need to care about a few broken worlds.” 

What a cruel heart ah.

Su An felt cold for a moment, then asked with a smile: “What is the role of the normalized value?”

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“The more normalized values ​​you have, the more you will be blessed by the world consciousness,” The system said. “When the normalized values ​​are accumulated to a certain level, you can become the protagonist in the world consciousness.”

Su An suddenly realized, “So it is.” 

System: “Hunters will keep traveling through time and space, so even if they accumulate enough normalization value, it won’t be of much use.”

Su An asked curiously: “Then am I a hunter now?”


The system said: “Yes.”

So He Changhuai is also a hunter. 

“There is only one system for each hunter?”


“Last question,” Su An snorted, “Where do hunters and saboteurs come from?”

The system pondered for a moment: “In the long period of time, part of the world’s consciousness has gradually become polluted. From then on, the world consciousness was divided into two halves, one half being the orthodox world consciousness, and the other half being the polluted world consciousness. Destroyer was born from the tainted world consciousness, trying to destroy all worlds. In order to prevent more worlds from being polluted, the Hunter was born. ” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ve Cc kjcafv ab jrx jujlc, yea atfgf kjr j riluta cblrf bearlvf. Qlat j rbifwc fzqgfrrlbc, tf abbx j yjat abkfi jgbecv tlr kjlra jcv tegglfv bea, “Qtb lr la?”

Ktf klcvbk kjr xcbmxfv aklmf ogbw atf bearlvf, Ve Cc ogbkcfv. Lf rafqqfv obgkjgv ab bqfc atf klcvbk, jcv atfc tf rjk Cvwlgji Tegl, ktb kjr vglnlcu atf tbnfg mjg, qjgxfv bearlvf tlr klcvbk.

Admiral Yuri glanced at him and quickly looked away, “Su An, I’ve come to deliver something to you.”

With dodging eyes, he handed over a bag of fruits from the R-system planet from the car. After holding it for a long time, he reminded in a low voice: “Next time you open the door for someone, remember to wear an extra layer of clothes.” 

Su An: “…Admiral, you are going through the window.”

Yuri blushed all of a sudden, “I’m sorry, but we don’t have a marriage contract yet. I’m afraid that coming in through the front door will cause you trouble.”

Su An knew what he meant, and undoubtedly the more he liked to worry, the more worried he became. He took the fruit and said, “Would you like to come in and have a seat?”

Yuri glanced longingly at Su An’s room, but still shook his head, “I’ll wait until the day of the official visit before entering.” 

Shen Su’an whispered: “I have already told my parents about you. If you have nothing else to do these two days, you can come to visit at any time.”

Yuri’s hover car suddenly jolted and then stabilized quickly. The joy on the man’s face couldn’t be concealed, “I’ll come tomorrow!”

Shen Su’an blushed slightly, “See you later.”

Yuri reluctantly said goodbye to him. When Shen Su’an closed the window, Yuri couldn’t see anything anymore. He stood there for a while, before returning home slowly. 

Yuri stayed up all night, sitting quietly on the sofa waiting for the sun to rise. All throughout the years, his daily life of waiting time to be consumed was spent this way, but tonight’s waiting is especially different.

Happiness and satiated emotions filled his heart, Yuri looked at the starlight outside the sky and praised the beauty of the starry night for the first time. Everything in his eyes became extraordinarily delicate, and he thought with gratitude:

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It turned out that it was such a beauty to have someone with you.

The long hours suddenly became meaningful, and the passing of a minute became lovely. It turns out that when life has a meaning, the world becomes brighter and lighter. 

It was finally dawn. Yuri neatly dressed, and drove his hove car to Shen Su’an’s house. He then took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.

Shen Su’an opened the door. The colonel in home clothes looked at Admiral Yuro, who was dressed solemnly as if he was going to a banquet, and a smile flashed in his eyes, “Come in, Yuri.”

Yuri followed behind him, his parents and elder brothers, who were equally nervous, were sitting on the sofa in the living room. Father Shen led everyone to stand up, then he smiled awkwardly: “Hello, Admiral.”

“Hello,” Yuri bowed rigorously towards Father Shen, “Uncle.” 

Father Shen was a little stiff, “Please sit down, Admiral.”

Yuri: “Just call me Yuri.”

The family gathered together for a meal. At the dinner table, Shen Su’an was bowing his head, tasting his mother’s craftsmanship seriously, when a piece of meat, crispy on both sides, was suddenly added to his dinner plate.

Yuri whispered to him: “Eat more.” 

Shen Su’an’s mouth curled slightly, “Thank you.”

Shen Su’an’s family was naturally not picky about Yuri. That afternoon, Yuri took Su An all the way to the military headquarters and submitted the marriage application for the two of them.

Along the way, the admiral, who has always shown indifference, always had a smile of melting ice and snow. No matter who it was, he politely said:”Hello, Major, this is Colonel Shen Su’an. We are getting married.”

“Good afternoon, Lieutenant General, isn’t the weather good today? It’s a good day to submit a marriage application.” 

Shen Su’an couldn’t help laughing while listening to Yuri’s solemn show off in secret.

Someone came out of the office and happened to see them coming together. He laughed and said: “Admiral, what brought you here, did you find an omega?”

Yuri took Shen Su’an’s hand and said again with a little excitement: “En, this is my lover, Colonel Shen Su’an.”

Shen Suan smiled at his colleague, and the two walked into the office with ease under the shocked eyes of their colleagues. 

But after submitting the application, they learned that because the two of them have high military rank, the military still needs to approve it for a month.

Yuri, who was in high spirits when he entered the door, left the office silently.


Su An didn’t know how to comfort him, “Admiral, it’s only a month, we’re not in a hurry.”

Yuri’s loss was easily healed, but his eyes flashed, still pretending to be disheveled and dejected. 

Shen Su’an followed him all the way back to the Fourth Army, and he had said all the comforting words he could think of. “Yuri”, Shen Su’an gritted his teeth, he held Yuri’s face and kissed him, not wanting to have such beautiful blue eyes with dull appearance, “We could probably live together first.”

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Satisfied joy filled his chest, love made people feel happy. A smile spread in Yuri’s face, and he kissed the side of Su An’s face, his eyes shining and he said seriously: “Its enough to have you.”

Shen Su’an kept his promise and moved to Yuri’s house within two days. 

That night, Yuri was blushing as he invited Su An to take a bath together, and Su An agreed.

The admiral’s face was wet, and the water droplets from his dark golden hair slipped from his chest. He looked at Shen Su’an with burning eyes, “Colonel, do you want to try the spiritual mark?”

This look made Shen Su’an uncomfortable, he turned his back to wash his body, and asked, “Are you ready to open your spiritual world to me?”

Yuri looked at his round and upturned part, got up from the bathtub while peeking, and pretended to approach casually, “…yes, I’m ready.” 

When he was about to approach, Shen Su’an casually staggered to the side, he picked up a towel, and wiped his hair, “Okay, let’s try it tonight.”

Yuri could only wrap the towel around his waist and walked out together.

When their spiritual powers merge, it could be said to produce a pleasure that is more overwhelming than a physical orgasm. As soon as Shen Su’an opened up, Yuri’s spiritual power couldn’t wait to invade.

He stifled a grunt and a misty flush rose on his face. 

The spiritual power took him up to the sky, as if he was swimming in the clouds, and then abruptly rushed into the sea. Shen Su’an’s mental strength was strong, but Yuri calmed him slowly, and gave every nerve a shudder of pleasure.

It was so cool, Su An was delirious, and Yuri pressed and stroked his body.

Then suddenly a violent burst of pheromones instantly filled the room as Su An’s estrus attacked again aggressively. Yuri could only rely on his last reason to remind himself to pay attention to the colonel’s body.

After sobering up from the entanglement, Yuri simply reported to the military, punished himself with the reason he had beaten the alpha officer earlier, and spent a month of estrus with Su An at home. 

They intertwined freely on the bed, on the sofa, and on the carpet, whispering love words intimately. Yuri used to think that the most romantic thing was to hold the colonel and talk about the army’s combat matters, but only when he really experienced it did he realize that he couldn’t remember a single thing about the military department when he held the colonel.

The sweet time flashed by. Shen Su’an, who had passed the estrus period safely, and his admiral returned to the military headquarters. And the first thing they did was to check their bodies.


They were given the assignment after the Military Department determined that he was marked for life and would not have a pheromone unstable riot on the battlefield.

The Fourth Army is responsible for exterminating the Skull Star Pirate. 

The toxins in Su An’s body have been resolved half a month ago, at this time, he is healthy enough to hit ten thousand. Both of them are soldiers, determined to guard the alliance. This mission is nothing, and their marriage application was finally approved, and they can now prepare for the wedding after returning from their mission.

Fortunately, they are on the mission together.

Yuri sighed and called the officers for a combat meeting.

Shen Su’an sat down with a refreshed look, Yu Xiu glanced at him as he laughed hehe, “Colonel, I haven’t even seen you a couple of times in the past month, and of course, I haven’t seen the Admiral a couple of times as well, how are you guys doing?” 

Even after a month of lingering, Shen Su’an’s face still blushed, “Not bad.”

“When we come back from this mission, we should be able to attend your wedding, right?” Yu Xiu winked, “Colonel, don’t forget to invite me.”

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Shen Su’an smiled, “I won’t forget you.”

They were chatting and laughing, when the admiral’s voice, as cold as an iceberg, intercepted, “Yu Xiu.” 

Yu Xiu was so frightened that he shuddered, and hurriedly sat upright, not daring to make jokes with Shen Su’an again. He didn’t dare to provoke an alpha who had just marked his beloved omega at this time. One wrong move, and he could be ruined.

The Skull Star Pirate is a criminal gang that has become more and more rampant in recent years. Yuri sent the information to the officers, then he pointed to the light screen, and said: “Recently, there has been a civil strife within the Skull Star Pirate. Qin Xiao of the rebel family of the alliance has attracted some people to support him in taking the position of the skull leader. Qin Xiao’s methods are powerful and unpredictable, and his faction has a tendency to win.”

A photo of Qin Xiao appeared above.

He looks ordinary, his face is pale, and he smells like he can die at any time. 

Su An’s eyes moved, and the system said in time: “Saboteur found.”

Chu He’s skin was much worse than the previous two worlds. Su An is very aware of Chu He’s character. This man is aloof and arrogant, but now, he could only choose such a mediocre body. Sure enough, he suffered a very serious injury, and had no choice but to choose his skin carefully.

A lieutenant colonel asked: “Admiral, are you sure it’s him? I remember Qin Xiao’s health was exceptionally bad, and he often fell into a semi-syncope state for unknown reasons.”

In the interstellar era with the rapid development of science and technology, the cause of Qin Xiao’s fainting has not been found out, which is really confusing. 

Yuri said lightly: “It’s him.”

He pulled out a few other photos, and the cruel things done by the Skull Star Pirate were directly analyzed on the photos. The blood was dense and thick, mutilated limbs, with dark and depressing tones sweeping the atmosphere, blood-curdling scene were display in front of everyone.


Shen Su’an seriously looked at the Skull leader’s incriminating evidence, when he suddenly felt nauseated. He covered his mouth, and lowered his head, frowning uncomfortably.

The chair beneath the admiral made a loud slashing sound, and in an instant appeared at Su An’s side. He stroked Su An’s back nervously and said in a deep voice: “Call the doctor!” 

Su An covered his stomach in discomfort.

Looking at his posture, Yu Xiu suddenly felt agitated. He stood up suddenly and shouted in disbelief: “Colonel, you’re not pregnant, are you?!”

Yuri’s hand shook, and his whole body became stiff because of these words.

Su An:“……” 

You’re the one who’s fucking pregnant.

Lao Tzu is infertile, thank you.

The author has something to say:

no child no child, no pregnancy no pregnancy 

Yuri was at a loss, he was ecstatic and shocked: Me, me, I’m going to be a dad?

Su An’s face was numb: You’re not, don’t talk nonsense

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