Ch68 - Rivers and Lakes (7) ——  It was unknown where it started

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Sunnyshies: Unedited! I’ll do it tomorrow!

Thinking of this possibility, Su An gloated a few times. 

He asked the system to keep an eye on Lin Xunye, and climbed into bed to sleep. The next day before dawn, Su An woke up Chou Xuanyi in time, “Monk, it’s time to go.”

Chou Xuanyi opened his eyes and woke up. He got out of bed with Su An, then picked up his sword and was about to leave, but Su An stopped him, “Wait, monk, do me a favor.”



The two carried Lin Xunye and Gu Wangxi to the bed together. With the red double happiness at the lead, the two people; one fat and one thin, one old and one young, lay side by side on the bed. Su An still didn’t think it was enough, so he put them in a hugging pose, and winked at Chou Xuanyi.

As soon as Chou Xuanyi understood, the corner of his mouth curled up, then he took out his black sword and cut their clothes off the two of them. This time, even if the two people on the bed jumped into the Yellow River, it would be difficult for them to explain clearly. 

Su An secretly took the monk to hide aside, patiently waiting for the next good show.


At sunrise, a servant girl came to the room to clean, and a loud scream resounded throughout the Tan Residence.

Lin Xunye was startled awake by the scream, and managed to open his eyes, meeting the horrified eyes of the servant girl.

He suddenly felt something was wrong, he followed the sight of the servant girl and looked to his side. There he saw a snoring old man with no clothes on, clinging to him intimately.


Chu He inside Lin Xunye’s body: “……”

His face was blue and white for a while.

The whole Tan Residence became noisy, and Su An, who was hiding in the tree, almost burst out laughing.


The commotion finally quieted down that afternoon. Tan Linpei was furious and ordered Lin Xunye and Gu Wangxi to be sent back to the Gu residence. Su An and Chou Xuanyi followed behind in stealth. In the middle of the night, they saw a group of people coming to the Gu residence silently. 

The group was dressed in black, covering their faces with black cloth. They protected Lin Xunye and Gu Wangxi as they left the Gu residence in a hurry.

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Undoubtedly they are members of the Demon Sect.

Su An and Chou Xuanyo looked at each other, they tapped their toes and followed the group all the way.

The group was in a hurry and had horses ready. Su An bought a horse before going out of the city, and looked at the monk with a smile: “Monk, I’ll ride a horse, so you can run on your own two legs.” 

The monk smiled coldly, stepped on his horse quickly, and flew behind Su An, “Share the ride.”

Su An clicked his tongue in astonishment, “You really have a thick skin.” The monk placed his sword casually in front of his body, and his large palm idly rested on Su An’s lap, so comfortable that his fingertips tapped a few times, “Sit a little apart.”

Yu Su’an gritted his teeth, he raised the rein and the horse galloped away.

The monk used brute force to open his hand that was trying to block, so along the way, Su An’s face was flushed. Only he, like an uncle, enjoyed all the advantages. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Even after dismounting from the horse, the monk was still reluctant to let go, and patted Su An’s butt with the end of his sword, before he leisurely got down to the ground.

Qlat j vjgx ojmf, Te Ve’jc obiibkfv tlw lcab atf abkc.


Ktlr abkc lr atf abkc ja atf ybaabw bo atf wbecajlc bo atf Gfwbc Vfma, jcv atfgf jgf wjcs qfbqif mbwlcu jcv ublcu.Ktfgf jgf jirb wjcs uejgvr jibcu atf kjs eq atf wbecajlc. Po atfs kjca ab obgmf atflg kjs lc, atfs rtbeiv cba fnfc atlcx jybea ufaalcu bea bcmf atfs ufa lc.

Because the Demon Sect has twenty peerless masters, who are the twenty elders of the Demon Sect. 

If the monk’s enemies are really members of the Demon Sect, they must be fully prepared.

Su An gave himself and Chou Xuanyi a change of appearance, and went to the Demon Sect with a big smile.

What they disguised was a pair of married couples who were at the helm of the Demon Sect. It was a bearded man, who was rude and irritable, while the woman was exceedingly fascinating and charming. Yu Su’an had met them a few times, and after changing their appearance, they look very much like the two.

Sure enough, the congregation in the mountains did not stop them. 

As the two of them walked all the way to the top of the mountain, a hunched man walked towards them, and smiled when he saw them, “Old Liu, have you brought your wife back?”

Chou Xuanyi put his arms around Su An’s waist, and replied with a big laugh: “That’s right, all the way, I’ll come back for you after I’ve taken my woman to wash up!”

Su An whispered in Chou Xuanyi’s eyes: “This man is the Faceless Old Man Xiao Gui.”

This Faceless Old Man was a scourge of rivers and lakes for twenty years. He is like a big pest in the world. He likes to shave his face when he kills, and the people who die under his hands will not even have a whole body. 

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The Faceless Old man smiled happily, and said kindly: “Go! Go! After you meet the leader tomorrow, remember to come and have a drink with me!”

As soon as Chou Xuanyi agreed, he led Su An past him in a grand manner.

When passing by, the Faceless old man looked Su An up and down, and suddenly reached out to touch Su An’s butticks, but he touched the back of Chou Xuanyi’s hand.

Chou Xuanyo protected Su An. He was still smiling, but his sinister aura rose abruptly, “Little old man, what are you going to do?” 

The faceless old man suddenly felt cold all over, and tremblingly said: “Misunderstanding, misunderstanding. I just saw that this girl seemed to be getting more beautiful, and wanted to take a closer look.”

“Just take a look from the distance,” Chou Xuanyo said with a smile, “I’m still here, and you’re already making a move on my woman, aren’t you very good?”

The Faceless Old man was sure that this person must not be the old six. He was sweating, and his hunched back seemed to straighten a little, “Yes, yes, yes.”

Chou Xuanyi took one last look at him, then walked away slowly with Yu Su’an in his arms. 

Yu Su’an glanced at him, the monk’s appearance had become unattractive, his face became a fierce-looking wild man. But he could clearly see the monk’s eyes, and a cold killing intent emerged from them.

“You were recognized,” He said.


The monk smiled coldly, “No need to worry.”

The subtext is that the man will not live through the night. 

They found someone to lead the way, and met a lot of members of the Demon Sect along the way. Chou Xuanyi behaved more and more naturally, sticking his hands to Su An’s body, and meticulously acting out the debauchery of the Demon Sect.

All the way back to the residence, after the little gangster left, Su An grabbed Chou Xuanyi’s wrist, “Monk, go see if there is anyone else outside.”

Chou Xuanyi went outside to look around, “There is no one else.”

Su An’s expression relaxed, “Let’s make a quick plan. Tonight, let’s see what secrets are hidden in this Demon Sect.” 

“Perhaps a monster with three heads and six arms is hiding.” Chou Xuanyi said.

Yu Su’an raised an eyebrow, and said calmly: “Then let’s go there now.”

Chou Xuanyi lowered his eyes, he actually didn’t want Su An to accompany him again, “You just stay here and wait for me.”

Yu Suan’s face turned cold. “Chou Xuanyi, what do you mean?” 

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Chou Xuanyi: “Those people can’t kill me. If something happens, you can go down the mountain first.”

“Are you asking me to abandon my friend?” Yu Su’an stared straight at him.

Chou Xuanyi said lightly: “I’ve said it before, I’m not your friend.”

Yu Su’an was so angry that he couldn’t speak, so he just opened the door quickly and went out. 

Su An didn’t go far, after all, this is the territory of the Demon Sect. He ran to a tree and sat down, smiling silently for a while, “System, he is not willing to let me take risks.”

System: “……”

Su An said: “He’s in love with me.”

System: “……” 

It was not surprising at all. The host can really talk about his boyfriends in every world.

After a while, another person stood on the tree. Chou Xuanyi looked at Yu Su’an from the whirling leaves. The young master’s eyebrows are youthful, his eyes are lively and lovely, and his ebony hair hangs down behind him, like a rich flower raised in the most undisturbed place.


Chou Xuanyi walked up to Yu Su’an as if walking on a level ground, then sat down as he quietly looked at him.

Yu Su’an asked: “Do you know which kind of people are the most obnoxious?” 

Chou Xuanyi answered: “Those who think they’re doing the right thing for you.”

Yu Su’an burst out laughing, and put on a grand air as he said: “So you know it too.”

Chou Xuanyi didn’t know when he smiled, he was still looking at Su An intently. Su An slowly retracted his smile, then touched his ears uncomfortably and muttered: “What are you looking at me for?”

Chou Xuanyi said: “You look good.” 

Yu Su’an blushed, and gave a soft “pei”, “Monk, you are much more beautiful than me. As far as your face is concerned, if you return to vulgarity, I am afraid that young ladies and chivalrous women will throw a load of handkerchiefs on you.”

Chou Xuanyi smiled, “If I return to vulgarity for my wife, would that be good?”

Yu Su’an suddenly felt flustered, as if ants crawling through the same itch. He pretended to be nonchalant and looked away, “Who do you want to return to vulgarity for? You’re not a proper monk anymore. Which proper monk is like you, you’re so——”

Chou Xuanyi: “So?” 

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Yu Su’an whispered: “You’re so debauched.”

Chou Xuanyi laughed softly, but when he laughed, his evil nature attacked aggressively, “Why am I considered debauched?”

While Yu Su’an stummer, Chou Xuanyi leaned over and whispered in Yu Su’an’s ear: “Let me tell you. The previous few sentences were just sketched and not detailed enough. In the winter of that year, as I watched that sexual intercourse at the window, I just felt that I lost my appetite, and since then I feel sick and uncomfortable seeing that red quilt being rolled over. But that day, in the middle of the night, far away from the ruined temple. I see you blaspheme yourself under the moon, but as this monk watched, the fire was provoked and got myself burned. My mouth was so dry that I couldn’t control myself. Only then did I know what this so-called pleasure is.”

He only used his eyes, is that really what they call pleasure? 

Yu Su’an jumped up suddenly, and was about to run into the yard with a flushed face. But the monk pulled him back in time and fixed him in the midst of the branches and foliage.

Yu Su’an looked calm, but he was strong on the outside, but weak in reality, “Monk, let me go!”

The monk fluttered and laughed.

Yu Su’an looked like a cat whose fur had exploded, arching his back and questioning: “What are you laughing at?!” 

The monk said: “Do you know what I was thinking that day?” The monk continued: “I was thinking, the ruined temple is right in front of me. I really want to take you captive to the ruined temple, and  in the front of the Bodhisattva Buddha, let you be married to me.”

And what does the married couple look like?


Just like that winter day when the monk was young and vigorous.

It was snowing heavily, and the thick snow covered up to the children’s knees. 

He was at the window, watching that disgusting red quilt being rolled on.

Heavy breathing, alternating hot and cold air, and intermittent shouting.

The person in the window gradually became Su An who was gritting his teeth alone and silently that day. His fair face was covered with snow and coldness under the moonlight.

The young monk stood outside the window, watching intently, his breath heating up and his heart beating fast. 

The gods and Buddhas in the sky were abruptly crushed by lust, all the hidden scriptures and good books turned into powder one by one. What scriptures, what buddha nature, what few desires and clear mind, his whole being was unable to resist a glimpse of the person under his eyes, and his desires suddenly deepened and it was unknown where it came from.

All of a sudden, the rules and precepts were completely broken into pieces.


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