Ch73 - Rivers and Lakes (12) — The best that can be given

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Yu Su’an felt that he had become a family man, and now that he is the breadwinner of his family. He has to take care of the monk even more attentively, doing everything by himself, without the help from others.

When Bai Xiaosheng entered the room, he saw him feeding the monk medicine with a spoon. 

After feeding the medicine, Yu Su’an also picked up a piece of caramel, and said sweetly: “Eat something sweet to ease the bitterness.”

Whatever he said, that terrifying monstrous monk with a deep reputation for murder would do whatever he wanted. He ate the candy obediently and smiled.



Bai Xiaosheng: “…”

This is the most famous demon monk in the world? 

He coughed lightly, and Yu Su’an immediately sat up straight, and said solemnly: “Senior brother.”


The monk raised his head and looked at Bai Xiaosheng coldly.

Bai Xiaosheng was taken aback by the way he looked, he stopped in place and shouted from a long distance: “Junior brother, ask that monk if he knows about Wanbu Street in Longxing City.”

Yu Su’an: “…monk, did you hear that?”


The monk lazily said: “I don’t know.”

Bai Xiaosheng gave a strange “huh”, “Even you don’t know.”

He smiled slightly, and suddenly said: “Monk, I can help you with your vengeance, but Yu Su’an must not get involved in your blood feud.”


Yu Su’an became anxious: “Bai Xiaosheng!” 

Bai Xiaosheng had a bitter face: “Junior brother, listen to me, you really can’t get involved in this matter.”

Yu Su’an frowned and said: “I don’t want to, I’ve decided to get involved in this matter. Senior brother, if sister Rou-er is in such a difficult situation, can you pretend not to see it?”

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Bai Xiaosheng subconsciously said: “How is it possible!”

Yu Su’an smiled and said: “So, you don’t have to stop me.” 

“But how can my relationship with Rou’er be the same as yours?” Bai Xiaosheng rubbed the aching brows, “Su An, don’t mess around.”

Yu Su’an said: “I’m not fooling around, I’ve already experienced the pleasure of being a couple with him.”

This sentence was like a thunderbolt, instantly making Bai Xiaosheng pale, he pointed at Yu Su’an tremblingly, and then at Chou Xuanyi, “You, what did you say?”

Chou Xuanyi smiled, and said calmly: “He’s right.” 

Even if Su An only ate half of it, that was still considered raw rice cooked into cooked rice.

Bai Xiaosheng looked dumbfounded for a long time before he turned around and ran away, almost stumbling and falling.


Yu Su’an sighed, “Monk, you drank the medicine, I have to go get ready to meet my father.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Jtbe Wejcsl iloafv atf delia, “P’ii ub abb.” 

Ve Cc’r mifjg fsfr kfgf oeii bo kbggs, rb yfjealoei atja atfs vjhhifv qfbqif’r fsfr, “Rb, sbeg lcpeglfr jgf cba tfjifv sfa.”

Chou Xuanyi held his fingertips, and took a bite, “Little wife, I have to see Lord Taishan too.”

Qtfc atfs jgglnfv ja atf ibyys, Mjatfg Te jcv Dlu ygbatfg Te kfgf jigfjvs rlaalcu atfgf. 

The faces of the two of them were uglier than the other. Father Yu is the head of the Heaven and Earth BiaoJu, not to mention his martial arts skills, he also has a wide network of connections. His appearance was incomparably majestic, at the moment, his face was so black that it could drip ink, Su An trembled with fright when he glanced at him.

Chou Xuanyi side-stepped to block him, and said neither humble nor overbearing: “Boss Yu.”

Mjatfg Te rcbgafv mbivis, klatbea ibbxlcu ja tlw, “Te Ve’jc, mbwf tfgf!” 

Yu Su’an walked out with his head shrunk, “Father.”

“You also know that I am your father,” Father Yu slapped the table angrily, and roared, “You said he was your friend, so I just turned a blind eye and wiped your ass to hide the clue that Chou Xuanyi entered my Yu residence. In the end, this is how you make friends?!”

Su An was scolded so fiercely that his mouth flattened, and tears welled up in both his eyes.

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Father Yu couldn’t bear his childish appearance the most. Normally, when Yu Su’an did this, he would have calmed down long ago, but now Father Yu said coldly: “Go stand behind your brother! Someone, send the guest out.” 

The housekeeper hurriedly brought up a weighing pan of gold ingots.

Father Yu said indifferently: “Chou Xuanyi, it’s inconvenient for my Yu residence right now, so I won’t invite you to stay here any longer. This child is ignorant, so don’t have to take what he says seriously. Take this money, and from now on, you and him will go on the road, each walking on both sides.”

“Father,” Yu Su’an hurriedly said, “He and I have already——”

Father Yu said angrily: “Shut up!” 

Chou Xuanyi looked at the money and fell silent.

Father Yu said: “Not enough? Is ten thousand gold enough?”


Ten thousand gold.

The monk had never seen ten thousand gold, nor what a gold ingot looked like. 

“I know that I am not worthy of the young master of the Heaven and Earth BiaoJu,” The demon monk lowered his eyes, “He is rich and beautiful, and his family background is clean. I have no money and no power, and I have a bad reputation.”

Chou Xuanyi has nothing.

He could only take out the things that could be seen, and those that could not be seen to prove that he can streat Yu Su’an well.

The monk put the black iron sword in front of Father Yu. 

Father Yu was taken aback for a moment, and looked at him inexplicably.

The monk’s eyes were heavy, and he took out the suet jade pendant that was kept next to him———This is the only visible thing on his body, and it is also placed in front of Father Yu.

“Ding-dang”, the jade pendant sounded clearly.

Chou Xuanyi finally looked at these two things, and calmly said: “These are the only things I have. Of course, these are not enough. But I can guarantee with my life that even if I die, I will let him live well.” 

Yu Su’an’s tears came out instantly.

He was grabbed by Big Brother Yu who tightly covered his mouth, and he could only watch the monk, the idiot, take everything out.

The informant Bai Xiaoshen at the side choke his breath, he naturally knew what these two things meant. He turned his head almost in embarrassment, and suddenly wondered if he had done something wrong.

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Father Yu was stunned for a while, then said with a serious face: “No.” 

The monk remained calm, only his breathing became momentarily faster.

Big brother Yu held Su An firmly, and said in a low voice: “Yu Su’an, haven’t you listened to what your father said?!”

Yu Su’an couldn’t make a sound, he could only yell “wuwu”, the monk looked at him, and at the sight of his face being strangled with a red mark, his eyes darkened and blood red intent surfaced at the bottom of his eyes.

Chou Xuanyi swallowed the fishy smell in his throat, and suppressed the shock brought by his murderous intent, “Boss Yu, I forgot, I still have one more thing.” 

Father Yu said: “What?”

Chou Xuanyu said: “Heart-protecting Gu.”


Everyone present was taken aback.

Su An cried more and more miserable, he shook his head vigorously, his horrified eyes wanting to prevent the monk from doing stupid things. The reason why the monk was still alive even though he was seriously injured, was because of the Heart-Protecting Gu. If he took out the Heart-Protecting Gu, he might die from internal injuries. 

He will die.

Seeing him crying, Chou Xuanyi restrained the throbbing pain in his heart, and raised his finger to point to his heart.

“The Heart-protecting Gu is here,” He said, “It’s also the mother Gu, it’s more valuable than ten thousands gold, Boss Yu, this is also a good thing.”

This is indeed a good thing. 

As long as anyone knows what this thing is, they knew that having the Heart-protecting Gu, once one heart stops, it will protect the heart of the owner of the body, which means that the owner of the body is already in the most dangerous situation, without the Heart-protection Gu, he will die suddenly.

Big brother Yu couldn’t help but say: “Then the child Gu?”

Chou Xuanyi said: “In Su An’s body.”

No one could speak anymore, Father Yu looked at the gold in the butler’s hand, and smiled wryly, it was really difficult for him to send Chou Xuanyi away now. 

He secretly sighed, but he was not ready to let go. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the sword and the jade pendant on the table, and his eyes suddenly fixed on the jade pendant in horror.

Father Yu picked up the jade pendant with trembling hands, and the powerful “Mu” came into view. He stood up with a “clang”, holding the jade pendant and questioned Chou Xuanyi: “How did you get this jade pendant!”

As soon as Chou Xuanyi raised his eyes to look at him, Father Yu stared at him with wide eyes, only then could he see the three-point resemblance between Chou Xuanyi and Mu Zhongzhi.

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“You are, you are,” Father Yu stammered, “Are you Mu Zhongzhi’s son?” 

Chou Xuanyi’s breath sank, and he concealed his probing gaze, “This junior is exactly that.”

Father Yu was silent for a full quarter of an hour before he suddenly pulled out a worn out key, “Housekeeper, go and bring that package.”

The butler took it with a serious look, he turned around and left the hall.

Father Yu’s expression was complicated, he looked at Chou Xuanyi with nostalgia and sadness in his eyes. 

Big brother Yu has already retracted his hand in a daze, “This demon monk is actually Uncle Mu’s son?”

Yu Su’an ignored them and ran to stand beside Chou Xuanyi. He wiped away his tears, ran over and snatched back the jade pendant in his father’s hand and the black iron sword on the table, and held them in his arms as if they’re treasures.


Father Yu didn’t have time to scold him anymore.

Chou Xuanyi held Su An’s hand, and both their fingers intertwined, as if they had gained new strength. 

Father Yu wanted to speak but stopped, he sighed quietly, “Twenty-five years ago, Brother Mu once placed a package at my place.”

Chou Xunanyi’s pupils shrank.

Father Yu recalled: “Brother Mu and I have been good friends for many years. On the day you were born, Brother Mu came to see me once. He gave me a secret book, and kept it as a protective package, saying that he would let his son come and get it in person in the future. He also said words to me, reminding me to use these words to exchange ten ingots of gold with his son.”

“But later, when you were celebrating the full moon of your birth, my family’s eldest son fell ill. I didn’t go, who knew that night…” Father Yu choked up, and said with a voice full of hatred, “Wicked thieves, really deserve to die!” 

Chou Xuanyi stood in the hall of the Yu resident and felt as if he was in a sea of corpses. He didn’t recover until Su An pulled him and asked: “What words.”

“Sihai Street in Anlong City, Longqing Street in Jiangnan Prefecture, Wanbu Street in Longxing City, and the house in Yunnan, the three thatched huts in Nanshan,” Father Yu said, “He said, ‘If my son is not good at martial arts in the future, then let him be a rent-collecting boss. If my son is better than me, then you are only allowed to give him the three thatched huts in Nanshan, and let him support himself, and if he wants to give you ten ingots of gold, the rest will belong to you! ’ This is exactly what Brother Mu said. ”

Chou Xuanyi opened his mouth, his voice was dry and hoarse, “I see.”

The author has something to say: 

Sudden addition.jpg

Chou Xuanyi: I can give you everything

Chou Xuanyi: Can you give me Yu Su’an

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