Ch77 - Rivers and Lakes (16) — Phoenix Nirvana

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Sunnyshies: Unedited! I’ll edit it tomorrow!

Tan Peilin’s face was familiar to all four present. 

Su An’s expression froze.

“System, is it possible that the protagonist’s father is a bad guy?”



The system was silent for a while: “Sometimes, the protagonist of the world may be a bad guy.”

Su An’s heart went cold. 

He has already heard the hidden meaning from the system’s words.


Tan Peilin was Chou Xuanyi’s last enemy, but Tan Peilin was Tan Rou’er’s father.

He immediately went to see Bai Xiaosheng, Bai Xiaosheng’s face was pale, and beads of sweat dripped from his temples.

Bai Xiaosheng is a smart person, he thought of the worst possibility in an instant. He was always unafraid to think about human nature from the worst angle, and even thought of Tan Peilin’s attempt to marry Tan Rou’er to Lin Xunye for a moment.


Lin Xunye is the young master of the Demon Sect, does Tan Peilin really not know?

Bai Xiaosheng clenched the folding fan in his hand.

Big brother Yu was still in disbelief, but Chou Xuanyi was already looking at Tan Peilin with deep eyes.


With the monk on one side and the protagonist’s father on the other, Su An felt that the world was playing with him, “System, if Tan Rou’er’s father dies, will it affect the normalization value of the world?” 

The system said: “We need to see the influence of Tan Rouer’s father on Tan Rouer.”

In the courtyard, Tan Peilin closed the door carefully, then took two steps, and suddenly raised his head to look upstairs.

A sharp sword came down from the sky!

Tan Peilin’s expression changed, and he took a step back in time, and the sharp black iron sword landed on his toes and penetrated deeply into the ground. 

Tan Peilin broke into a cold sweat.

He didn’t even have time to think about it, he turned around and was about to flee from here. Chou Xuanyi jumped down from the top of the building, drew out his shard sword and laid it across Tan Peilin’s neck like a ghost.

He said coldly: “So it was you.”

Tan Peilin already knew who was behind him. 

He forced himself to remain calm, “Monk, do you even dare to kill the leader of the martial arts alliance?”

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“I didn’t kill the leader of the martial arts alliance,” Chou Xuanyi said, “I only killed my enemies.”


Tan Peilin was shocked and lost his voice: “You actually know!”

The hearts of the three upstairs sank, and it really was him. 

Big brother Yu’s lips were parted, unable to speak, “This…”

Bai Xiaosheng put one hand on the table to stabilize his figure, “No wonder…”

No wonder Tan Rou’er didn’t send him a letter, just as his heart was worried, what was waiting for him when he went out was ambushed. A woman who secretly sent a letter to her lover, who else would know, except her father?

No wonder his junior brother was hunted down all the way, the package he sent, perhaps Tan Peilin didn’t want his junior brother to send it to Rou’er, lest Rou’er would not be able to marry Lin Xunye. 

This is a big scandal!

Bai Xiaosheng’s hands shook, and he said: “Chou Xuanyi’s three enemies turned out to be Mu Zhongzhi’s three sworn brothers. One is the leader of the demon sect, the other is the Great Master Tianshou, and the other is the leader of the martial arts alliance. No wonder the leader of the Demon Sect dared not mention the name of the third person when talking with great master Tianshou. Who would have thought that the third person was the leader of the martial arts world!”

“It’s no wonder that Tan Peilin wants to marry Rou’er to Lin Xunye. He clearly wants to marry the Demon Sect and keep this embarrassing secret!”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Tbe uesr jmaejiis xcbk, atfc atfgf lr cb kjs bea.” C uibbws nblmf revvfcis rbecvfv yftlcv atfw. 

Ktf atgff bo atfw kfgf rajgaifv, jcv ktfc atfs ibbxfv yjmx, jc biv wbcx jcv j sbecu wjc kfgf rajcvlcu ja atf abq bo atf rajlgr, ibbxlcu ja atfw delfais.

Ktfrf akb qfbqif jgf atf ugfja wjrafg Kljcrtbe bo Djbieb Kfwqif, jcv Olc Wecsf, atf sbecu wjrafg bo atf Gfwbc Vfma.

Big brother Yu and Bai Xiaosheng stepped forward and blocked Yu Su’an.

The loving expression on great master Tianshou’s face has disappeared, and he said coldly: “The two young masters of the Heaven and Earth BiaoJu and Bai Xiaosheng of the Rivers and Lakes followed the demon monk to kill the leader of the martial arts alliance, intending to disturb the safety of the martial arts world, I, Tianshou will not let you do what you want.” 

Su An said: “You old monk can really turn right and wrong, venomous slander!”

Big brother Yu blokced him, and said with a serious face: “What does great master Tianshou mean by these words?”

Lin Xunye stood behind the great master Tianshou. There was a scar on his face that looked like a fresh wound. He smiled slightly, and the scar twisted hideously like a bug, “This means that we are going to get rid of the evil for the people.”

Big brother Yu turned cold, “Aren’t you afraid of my Heaven and Earth BiaoJu?” 

Lin Xunye sneered, took out his folding fan and fanned it, “Ai, words cannot be said that way. When your whereabouts are exposed, I’m afraid that the Heaven and Earth BiaoJu will not be able to protect itself and will be condemned by many good sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes.”

Big brother Yu laughed loudly: “You guys are really looking down on the connections in my Heaven and Earth BiaoJu. None of my friends from Heaven and Earth BiaoJu will believe your bullshit.”


Tianshou said coldly: “Then we have to kill the people in your Heaven and Earth BiaoJu together.”

As soon as the words fell, he rushed forward to attack. Big brother Yu’s expression froze, and he went up to meet him first. 

Great master Tianshou is an expert in the martial arts world. Even Chou Xuanyi could only seriously injure him before, Big brother Yu obviously couldn’t beat him, so Su An also rushed forward.

Tianshou sneered: “Good boy!”

Bai Xiaosheng also wanted to follow, but Lin Xunye came up to him and said with a smile: “Brother Bai, I’m here to play with you.”

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Bai Xiaosheng said coldly, “Didn’t you come here for Rou’er?” 

“Yes and no,” Lin Xunye smiled again, and raised his voice, “Great master, please be merciful and leave that Enticing Flower Flying Swordsman.”

Great master Tianshou was dissatisfied: “Why?”

Lin Xunye said: “My original wife was taken away by this Enticing Flower Flying Swordsman and was given to Bai Xiaoshen of Rivers and Lakes, letting me make such a big fool of myself, I naturally have to get my face back. Why don’t I let this Enticing Flower Flying Swordsman get on top of myself and let him serve me in front of so many people.”

Bai Xiaosheng and big brother Yu’s expressions changed, and they said in unison: “How dare you!” 

Lin Xunye blocked Bai Xiaosheng’s folding fan with his folding fan, and said with a frivolous smile, “Don’t worry, before you die, I will show you how I played with him.”

Su An thought to himself, Chu He really knows how to be a villain.

Why is there so much drama.

He followed suit with an angry expression, and there was a loud bang by the window. Chou Xuanyi carried the seriously injured Tan Peilin up to the top floor, with faint blood in his eyes,”You, what, did, you, just, said!” 

Lin Xunye immediately retreated to Tianshou’s side, “Grab Yu Su’an quickly.”

Tianshou slapped big brother Yu with one palm, and with his five fingers turned into claws with his other hand, he held Yu Su’an in his neck in front of him, “Chou Xuanyi, if you dare step forward, I will kill him!”

Su An coughed a few times, he snapped Tianshou’s fingers, and cut off half of Tianshou’s ear with his throwing knife in his sleeve.

“Old treacherous thief,” He said with difficulty, “You better hide quickly.” 

Tianshou’s face was gloomy, he exerted force with his five fingers, and five bloody holes had been pinched out of Su An’s neck. Thick blood flowed down his fair neck like a dying flower.

As soon as Chou Xuanyi looked at the blood, a chill spread all over his body.


He seemed to have seen the massacre of the Mu family under the pouring rain twenty-five years ago. He saw people screaming and crying. His parents hid him, and faced his friends who suddenly bared their fangs.

He also seemed to have seen the one hundred and eight arhats from Baoluo Temple standing in front of him on the day when he learned of his life expereience. They looked at Chou Xuanyi with bewildement and puzzlement, but also anger and reprimand. 

Chou Xuanyi seriously injured many familiar faces, but how many familiar faces seriously injured him before he could break through the gate of life and death.

And after escaping from Baoluo Temple, he was continuously being pursued.

Killing, being killed, the black iron sword was full of sacrificial blood. Chou Xuanyi;s eyes were full of blood.

But now it was Su An who was bleeding in front of him. 

It was as if his life was held in the hands of the other party, his mind was blank, and there was nothing he could do.

The cowardly can only hope that the other party will loosen his hand and let go of the person.

Chou Xuanyi looked calm, but he had already lost his determination. He let go of Tan Peilin and said: “You want to trade one for the other?”

Tianshou frowned and looked at the seriously injured leader of the martial arts alliance. Tan Peilin spat out a mouthful of blood, and said expectantly: “Help me.” 

Lin Xunye laughed, “The leader of the martial arts alliance died at the hands of the demon monk. The eldest young master of Hean and Earth BiaoJu and Bai Xiaosheng of rivers and lakes also died at the hands of the demon monk in order to protect the martial arts leader, such a statement seems to be better, what do you think, great master?”

Tianshou sneered: “I think it’s good too.”

As soon as Chou Xuanyi heard this, he didn’t even hesitate, he stabbed Tan Peilin’s heart with his sword, and then looked at the two of them again, “I killed him, you let him go.”

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He was so straightforward that he almost told his enemy how important Yu Su’an was to him. 

Bai Xiaosheng and big brother Yu didn’t even have time to shout “No”, they could only stare blankly at Tan Peilin’s corpse.

The leader of the martial arts alliance died just like that.

Although Bai Xiaosheng didn’t intend to let him go, he originally wanted to catch Tan Peilin first, then expose his evil deeds, and let the sons and daughters of the rivers and lake deal with him.

Then let Rou’er see his father for the last time. 

Su An was also in a daze.

The system said: “Host, the world’s normalization value has dropped to——”


“Don’t tell me,” Su An interrupted him, “I don’t need to know. Anyway, the dead deserved it, and they are not the protagonists. The world would not collapse.”

Su An really does not want to see a whole world fall apart by saboteurs, but if it wasn’t to the point of collapse, he didn’t want to interfere with Chou Xuanyi’s revenge. 

As for Tan Rou’er…Su An thought mercilessly, people have a degree of closeness and distance, how she feels is not as important as Chou Xuanyi’s revenge.

Tianshou looked at the dead Tan Peilin, then at Su An, the gloom on his face gradually disappeared, and he laughed happily, “Chou Xuanyi, so you value this friend so much.”

He was ecstatic, “Quick, put down your sword!”

Chou Xuanyi pursed his lips, and threw his sword without saying a word. 

Lin Xunye narrowed his eyes slightly, “Great master, what’s the point of letting him throw the sword, wouldn’t it better to just let him kill himself with it?”

“No,” Tianshou said without hesitation, “I want to torture him to death with my own hands.”


Su An tried to break free, he tried his best to wink at Chou Xuanyi, telling him not to agree to Tianshou’s request so easily, and tried his best to delay the time. Tianshou took him as his handle and would not kill him so easily. 

But his eyes were cramping, it’s the same as winking at the monk in vain.

Chou Xuanyi said in a hoarse voice: “Let him go.”

Tianshou said: “Crush your sword to pieces.”

Chou Xuanyi was taken aback. 

Su An was about to explode in anger, and said with difficulty: “Go to hell——”

My neck hurts even more, shit.

Tianshou chuckled, “Young master, some words are a matter of life and death, you’d better not say them.”

Chou Xuanyi bent down and slowly picked up the sword. 

Su An wiped this sword several times.  Chou Xuanyi said that the sword is nameless, but it doesn’t mean that this sword has no weight in his heart.

Su An hid the last flying knife on his body in the palm of his hand, carefully looking for opportunities to sneak attack.


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He remembered that the Rising Phoenix Swordsman, Mu Zhongzhi had a very powerful move called Phoenix Nirvana.

That move is like being tainted by the scorching sun, and the person who received the move will be roasted by the breath of the sharp blade, forming a scorched mark. 

What’s more, this technique attacks the enemy with sword qi.

It means that even if Chou Xuanyi stands far away, as long as he is given a chance, he can hurt Tianshou.

Su An’s throat hurts, unless he hits a blow, he will definitely be killed by Tianshou.

He took a deep breath in his heart, when Chou Xuanyi was about to crush the black iron sword, a flying knife was thrown towards Tianshou’s neck. Tianshou dodged immediately, just as he was about to teach Yu Su’an a lesson with a sneer, the throwing knife turned around behind his head and flew back! 

Tianshou looked back in shock, at this moment, Su An broke away from his hand and took a step forward, “Brother Chou!”

Chou Xuanyi swung his sword.

The majestic internal force supplemented by the sword qi, and a blade exuding an invisible murderous aura rushed towards Tianshou like a crescent moon!

——Going forward indomitably, with a sense of burning fire. 

Tianshou’s pupils tightened, and he said in horror: “No——”

Before his words fell, the blade had arrived. Wrapped in infinite courage, followed by the disbelieving Lin Xunye, together they were caught up in the fire.

Halfway through the screams, two people had already lost their lives.

Su An coughed, and was embraced by Chou Xuanyi. 

Chou Xuanyi’s hands trembled slightly, he hugged Su An tightly, as if holding his other life.

Su An “wuwu”, letting out a frail expression: “It hurts so much, brother Chou.” So coquettish.

Because the wound hurt his throat, the sound of his voice was not pleasant.

Soon Chou Xuanyi woke up with a strat, he hugged Su AN from the window and fell to the ground with red eyes, and went straight to the medical clinic in Longxing City. 

He and Su An were drenched in blood and looked scary. The people of Longxing City avoided them and looked at them in panic.

Chou Xuanyi rushed into the nearest medical clinic. He swept away the servant who wanted to chase them away, and threw the businessman with a big belly out of the medical clinic, then carefully put Su An on the bed, and like a demon Raksha said: “Cure him.”


The trembling doctor: “…yes, yes.”

Big brother Yu and Bai Xiaosheng, who were following closely behind, rushed in. They looked at Su An on the bed worriedly, and were about to have a word with Chou Xuanyi, when they suddenly saw Chou Xuanyi’s eyes that were so red that they blackened. 

The hands and feet of the two suddenly became cold.

Backflow of meridians, isn’t this a sign of madness?

The author has something to say:

Here we go! 

This world is almost over!

Seeing that everyone said that these two worlds are not exciting, hey, let’s do something exciting in the next world

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