Ch80 - Pervert, Please go away (2) — Let Lao Tzu play

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Someone snapped their fingers, and the fatty at the door walked away.

Su An wiped his face, then opened his eyes and looked around, and vaguely saw a person standing by the toilet. 

He smiled and jokingly said: “You inspect people with different shifts?”

The other party didn’t speak, then Su An suddenly felt a stream of abnormally warm water pouring on his feet, he shrank his feet subconsciously, and reached for his glasses, “Was the water pipe broken?”



Someone lazily said: “I’m sorry, I peed on your feet.”

Su An: “…” 

System: “He lied to you.”


Su An breathed a sigh of relief.

With a startled and angry expression, he stepped on the heater beside him to wash his feet with a sullen face. Like his feet, Chi Su’an’s hands were also very good looking, with well-defined joints, and they looked like a pair of intellectual’s hands.

While washing, he seemed to hear a swallowing sound next to him. In this world full of zombies, Su An felt a bit creeped out. He quickly stopped the water, put on his glasses, and looked around. There was no one else in the private room except him.


He put on his clothes and wiped his glasses with the hem of his clothes. Walking to the toilet, he saw that the toilet lid had been closed, and there was still a footprint on the lid, size forty-five or six, military boots, estimated to be about 1.9 meters tall.

One meter nine baby face, Su An laughed several times in his heart, and walked out wiping his hair.

Someone was taking dirty clothes to wash outside, “Boss, give us your dirty clothes too.”


Su An handed it over and said with a smile: “Thank you.” 

Everyone took a shower, everyone was clean and refreshed, and their breathing became easier. Everyone became more pleasing to the eyes by more than one point. Even better, none of them, including the five in camouflage, were injured.

Su An was the leader of these people. The five camouflage uniforms got acquainted with him. The person in charge of logistics inside is called Guang Zi, and he was very polite, “Brother Chu, how many ability users are there in your team?”

Chi Su’an pushed his glasses and said with a smile: “Not much.” He stretched out his hand generously, and a crackling ball of lightning flashing in his palm. He glanced at the captain of the five-member team from the corner of his eye, and implicitly warned: “Counting me alone, there are only three people.”

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Even though these people were prepared in their hearts for Chi Suan to have supernatural powers, they still showed surprised expressions when they saw this ball of lightning, “It turned out to be lightning ability!” 

People with lightning ability have a strong attack power, and they’re even more powerful in group attacks. Lightning can set off fire, and sometimes it can be used as a tool to start fire. Even in the entire second base, there is no one who can use lightning.

Chi Su’an was very satisfied with their reaction, he smiled politely, then withdrew the lightning ball, he beckoned back and said gently: “Nian-Nian, bring Xiao An over here.”

Even if Song Niannian didn’t like Chi Su’an, she wouldn’t embarrass him in this situation, so she led Xiao An over with a cold face, and stood behind Su An.

Su An hugged her shoulders affectionately, while saying ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry’ in his heart, and naturally introduced: “This is my fiancee, Song Niannian, she has water ability.” 

Then he patted the head of the timid little boy brought over by Song Niannian, “This is Xian An. He has space ability, but the level of his ability is not high, and he can’t hold many things. Xiao An is a bit afraid of people. His parents died in the early days of the apocalypse, so don’t mind him.”

Xiao An came over and grabbed Su An’s clothes, hiding behind  him without making a sound.


Su An smiled helplessly: “Xiao An, come and call Uncle.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The child called out in a low voice: “Uncle.” 

Wljb Cc lr jirb j regnlnbg rjnfv ys atf bglulcji bkcfg, ktlmt lr vloofgfca ogbw batfgr, yfmjerf Wljb Cc tjr j rqjmf jylilas, jcv ybat bo tlr qjgfcar kfgf vfjv, rb atf bglulcji bkcfg agfjafv tlw nfgs kfii, jiwbra j xlcv bo ygjlckjrtlcu xlcvcfrr. Ktf bglulcji bkcfg kjcafv ab ajxf oeii mbcagbi bo Wljb Cc. Ktf bglulcji bkcfg jirb tjv j qjga lc kts Wljb Cc vfnfibqfv remt j rts qfgrbcjilas, yfmjerf Jtl Ve’jc bcis kjcar j abbi wjc ktb tjr cb atbeutar jcv mjc gfis bc tlw.

It has to be said that the original owner didn’t just casually say that he wanted to build a base by himself. There are only three of them who have abilities, but each function is very complete.

Guang Zi and several other teammates’ eyes lit up, “Space ability is good, great!”

Chi Su’an smiled without saying a word. 

Fatty said with understanding: “Brother Chi, we don’t have many ability users on the team either.”

He pointed to the captain, “Our captain has fire ability. As for me, my strength has become a little stronger. Guang Zi’s ability is intuition. This ability is mysterious, just like animals, sometimes he will get some warnings about natural disasters and dangers. We are just like you, we both have three!”

Chi Su’an’s smile remained unchanged, “What a coincidence.”

Of course he knew that the other party still had reservations. At the end of the day, everyone held their hearts together, and there was no one who would tell the whole story when they first met. 

Just like Su An, he didn’t say that Wang Er was a wood-type supernatural being.

“Then, comrade Captain,” Chi Su’an looked at Sheng Huaiyan. For some reason, the captain just kept his head down, frowning without speaking, with a grumpy look that was not to be messed with, “We’ll take Xiao An to collect some supplies. We found the supermarket first, and we also dealt with the zombies in the supermarket. You guys came later, how about we have eight and you have two?

He deliberately said a low number, but the level he could accept in his heart was actually five to five.

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Who makes the opponent stronger, even if they really only have three supernatural beings and five well-trained big men, they are much stronger than their side. 

Sheng Huaiyan looked up, his long eyelashes flickering like a Barbie doll, he sneered, “You have eight, and this lao tzu have two?”

He pointed his gun outside, “Did you see that, that group of zombies rioting outside. The five of us killed at least two hundred heads, and without us, can you even go out tomorrow?”

Then he glanced at Song Niannian with a sneer, “Fiancee? You are still so particular in apocalypse, you really fucking open this lao tzu’s eyes.”

Chi Su’an smiled softly: “Really? When we came in yesterday, the zombies hadn’t rioted yet. And this is in a supermarket, even if the zombies are rioting, we can just stay a few more days, it’s safe and secure.” 

It seems that he did not hear Sheng Huaiyan’s second sentence, or perhaps he heard it, but just didn’t care. Sheng Huaiyan had a bad temper, he took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, then dragged Chi Su’an and walked towards the door.

Chi Su’an’s face darkened, “What are you doing!”


Sheng Huaiyan lowered his brows, his hostility rose, and he pressed him to the crack of the door with brute force.

“Look outside,” The baby face’s voice sounded more like a man, “Fuck, how dare you fucking electrocute me!” 

Chi Su’an ignored his cursing, and the moment he saw the situation outside, his face changed.

The zombies outside are still wandering, and the number is increasing, reaching an abnormal level. If this continues, the city may become a zombie city.

“When you came, the zombies had already gathered?”

“It’s not enough, keep watching.” The cigarette in Sheng Huaiyan’s mouth suddenly lit up. He took a puff, took it away, and flicked it out through the crack in the door. 

A thin smoke was ejected two or three meters, and when it was about to hit the ground, it was picked up by a breeze and was sent to the middle of the road.

Wind ability.

Chi Su’an’s face turned ugly.

Sheng Huaiyan turned out to be a dual ability user. 

The next moment, he watched in astonishment as those zombies with low sensitivity stared at the smoke, and they all jumped on it.

The clumsy movements of these zombies have become faster, and their five senses seems to have become much sharper. Although they were still attracted by the fire, they’re obviously different from the previous zombies.

A word flashed through Su An’s mind, evolution.

He was dragged up, Sheng Huaiyan stepped on a stool beside him, his arms drooped on his knees, and blocked him between the door and him, “Chi Su’an, right, did you see clearly?” 

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He had a smile on his face, but there was quite a bit of malice in that smile. On this pretty face, he felt a weird premonition, “If you don’t leave tomorrow, you won’t even be able to take 80% of the supplies. I killed so many dirty things, and my shoes are fucking dirty, but you just want to send me 20%? Sending out beggars then.”

Sheng Huaiyan’s aura is very strong, tall people can always bring pressure to people, but he also looks like a teenager, so Chi Su’an looked at him as an impatient young man and said indifferently: “Then Captain Sheng, how much do you want?”

Sheng Huaiyan looked at his feet subconsciously, and saw a pair of dirty shoes, and couldn’t help cursing, “Fuck, it’s so fucking dirty.”

The feet he wanted to lick before were wrapped in such a pair of dirty shoes. Sheng Huaiyan loves cleanliness, and it makes him uncomfortable to look at it. He felt so annoyed, thinking about throwing away these shoes now and washing these feet again. 

Chi Su’an thought he was scolding himself, and said with a dark face, “Captain Sheng, I know you young people can be so arrogant, but don’t go too far in your behavior. It doesn’t look good for us to tear up our skins now, right?”

Sheng Huaiyan cursed again, “I’ll have 50% and you have 50%. Isn’t that fair?”


Su An’s face remained unchanged, then Sheng Huayan suddenly said: “But you can get a little more.”

Chi Su’an’s eyes flashed brightly, and he stared at him with a scintillating look. 

Sheng Huaiyan looked him up and down, “Come to our car tomorrow and drive the road with us. If you agree, you will get 10% more. You six and me four.”

Chi Su’an thought for a while, then smiled, “Opening the way was supposed to be what we were supposed to do, so of course I’m going to come along.”

Su An took Xiao An to search the supermarket. Although they didn’t find much food, they did find a lot of toothpaste, paper towels, bedding and clothes. Xiao An’s space was about 20 square meters, and it was packed with things.

Early the next morning, the group packed up and got into a car next to the supermarket undercover. 

The five-person team drove a modified off-road vehicle. In addition to Su An, the seats were already full, so Su An could only tell Wang Er to pay more attention to Song Niannian and Xiao An.

Fatty looked at him and couldn’t help looking back, and joked, “Brother Chi, are you worried about sister-in-law?”

Chi Su’an smiled, and admitted frankly: “She’s a harmless woman, I can’t really afford to leave her alone. Usually she sits next to me, this is the first time we have to sit in two separate cars.”

The tall and thin old Zhu beside the fat man sighed, “You and sister-in-law have such a good relationship.” 

Chi Su’an smiled.

Suddenly there was a loud horn sound from the driver’s seat, and the people in the car turned their heads to see that their captain was leaning impatiently on the back of the seat with his legs on the steering wheel, “Zhou Shan, hurry up, they are too slow.”

Zhou Shan, who had been silent all this time, nodded and got out of the car, and went to the back to yell for people to hurry up.

Four cars followed, with a total of more than 20 people. After two minutes, Zhou Shan came back, “Captain, they are ready.” 

Guang Zi frowned and fiddled with a computer, “Captain, drive quickly, I feel a group of zombies approaching.”

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Sheng Huaiyan put away his long legs, stepped on the accelerator, and the off-road vehicle rushed out.

As soon as the car started, Chi Su’an’s face turned pale. He raised his hand and grabbed the handle, feeling motion sickness.

Sheng Huaiyan drove the car so fast that it was about to fly, and it turned left and right, which was more tortuous than the eighteen curves of the mountain road. 

There was a nausea in his stomach, and he couldn’t help saying: “Slow down and be steady.”

Sheng Huaiyan cursed “troublesome” and slowed down a little.


Su An closed his eyes and leaned against the window weakly, scolding his mother constantly in his heart. If this had been left to the original owner, the two would probably have fought long ago.

After traveling at a steady speed for a while, Su An slowly revived, but Guang Zi suddenly shouted: “Not good!” 

Su An’s eyebrows twitched, and soon he heard the screams of the motorcade behind him, “Ah, zombies!!!”

He looked in the rearview mirror, and suddenly many zombies rushed out of the buildings on both sides of the road, and the convoy behind had already fallen into the crowd of zombies. The scene of dozens of hundreds of zombies lying on a car roaring was simply scalp-tingling.

More cries sounded: “Help! The glass is going to break!”

Chi Su’an’s face was not good, but he was still ready to open the car door and go down to save others. However, the door was locked suddenly, and the off-road vehicle stopped in place, and Sheng Huaiyan supported his head and surveyed him. 

Chi Su’an frowned and said: “What do you mean?”

“Fatty and Zhou Shan will go down to save people,” Sheng Huaiyan said lazily, “Chi Su’an, you have to wait, I have something to talk to you about.”

Fatty and Zhou Shan got out of the car, but they only had guns to shoot their heads besides themselves, so not only did they not play a rescue role, but also attracted the attention of a group of zombies.

“Fuck,” Chi Su’an also cursed and used brute force to open the car, “If you want to die, then don’t include me, my fiancee is still in the car behind!” More importantly, all the supplies are also on the car behind. 

Sheng Huaiyan’s eyes ridicule, “Don’t bother, old Zhu is a metal ability user, this car can’t be broken. Oh, you can use your ability if you want, but do you think you can beat us by yourself?”

Chi Su’an looked at him, he took a few deep breaths to calm down his anger, and soon smiled again, “What does Captain Sheng want to do?”

Sheng Huaiyan patted the horn again and again, and the sound of the horn attracted more zombies, “I have a bad temper, and if I want something even for a bit, I have to tweak my ears and scratch my cheeks, and if I don’t get it, I will feel upset and angry.”

Chi Su’an was unsure, so he said: “So?” 

Sheng Huaiyan grinned like a devil, “Take off your shoes and let me play.”

Play them with my hands and let me lick.

Even if he wanted to, Sheng Huaiyan also thought it was dirty.

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