Chapter 1: Hello, Prandall

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Tang En opened his eyes and was greeted with the familiar sight of a wooden cart’s roof. After being momentarily stunned, he sat up and looked out the window; what appeared in front of him were hills of various heights dotting the surroundings. All the while, the carriage beneath him shook incessantly. Its wheels letting out creaking sounds as it traveled along the bumpy road.

What’s going on?

The scent of fresh grass wafted to his nose and the air was filled with the sun’s warmth. He could even hear the crisp sounds of the horse’s hooves hitting the ground.

“This place is…Ladia Hills?”

Tang En was taken aback by what he saw. This was a very familiar place to him. But it didn’t feel like he was in a virtual world. The smell in the air, the shaking of the carriage, the warm of the sun, all these things felt so real!

Really, what’s going on?

“Oh, why’d you wake up master Tang En?”

A question suddenly came from his side. Turning to look, he realized another person was by his side.

Tang En knew him. He was the housekeeper who accompanied him to his territory. After purchasing his territory, he was presented with this housekeeper as a bonus.

But this guy didn’t seem like an obedient NPC. He looked like a living, breathing, genuine human being.

Why was this guy’s manner of speaking so strange?

To find out, Tang En put on a perplexed look and asked, “Who are you?”

“Master Tang En, are you still feeling drowsy?”

The housekeeper gave a cheerful laugh and said, “I’m naturally your housekeeper.”

Tang En’s brows furrowed at the thought of not being able to get the housekeeper’s name.


The carriage ground to a halt and the housekeeper shouted in alarm, “Master! There are bandits blocking the way!”


The housekeeper’s eyes flashed. He looked at Tang En with a forced smile and said, “Some guests have arrived. Master Tang En, get off the carriage.”

Tang En was stunned as he gave the housekeeper a perplexed look.

“What. Master Tang En, don’t tell me you’re rejecting my request to get off?”

The housekeeper gave Tang En a sarcastic look and said, “This is Ladia Hills. My silly master Tang En, I don’t know if you’re acting the part or you’re really dumb, but you came here without a single bodyguard. Maybe you thought that after becoming a noble, you could commit any number of unscrupulous deeds? I regret to inform you, master Tang En, that you’re too naive. Get off the carriage.”

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Tang En wrinkled his brows as he said, “You’re with the bandits!”

“How could you say that? I’m not part of them, we just happened to work together.”

Looking at the mocking expression on the housekeeper’s face, Tang En’s state of mind at the moment was really terrible.

After getting off the carriage, Tang En saw that a group of bandits in front were sieging a convoy. Most of the convoy’s members had already died, leaving only a barely standing bodyguard and a frightened girl with golden hair.

“Damn it! Tommy! I almost thought you guys had forgotten about our arrangement!”

The housekeeper started hurling abuses at the ruthless looking bandit in the front as soon as he saw him, “If you want to continue holding up our good fortune, Barker will definitely have your head when we get back!”

“Haha, we had other business to attend to as well! While waiting we ambushed this caravan. I thought that this was the easy mark that you were talking about.”

Tommy slowly rubbed the rusty longsword he was carrying against his body as his gaze fell on Tang En. After closely inspecting his clothes for a moment, he let out a grin, revealing his large yellow canines that glistened in the sun.

“Not bad, this noble really does look like an easy mark!”

 Without saying a word, Tang En slowly moved back half a step- even with a distance of over a dozen meters separating them, he could still smell the foul odour coming off the other party’s body!

“Ma-master, I-I still think its better to give our things to them. The bandits here can kill people without batting an eye…”

The coachman was scared stiff.

The housekeeper impatiently said, “Enough nonsense Tommy. You can deal with the little girl later. Take care of this guy first. There’s definitely a heaven piercing bank’s crystal card on him!”

“A heaven piercing bank crystal card!?”   

Tommy’s eyes was filled with greed, “Looks like we’ve got a big haul this time! Let me take care of things here first!”

After saying that, he turned towards the group of bandits and roared, “Get lost! How long do you guys need to take care of a measly bronze level bodyguard? Let me do it!”

The bandits backing off gave the bodyguard a moment of respite. He had an extremely unsightly face as he looked at the corpses on the ground.

The golden haired girl bit her lower lip and her knuckles turned white. Was she really going to die here today? As a descendant of the Golden Rose family, how could she die at the hands of some nameless bandit?


Tommy let out a loud laugh as he charged over. His body was surrounded by a faint light as his speed increased explosively!

At this moment, the bodyguard grabbed the golden haired girl and shouted, “I give up! I’ll give her to you!”

Tommy lowered his hands and gave a mischievous laugh, “Looks like you’re rather quick witted brat. Give her to me and I’ll let you go.”

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The golden haired girl had an incredulous look on her face, “You actually betrayed me!”

“Miss Fiona, if you want to blame someone blame yourself.”

The bodyguard’s tone was filled with bitterness as he said, “The Golden Rose family is gone. You can’t even pay us, why should I sacrifice myself for your laughable ideals?…Take her, she’s yours.”

After handing Fiona over to Tommy, the bodyguard turned around and fled!

A sword light flashed and blood splurted out as the bodyguard’s head fell on the ground.

Tang En was frozen on the spot.

This definitely wasn’t a game!

The coachman couldn’t bear it anymore and passed out.

Tommy flung his longsword away and disdainfully said, “Traitors should die.”

Tommy pushed Fiona to the side and walked towards Tang En, “Look after her. After I take care of this cash cow we can take our time with the little girl.”

“Haha! This guy’s scared stiff!”

“What do you think. This guy’s just a noble who hasn’t seen the world. One look at blood’s enough to root him to the ground.”

The housekeeper hurriedly said, “Hold on, remember not to kill him. We still need him alive to transfer the money!”   

“Haha, leave it to me. I’ll cut off one of his arms. He’ll definitely talk.”

Fiona couldn’t take it any more and shouted, “Stop! Don’t kill him! I can give you money!”

“Naive woman! If you really had money your bodyguard wouldn’t have abandoned you. Both you and your possessions are now ours!”

With a look of ridicule, Tommy’s sword flashed, and in the blink of an eye it came slashing over!

At this moment, Tang En’s concentration was at his peak. He stared blankly at the sword approaching his arm. He even had time to think about other things.

Why did I appear here?

What happened before I woke up?

Am I really going to die here?

But, why was he so slow?

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It feels like…I could dodge at any time?

Tang En body stood there in a daze, but in his mind didn’t make the decision to dodge.

Fiona couldn’t help but shut her eyes.

It was if everyone was already looking at  a scene where his arm had flown off and the ground was filled with blood.


Tang En’s scalp went numb!

A brittle sound rang out. Tommy maintained his slashing posture while the longsword was lodged in Tang En’s clothes. But strangely, it couldn’t go any further.

Tommy’s smile was frozen on his face.

The next moment, a muffled “boom” sounded out as a hurricane suddenly appeared around Tang En and Tommy was sent flying!

“Big brother Tommy!”

The bandits cried out in surprise as they hastily ran over to support Tommy.

The housekeeper’s looked at Tang En in shock and said, “How…how could this be!”

Tang En himself was also similarly stunned.

The moment he was cut by the sword, something within his body sitrred and sent Tommy flying.

Fiona’s eyes widened as if she had seen something unimaginable, “Magical…armor!?”

Tang En’s eyes widened as well.

Magical armor?

Wait a minute!

The magic teacher in his games always covered his body with some defensive magic…

Could it be that…

Tang En’s heart was beating madly as he silently said, “Attribute.”

A semi-transparent panel appeared in front of his eyes.

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Tang En was dumbstruck after he saw that familiar looking character page. After a moment, he slowly raised his hand and silently chanted. A rotating fireball suddenly appeared in his hands before turning into frost, and then a whirlwind…

He was actually a magician!

Fiona was shocked!

The surroundings turned silent as no one dared to make a sound. The bandits and the housekeeper looked at the constantly changing magical light in Tang En’s hand and swallowed their saliva as their legs began to tremble.

If had been transported to Prandall as a regular human, Tang En would have most likely been turned into a corpse by the demonic beasts or robbed by various bandits before being killed. But… 

Tang En looked at his attribute page as the corner of his mouth lifted up. With a flash of his hand, the exquisite ring in it disappeared.

His items in the game world’s backpack along with his previous equipment were all still there. He could even open his warehouse- what did this count as?

This was basically an empty space that followed you around!

At this moment Tang En had some doubts. Why was he suddenly transported to another world? And it looked like a world that was exactly the same as the game he played?

Prandall was a dangerous place. But it was also a world filled with charm.

There was one issue, he didn’t know if were there any differences between the magic used in the real world and that of the game world. Tang En had to find out.

Thus, his gaze landed on Tommy and the housekeeper.

Weren’t there readily available experimental subjects right here?

“Spare-spare us!”

The housekeeper kneeled on the ground, his heart filled with regret. If he knew that the new lord was a magician, he would have never dared to plot against him with Barker.

“I’ll tell you guys a secret,” Tang En’s face was cold, “I’m a devilish murderer. Over 100 million lives have been taken by this right hand of mine!”


“Please spare us!”

After hearing that, the bandits fall on their knees and howled out for Tang En to spare them.

Fiona was even more terrified, she didn’t expect this magician to be so steeped in blood.

A brilliant green ray of light suddenly appeared by Tang En’s side and an extremely terrifying force was compressed within a small area, to the point where even the air around him started to distort.

Legendary magic- Disintegration!

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