Third Comb

Chapter 14.1

A few days later, Wu Xi ushered in the first rain of autumn.

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The directing team immediately decided to film Xue Shao’s rain scene today in order to save money on the artificial rain.

The backstory behind this scene is Xue Shao’s eldest brother, Xue Yi participated in the rebellion led by the Tang imperial Li clan. They were quickly defeated and the Xue family was implicated.

After Taiping got news of this, she knelt on the floor and tearfully begged Xue Shao to escape far away. Wu Zetian would still be bubbling with anger even if he avoids the limelight.

At that time, Taiping was already pregnant with her fourth child.

Xue Shao was concerned for his wife and children so he wasn’t willing to go.

But he was not able to change the mind of the stubborn Taiping so he could only mount on the horse she found and flee.

That day, it was raining heavily and the sound of the horse’s hooves resounded in the air. Xue Shao’s vision was blurred, either from the rain or the tears in his eyes.

Halfway through, the man suddenly stopped. He tightened his hold on the reins, turned the horse around, and quickly returned.

After all, he can’t let go of his past, his family, and his Taiping. He couldn’t bear to leave his beloved princess and wanted to return to her side.

It is because of this decision that Xue Shao will leave Taiping forever.

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He was intercepted by Empress Wu’s guards at the gates of the Xue mansion. Later….as recorded in the history books, he was severely punished and died.

Even to his death, he wasn’t able to see Taiping one last time.

The filming location is a large meadow near Lake Tai. It is vast with no buildings nearby.

No buildings mean no shelter from the rain. The crew can only build a temporary shelter to hide from the rain. It is not too big and was barely able to cover all the equipment and staff.

The drama rented a handsome horse for the shoot. It is strong and sturdy. The entire body is covered in all black, like the ones running in those Chinese paintings.

It is led by a handsome tamer, attracting the eyes of many females.

It is drizzling outside, soft and weak. It is not the type of setting and atmosphere that the plot wants.

So everyone is waiting for the rain to get bigger.

Fu Ting Chuan had been here for a while. He is sitting there in his costume and putting on some protective gear like kneepads and leg covers.

The crew had always been filming on the principle of “if you can’t ride a horse, you can’t ride a horse.” But because Fu Ting Chuan is an actor, he had always been filming on the principle of “if I have to ride a horse then I will ride a horse.”

It is because of this reason that he studied equestrian earlier on. He did not have to pretend to be riding nor does he need a body double. He basically did everything himself.

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No matter how good your skill is, you must know how to protect yourself.

After he is done, he stood up, letting his wide robes fall down his body, returning to be a jade-like young official.

Jiang Tiao stood to the side and pretended to be bored looking through her phone when in fact she would peek at Fu Ting Chuan a couple of times from the corner of her eyes.

Whenever this person is seriously concentrating on something, he would habitually frowns.

Because it is raining, he didn’t wear any makeup today. His face is pure and clean but his appearance is still outstanding.

As if he felt someone’s eyes on him, Fu Ting Chuan suddenly looked up.

Jiang Tiao quickly looked away, her cheeks reddening. The rain outside suddenly seems like a sauna in a bathhouse.

Scared to death, she is really crazy….

She is already a young lady in her twenties but is acting like a middle school student experiencing love for the first time. She feels ashamed in her heart.

The sky is considerate. Around ten o’clock, the rain got heavier, and it began to pour.

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The rain thudded against the cover above them. The lush greenery on the meadow was soaked in the water.

The assistant director clapped the slate, “Ready! Action!”

Everyone is filled with excitement.

Fu Ting Chuan stood in front of the shelter. Some drops of rain dripped down his nose and fell into the soil on the ground.

The tamer took the black horse to a point not far away while he waits for the male lead to arrive.

The assistant director ran to Fu Ting Chuan’s side and expressed his concern, “In any case, pay attention to your safety. Don’t play with your life.”

Everyone knows very well that this man always takes risks in his films.

“Don’t worry.” He casually replied with a plan in mind.

“Okay.” The assistant director patted him on the shoulder and tried to ease the mood, “Wet yourself a little before the shoot, we’ll try to finish in one go.”

“En.” Fu Ting Chuan responded and walked over to the black colt.

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The camera was immediately set up and mounted on the camera dolly that is placed on the rails. Unlike the camera, the assistant standing behind it did not have a raincoat on to shield him from the rain.

There is also a specific camera that is responsible for the close-up.

Jiang Tiao opened the umbrella and walked into the rain. Although Fu Ting Chuan did not have makeup, with the weather this bad, it is always good to pay attention to the long wig stuck to his head so it wouldn’t fall off.

The rain splashed on the umbrella and splattered away.

Fu Ting Chuan talked to the horse tamer while stroking the back of the black horse.

Before anyone can react, he swiftly got on top of the horse in one go.

The men in the crew were stunned shocked in amazement. The shelter is filled with applause and whistles.

Jiang Tiao also couldn’t help but smile widely.

Fu Ting Chuan roach two laps around the field. The rain got heavier and before long, his whole body was soaked.

Good, the horse was very obedient. Fu Ting Chuan pulled to a stop and waited for the director to yell start.

The director pinched the microphone on his headset. Just when he is about to start the scene, the man standing next to him suddenly yelled, “Who allowed you all to come!!”

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