Third Comb

Chapter 15.2

On the rooftop, the wind is very strong and the sky is cloudy.

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The bright golden sun loomed behind the clouds.

Fu Ting Chuan put his hand in his pocket suddenly having the urge to smoke even though he had already quit ten years ago.

His arm hangs loosely on his side. His knuckles unconsciously tap on the cement wall as he asked Xu Che, “How did you know?”

He needs to figure this out first.

Xu Che that idiot recited in an exaggerated tone, “If you don’t want anyone to know, then don’t do it.

“Speak clearly.”

“Fine. Your account isn’t even private so how do you think I know? Sister Lu called me yesterday! Fortunately, you still have some brains and didn’t follow her publicly or this would’ve been blown out of proportion!”

“Secretly follow…..” Old Man Fu, who can’t keep up with the times ask, “Other people can see it?”

“As long as those who have your account, can see it!”

“The person I follow can’t see I follow them right?”

“Of course. You already secretly followed her so how can she see it!”

“That’s good.” Fu Ting Chuan slowly relaxed.

“That's good?” Xu Che slowly reiterated. Excuse me? As the party involved, does he not understand the severity of what he said?

Fu Ting Chuan’s gaze is as light as water as if the matter does not concern him at all, “Only you and Sister Lu know who I follow. In other words, in this entire world, only the three of us know. Is there a problem?”

“....Fine.” Xu Che gritted his teeth, “I’m really curious. How did you find out about Jiang Tiao’s Weibo?”

“It’s a long story. I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Fine! I don’t care how you found out but why did you secretly follow her?!”

“Why do you secretly watch porn?” He lightly rebutted.

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Xu Che choked on his saliva and pursed his lips, “....You’re really vulgar, do you know that?”

“I’m a man.”

“What if you one day accidentally like one of her posts. What are you going to do!”

"I will pay attention."

Xu Che frowned and furrowed his brows, “Okay, okay. The child has grown up now, I can’t control you anymore. Just be careful, don’t let anyone find your mistake.”

“Okay.” Fu Ting Chuan straightened up, “Can I go back now?”


He turned around and walked a few steps.

Xu Che stopped him and asked, “Old Fu, why don’t you follow anyone else? Even if I watch porn, I watch all kinds of porn. There are thousands of people in this world who have nice hands. Do you like her?!”

Fu Ting Chuan stopped in his steps. After a few seconds, he took big strides and disappeared into the corridor.

The flag on the top of the building waved in the wind.

Xu Che stood there for a while before he took out his phone and sent a message to “She-devil.”

Old Fu may have…..grown lustful in the fall.


The actors played their roles appropriately and the crew worked efficiently. In one month, the filming period at Tangcheng was quickly completed.

In two days, the “Taiping” crew will need to move out of Tangcheng and go to Hengdian World Studios to film the indoor scenes of the drama.

Before leaving, Director Tong, who loves to eat skewers, decided to treat everyone to a barbeque to celebrate the completion of the scenes in Tangcheng.

The crew members could only cheer and couldn’t eat anything else…..

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No, they can only eat this.

On the evening of the dinner, a few female actresses did not come most probably because the barbeque is too greasy and is bad for their skin. The male actors in the drama all came and asked for a few bottles of beer.

Fu Ting Chuan is one of them. His presence made Director Tong more pleased, his smile stretched all the way to his ear.

The crew filled up the entire barbeque store. Rows of meat and vegetables lined up the grill.

The chicken wings are fragrant, the corn and sweet potato are sweet, the Pacific saury is covered in lemon juice, and the minced garlic is melted into the oysters….

The fragrance lingered in the air. Everyone is chattering and laughing, creating an exciting atmosphere.

Because they have to pack up the things in the studio, Jiang Tiao, Sun Qing and the other girls in the styling group came late.

The room is almost completely packed. Yuan Yang waved his hand and the group of girls hurried to his side.

Jiang Tiao walked at the very back to let them sit first. Very quickly, Yuan Yang’s table is completely surrounded.

There is no space left.

Jiang Tiao awkwardly stood there alone.

A young student stood up and good-heartedly said, “Teacher Jiang, sit. I will stand and eat.”

Yuan Yang simply said no and have him sit down.

Yuan Yang looked around and finally stopped at Director Tong’s table. He shouted in the air, “Old Tong! Old Tong!”

“Ai, ai, ai.” Director Tong, who is busy shooting his mouth turned back, “What is it, Teacher Yuan?”

“Our table is full and the other tables are full as well so there is nowhere for Jiang Tiao to sit. How about letting her sit at your table!”

“Okay, our table doesn’t have any women. Little Jiang, come here!” The director

Yuan Yang raised his chin at Jiang Tiao, “Go.”

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But Jiang Tiao doesn’t want to go…..

She wants to ask which department staff wants to sit at the front of the table instead.

But there is no way. She sighed and walked to the table.

When she walked closer, she found that Fu Ting Chuan was also there. Earlier he was at the very corner of her eyes so she didn't see him.

He is wearing a crisp white shirt and in the dimly lit environment, he is like a source of light.

Jiang Tiao thought that he doesn’t like to participate in such group activities. Her surprise spread and the sweetness in her heart melted.

The table of men looked over at her. She narrowed her eyes and politely smiled.

Director Tong stood up and asked, “Little Jiang, where do you want to sit?”

The assistant director jest, “Where else would she wants to sit. Of course, it is next to the most handsome man at this table.”

Director Tong, “Isn’t that me?”

Assistant Director, “You’re brazen!”

Jiang Tiao’s eyes curved, “I’ll sit next to Director Tong then.”

Director Tong, “Little Jiang, I’m just messing with you. Sit next to Teacher Fu! He is the most handsome!”

Jiang Tiao wanted to see Fu Ting Chuan’s thoughts but unfortunately, there was no result. His lips are pursed shut and his face did not reveal any expression.

Xu Che couldn’t sit still anymore and gave her his seat. He furrowed his eyebrows but his voice is urgent, “Teacher Jiang, quickly sit. Everyone knows you’re Old Fu’s fan so don’t miss this opportunity.”

Director Tong, “How can I not know!”

Assistant Director, “All right, all right, let the lady sit. Little Jiang, don’t just stand there, sit!”


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Jiang Tiao slowly walked to the seat. She tried to keep her face blank, trying to not show the smile playing on her lips.

When she sat next to the man, she kept her lips tightly pursed.

What can she do, she can’t stop the excitement raging in her heart.

Xu Che helped put a clean cup in front of Jiang Tiao, “Soda or beer?”

“Beer.” Jiang Tiao smiled.

Beer? Fu Ting Chuan’s brows slightly furrowed. Finally, he couldn’t help but glance at her. Her hands are still under the table and her posture is elegant. Because of her disposition, he thought that she is a quiet little sheep but why did the first thing she want to drink be beer?

“Hey, not bad.” Xu Che helped fill her cup.

Fu Ting Chuan’s throat felt a bit parched. He took his glass and gulped down half of the beer.

Jiang Tiao noticed that Fu Ting Chuan’s cup was almost empty and stopped Assistant Xu, “Xu Che, can you pass that bottle to me?”

Xu Che put the green bottle in her hand.

Jiang Tiao immediately stood up and pour a cup for Fu Ting Chuan. She also advised, “Teacher Fu, drink slowly or you won’t have the stomach to eat barbeque later.

Yes, yes, full of table manners.

Fu Ting Chuan stared at the cup of bright yellow beer. The fine fingerprint of Jiang Tiao is clearly printed on the wall of the cup.

A faint feeling tickled his heart making it feel itchy and uncomfortable.

Just earlier, this cup was held by her right hand.

The delicate hand swayed past him, leaving an unforgettable shadow in his heart.

With such a thought, Fu Ting Chuan rested his elbow on the table and raised the glass in the air as if he is listening to the conversation around him.

And his fingertip gently ran up and down the cup.

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