Third Comb

Chapter 19.1

Three Combs: Chapter 19.1

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Emerald Mayblossom5-6 minutes 04.07.2023

That night, after work, Fu Ting Chuan went back to the dressing room to remove his makeup.

As usual, Jiang Tiao stood behind him and carefully deal with the glue used to hold his wig in place.

Fu Ting Chuan’s own hair isn’t long but it also isn’t a buzzcut. There are not many male celebrities with a buzzcut because that type of style requires a certain temperament to pull off.

Many attractive young men would style their hair with bangs in a disheveled way to look cute. Whenever Fu Ting Chuan this seasoned veteran dressed to the nines and walk down the red carpet, attend award ceremonies, or act in modern films, his charms can be exuded from his attire.

In order to match their age and style, it is necessary to use hairspray and comb the bangs over the head.

Fu Ting Chuan has a pretty widow's peak and a small dimple could be found on his chin. Although it is not very noticeable, upon closer inspection, there is a subtle sex appeal.

Jiang Tiao took out the last piece of hair. With one hand she moves aside the hair on his forehead and the other hand carefully wipes clean that area with a wet wipe.

This step must be done every day. Although it is dull and tedious, for some reason, she wouldn’t get impatient.

As for Fu Ting Chuan, he watches the camera feed of Xiao Mi on his phone while getting his makeup removed. Even if the cat is not in range, he would keep his eyes on the furniture and not move his eyes anywhere else.

People always have unexpected patience and focus on what they love.

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Jiang Tiao ran the comb through his hair while going back to massage his scalp.

Besides greetings, she seems to have not said a word to Fu Ting Chuan today.

This afternoon, he had someone send her a cup of milk. How should she tell him thank you? Does she only want to thank him? There are so many words she wants to say. There are so many doubts she can’t figure out. She wants to ask him all of this to put her restless heart at ease. What is his intention?

A strange feeling surged in her heart. Without stopping her movement of massaging his scalp, she lowered her voice and asked, “Teacher Fu, why did you get me a drink today?”

Is it because you found out I was in pain so you specifically sent a hot drink over.

Or could it be you treat all your fans this well?

When she is working, Jiang Tiao never asked about his personal feelings….this is the first time.

Sure enough, just as she expected, it is too far of a reach.

Stunned by her words, Fu Ting Chuan simply ignored her. After a while, he turned off his phone and stood up.

He didn’t say anything.

He just left.

For the first time, he left without letting Jiang Tiao completely remove his makeup.

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To put it nicely, he left without saying goodbye.

To put it harshly, he fled.


Back at the hotel, as Fu Ting Chuan is playing with the kitten, he found that the cute pet is unable to calm his inner anxiety and depression.

He walked and paced around the room two times before he called Xu Che over.

“What happened? How does she know that I was the one who sent the milk?” Fu Ting Chuan cut to the chase. He sat in front of the desk, resting his forehead on his hand.

Xu Che stood next to him like a eunuch serving his emperor, “I wrote your name on the cup.”

“My gosh, what is wrong with you?” A rarely heard anger could be heard in Fu Ting Chuan’s voice.

“Am I not allowed?” Xu Che blinked his eyes innocently.

Fu Ting Chuan rubbed his temple, “Why didn’t you pretend it was you?”

“The one pursuing her is you!”

Fu Ting Chuan countered, “Who says?”

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Xu Che took a small seat from the side and sat next to him, “Don’t tell me that you don’t like her.”

“How are you so sure that I like her?” Fu Ting Chuan gave him a puzzled look.

Stop pretending, Xu Che sneered. “Are you going to say that you only like her hand? Why do you look at her Weibo every day? Why were you worried when she was sleeping by the window? Why were worried that she will get an infection when she didn’t get a rabies shot? Why were you worried that she will get wet in the rain? Why were you worried about her period cramps? What does all of this have to do with her hands? If you only like her hands, why did you have me run and check up on her when you found out she is not going to be in the same group as you?”

“.....” Speechless, Fu Ting Chuan rubbed his left eye, “Fine. Even if I like her, I don’t like other people trying to set me up. Do you understand?”

“Then you do it yourself. I didn’t want to do it in the first place!” Xu Che weirdly smiled, “Hehehe, you make a move then. By the time you do, she would already be married to someone else and is already a grandmother. Don’t be a pretentious prick.”

“.....Who’s acting like a pretentious prick?”


Yes, even though he hates to admit it, he is acting like a pretentious prick.

Fu Ting Chuan doesn’t want to continue this line of conversation, but he still has some lingering fears about tonight’s matter.

Xu Che suddenly found a topic to tread, “She really asked you today? What did she say?”

“She directly asked me why I got her a drink.” Fu Ting Chuan replied.

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“Hahaha, and then?”

“I left.”

“You left?”


“You just left? You didn’t say a thing?”

“I left my phone on the chair.”

“On purpose?”


“She chased after you to return it?”




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