Third Comb

Chapter 20.2

Three Combs: Chapter 20.2

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Emerald Mayblossom5-7 minutes 07.07.2023

Mr. Fu.

For me, you are always the brightest star, in the past, present, and future.

Even if one day, you retreat into the shadows, you and I will not see each other again.

But my heart is devoted, it will never be shifted.

I think you can understand, right?


After the fireworks are all set off, everyone finally noticed the aftereffects of it.

Only when everyone went out to send the actors on their way did they realize the mess they made from the gunpowder residue.

The production crew was ethical to stay and clean up.

When they finished cleaning, it is almost 1 o’clock.

Under the guise of misplacing something, Jiang Tiao sent her colleagues away first. Then she sat alone in the dressing room for a long time.

She looked all around the room, it is pitch dark and quiet.

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At half past one, she locked the door of the dressing room, took her phone out, and opened a taxi service app.

A driver quickly connected to her and said that he will arrive in five minutes.

Jiang Tiao hung up the phone and let out a sigh.

The winter night is cold and a bit sad. It is even easy to exchange numbers with a stranger. She and Fu Ting Chuan have known each other for two months but they haven’t exchanged contact information.

It’s not that she never thought about doing so, it’s that she is afraid the take initiative. Now, after today, there is no more opportunity.

They are people who are miles apart. It would probably be hard for her to see him again.

While she is waiting, Jiang Tiao past the time by looking through Weibo.

Out of sheer coincidence, when she refreshed the page, the first post she sees is from Fu Ting Chuan.

Because he is usually busy with work, he rarely goes online and would only post every few months.

Fu Ting Chuan also had never posted a selfie on Weibo.

He had answered this question in an interview before. He said that he doesn’t take selfies because they are ugly so it is more suitable for someone else to take pictures for him.

The fans found it funny. The video was edited and reposted 50,000 to 60,000 times.

Jiang Tiao doesn’t know why they find this amusing. Fu Ting Chuan doesn't like to take selfies but that doesn't mean that he isn’t in any selfies taken by other celebrities. Therefore, the fans ridicule him as “a man who lives on someone else’s Weibo.”

When they say it, he heard it and remembered it.

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Anyway, as long as there is any movement on Fu Ting Chuan’s Weibo, Jiang Tiao, like any other fan, would treat it like a treasure.

They would continuously click on the post nonstop to the point that their phone might break.

The post would have had thousands of reposts and comments.

Because of the influx of traffic, the chances of him noticing a comment is even rarer. Therefore, they can only persevere and do the best they can. They don’t ask for anything in return and instead filled the comments with love. Maybe one day, he would look down and notice them. Maybe at that moment, when he is being bothered by a scandal or anti-fans, he can be encouraged by their support. Maybe he might even laugh when he sees his own name in the hot spot.

Yes, that is enough.

My heart is content.

It is a harmless purpose with hopeless expectations and selfless devotion all to support their idol.

It's really amazing but they never get noticed.

They can only tell everyone else every time, I am his fan.

A little agitated, Jiang Tiao’s thumb stopped on top of the Weibo page.

She pressed on the screen harder, afraid that it would disappear in the next second.

She noticed that the time it was posted was only a moment ago.

Jiang Tiao’s breathing grows rushed.

Fu Ting Chuan actually took a picture of her gift and posted it on Weibo.

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He found a dark place and turned off all the lights so the stone was brightly illuminated. Only a small, green ball of light glow across the glass. Its original form was not in sight.

From what others can see, they would think that it is a small butterfly or something else. Only she and Fu Ting Chuan are clear on what it is.

The glow is too small in the big picture, looking very ordinary.

But it is beautiful in Jiang Tiao’s eyes.

She looked at the accompanying text.


Not only does she lack oxygen, but her heart is also beating rapidly.

The hand holding the phone trembled. If her mood at the moment can determine her strength, she would be so happy that she might even be able to jump out of the universe.



Fu Ting Chuan accompanied this picture with a line of text.

It must be a quote from someone famous. It sounds very familiar.

Jiang Tiao faintly remembered that this is from a poem by Haizi.

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She stood there in a daze for a long time.

She tried to calm herself down and try think about the meaning of this sentence.

Unfortunately, there are no results.

Her cheeks are bright red, her heart is beating rapidly and the world is still with only her in it.

Jiang Tiao covered her mouth while her eyes curved in a smile. So annoying, she can’t hide the joy in her heart.

Jiang Tiao looked around and when she confirmed that there is no one around, she gave that post a like.

In the next second, she quickly unliked the post.

She also doesn’t know what she is doing.

It's either from worry or shyness.

It’s like Fu Ting Chuan is standing behind her and breathing down her neck, making her tremble.

His low voice sounded in her ear in the only way she can understand.

“I don't care about all mankind tonight, I just miss you.”


Fu Ting Chuan’s text on Weibo, I don't care about all mankind tonight, I just miss you, is from the poem, “Sister, tonight I am at Delingha” by Haizi.

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