Third Comb

Chapter 21.2

While Jiang Tiao is surrounded by little pink hearts, Fu Ting Chuan is showered with dark clouds….

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Several newspapers were slammed onto the table, almost knocking down the cup of coffee next to it.

A distinctly masculine hand nimbly steadies the paper cup.

Frightened, the white kitten skillfully leaped to the side. Two days ago, it replaced a certain person surnamed Xu as the new mascot for the studio.

“Today I don’t care about humanity, I just want to kill you!” Xu Che banged his hand on the glass table as pain shot up his palm, “Fu Ting Chuan, what are you doing?! When you finally post something on Weibo, you just have to make it hard for all of us!”

Fu Ting Chuan lowered his eyes and looked at the entertainment news in front of him. The main headline is him.

Chen Lu came from behind Xu Che and passed him to sit on the chaise lounge, not saying a word.

Fu Ting Chuan took a sip of the coffee and didn’t say anything.

When Xu Che saw that he isn’t speaking, he moved to sit on the sofa opposite Chen Lu and weakly waved his hand, “Ms. Chen, you try, I really can’t deal with him.”

Chen Lu’s eyes shifted. The Dior 999 lipstick on her lips made her domineering and extraordinary, “Ting Chuan, explain yourself. Why did you publish such a post on Weibo?”

Fu Ting Chuan wrinkled his brows, “Do I need a reason?” He always likes to push the question back to the originator.

“Of course, you are at this age. It’s impossible for you to act without thinking. There must be a reason to prompt you to post this.” Chen Lu lit a slim woman's cigarette.

These two days have been too damning so her cravings have come up.

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Fu Ting Chuan narrowed his eyes, “So….the intended party can see it.”

He knows that she is his fan so she will definitely pay attention to his movements.

When Xu Che heard this, he flipped, “Telling her in person won’t hurt! Huh? Especially on your last day! I gave you the perfect opportunity to be alone in the dressing room and what did you do?! You created a scandal that night! You know, the entire world is saying that you are trying to create hype, and is unorthodox. The fans are in disarray and even our studio Weibo is losing followers.”

“I don’t like saying this in person.”

“Ok, ok. You don’t like expressing your feelings in front of her but you sure are free to share it with the entire world.”

“They don’t know who I am talking about.”

“You don’t think other people won’t overassess the situation? Where do you think the scandal with you and Tong Jing Nian come from?” How can he miss the key point, Xu Che pulled his hair in frustration, “Also, if you can’t say it in person, why can’t you say it on the phone?”

“I don’t have her number.” Fu Ting Chuan finally stated the real reason.

“I do.”

Fu Ting Chuan’s brow twitched, “How did you get it?”

“That night when you were filming your last scene. Director Jiang pulled me to the side and gave it to me since they thought that I like Jiang Tiao. He even said some nice words to me and to take care of myself.”

“.....Heh.” Fu Ting Chuan let out a low sound from his nose.

Chen Lu exhaled a cloud of smoke, her voice filled with doubt, “Xu Che, why didn’t you give the woman’s number to him?”

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Xu Che, “Filming ended at freaking 12 o’clock that day. I was so tired I was knocked out the minute I came back. How was I supposed to know that this was going to happen?!”

Chen Lu glanced back and forth between the two men before it finally settled on Fu Ting Chuan. She let out a laugh, “Ting Chuan, do you have a picture of that girl?”

“No.” Fu Ting Chuan lightly spit out.

Chen Lu poured a little water into the white porcelain ashtray, “I really want to see what she looks like.”

Xu Che smoothed out the patch of hair he grabbed and spoke for Fu Ting Chuan, “Her looks are not bad. It’s not the earth-shattering type of beauty but the gentle and delicate type. Small face, fair, has a pair of beautiful hands, have her hair in a ponytail all the time, looks comfortable….”

Chen Lu listened carefully and smiled in amusement as she put the cigar into the water.

Fu Ting Chuan turned to look at Xu Che is an indiscernible expression in his eyes.

“Why are you looking at me like that? I have no interest in your woman, I’m only stating the facts. She really isn’t my type. Just like plain boil water, no desire….”

Fu Ting Chuan abruptly stood up, scaring Xu Che to silence as he raised his legs to block his face.

After a while, when he noticed that the other party doesn’t plan on taking any further action, he finally put down his defenses.

Fu Tingchuan looked down at him, "Phone."

Xu Che, “What phone?”

“Give it to me.”

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“Oh…..ok, ok. I’ll give it to you.” Servant Xu noticed his look of antipathy and immediately started looking through his contact list on his phone.

Fu Ting Chuan patiently stood in place, waiting for him.

The moment Xu Che saw the message “your text has been sent,” he immediately fled the scene with his phone.


During the lunch break, Jiang Tiao had her meal as usual.

She sat in a comfortable position with a lunchbox on her lap while her phone rested next to the flower bed next to her.

Just like this, one hand is holding the chopsticks, and the other swiping the phone screen.

Recently, whenever she is free, she would go on Weibo, her feed filled with news of Fu Ting Chuan. However, the most popular news is his scandal. The fans are still crying, “Boohoo, I don’t believe that he is only mourning Haizi,” etc. The big entertainment/gossip accounts even vividly recount the possible development of Fu Ting Chuan and Tong Jing Nian’s relationship during filming.

All of a sudden, the screen flashed for a second before it blackened and the phone starts to vibrate.

Jiang Tiao looked at the screen which revealed a string of unfamiliar numbers. The call originates from Beijing.

Seeing an unknown number on their phone will always make people hesitate to pick it up. What if it is a scam?

She waited for a moment. The phone continues to vibrate as if the other party has the intention to talk to her.

Very persistent.

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Could it be someone she knows?

When she was in school, she had a large social network and had good relations with many people. After graduation and they all went their separate ways, they still kept in contact with each other but not in the way where they would talk on the phone every day. It is like a gentleman's friendship, insipid as water. They rarely meet up and only when they are on vacation would they have a meal and chat.

Jiang Tiao put down the lunch box and answered the call.

“Hello, who is this?” she asked politely. The wind rustled the ginkgo tree as the golden ginkgo leaves fall on top of her head.

The other end was quiet for a while.

“Hello? Who is this?” Jiang Tiao grew anxious when she didn’t get a response for a long time.

Still silent.

Just as she was about to hang up, the other party must have known her intention as he replied.

“It’s me.”

Jiang Tiao froze. This all-familiar voice, low and mellow have been engraved in her heart for a long
His voice is filled with a smile, just like….

In “The Da Vinci’s Code,” the female students call his voice “chocolate for the ears.” For Jiang Tiao, it is like this.

The sun is too unreal, dazzling one’s eyes. Jiang Tiao didn’t dare to say a word as if she is afraid that she would wake up from this dream.

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