Third Comb

Chapter 7.1

Jiang Tiao looked at Fu Ting Chuan and suddenly understood why her almost sixty-year-old father would often act childlike.

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Some men’s mindsets and characteristics do not mature with age.

Jiang Tiao looked down at the kitten in his arms. The little furball is wrapped tightly so that only his head is revealed. She raised an objection, “The hotel probably doesn’t allow pets.”

“Sneak him in.”

“What about housekeeping?”

“I clean my own room.”

“What if he cries out?”

“You cover for me. When we passed by the front desk, pretend you’re on a call. A woman’s voice and a kitten’s voice are relatively sharp so they can be covered.”

He added, “Pretend that you are quarreling with someone over the phone, the louder the better.”

It’s like a real-life play, it all depends on the acting.

Jiang Tiao hesitated, “.....I’ll try.”

Fu Ting Chuan nodded, “When we reach the door, place your phone by your ear. Take three minutes now to get into the right mood. When you passed by the front desk, start arguing. That way, they won’t suspect anything. I will walk right next to you as we enter the elevator.”

Jiang Tiao, “....Ok.”

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Jiang Tiao hit her waist, “Can I ask you something?”


“We’re only sneaking in a kitten. Why do we have to act so secretly like a spy?”

“Have you seen my recent drama?”

“‘Gray’? I’ve seen it.” As a qualified fan, Jiang Tiao immediately answered.

“Gray” is the anti-Japanese spy drama that made Fu Ting Chuan popular a while ago. He played a special agent for the Communist Party with multiple identities, was highly competent, and was good at devising strategies.

“Yes.” Fu Ting Chuan resolutely said, “I put myself fully in the role.”

Jiang Tiao, “.....” Sure enough, like everyone said, he likes to make bad jokes.

When he saw her speechless expression, Fu Ting Chuan broke into laughter, “All right, I’ll stop teasing you. This is serious. I like to plan everything in advance and follow each step.”


Five minutes later.

The two people arrived in front of the elevator on 1F.

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The receptionists at the front desk watched the pair and began to swear at the vixen on their phones who are hastily walking with Male God Fu.

They only looked at his long legs, not caring about what is in his hands.

Jiang Tiao pressed the up button and let out a breath of relief, “I was so nervous we might get discovered.”

Earlier she was pretending to be yelling at an adulterer. The words she used were vulgar with killing intent, enough to make the man standing next to her with a whole new level of respect,

Fu Ting Chuan recalled his first impression of her the first time they met, “Your performance was unexpected.”

“Thank you.” Jiang Tiao thought he was praising her and didn’t hear the double meaning in his voice.

The man who likes to plan everything started to explain the next step, “You said you have povidone iodine in your room?”


“Get the first aid kit in your room and then go to Room 2016 so that we can treat the kitten’s injury.” His eyes went to her hand, “As well as your hand.”

“Your room?” Jiang Tiao immediately asked.


“You know how to treat wounds?” She asked again.

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When the words came out of her mouth she realized her focus was not on the main point. Shouldn’t she be thinking about the words “his room number”? But he looked to be very serious so she didn’t think of anything strange about it.

“En.” Fu Ting Chuan said unhesitatingly.


The elevator finally came down.

Jiang Tiao and Fu Ting Chuan stare blankly at the lift.

They didn’t think that there would still be someone coming down even though it is very late at night.

A slightly chubby girl stood in the elevator. She looked back and forth between Jiang Tiao and Fu Ting Chuan before finally settling her eyes on the man.

Jiang Tiao thought, finished.

It’s over, this cute girl started to scream.

“Ahhhhhhh–––––you’re Fu Ting Chuan, right? My god––––save me–––– am I dreaming–––you’re handsome–––Ah––––Are you really Fu Ting Chuan–––– God–––– you’re really handsome–––Æ

The girl excitedly jumped around. Her face is flushed and her eyes were excited as she looked at him in disbelief.

Fu Ting Chuan, “.....”

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The man put a finger to his lips, “Shhhh, don’t scream. It’s me.”

His low voice could enter the ears of every female within a hundred-mile radius of the vicinity.

The girl immediately held her breath.

He moved the kitten to his other arm and pushed Jiang Tiao into the elevator.

When the receptionist came to check over the situation, the elevator door slammed shut.

In the cramped space, Fu Ting Chuan was asked to take a picture with the girl. The girl’s hand trembled as she raised her hand up looking like she is about to faint.

Jiang Tiao held the kitten and stood to the side. She stared at Fu Ting Chuan who is looking seriously at the camera.

He really is an amazing guy. He rarely rejects requests from his fans. She always remembers two videos that she had seen before.

One is Fu Ting Chuan sitting in his minivan while his fans came over to take pictures with him. His hand was also placed on top of the door frame to keep them from bumping their head.

Another time some fans came to visit the set. At the end of the day, as he was about to leave, he remembered that he hadn’t taken any pictures with the little girls. He immediately jumped out of the car and stood in the middle of them. After the pictures were taken, he even took the time to educate them. He told them that they are young and should not stay out too late and to go home early. Oh right, he even took them home.


Jiang Tiao’s eyes stayed glued to the man. She looked into his eyes, soft as a cloud.

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