This BL Novel Is Ruined Now

Chapter 107: 107

Chapter 107

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Translator: Yonnee

RP: Haebaragi_syk


It’s all because of you. It’s all your fault!



Today, yet again, Reina sat up straight as she woke up, tears streaming down her face.

“Haa, haa, haa…”

With lips that had turned blue, she curled up and wrapped her arms around herself. She kept sweeping her hands over her arms, not knowing that her chin trembled nonstop.


It’s all because of you. It’s all your fault!


As the embers inside the room had been completely extinguished, even the moon’s gentle light did not properly illuminate the cold room.

Only her rough breathing could be heard; it was as if nothing else was alive around her. The silence surrounding her was bizarre and alien.


It’s all because of you. It’s all your fault!


Sweeping down her soaked, sticky nape, Reina tried to forget the dream she couldn’t even remember.

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“No… It’s not my fault.”

But then, the cry rang more desperately in her ears.


It’s all because of you. It’s all your fault!


Again, her head was throbbing. Her breath was lost. Only treads of air came and went through her throat as if a huge lodge was stuck there.

Gasp, gasp… Along with the sound of her labored breathing, waves of regret started pouring in.

For the sake of her own survival, she had changed the future.

But what if her actions had changed the entire world? What if Lehman, whose life was ruined because of her, was truthfully the real victim between the two of them? What if she was the heinous perpetrator…

Han Jae-hee. Novel. Reina Chantra. Ethan Liam. Paul. Lehman. Her parents. Noah. Eli.

The pieces that made up her world fell off one by one, gradually crumbling into powder.

She began to feel her throat tighten once more.

“Huuk… huuk…”

Suffocated and overwhelmed, Reina clutched her neck then eventually fell off the bed. The sound of her increasingly labored breaths barely flowed through the small gap.

Her vision distorted, as if everything around her was being tainted by paint that’s spreading all around. Her mind became distant.


I don’t know. I’m confused. It’s painful. It’s too much. I’m scared.


A faint echo rang everywhere all at once, but she didn’t even have enough strength to clench one hand into a fist.

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This was how Reina was falling apart.

She struggled to survive, forced herself to rid herself of guilt, thrashed about her limbs as she sank into the abyss.

But it was then.

A warm sound that felt like her mother’s embrace permeated through the air, echoing around her with a lullaby-like melody.


It’s okay. It’s going to be okay.


The whisper sounded like the faint ringing of various voices, but it soon became one single voice that filled Reina’s ears.


Everything’s going to be alright, child.


As her eyelids were struggling to crack open, light poured in. Her consciousness had been escaping her for a long time until now, but it finally returned gradually.


The same time she heard the warm voice, a cold sensation wrapped around her neck, and soon, fresh air barged into her lungs.

“S-Save me…!”

As if she had been drowning up until now, she instinctively grabbed a wooden post and inhaled a large amount of oxygen at once. Somehow or another, the dying embers were lit once again.


You are not at fault, child.


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A familiar, yet whispery voice.

Wavering like a budding tree that had just recently lost an obstruction keeping it grounded, she felt as if the confusion and guilt—which had been spreading rampantly within her—gradually subsided along with the gentle voice.


So, everything will be alright.


Over and over again in her head, the same words rang out.

The words rang dimly like a midsummer night’s dream, and by the time that it faded away completely, her troubled eyes opened right then.


But unlike those warm words, the only thing that welcomed her was an incredible sight.

“Why are my arms…?”

While she was flabbergasted, her mouth was agape as she slowly raised her hands up.

What filled her view was this: forearms that looked like they belonged to a lizard. Her pale hands were also gradually brutally changing into the claws of a beast that had just finished hunting.

There’s a saying that if you’re much too surprised, you can’t even speak. Those words were right.

As the situation had developed beyond cognitive comprehension, she just stared at her arms, not knowing what to say.

“What the hell is this…”

She managed to utter only a short sentence, but as soon as she did, a dull pain wracked all of her senses.


Just as the small groan announced the coming sunrise, so too did it prelude a change in the sky outside the window, which had only been dark until now.

And, at the same time.


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Her surroundings, including her hands, began to flicker like a screen with broken pixels.

“W-What is this?!”

At the shocking change of her own body, she shook her hands frantically. But the more she did this, the more the screen-like hands wavered as if there was an error.


Her breaths became rough once again. She couldn’t wrap her head around the visual stimulus all around her, and she could feel her consciousness growing dim.

“No…!! NO!! I just wanted to live…!! Aaack!”

Perhaps because the pain she was feeling and the situation she was witnessing was beyond the level she could endure, but it had become impossible to distinguish whether this was dream or reality.

The room around her began to distort through her vision that’s become mired with tears. She held dearly onto her consciousness so that it wouldn’t get cut off, and she ran blindly to the door. No, she crawled.

“S-Save me!! Please save me!! Mary!!! NOAH!!!”

However, when she tried to open the door with her hand, she found that she couldn’t. It had continued to change into a strange shape. Thump, thump, thunk—! Apparent noises of her attempts to open the door rang out, but the small doorknob eluded the huge hand that could not properly close.

Thud—! Thud—! Thud—!

“Mary…! Father…! Hiic…”

It was much too early in the morning and no other people were awake yet. Nevertheless, she kept banging on the door, hoping that at least one person would show up.

“Hiic, please… Noah…! Please, hiiiicc, P-Please save me…! Hiic, I want to live…”

Her face was in such a mess that it’s impossible to tell whether tears or mucus was running down her face, but the tears around her eyelashes was ruining her vision.

Thud—! Thud—!

“Please… Please… Open the door, hiiic, I feel weird… My hands are weird…”

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