Chapter 80

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Translator: Yonnee

RP: Haebaragi_syk


‘Yeah, it definitely looks like he doesn’t have a single hard muscle in his body.’

Eventually, Fran’s appearance in Ethan’s mind had become a lowly, deformed mollusk. It’s impossible to tell which side was the face and the butt.


Ethan nervously swept up his hair.

Another thought crossed his mind.

She was also calling Letis ‘my sweetheart’, or something like that.

Letis, too, began to distort in Ethan’s mind, going through the same procedure that Fran did.

Though Ethan was a dullard when it came to emotions, what he’s very well aware and confident of was just how good-looking he was.

Therefore, in his eyes, all of Reina’s ‘loves’ apart from himself were inferior creatures in both appearance and ability.

“Then, shall we wrap up our work?”

Ethan was finally pulled out of his reverie when the assistant, Sarah, asked him this question.


His eyes were most definitely on the documents in his hands, but when he came to his senses, he realized that he had been analyzing Reina’s behavior, not the reports.

Ever since she started working at this office, it had always been like this.

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‘I’m seriously going crazy.’

At this rate, he began to worry about being demoted because he’d been neglecting his job.


* * *


“My goodness. That guy’s eyes are going to turn into lasers from doing that.”

Reina, who was almost home, grumbled a little.

Ever since her internship began, Ethan—her superior—watched Reina like a prison guard who’s just waiting for his charge to make even the smallest mistake.

“Instead of doing his work, why does he just keep observing only me like a hawk…”

Reina was minding her business, trying hard to distinguish between public and private as he told her to do.

“He’s the one going beyond the line…”

Now that it’s impossible to even say the ‘se’ in seduction, how was she supposed to treat him in the public eye? She didn’t know what’s making him have such a nasty temper, him with those eyes that looked like he couldn’t catch his prey. Or with lasers shooting out of that gaze.

“Haa… Everything’s ruined. Absolutely ruined.”

Haplessly complaining, Reina sighed once again as she trudged away.

“Life as an intern is tough, I guess.”

But who was there to blame? She brought this all on herself.

It was about time for her to enter the mansion, and she continued to complain with her whole being about the woes of an intern.

“My daughter.”

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“Mother? Why are you here?”

She couldn’t help but wonder why her mother had come out to greet her personally. Her mother hardly ever did that.

“Shall we have a talk?”

“…My worst nightmare is hearing you say such words in that tone of voice, Mother.”

“Hm? What kind of tone?”

“An angelic one.”

“Hohoho. Oh, you.”

That’s not meant to be a compliment though.

“I’m telling you the truth…”

Whenever her mother showed that angelic expression and spoke in that angelic voice, it was always because she’s about to say some kind of request or order that always put people in a pickle.

And, sure enough.

“I believe it’s better for us to have a good mother-daughter talk before your father comes home.”

Unlike the gentle voice in which she spoke, there was an undeniable hint of seriousness behind the look in her eyes.

“Um… Okay.”

Reina and her mother took a walk together, but it wasn’t through the path at the spacious central garden. They were at a forest trail, amid the dense thicket of the woods.

Walking along the path for a long time, a luxurious glass greenhouse soon appeared.

Filled with exotic plants and birds that were not commonly seen in the capital, the greenhouse was especially designed by Reina’s loving father for his wife.

Therefore, it was a place where no one could enter without her mother’s permission.

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‘Is there something she wants to talk about without anyone hearing?’

A sinking feeling settled upon Reina, and her brows started to furrow at the center of her forehead.

“We’re going to the greenhouse?”


Only then did she hesitate a little, and her steps faltered. In the end, Reina stopped walking, her nose all scrunched up.

“Are you going to talk to me about my engagement?”

If it’s going to be a secret conversation between mother and daughter, then that’s definitely it.

“Ohoho, as expected, my daughter is truly quick-witted.”

“Haa… Is the elder council making a fuss?”

“That’s right.”

Reina’s mother naturally linked arms with Reina, leading her into the greenhouse. And as they stepped inside, the fragrance of flowers, plants and the soil stimulated her sense of smell. Reina felt like she had stepped into a tropical paradise.

As soon as the greenhouse’s door was shut, the daughter—who was dragged here with an upset expression as though she had bitten something bitter—grumbled.

“No, but why are the elders being so impatient? Didn’t they say they’ll wait until I graduate from the academy?”

“They did say that, yes. That’s why your father is trying his hardest to persuade them. But now, things have changed.”

Her mother beckoned her to sit down at the tea table that’s been set up at one side of the greenhouse. There were already cute desserts and drinks prepared there as if this greenhouse visit was planned.

Just in time, too. Reina was feeling famished, and so she picked up a snack without any hesitation. She mumbled through her words as she munched as well.

“Fran, Luke and Letis won’t get engaged all at once anyway.”

Their respective households were also still searching for suitable women who were on par with their peerages.

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The only problem was that Reina was the only girl who’s of a similar age to them and of a similar social standing. That’s why Reina somehow had a leeway here.

“Yes, you’re right.”

Reina’s mother listened to what she had to say, answering moderately from time to time.

“But why are they rushing me now?”

When the question finally came out, Reina’s mother gently set down her teacup and answered in a graceful voice.

“Because I heard that you, my daughter, are not pestering Ethan anymore. Isn’t that right?”


Once again, her mother’s voice was truly, absolutely elegant. Only her words went on to the radical axis.

“Pester… you say. Mother, really.”

“Is it true? Ohoho. You don’t know just how embarrassed this mother of yours had been. How can my own daughter seduce someone else in the same way that her father seduced her mother?”

“You fell for that embarrassing seduction method though.”

When Reina grumbled a little, her mother smiled warmly.

“Anyway, the elder council has learned that you are no longer approaching Ethan, so… Trying to appease them has become difficult.”

“By difficult, you mean…”

Watching as her daughter asked back seriously, the mother awkwardly and hesitantly dropped the bomb.

“Mmh… They said that if you cannot find a fiancé within the year, you will have to proceed with your engagement with the Karr household’s son.”



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