This is a Miracle

Chapter 17

Chapter 17: Miracle Creature

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January 29, 2022


in This is a Miracle


“Let’s eat something first.”

It’s too late today, Bai Luo could certainly not continue such a journey in the middle of the night.

It would be okay if he was alone, but with Shirley, even with his monstrous physical strength, he wouldn’t be able to stand it.

“Then rest for one night. We will continue on our way tomorrow.”

Afterward, Bai Luo carried Shirley on his back for another day in accordance with the instructions given by the black book.

“Big brother Bai Luo, what are you doing?”

Hearing this sound, Bai Luo immediately raised his head and saw Jerah of the Greenwood family and Noel of the White Eagle family. The two were looking at him with extremely strange eyes.

“Boss, what are you doing? I’ll help you…”

Noel quickly threw his spear to Jerah, untied his windbreaker, and wanted to help Bai Luo carry Shirley, but Bai Luo stopped him.

“Don’t help! You don’t need to help me!”

“If you want to help me, just drive off the nearby wild beasts. Don’t let them get in my way.”

Bai Luo is very confident in carrying Shirley back for two reasons. One is his confidence in his physical strength.

The second reason is because of the marks left by him.

He hadn’t returned for more than two days, so uncle Saros will definitely send someone to follow the marks he left to find him. As Bai Luo expected, Noel and Jerah found him.

This also means that Bai Luo is completely safe.

With the two of them around, as long as a Silvermane-level monster doesn’t appear, no creature will be able to get close to him.

“So, why are you carrying a horse on your back?”

Jerah was a bit confused. She looked at Noel with an inquisitive expression but the latter was just as confused. “I don’t know, but where did you get this horse from, boss?”

Bai Luo suddenly left, then came back with a white horse on his back.

This bizarre scene filled the two with disbelief.

Did they miss a page or something?

Why are they feeling a sense of reality fragmentation?


Bai Luo gasped heavily and said, “You only need to know that I am working hard for the future of the Arden village!”

Bai Luo couldn’t explain this bizarre situation. Could he say that Shirley is a miracle and that he is fulfilling the trial to awaken its miracle power?

Carrying a horse and climbing over 20 mountains.

It’s absurd!

Can normal people do this kind of thing?

This is no longer just a matter of luck and destiny. Even if ordinary people want to complete this trial, they simply can’t!


“What should we do?”

The two of them now recognize Bai Luo as their king and have pledged their allegiance to him. Naturally, they dare not question his decision.


Bai Luo commanded: “Climb a tall tree, stand high, and shoot the wild beasts remotely.”

“Noel,” Bai Luo calmly said,

“Investigate the surrounding terrain using your white eagles, then go ahead and help me clear the way!”



Bai Luo’s calm command instantly invigorated the two.

Jerah is good at long-range attacks. No one in their clan is better than her apart from Bai Luo, Issafeiya, and Saros, the top three.

Noel’s strength is also extraordinary. Even if he shuttle through the mountains alone, he can return safely.

Coupled with Bai Luo’s command, the three formed a team and directly reduced the Black Book’s trial to normal difficulty.

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Now, Bai Luo only has to focus on carrying Shirley back.

Is it hard? Definitely!

However, Bai Luo can do it!

“Good girl, we have to work harder.”

Without the nuisance of wild beasts, Bai Luo’s returning speed has greatly increased.

Noel asked his eagles to report their safety back to uncle Saros and the rest of the clan.

Two more days passed before Bai Luo finally brought Shirley home.


Bai Luo laid powerlessly on the stairs in front of his door, staring blankly at the clouds in the sky. He was physically and mentally exhausted.

However, hard work will eventually be rewarded.


Master: Bai Luo Arden

Level: Low

Type: Miracle Creature

Faction: Northern Earth

Ability: Unawakened

Contract method: Treating her injuries and carrying her home before the power of miracles disappear

Awakening method: unknown

[She has sincerely recognized you as her master. You got her, she will only belong to you]

[But her power has not been awakened yet, so please take good care of her until her injuries are healed]

The text on the black book has changed and the countdown has disappeared.

This means that Shirley’s trial has been completed.

Bai Luo finally breathed a sigh of relief. This time, he finally learned that acquiring miracles won’t be as easy as he thought. The difficulty of this trial was quite high, even for him.

Bai Luo didn’t feel much when he acquired the basic sacred pouch.

But to acquire Shirley, Bai Luo spent five days and five nights of hard work, carrying her over 20 mountains and hundreds of kilometers before completing the task. Naturally, he is looking forward to the day when Shirley’s miracle power awakens.

‘She already recognized me as her master ‘

‘I got her, and she belongs only to me. ‘

‘But her miracle power has not awakened yet, so is the last step missing?’

Bai Luo could feel the connection between himself and Shirley. They had already completed the most difficult step, the miracle acquisition contract.

However, Shirley’s power has not been awakened.

If he doesn’t learn how to awaken her miracle power, Shirley will remain an ordinary horse until the day she dies.

Only by awakening Shirley’s miraculous power can she truly become a miracle creature.

‘Wait until the day her injuries are healed…’

Bai Luo understood that the last trial could only be triggered after Shirley is able to run freely again.

In this case, Bai Luo mustn’t be anxious.

Shirley has already recognized him as her master, except Bai Luo, no one can complete the last task.

“Take a good rest.”

Bai Luo gently put Shirley into the stable specially built by uncle Saros.

Two days ago, Bai Luo sent a message with the white eagle to uncle Saros, asking him to build a stable next to his house.

The Ardennes worked hard and completed this task in just one day.

“Would you like something to eat, such as small tomatoes or corn?”

Bai Luo already knows Shirley’s taste. She likes sweet and sour, so she especially loves tomatoes and corn.

Regarding Shirley’s treatment, Bai Luo was extraordinarily kind and gentle.

Especially now that the two have a miracle contract relationship, Shirley also feels Bai Luo’s significance to herself.

He is her master, the one and only, the king she will follow for eternity.

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“When I have carrots in the future, I’ll let you taste horses’ favorite delicacy.”

Bai Luo knew that Shirley could understand his words, so he gently communicated with her as if she was a child.

“Big brother!! Are you okay?!”

Inya ran towards Bai Luo, her voice resounded from far away,

“A rumor spread in the village! They’re saying that you brought back a horse. Is it true?”

“Oh! There is really a horse!”

Inya quickly ran into the stable and looked at Shirley. Unfortunately, Shirley was very scared and would not allow Inya to get close.

The girl was a little disappointed, but she quickly cheered up.

“Pam Pam Pam!”

Bai Luo was in the yard, pouring crops from the sacred pouch.

Uncle Saros stood aside, observing the amount of food falling on the ground, stopping him occasionally, then instructing him what to release next and how much food he should release to keep a balance.

The basic sacred pouch had accumulated food for 5 days. If he pours out everything at once, then it would be really a mountain of food.

“So, what’s the matter with that horse?”

Uncle Saros inquired about Shirley and Bai Luo replied,

“I felt that we’re destined, so I brought her back.”

“Carrying a horse and climbing over 20 mountains, tsk tsk…”

Feeling that young people really know how to play, Saros took a whiff of his pipe and said, “Feiya is back.”


Bai Luo quickly stood up, “Elder Sister is back?”

“She came back last night.”

“Why didn’t you say it earlier!”

Bai Luo hastily said, “Where is she?”

“In the kitchen.”

Bai Luo looked at the kitchen in surprise. The house is quite dark. It took him a long time after resting to notice that there was a fourth person in his house.

‘I must be too tired to not notice my elder sister.’

“I’ll go over!”

Hearing that his elder sister was back, Bai Luo ignored the soreness of his legs, got up, and quickly walked into the kitchen.

Looking at Bai Luo’s back, Saros lamented,

“It’s so good to be young…”

“Little tomatoes, so sour and delicious!”

Looking at Inya who was stuffing her face with tomatoes, Saros was helpless. They are born from the same parents, so why is the gap so big?


Uncle Saros sighed, he doesn’t care about this anymore, let her be.

“Elder Sister!”

Bai Luo’s kitchen is not big and it’s full of firewood.

Issafeiya was standing in front of the stove with her back facing Bai Luo. She tied her long silver hair into a ponytail and tied an apron around her waist.

She was dressed in a common home outfit instead of the heroic knight dress. However, this not only didn’t reduce her elegant aura but made her more approachable.

It’s a pity that his elder sister doesn’t have the temperament of a gentle big sister.

Issafeiya’s temperament is too cold. Even the children in the village seldom play with her.

It’s not that they fear her, but they have deep respect and admiration for her.

In this regard, Inya is actually better than her sister. She is the pistachio of the whole village, and everyone loves her.

“Little Luo is back?”

Issafeiya turned her head and saw Bai Luo, the coldness and indifference on her face immediately melted away, revealing a gentle smile.

The gentleness of Issafeiya will only bloom in front of Bai Luo.

Only when facing Bai Luo will she appear more like a woman, rather than a powerful valkyrie.

“I’m home.”

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Bai Luo said with a smile,

“You should have seen me before, why didn’t you call me?”

“I didn’t dare to speak.”

It would be embarrassing if Bai Luo stumbled because of the sudden noise. Issafeiya is very considerate.

His elder sister brought out a basin of hot water for him, then said with a look of concern,

“You should be tired, wash your face and take a good rest, I will call you when dinner is prepared.”

“I’m not tired, not tired at all!”

Bai Luo washed his face, but he was unwilling to leave.

He moved a chair and just sat behind his elder sister. Looking at her beautiful figure from behind, Bai Luo felt that he could eat ten more bowls of rice tonight.

Bai Luo was single in his previous life, but he might have never eaten pork, had he not seen a pig run?

His elder sister is definitely the most beautiful, temperamental, and talented woman that Bai Luo had ever seen in both of his lives.

Therefore, since he was a child, Bai Luo has launched a big sister capture plan. He has loved her since he was a child and has vowed to make her his wife a long time ago.

Up to now, only the last step is missing before they officially become a couple.

“Go and rest!”

Issafeiya couldn’t do anything with Bai Luo’s gaze ogling her from behind, so she could only helplessly ask him to go rest, again.

“Besides, congratulations on acquiring a miracle.”

“Do you know about miracles?”

“A little earlier than you.”

Issafeiya had also searched for miracles, but it was because of this that she knew how difficult it is to obtain a miracle.

Only a true king, a heaven chosen, can acquire a miracle.

Whether it was elder sister Issafeiya or old uncle Saros, unfortunately, they are all losers.

Fortunately, Bai Luo acquired a miracle, which made the two of them even happier than finding a miracle themselves.

“By the way, take a look at the gift I brought back for you.”

The elder sister turned her head, the smile on her face remained undiminished,

“It may be a bit outdated, but it should be of some use to you.”

“Oh? Spices?”

Bai Luo found a bag of spices in the kitchen, not much in quantity, but extremely rich in variety.

Obviously, his elder sister collected them specifically for him.

“It’s too timely!”

Bai Luo said to Issafeiya,

“We just need to use them later, thank you, elder sister.”

“That’s quite the coincidence.”

Bai Luo recounted the abilities of the basic sacred pouch to Issafeiya. This is information that most of the Ardennes didn’t know.

They only knew that the basic sacred pouch could create delicious food, but they didn’t know the process or the details. The old man told Bai Luo to hide this information from the public, so even Issafeiya didn’t know before.

“Gift! What about me? My gift?”

Inya’s cheerful voice sounded from outside the kitchen. Elder sister Issafeiya looked at her dotingly and smiled,

“It’s there.”


Inya excitedly opened the package. It was filled with colorful candies.

“It’s candy!”

“I like my sister the most!”

Inya happily hugged her sister, then started grabbing a handful of candy and stuffing it in her mouth.

Bai Luo and Inya have similar hobbies, they both like to eat.

Elder sister Issafeiya is different from uncle Saros. She really spoils Bai Luo, even if he wants to eat spices that are equivalent to golden sand, as long as Bai Luo is happy, it’s worth it to her.

“I almost forgot, there is this.”

Issafeiya tidied up her clothes. She took off her apron, then bent down gracefully and knelt in front of Bai Luo.

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She did not choose to swear allegiance as a knight, but rather as a woman.

Because in front of Bai Luo, she is not only a powerful warrior but also his elder sister and even…

“I adjure to spend this life to serve you,” Issafeiya solemnly swore, “At all costs, guard you and your people, and fight for you.”

“I will serve you as my king!”

Bai Luo did not stop her, he understood the character of his elder sister.

At this solemn moment, Bai Luo stood there very quietly. He raised his head and held his chest up, but silently calculated the time internally.

“I accept your service.”

After three minutes, Bai Luo immediately lifted his elder sister up,

“Quick! Get up!”

Elder sister Issafeiya is very strong. She’s Arden’s number one powerhouse, Bai Luo can’t win against her.

Moreover, Issafeiya is both ridiculously strong and incredibly smart. Her wisdom is not under uncle Saros, compared to Inya, they’re like two completely different creatures.

Thinking of this, Bai Luo looked at Inya on the side, who was stuffing her mouth with candy like a squirrel and felt a great toothache. They’re sisters! But why is the difference between them so big?!

“Brother, do you want some?”

Feeling Bai Luo’s gaze, Inya thought he wanted her candy, so she offered some generously,

“You can pick as much as you want!”

“No, you can eat it yourself.”

With a face full of regrets, Bai Luo asked her to go out to play by herself. He had something to talk about with his elder sister.

Inya didn’t think much of it and happily bounced away. She plans to find some younger children and show off her candy.

“Is this the new food?”

Issafeiya looked curious. She gently kneaded the dough with her hands. Bai Luo noticed that she was quite proficient, but if she had touched it before, why would she ask such a question?

However, upon thinking of his elder sister’s terrifying talent, Bai Luo didn’t feel that it was strange anymore.

Even if it was the first time she did such a thing, she immediately learned the trick and drew inferences about it.

Bai Luo wasn’t surprised, “Well, what do you think of the food I saw in my dream?”

“Unlike ordinary flour, this grain called wheat ferments beautifully.”

This world also has similar practices, but because of different materials and concepts, people mostly make bread instead of noodles or pasta.

Bai Luo took out wheat and barley, ground them into flour, and proposed concepts such as buns, steamed buns, noodles, and cakes.

Uncle Saros knew that he was very keen on eating, so he quickly used these concepts to work out the corresponding production method.

In less than half a month, the old man almost reproduced all the recipes of Bai Luo’s past life food. Even the tools for making these foods were recreated by the old man.

During the whole process, Bai Luo just gave a general direction.

Fortunately, Bai Luo has long been accustomed to his uncle’s awesomeness.

If it’s not awesome, then it’s not his uncle.

It’s worth mentioning that the old man has found the trick to make soy sauce. However, it will take some time to make the finished product.

“We’re eating noodles tonight.”

Bai Luo has tasted the craftsmanship of his elder sister since he was a child. She is an amazing cook!

Although the materials weren’t enough, making it difficult for her to create amazing delicacies, in terms of craftsmanship, his elder sister is world-class!

For example, the noodles she made were smooth and delicious, full of elasticity, coupled with specially marinated steak, it was heavenly! Inya was not satisfied even after eating six bowls in a row. She ate until her belly was bulging, then laid down on the couch.

“I can’t eat anymore~~”


Bai Luo patted Inya’s head,

“Don’t lie down after eating, go out for a walk.”


Inya murmured with a dissatisfied expression, but she could only obediently follow the words of her big brother.

In the past, the Ardennes paid attention to eating less and moving less, because there wasn’t enough food.

But now that food is more abundant, the Ardennes need to make full use of it to bring out their full potential.

Only when they grow up and become strong warriors can they protect the Arden clan.

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