This is a Miracle

Chapter 21

Chapter 21: The Battle of Vengeance

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The Ardennes formed a circle, and once again performed the miracle oath ceremony under the leadership of uncle Saros.

Well, that’s right, it’s the ritual of kneeling on the ground for 3 minutes.


Wearing the huge silver mane, Bai Luo blankly looked at the pious clan members. He didn’t quite understand the meaning or significance of this ceremony, but now he can only act like a statue or a mascot.

Everyone is so serious, Bai Luo naturally can’t break the atmosphere.

However, most people will never encounter this kind of ceremony in their life, and even if they do, it’s absolutely a once-in-a-lifetime event.

However, the Arden clan had conducted two miracle oath ceremonies in just half a month!

The old people who knew the true meaning of a miracle were trembling with excitement at the moment.

The second, the second miracle!

Bai Luo has found the second miracle!!

Soon, the ceremony was over. Everyone was excitedly talking about it.

Compared with the knowledgeable old people, the attention of the rest of the people who didn’t know the rarity of miracles was still on Shirley.

They watched as Shirley stood majestically in a clearing with Bai Luo on her back, and around her, four horses knelt down on their knees. They lowered their heads so much that they touched the grass, just like peasants worshiping their queen.

Bai Luo is the king of Arden, and Shirley is the king of all horses!

“What is this?”

“It’s a horse, but it has wings!”


“Brother Bai Luo said she’s called pegasus; Pegasus Shirley.”

“A flying horse… Is it considered a bird or a horse?”


Shirley was surrounded by people, but she was not displeased, because the eyes of the Ardennes were full of awe and admiration.

It was just like when stars or important people appear, ordinary people will follow them, cheering and shouting.

Looking back at Inya, she looked very envious. She wished to stand in Shirley’s place and receive those stares of admiration.

“Shirley, you’ve become a celebrity.”


Bai Luo didn’t explain, he just said, “They are my people, and also your people from now on.”

Miracles don’t only guard their king, but also their king’s country and subjects.

“Shirley will shelter them!” Shirley happily said.

Her impression of the Ardennes is not bad. During the week she was recovering here, Mia and Schuster often picked mountain fruits and brought them back for her to eat.

The Ardennes have few horses. Except for Shirley, they have four other horses. Naturally, they took good care of them.

“I heard that she’s a miracle creature. So, are there many types of miracles?”

Jerah and her younger brother John looked at Shirley from a distance. Both of them were quite surprised,

“What a divine horse, I have never seen such an amazing horse.”

“However, she can fly… How can we deal with such an enemy?”

“Bow and arrows?”

It wasn’t just the Greenwood brother and sister, but also Noel and Fiora of the White Eagle family. Both of them looked at Shirley with great respect.

They had traveled across many mountains and valleys before, and although they had seen many monsters, none of them could compare to Shirley. Even Silvermane is nothing compared to her.

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Especially Noel, as a warrior, and a powerhouse from the Arden clan, he could vaguely feel the insurmountable chasm between him and Shirley.

‘If I become her enemy…’

‘I will die! ‘

It wasn’t just Noel, it was every competent Ardennes’ feeling.

Shirley is strong, incredibly so.

However, not even Bai Luo or Shirley herself knew the extent of her power.

“A miracle creature, the second miracle, incredible, too incredible.”

The old man showed a rare trace of agitation. His hand holding the pipe trembled a little. He looked at Bai Luo with wide eyes, and the more he looked at him, the happier he felt. He felt even happier than the time when Bai Luo acquired the basic sacred pouch.

Because Bai Luo found the second miracle, once again proving that he is the destined king!

If not destiny, who can find two miracles in such a short period?

Acquiring a miracle is already a one in a hundred million chance!

Now, the same person getting two miracles is something that even Saeos had never heard of.

Maybe it happened in mythology, but among the living people and current history, the old man really hadn’t heard of such a person.

However, Bai Luo has done it, he has done something that only a mythological king has done. Uncle Saros is very proud of Bai Luo.

Of course, there is a more important reason why he was so happy, that is, Bai Luo’s second miracle is a horse.

Even a fool knows that horses can fight!

This is a miracle with combat effectiveness!

“Great! Great!!”

Uncle Saros patted Bai Luo’s shoulders several times, his face filled with excitement,

“With Pegasus, oh, her name is Shirley, right? With this girl, we can cultivate an army that is unique to Arden!”


Bai Luo felt that this word was quite familiar yet strange, “But we only have one Shirley…”

Saros has told him before that miracle creatures are unique and can’t be copied.

“This is not a problem.” Saros confidently said,

“Miracle creatures are the source of the power of miracles. With the appearance of the first one, the second and the third will soon follow, then a whole race based on the miracle creature will be born!”

“Are you telling me to let Shirley reproduce and make offspring?”

“No, that’s not called reproduction.”

Uncle Saros is quite familiar with miracle creatures,

“Most miracle creatures themselves cannot reproduce, but they contain phenomenal miracle power in their bodies, which they can grant to other creatures.”

“Through the bestowal of miracle power, ordinary creatures will become miracle derivatives, miracle children, or the even more powerful miracle race.”

Miracle races and miracle creatures, the two are interrelated.

With a miracle creature at hand, it’s not difficult to develop a miracle race. It’s just a matter of time. Correspondingly, with the appearance of a miracle race, it’s possible for a king to be born amongst them, that is a miracle creature.

However, miracle creatures are unique. There are absolutely no two identical miracle creatures in the world.

“Then Shirley…”

“I have to do some research,” Uncle Saros said,

“Different miracle creatures have different ways to conceive miracle descendants. We have to observe and determine Shirley’s situation.”

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“Now, little Luo, lead the clan to test Shirley’s ability.”

“The difference between miracle creatures and miracle items is that miracle creatures process great strength as soon as they awaken,” the old man said,

“If I didn’t make a mistake in judgment, the entire Arden clan might not be her opponent.”

“Strength, speed, physique, defense, resistance, and weakness.”

“Little Luo, you need to find out Shirley’s parameters.”

It would be embarrassing if even Bai Luo, the miracle master, didn’t know about Shirley’s abilities.

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. This is the minimum.

“A test?”

Uncle Saros left, and elder sister Issafeiya took over the task of tallying Shirley’s approximate parameters, “Let’s start with strength.”

Strength test.

“The White Eagle Family, the Greenwood Family, and Inya come here.”

Issafeiya started selecting the adult men and women in the clan. The first ones she called were Noel and Fiora from the White Eagle family, Jerah and John from the Greenwood family, and Inya.

Although most of the Ardennes aren’t as strong as Bai Luo, they are generally much stronger than ordinary people.

Ardennes like Bai Luo, who can carry 500 kg on their back and climb over dozens of mountains in just a few days are extremely rare.

Among the Ardennes, the only one who possesses a stronger physical fitness than Bai Luo is his elder sister Issafeiya.

Of those five, Noel has the best talent, Fiora and Jerah are at a similar level, but they were all far from Bai Luo.

There are quite a few middle-aged women in the clan, their number is about 30. Their combat power might not be compared to the elites of the Arden clan, but they are still Ardennes, possessing a natural warrior physique.

Moreover, all of them have been trained in combat. For them, fighting three or five soldiers is not a big problem. Even Bai Luo doesn’t dare underestimate them.

In this test, almost all of Arden’s adults were dispatched. The first thing they tested was Shirley’s strength. Her lifting capacity, pulling strength, and more.

Soon, the test results came out one after the other. The faces of the Ardennes changed from the initial curiosity to the current shock and panic.

Elder sister Issafeiya stood on one side with a wooden board in her hands. Her eyesight was no less than that of the old man, so she quickly tallied the approximate data.

“Is this the power of a miracle creature…”

The previous test can be concluded with just one sentence. The Ardennes have tried all means to deal with Shirley, but no matter what clever tricks they used, no matter what plan they designed, no matter how many people they dispatched, it was all in vain.

“How can we deal with such a creature?!”

“It’s too incomprehensible, is there such a big gap between us and miracle creatures?”

The Ardennes finally experienced the frustration that Saros went through in the past.

No matter how hard they work or how much they hone their skills, they are still powerless in the face of miracle creatures. Shirley can effortlessly crush them.

Issafeiya showed the test results to the old man, but the latter only took a glance, then shook his head, “Feiya, you underestimate miracle creatures.”

“Underestimated? But I’ve recorded every parameter with precise details…”

“Shirley has just become little Luo’s miracle. She will become stronger over time and will awaken many new abilities,” Uncle Saros calmly said,

“We also have to take this point into consideration.”

“If we don’t think and calculate things beyond the scope of parameters and intelligence,” Saros said to everyone, “Only death is our destination in the face of miracles!”

“Expect the unexpected, huh?”

Different from the gentleness at home, Issafeiya is very serious about fighting, “I understand, father.”

Miracles will only be more powerful than your imagination.

If they can’t plan three steps ahead, or even ten steps, and rely solely on data and information, they will definitely pay a heavy price.

Uncle Saros knew from the beginning that Shirley’s strength is beyond their imagination.

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He has seen miracle creatures with many different magical abilities before. Not to mention original miracle creatures, even in the face of their derivatives or members of their miracle race, Saros isn’t an opponent.

What’s more, miracle creatures are simply immortal.

Even if they are destroyed, as long as the miracle master is alive, they will be resurrected.

This gives miracle creatures the advantage of being expandable. It also makes them invincible on the Battlefield.

“Are we going?”

“It’s time to depart.”

Uncle Saros agreed with Bai Luo’s opinion,

“In order to avoid danger, we should depart as soon as possible. As long as we arrive at the overseas islands one day earlier, we will break away from the control of the Earl of Thorns and the Iron Eagle King one day earlier.”

“Little Luo, although you have two miracles, the Earl of Thorns has obtained his miracle for over eighty years.”

One is a rookie and the other is a veteran miracle master.

They can’t say that the Earl of Thorns is definitely stronger than the current Bai Luo though. It’s difficult to make a comparison.

After all, so far, not many people know what is the miracle of the Earl of Thorns nor how far has it grown.

Although miracle masters use their miracles, most of them hide the main body of the miracle and only use its power.

For example, Bai Luo’s future territory will have potatoes and sweet potatoes, which are miracle derivatives, but how many people are going to know in the future that they have been poured out from the basic sacred pouch?

The basic sacred pouch is the essence and original miracle.

In contrast, the agriculture of the whole country in the future will only be the product of its miracle power.

Similarly, Shirley is not a miracle that can be used at will in the future.

She’s like an infinite gold mine.

Gold is fundamental, but it’s money and a proper economic system that can make a nation prosperous and strong. All of this is based on gold.

As for how to spend this money, whether to use it to develop an army or to improve people’s livelihood, it all depends on the wisdom and wish of the miracle master.

In the future, the Ardennes will receive Shirley’s gift and get the power of miracles, allowing them to become stronger.

However, Shirley will be their trump card. As their secret weapon, the Ardennes will definitely try their best to hide her information to prevent her weaknesses from being discovered and being targeted.

“By the way, old man.” Bai Luo inquired, “If we kill some people now, will it hinder the migration plan?”

Hearing Bai Luo’s words, the White Eagles siblings and the Greenwood siblings along with Inya looked at him.

Especially the Greenwood siblings, who often hunted wild beasts and monsters for Arden, their eyes were full of surprise. They had guessed who Bai Luo was going to kill.


‘Are we going to get revenge?’

They did not speak but quietly waited for the judgment of Saros and Issafeiya.

Bai Luo knew his position. He is a leader and a king, but he is certainly not a super wise man or strategist.

He has the right and power to make decisions but he also has the obligation to protect his people.

If the entire Arden family is going to be destroyed for the sake of his personal vendetta, then Bai Luo would rather continue to hold back.

“We can’t kill some people yet.”

The people uncle Saros was referring to were the soldiers under the command of the Earl of Thorns.

These people aren’t wrong by themselves though, they just follow orders.

The cause of the constant levy of grain and the heavy taxation lies in the lucrative and powerful people. Such as the nobles.

In addition, if they attack these people, the Earl of Thorns will immediately know about their state at a critical moment. They must not lose their secrecy and their advantage of being in the dark for such a trivial matter.

“I see.” Bai Luo sighed and said,

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“I will investigate first. If there is no other way, we can only wait. It’s not too late for a gentleman to take his revenge within 10 years.”

“It’s not too late to return the favor.”

“However, some people are damned!”

For those black-hearted merchants who have squeezed and exploited the Ardennes for nearly ten years, the old man’s stance is the same as that of Bai Luo.

In the past, they didn’t have the capital, naturally, the Ardennes didn’t dare to bare their fangs and even had to constantly restrain themselves.

However, they have the capital now!

Only by killing these people can the humiliation of the Ardennes over the years be washed away.

“In a few days, that caravan will come.” The old man actually calculated the time. He said to Bai Luo,

“These people hardly have any connection with the nobles’ soldiers, but they will bring some mercenaries.”

Mercenaries, those guys are desperados. Even if they die, few people will care.

“You are our leader now, the master of miracles.”

“I’ve never heard of anyone who has acquired more than one miracle.”

In Saros’s eyes, Bai Luo is the destined king! He is born for greatness!

“If you want to do it, then do it!”

All Ardennes will follow Bai Luo’s will and fight for him. This naturally includes uncle Saros.

The old man took a few steps back and motioned everyone to gather in front of Bai Luo, waiting for their king’s instructions.

“Humiliation must be washed with blood!”

Bai Luo shouted to all the Ardennes,

“For ten years, they have been oppressing and deceiving us, forcing us to sell our priceless furs and mountain treasures for low prices. They humiliated us and drove us to the edge of starvation!”

“They deserve to die!!”

After Bai Luo finished speaking, the Ardennes immediately shouted in agreement.


“Kill them!”

“Please let me go with you!”

“Me too!”

Bai Luo’s strength isn’t weak, but with only him and Shirley, some of them might flee, hence Bai Luo decided to bring more people to ensure that no one escapes in the end.

“If you want to go, bring your weapons and gather at the entrance of the village tomorrow evening.” Bai Luo solemnly said,

“I only have one requirement for you in this operation.”

“Don’t leave a single one!”


The morale of the Ardennes was extremely high. They have been suppressed for many years after all.

Now that they have abundant food, coupled with half a month of recuperation, most of them have recovered their peak physical strength and vitality. Even the women’s blood was boiling for war.

However, Bai Luo still needed them to stay and protect the children, so he didn’t agree with them coming along.

Moreover, this operation doesn’t require many people. In fact, Bai Luo, Shirley, and Issafeiya are enough. Concealment is more important than combat effectiveness.

However, the Arden clan youth wanted to take revenge. In the end, Bai Luo, the captain, Issafeiya as his deputy, plus Inya, Noel, and Jerah will participate in this operation.

A total of five people will attack and kill the treacherous merchants, getting revenge for their clan.

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