This is a Miracle

Chapter 26

Chapter 26: Ideal Coast

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February 10, 2022


in This is a Miracle


“What’s wrong?”

Issafeiya looked at Bai Luo with a puzzled expression, unsure why he suddenly stopped.


Bai Luo glanced at the black book pages that started moving again with extreme excitement, but on the surface, he continued to calmly arrange work.

Soon, Bai Luo arranged things properly.

“I have something to do, elder sister, you…”

The matter of finding miracles is very critical, this thing is an extremely important strategic resource, the more the better.

Bai Luo couldn’t tell Issafeiya directly that he is going to find a miracle. After all, the matter of purposely finding miracles is too fantastical. It’s shocking enough to shake the balance of the world.

“Leave it to me.”

Fortunately, Issafeiya understood Bai Luo’s intentions.

She didn’t ask anything. If Bai Luo said that he has something to do, then it must be important. All she has to do is to help him afterward, not question his decision.

Bai Luo didn’t thank Issafeiya, with their relationship, it was redundant.

“Little Luo, he…”

Watching Bai Luo leave, Saros walked towards Issafeiya. With his unique vision, he naturally noticed that Bai Luo’s sudden departure was a bit strange.

“This is the talent of our king.”

Saros naturally understood what Issafeiya meant. The old man gently stroked his silver beard and said, “This… Even little Luo can’t possibly find a third miracle, right?”

Apart from discovering traces of a miracle and attempting to contract it, Saros couldn’t find another reason for Bai Luo’s strange behavior.

Danger? Very unlikely, he didn’t feel anything.

The observation and judgment abilities of Saros and Issafeiya aren’t under Bai Luo, in fact, they are even sharper. The only thing that might get past their terrifying instincts were objects related to miracles.

But still! A third miracle is a bit too much!

“He will find it.”

Issafeiya has near blind trust in Bai Luo, not to mention three miracles, she felt that her beloved brother could get one hundred!

“The matter of finding miracles can’t be forced.”

Saros was actually quite satisfied.

The basic sacred pouch could serve as the economic and agricultural foundation of a country, and Pegasus can act as the foundation of their military. Bai Luo definitely has the capital to build a huge country, the only thing they’re lacking is time.

“Father, in your opinion, what will little Luo’s third miracle be?”


The old man didn’t know how to respond to Issafeiya anymore. This girl seems certain that Bai Luo would get the third miracle.

Unwilling to dampen her enthusiasm, the old man said no more.

He was afraid that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment,

“I have to inform little Alea. If Little Luo doesn’t find the miracle he is looking for, she should be ready to console him.”

It’s not that Saros was disbelieving. He was just worried that Bai Luo would get disappointed.

In the eyes of the old man, Bai Luo is the heaven chosen. Finding two miracles is more than enough to show that he has the qualification of a great king. Bai Luo doesn’t need to prove anything more

Even in his present condition, the Ardennes will fanatically follow him until the end of time.

‘The third miracle… ‘

Saros is rarely so irrational, but his trust and confidence in Bai Luo aren’t under Issafeiya. He has always thought that his child was destined for greatness,

‘What could it be?’

“Not good, my heart is wavering.”

‘I, Saros, am a mature and stable man, I mustn’t be so greedy!’

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“…I wonder what Little Luo’s third miracle is?”

Bai Luo, who didn’t know that the old man and his elder sister had guessed his purpose, was riding Shirley on the edge of the forest.

He sank into the depths of his consciousness, looking at the black book. After more than half a month, the familiar riddle appeared again.

[The door of the pumpkin car slowly opened. The beautiful blond-haired princess, the frozen heart queen, come forth! The godmother is calling your name——6 days 23:50]

[Direction: 20° southeast]

“I’m not the one I used to be! A mere riddle can’t stump me.”

Looking at the direction the compass needle was guiding him to, Bai Luo immediately rode on Shirley and set off. With Pegasus, Bai Luo no longer needs to worry about any journey.

Shirley’s speed is extremely fast, faster than any plane from his past life.

It shouldn’t take much time to complete the roundabout trip.

“Let’s go, Shirley.”

“Understood, master!”

Shirley immediately froze upon saying that

“But where are we going? Master?”

Shirley inquired with puzzlement. She couldn’t see the compass, naturally, she didn’t know where Bai Luo wanted to go.

Pegasus has the natural ability of Omni-navigation. As long as Bai Luo desires to go to a place, Shirley can take him there without a map or any other indicator.

However, finding miracles isn’t within Shirley’s ability range.

Even if Bai Luo wants to find a miracle, Shirley wouldn’t be able to feel the location of that miracle.

“We’re looking for something, I’ll show you the way.”

“Received! My master!”

With a direction, Shirley immediately spread her wings and soared into the sky.

She restrained her glittering light. Even under the moonlight, Shirley could conceal herself so as to not be seen by people on the ground.

“That way!”

“A little more to the left.”

“Yes, keep flying in this direction.”

Just like that, Bai Luo directed Shirley to fly in the direction pointed by the compass.

They flew over mountains, dense forests, and huge canyons.

Bai Luo and Shirley didn’t know how long they had been flying, but the sky east had started to lighten up.

“Haven’t we arrived yet?!”

Although he felt that shouldn’t be surprised anymore, Bai Luo felt that he was fooled by the black book again!

He is now leading the Ardennes to migrate! The impact of his sudden disappearance is too great.

Bai Luo originally thought that with Shirley, it shouldn’t take long to complete the back and forth journey, but it has been more than six hours and the needle hadn’t turned yet.

“It looks like I have to go back first.”

With Shirley, Bai Luo would never get lost, she knew the way back.

Looking at the time on the black book, there are still more than 6 days, hence Bai Luo wasn’t in a hurry.


Just when Bai Luo was about to return, the needle suddenly turned around.

“Ha? Haa, Hey!”

Bai Luo hurriedly said to Shirley,

“Shirley we passed over the target, stop, stop, stop!”


Shirley inwardly exclaimed and quickly stopped.

The pegasus stood high in the sky, scanning the scenery below with both eyes, but found nothing.

“Master, what are we looking for? Shirley couldn’t sense anything.”

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“We’re looking for a miracle.”

Bai Luo had nothing to hide from Shirley.

Shirley is Bai Luo’s miracle creature, their souls are connected. They share the same origin and even life and death.

As long as Bai Luo is still alive, Shirley could be resurrected countless times.

However, if Bai Luo dies, Shirley will also disappear.

“Miracle? Shirley can’t sense the power of miracles.”

As a miracle creature, Shirley naturally can perceive the power of miracles, but despite observing the vast land below, she couldn’t detect the slightest fluctuation of miracle power.

“Forget it, let’s go down first. We’ll look for it once we’re on the ground.”

Bai Luo was unsure of how to explain, hence he told Shirley to go down.

During this process, Bai Luo carefully observed the pointer and tried to land in a position that doesn’t deviate too much.

The sun slowly rose from the horizon, golden light pierced the sky and spilled into the world from the east.

They landed in a vast sea of flowers. It was early morning, the flowers still had dew drops. Shirley landed in the middle of the flower sea, but neither dew nor flower petals stuck on her, her hooves were still pure white.

“Master, is it here?”

“This should be the place.”

The compass was pointing to this place.

However, despite carefully observing the surrounding scenery, Bai Luo couldn’t find anything special.

The timer on the black book is still slowly decreasing, moreover, the compass is still there. That means that he hadn’t found out the miracle yet. He still hadn’t got his hands on the thing.

“So what is this miracle?”

Bai Luo jumped off Shirley’s back, and used an ability that he recently discovered, manifesting the phantom of the compass into his palm, then walking in the flowers field.


“How bizarre.”

This miracle is a bit unusual. Whenever Bai Luo roughly determines the position and tries to squat down to search, the pointer would move, changing direction.

“It moves?”

Bai Luo understood, he looked at the dancing butterflies and bees around.

“The only things that move around in this flower field seem to be those?”

“But their number is too great!”

There are countless butterflies and bees around this flower field.

Bai Luo watched as the pointer in the compass constantly turned around, then ran back and mounted Shiley, “The target has been determined, it’s one of the butterflies or bees around.”

It’s difficult to catch all of these butterflies and bees with Bai Luo’s speed.

Fortunately, Shirley is extremely fast. As long as the target is determined, she can catch it instantly.

Even if they scatter in the sky, none of these creatures can escape from Shirley’s grasp.

“Catching butterflies?”

Shirley looked at the fluttering little creatures in front of her with sparkling eyes. She heaved a loud and joyful cry.

The pegasus soared into the sky, then swooped down at an amazing speed.

To the naked eye, only a white light could be seen. When she stopped, Bai Luo found that many butterflies and bees were fluttering around him.

“Master, look around.”

An invisible wind barrier covered these little creatures inside. They wanted to fly out, but no matter how much they struggled, a glass wall seemed to encompass them, preventing them from flying away.

These butterflies and bees are almost harmless. Naturally, they can’t hurt Shirley or Bai Luo.

“I’ll go down and see.”

Bai Luo hurriedly dismounted and got out of Shirley’s wind barrier. He looked at the compass in his hand and constantly spun around Shirley.

Suddenly, the compass disappeared, replaced by a map with red and blue dots.

“It’s in there!!”

The new miracle is definitely one of the butterflies or bees trapped inside!

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However, there are dozens of them inside the wind barrier. Bai Luo wasn’t sure which one was their target, hence he decided to release them one by one.

He told Shirley to crouch down and release these little creatures one by one.

Bai Luo was waiting outside, quickly covering the released bees or butterflies with his palm, then gently releasing them once he determined that they weren’t his target.

In the end, Bai Luo determined his goal, it was a very beautiful and elegant black swallowtail butterfly.

[You found it, but it doesn’t belong to you yet, so why not find a crystal bottle and give it a small home?]

Looking at the exquisite little creature flying around Shirley, Bai Luo knew that he had found his third miracle.

There was an invisible wind barrier around Shirley, preventing the little creature from escaping, hence Bai Luo doesn’t have to worry that he would accidentally pinch it to death.

“Crystal bottle?”

Bai Luo was stunned, “Why would you want such a thing?”

The black book has really given him a problem, Bai Luo doesn’t have anything like a crystal bottle in his hands.

It’s not that crystals are so expensive that Bai Luo can’t afford them, the problem is that there are no containers made of crystal in the Arden clan.

Of course, crystals are also extremely rare in this area.

If it was glass, Bai Luo could simply ride Shirley to the nearest town and steal some, but crystal…

“Forget it, let’s go back first.”

He had disappeared for an entire night. If he doesn’t go back, even his elder sister will start to get worried.

On the way back, Bai Luo asked Shirley to use her fastest speed.

It took seven or eight hours to come, but only three hours to go back.

Looking at the black swallowtail butterfly, it calmly fluttered in Shirley’s wind barrier. The barrier shielded all wind pressure and temperature change, hence it was able to fly so leisurely.

When it got tired of flying, it laid down on Bai Luo’s fingers to rest.


“Little Luo is back!”

Hearing Bai Luo’s voice, Issafeiya hurriedly stood up and led the Ardennes to welcome him.

Instead of continuing their journey, they waited here for Bai Luo to come back.

“Sorry, something suddenly came up, hence I had to go.”

Bai Luo apologized to the Ardennes, then asked everyone to continue on their way. Meanwhile, he looked for uncle Saros and asked,

“Uncle, do you know where I could find a crystal bottle?”

“Crystal bottle?”

This was a rather strange question, but as usual, the old man didn’t ask much, “How many do you want?”


Bai Luo just wanted to ask the old man for the location of some crystal bottles, then either buy or steal some.

But the old man’s answer surprised Bai Luo, “Do we have crystal bottles?”

“We didn’t have them before.”

The old man took a deep breath from his smoke pipe and said,

“But didn’t you decimate that caravan before? There were a few crystals amongst the things you brought back. I was a bit bored, so I made a few crystal cups and bottles.”

“You are also capable of crystal crafting?”

Bai Luo exclaimed internally that his old man is really versatile. What is this old man incapable of?

“I’m only a bit knowledgeable. I don’t think that I’m very skilled.”

These words sounded inexplicably familiar. Bai Luo felt that he heard them in the past, but he didn’t ask much. Anyway, all he needs is a bottle,

“I need a crystal bottle that has air circulation inside, it’s of use to me.”

Saros was already accustomed to Bai Luo’s wonders.

In his first hunt for miracles, he got the basic sacred pouch. Soon after, he climbed over 20 mountains with a horse on his back and got Pegasus Shirley.

Especially the latter matter. It’s simply inconceivable. However, Bai Luo was right in the end. Hence Saros was eager to see what Bai Luo was going to do next.

“I made two bottles, which one do you want?”

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The old man quickly brought back two crystal bottles for Bai Luo, one large and one small,

“If neither is suitable, just tell me what you want, I will melt the two and make one according to your requirement.”

“Is this what you call a bit knowledgeable?”

Bai Luo looked at the extremely exquisite crystal containers in his hands with eyes as wide as saucers. He held them up to the sunlight and found that they not only sparkled but even had incomparably delicate patterns etched on them.

Even though Bai Luo is almost artistically illiterate, he felt that such a beautiful and exquisite handicraft is a treasure amongst treasures.

Even though he lacks interest in art, Bai Luo wanted to collect a few to appreciate them.

“Are you sure you’re not a grandmaster?”

Bai Luo felt that the old man might have misunderstood the meaning of being a bit knowledgeable. This is a goddamn artistic masterpiece, right?

“It was really casually made.”

Bai Luo felt that his old man’s casually made things are something that others might not make in their lifetime.

“I’ll take this one, it’s perfect.”

Bai Luo happily said, “I’m going to use it to house a butterfly.”

“Cough! cough cough…”

The old man almost choked on his smoke pipe. He waved his hand while turning away, “I’m really old, I don’t understand what you young people think.”

Housing a butterfly in a crystal bottle, that’s too much fantasizing.

The old man left, leaving the grinning Bai Luo.

He quickly returned to Shirley’s side, then carefully placed the swallowtail butterfly in it.

This crystal bottle is very delicate. It has two layers. When it’s opened, the swallowtail butterfly can freely fly in and out. When it’s closer, the mouth of the bottle will be greatly narrowed, making the butterfly unable to fly out.

Either way, the airflow within the bottle will always be smooth.

In addition, in order to make the Swallowtail Butterfly more comfortable, Bai Luo also carefully placed some flowers and branches as decorations inside, making the crystal bottle look more delicate and elegant.

“As expected of the old man, it’s perfect.”

Bai Luo naturally knew that the old man wasn’t boasting. Even if the bottle he made was unsuitable, the old man would immediately make a perfect one.

[The beautiful house was shining brightly. It fluttered happily within, thinking ‘I finally have a home’]


Master: Bai Luo Arden

Level: Medium

Type: Miracle Creature

Faction: Ideal Coast

Ability: Unawakened

Bai Luo watched as these words appeared on the third page. Having experienced this two times already, Bai Luo knew that the miracle represented by the black swallowtail butterfly belongs to him.

Even if someone else gets the black swallowtail butterfly now, they wouldn’t be able to continue the miracle awakening trial.

So next, Bai Luo must find a way to awaken its miracle power.

In this way, he would truly acquire his third miracle.

“Medium, its level is higher than Shirley.”

Bai Luo isn’t sure what the level exactly represents, thus he asked uncle Saros, and the old man said that the level represents the potential of a miracle.

Bai Luo decided to properly ask the old man about this once the power of the blacktail butterfly is properly awakened.

“Now, let’s see what conditions are required for the awakening of the butterfly.”

[You got it, it will only belong to you]

[Girls who love to dream, but don’t know what dreams are]

[Find some cute girls and tell them stories about dreams and fantastical girls. Make it listen together and it might fulfill their wishes]


With his hands clasped, Bai Luo rode on Shirley’s back and continued on his way.

He hung the crystal bottle on his waist. He has to escort the team now, hence he can’t be distracted, so for the moment, he controlled himself to fully concentrate on protecting the team rather than thinking about the meaning of the riddle.

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