This is a Miracle

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Gold is a good harvest, silver is hard work

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YamirMoon8-10 minutes 15.01.2022


The black book opened in Bai Luo’s consciousness. There were ten pages in total, and each page was blank.

“Only ten pages?”

“No, it should have more than ten pages.”

Bai Luo didn’t know how he made this judgment, but he instinctively knew that the black book had more than ten pages.

The reason why only 10 pages are accessible is that it hasn’t fully awakened.

“But I don’t don’t know how to use it at all.”

Bai Luo touched his chin and sat on the bed, wondering how this book can be used. To outsiders, he seemed in a daze.

“Hey, can you talk?”

“Book spirit? Is the book spirit there?”

“What about the system? Do you have a system? Activate the system.”


Bai Luo made many different attempts, trying almost all the different cheat activation methods he learned about in his previous life.

Unfortunately, it is useless.

Bai Luo also wanted to try the ‘dripping blood to recognize the Lord’ method, but this book was in his consciousness. His blood has no way of reaching it.

“It’s over, this book wouldn’t be a fake miracle, right?”

Uncle Saros informed Bai Luo about many powerful miracles, including powerful treasures, mythical creatures, and more, but Bai Luo didn’t hear him mention anything like the Black Book in his mind.


Just as Bai Luo was distressed because of his inability to use the black book, the pages of the book suddenly began to turn, stopping on the first page.

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A paragraph appeared on the first page that was supposed to be blank.

[Gold is harvest, and silver is diligence. When you open it, what you get may not be harvest, but it must be the hope of a good harvest————23:59:57]

“What’s this?”

Bai Luo didn’t know the meaning of this sentence, it’s like a riddle.

As for the time after it, it is a countdown, because it’s decreasing in conjunction with the passage of time.

Finally, there is a compass at the bottom of the page.

“So… You are a map?”

Bai Luo wasn’t sure. He wanted to ask the old man if there were any map-type miracles.

He has an elder with an abundance of experience by his side. It would be too stupid to fumble around on his own.

Unfortunately, the old man isn’t here now, so Bai Luo can only explore on his own.

“Anyway, I should go and check it.”

Bai Luo wanted to walk in the direction of the compass.

If it’s too far away from him, such as the deep mountains and old forests, then Bai Luo would definitely not go there in his current state.

He would have to wait until the old man and Inya come back, then explore together.

As for how to explain then.

Uncle Saros believes in him unconditionally, and Inya follows Bai Luo’s every word. She has almost blind trust in him.

‘Want a reason?’

‘I, Bai Luo, want to go out for a stroll! I don’t need any other reason!’

Bai Luo suddenly stood up, a glimmer of majesty flashed on his face.


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In the next moment, Bai Luo felt a sharp pain in his leg. His injury was pulled a bit due to the sudden movement.

“It’s not the same as before, I have to take this thing with me.”

Bai Luo pinned a cross sword that Saros used when he was young to his waist and attached two long-range throwing hatchets to his back.

He clenched the crutch and limped along the path that the compass was pointing at.

“Slow down, slow down Mia!”

On the grassy slope, two children walked in tandem. Bai Luo knew them.

The older boy is called Schuster, and the younger girl is called Mia. They are the pair of orphan brothers and sisters that have been secretly supported by Alea, whom Bai Luo mentioned before.

“I said that you are carrying too much.”

Mia quickly put down the back basket on her back, then took some hog grass from Schuster’s basket and put it on hers.

“It’s not much. In fact, it’s too little! I… I’m a man too!”

“Okay, okay, you don’t need to carry so much.”

As Mia was saying this, she realized that someone was calling them.

“Brother Bai Luo~~”

Mia quickly noticed Bai Luo,

She threw the grass back on her brother’s basket and quickly ran towards him, which caused Schuster to look helpless. “Hey? Aren’t you going to take more? It’s still heavy.”

“Yo, little Miya, good afternoon.”

Bai Luo looked at the nine years old girl who ran up to him with a smile, gently patting her head.

“You picked so much hog grass today.”

Hog grass is used to feed the “mountain pig” that resembles domestic pigs raised in the village.

Humans cannot eat it, but omnivorous animals such as wild pigs are not picky eaters. They can eat everything.

The only problem is that wild pigs are not like the earth’s domestic pigs. Their reproductive ability is very poor, hence the cost-effectiveness of captive breeding them is not very high.

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“I picked it early in the morning. It’s the third batch.”

Mia is a girl, and she is still young, so she can only do what she can do when she isn’t training to become a warrior.

“You have the demeanor of old Inya…”

Bai Luo smiled and said, “Have you had lunch?”

“I brought a small pie with me in the morning. My brother and I have already split it.”

“Haaa, haaa.”

Schuster is older than Mia, 10 years old this year, but he is sickly and frail, causing him to be weaker than his younger sister Mia.

“Big Brother Bai Luo!”

Schuster also ran towards Bai Luo. He admired this big brother very much,

“Is your injury all right?”

Has the matter of being knocked unconscious by a pig spread in the village?

“It’s just a small injury, I’ve almost recovered.”

His legs still hurt, but Bai Luo is too embarrassed to show pain in front of two of his little fans.

“What about you?”

Bai Luo also patted Schuster’s head. The child’s body wasn’t properly developed. He’s too short for his age.

“Did the medicine from last time work?”

“Much better! Thank you, brother Bai Luo!”

The last time Schuster fell ill, Bai Luo heard that a herbal medicine might restore his health, so he climbed over mountains and ridges, trekking through dangerous forests without sleeping for three days and nights before managing to acquire that medicine and bring it back.

Moreover, it wasn’t just that time, from childhood to adulthood, Bai Luo always looked for herbs and medicines in various places each time he fell ill.

Although the two siblings lost their parents when they were young, in their eyes, Bai Luo is no different from a big brother, or even father to them.

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“Where are you going, brother Bai Luo?”

Mia looked in the direction Bai Luo was heading curiously. There is farmland there, but it hasn’t been planted yet, so it’s empty.

“I can finally walk again, so I’m naturally going on a stroll.”

The two children wanted to follow Bai Luo. After all, they were a bit worried about him because of his injury.

But they still have a task to gather and bring hog grass back.

“Go back, I’ll just walk around. Walking helps in healing leg injuries.”


The two children were simple and trusted Bai Luo very much, so they turned and left.

“Let’s continue.”

Bai Luo kept moving forward but soon encountered a small river.

The river wasn’t very deep, barely reaching his neck, but Bai Luo was still injured. Walking in the river now is very dangerous. If he were to fall, the consequences would be disastrous.

“Is this the end?”

Standing by the river, Bai Luo sighed,

‘Maybe I still need to find uncle Saros and Inya to explore together.’


Suddenly, Bai Luo noticed changes in the black book. The direction of the compass was actually reversed.

It was like a needle that was supposed to point north, but it’s locked to a magnetic field. No matter where Bai Luo moved, the needle would still point to the same position.

“This is…”

There is only one possibility for the pointer to turn, that is, Bai Luo has passed the destination, so he immediately turned around and used the movement of the pointer to determine the location.

“It disappeared!!”

The compass disappeared, replaced by a map with a small red dot and a large blue dot.

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