This Love is Futile

Chapter 17

Chapter 17: It’s too real

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Not only in-game, but in reality, I’d never held a man’s cock in my mouth before. In fact, I’d never wanted to, or even thought about doing such a thing, because I’m an ordinary high school boy who usually looked at cute girls. Well, I couldn’t deny that games were more important than girls, and ADO was considerably more important on top of that. When I first started ADO I never thought I’d be doing such an embarrassing thing with Vidello-san, an NPC man, in-game. Even though my right hand was my friend, I'm not sure I'd ever even looked closely at my own full erection, and I'm not sure I'd ever been this eager to suck on one. But, part of me wanted Vidello-san to feel good, and the thought of doing something that made me feel good with him brought a fuzzy feeling to my mind.


I had Vidello-san sit on the bed and I sat on the floor between his legs. Vidello-san's magnificent shaft was standing erect in front of me. I gently supported it with my hand and lightly placed my lips on it. I could feel his warmth, and his dick twitched in response to the slightest stimulus, just like the real thing.


I gently ran my tongue over the head. Twitch, his heat jumped a little.




His voice sounded feverish, calling out to me. I took his dick from in front of me into my mouth as if to encourage him.




Vidello-san gasped above me. It was erotic. Getting into the mood, I took him further inside my mouth. I thought I was going to end up gagging, but I didn’t. The game avatar was excellent, and I was able to hold him all the way in my throat without feeling nauseous. The game is amazing. Um, what made this feel good? Would it be best if I just kept my mouth tight around him and sucked? Or would it be better if I moved him in and out, and tried licking him with my tongue? I wasn’t certain because I was a complete amateur.


“...huff...Mac, don’t push yourself.”


“I’n awrigh”


“Uhn... Don’t talk with it in your mouth…”


Vidello-san’s voice was erotic and sounded amazing. My own dick wasn't fully erect, but his voice was going to change that.


With long strokes, I repeatedly thrust Vidello-san in and out of my mouth from base to tip, and enjoyed his breathing as it fell from above. I didn't know where to use my tongue, so I just repeated the pistoning, and Vidello-san held my head in his hand. Vidello-san’s fingers gently ruffled my hair in time with my movements and reactions. The tip kept getting harder and harder. Ah, I knew he was about to cum from him twitching on my tongue. Um, could he come? Could I drink it? What does it taste like? While I was thinking about it, Vidello-san grabbed my head and forcibly pulled his dick out of me. The next moment, a white liquid shot out of Vidello-san’s dick.




Was it good or bad that he didn’t come in my mouth? Vidello-san was breathing on my shoulder. Then he let out a big breath and the moment he looked at me, he made a face saying ‘now I’ve done it.’

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Because… facial. A viscous liquid dripped down my cheek and nose. Maybe Vidello-san thought it was a bad idea to come in my mouth, so he pulled out. A facial. I definitely wasn't prepared to try one yet. I couldn’t react to how suddenly he came. I looked up at Vidello-san in a daze, and Vidello-san hurriedly wiped my face with the cuff of his clothes.


The feeling of semen was also very real.


“I’m sorry Mac! I didn’t mean to get it on your face like this… it’s se-, ah, sorry, I did that to your cute face.”


He was just about to say sexy, wasn’t he? I’m sure it’s a bit of a turn-on to come on your partner’s face. I’ve never done it. I remembered a picture of a pornstar getting a facial that I had secretly borrowed from someone before, and it made sense.


“Did it feel good?” 


When I asked him what was bothering me most right now as he wiped my face, Vidello-san blushed slightly and replied “Of course.” 


Yeah, he had a beautiful shy face. I mean, Vidello-san’s ‘feeling good’ face and his ‘embarrassed’ face were both ideal. Now I was the one who was aroused. I was frustrated that I couldn’t reach climax here, even though I felt erotic desires gathering in the pit of my stomach. Would I really have to wait another year to reach adulthood? Harsh. I wanted Vidello-san to stroke me as well, I wanted to feel good in Vidello-san’s hands. That was what I was thinking about after sucking on Vidello-san’s erection. Crap, I seriously liked Vidello-san: in more ways than one.


“Mac, are you alright…?”




Vidello-san glanced at my lower body as I sat between his legs and responded to the question that I didn’t fully understand.


“Um, yeah… al...right.”


It was difficult to answer because I had so many desires spinning around in my head. 'I want you to touch me more,' 'I want you to feel better,' 'I want to suck you,’ 'I want to have sex with you'… There’s no end to the erotic desires I could mention. However there was nothing I could do about them since it was physically impossible. When I logged out, I’d have to do my best with my right hand.


Just as I was thinking this, Vidello-san grabbed me by the armpits, lifted me onto the bed in a flash and licked my cheek.


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“We can’t go all the way, but I want to love you Mac.”


“Want to love…”


When my cheeks flushed at the unfamiliar words, Vidello-san's eyes narrowed slightly.


“This sort of act confirms our love, doesn’t it? Is there any better way?”


Vidello-san’s words declared a confirmation of love without a hint of doubt. I decided to recognise that our relationship was normal in this world. Oh, then, since he chose to do this with me I had no doubt of Vidello-san’s love. I already knew I loved him when we first tried to connect our bodies together.


When I finally understood it, I was a little flustered. It’s not that I didn’t love Vidello-san; I was aware that I liked him enough to want to suck his dick. And now I have. My cheeks turned red. I wondered if all my actions were synonymous with my love for Vidello-san even if I don’t say it out loud. I wanted to suck it. I went for it without hesitation. It's odd to be embarrassed now while thinking back on it!


I've never told anyone that I loved them, have I? Not once! Because I’m Japanese! Japanese people are usually too reserved to say so. 


“N-no, but...”


I didn’t want Vidello-san to look at my face. I was too embarrassed.


“Because you love me, you made love to me with these pretty lips, didn't you?"


“Th… that’s right…”


I replied briefly, and Vidello-san relaxed, smiled, and kissed me. 


What kind of romance was it when two men stared at each other on a bed and whispered their love to each other? One was a good-looking macho man, the other a thin man with half his face hidden by his hair. The two of us together must paint a strange picture.


Vidello-san kissed me and let his lips fall not only on my lips, but also on my cheeks, nose and eyelids.


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“You’re also cute when you’re shy.”


I wasn't cute. Vidello-san created a sugary atmosphere that I couldn’t get into. Gradually, his kisses moved to my ears and neck. I'm ticklish and frustrated, but I was letting him do what he wanted to me. After what he just said, if I didn't like it here, it was as if I didn't want his love. Wasn’t I quite obsessed with Vidello-san, even if my behaviour didn’t seem like it?


He rolled me onto the bed, crawled his lips over my collarbone, and I shivered involuntarily. Gently and discreetly, his fingers crawled up to find my nipples, and stimulated them. This was foreplay, wasn’t it? It felt more embarrassing to think so.


“Hn… Vidello-san, there…”


“Do you like that?”


When he pinched my nipples, I curled up involuntarily and Vidello-san’s fingers chased me. Why did they waste time with nipples in this game? There’s such a thing as too real! Just by feeling loved in this submissive way, it's like I'd already said that I loved Vidello-san with all my body.


While doing so, Vidello-san pulled up the clothes I was wearing, revealing my chest and stomach. There: that’s the reason. The scar that I had hastily added with unnecessary excitement. Vidello-san gently put his lips to it. My body immediately jumped.


“A…, st-, wait, the scar…”


That's right. The scar felt different than other places. What was this feeling? It was overwhelming.


As if he liked my reaction, Vidello-san started to run his tongue over the scar.


“Ah, th-... w-wait a se-, aah…”


I didn't know if it felt good or what, but there was a strong tingling sensation all over my body. Something welled up in the pit of my stomach with the movements of Vidello-san’s tongue. It was completely different from the feeling of touching myself with my right hand in reality. I didn’t fully understand this emerging desire of wanting to cry out 'more,' or 'no more,' or 'stop' and other drifting thoughts.’ But it was definitely a good feeling. How could such a feeling come from this optional scar?


Don’t stop, but stop because it was overwhelming. Not only there, but my dick, stroke it with your hands, with your mouth! I want to come!


“Ha, aaah…”


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Something burst in my lower abdomen and my vision went blank. I wasn't supposed to be able to come. Vidello-san’s lips and tongue had an even more intense heat than when I had finished. It was even more sensitive now that I'd climaxed.


“Mo, sto-..., Vidello-sa...n!”


It had the feeling of being stroked harder when you’re cumming. This intense feeling is just a little too much for a beginner though! When I complained with tears in my eyes, Vidello-san finally left my wound. 


"Haa…" I exhaled.


My body felt limp. I felt like I’d ran a marathon.


“You’re… sensitive, aren’t you...”


Vidello-san looked down at me reluctantly, his hand still touching my wound. This meant...


“At this rate, I’m not sure if I could manage to go all the way with you...”


Because this was what happened when someone touched me with their mouth. If I could actually have sex, then what would happen? Vidello-san dominating my front, back and wound... Honestly, I didn't know what I’d do. 




Author’s note:

Vidello-san’s splendid Vidello-san (not a typo)

Thank you so much for reading ( *´艸`)


TL’s Note: >_> Look there’s a lot of innuendos that I can’t fit in this translation y’all. I’m sorry y’all have to miss out. I’ll do my best to make notes whenever they appear later. (>U<)人

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