This Love is Futile

Chapter 61

Chapter 061 - It's Fate…? (NSFW)

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“I’d like to talk with you about the reward for returning the quick horse and for saving Crash.”
“I’ve already received the reward for saving Crash at Sette’s adventurer’s guild.”
She looked surprised at what I’d said.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have worded it as a ‘reward’. I just want to thank you for being such a good friend to Crash. As for the reward for returning the quick horse, we hadn’t thought of what the reward would be yet. I never thought that they would ever come back and furthermore, I didn’t want to send Crash back to the desert city to get them when the situation wasn’t safe enough.”
“Huh… it’s not safe? Are you saying this is related to why we were being attacked?”
“Well, somewhat.”
Just as I predicted, Crash was their aim from the start. 
I understood what Yuuta had told me: how all sorts of escort quests with rewards are always accompanied by some kind of ambush, but I thought something wasn’t right with this one and I was quite suspicious of the whole situation. 
Thinking about this carefully, someone must have already known that Crash would take this quest and that he would take the forest road. That somebody must have already prepared everything to ambush Crash from the very start. Was it that easy to let it go just because this was a mere quest?
If this was about insider information leaking, the situation wasn’t as simple as ‘Quest Clear!’
“Ah, ahm, I have a request.”
It was a silly thought. Crash’s mom must have noticed it already, and I might just be sticking my nose into someone else's business, but…
“Can I have a word with you in private next time?”
I knew I might sound rude saying this to a hero from 15 years ago and the founder of the adventurer’s guild.
It was important to me to convey this to her so that Crash would be safer. Crash and I were the only two people who were present at the time of the ambush. 
“Oh my, are you asking me out on a date? It’s okay, anytime is fine with me, so when would you like the date to be?”#
Thank god, I was so relieved… and then, someone squeezed my hand tightly. 
When I turned, I saw Vidello-san looking at me with a straight face. 
Eh, what was with the mood?! Somehow it was intense. 
“Mac, I’m off-duty tomorrow.”
He whispered in my ear and I realized tomorrow was off-limits. 
“How about the evening after tomorrow?”
“I’ll leave it open. But gatekeeper-san, I already have my beloved husband Rias, so you don’t need to frown so deeply. Fufu, Mac, do your best!”
Why did I have to do my best?
As I was still puzzled by her encouragement, Vidello-san murmured in my ear, “Do you mind if I come to your workshop?”
“I’ll prepare the reward by the time we meet again. I’m sorry, I wish I could give it to you sooner.”
“No, no, I was also saved by the quick horse because he brought me back too.”
I think the reason that “quest clear” still hadn’t appeared was probably because I still hadn’t received my reward yet. 
I confirmed it by taking a quick look at the game screen and then left the guild together with Vidello-san. It was already midnight, so I wondered if I should log out instead. We held hands and walked back to my workshop. Vidello-san walked in silence while occasionally checking his surroundings.


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As soon as I entered my workshop, my home, which I hadn’t been to for a while, I felt at ease. 
I was under pressure for so long. Yuuta and the others must have always felt like this. Yep, I think I’m definitely more suited for a crafting job.
The moment I turned to look at Vidello-san, he held me in his strong arms, lifted me up, and kissed me.
“Mm… ahh”
I was surprised by his sudden passionate kiss.
This was a deep kiss between us after being apart for so long, and I felt like my heart was on fire. 
I quickly put my arms around his neck and greedily entangled my tongue with his.
It had been a long time since I had felt his burning passion, and it made me want to cry.
It felt so good. I was so happy.
When our lips parted, he looked deep into my eyes. 

“Mac, did you fall for her…?”
I was stunned by his words. I felt like question marks were spinning around my head. 
How did he get that idea? 
When I looked at him in surprise, he was still looking at me with a straight face. 
“What did you mean by meeting with her in private?”
Eh… Wha…? Ah, right! Now I realized. 
So he was jealous after hearing what I said to Crash’s Mom! Vidello-san, it’s not like that at all! 
“Th-th-that, that was, it isn’t like that and Crash was…”
“So did something happen between you two when you were with him?”
“No, of course not!”
Oh god! What do I do now?! Vidello-san was jealous of Crash and his mom!
It’s not like that at all!
Even though I was panicking, there was also a part of me fully enjoying every moment of this.
“It’s not like that at all. I need to talk about something I can’t openly speak about in public. It’s about the quest I went on with Crash.”
“I see. Crash is already an adult and you ended up crossing the line with him, so you plan to see her for her blessing with her son… Mac, have you already forgotten the promise that you’ll be with me forever…?”
“What the… Vidello-san! I’m saying it isn’t like that! I only have eyes for you! So please don’t misunderstand this! The only one I love is you. You’re my one and only!!” 
When I shouted with all my heart, he grinned. 
Eh, what the, was he teasing me…? 
Ahh, was this what Crash’s mom meant when she told me to do my best? 
She must have noticed Vidello-san’s jealousy.

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“I know, I know, but!”
“If you knew-!”
“But I can be jealous and anxious. It’s because both of them are such wonderful people.”
For a moment, I was a little angry at him for teasing me, but his honest confession instantly melted my anger. 
I see now. It was my fault for making an appointment to meet with her privately in front of Vidello-san. If I was in his shoes, I absolutely wouldn't have liked it either. 
“I’m sorry. But there’s something I must tell her, something I couldn’t discuss openly when everyone’s listening.”
“Hmm, did you notice something while you were traveling?”
“Yes. But I’m sorry, it was thoughtless of me to ask to meet her like that in front of you.”
“It’s okay. It’s just that, when it comes to you, I lose my self-control so much that I know I'll always chase you down. It's fate."  
Seeing him depressed, mocking himself for being sentimental, all I could do was reach out my hands and caress his cheeks, hoping to bring back his smile. 
Then, I stood on my tiptoes and sealed our lips together. 
I wondered if this really was an appropriate height difference for lovers, as we couldn’t have a deep kiss unless he bent over. I want to hurry up and grow taller to reach him.
“I know it’s late and I know it’ll be hard for you tomorrow, but… Mac, I want to hold you.”
“I’m also… Vidello-san, I want to feel you too.”
I deliberately turned a blind eye to what time it was and took out a [Small Growth Activator] from my storage.


The feeling of being in his arms after so long was much more heated and passionate than I had imagined and I felt blessed.
Feeling our skin close to each other, feeling his warmth deep inside me, being tightly held in his embrace… I felt like I was overflowing with happiness, my heart was so full and tears spilled out of my eyes.
He accepted my overflowing happiness with kisses.
“I like you so much…”
His slow and gentle thrust slowly drove the pleasure into me until I felt like I was about to burst. 
“Fu… ah, nhh…”
“Mac… I love you.”
Me too. I love you. 
I was about to put my feelings into words but all that came out of my mouth was nothing but moans from pleasure.
I missed him so much, all I’d been thinking about was how much I wished he was beside me.
But if he was there with me, I would end up making him take care of me and I would undoubtedly become spoiled, so I was thankful he wasn’t with me, too.
I’m glad that he didn’t see me get stabbed by a sword. I’m so glad that he never saw me being weak.

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I’m so relieved that I can stand in front of him again in perfect health.
I reassured myself that everything was all right now while wrapping my arms around his back.
He caressed my scar with his hands and checked to see if there were new wounds on me. But it seemed more like he was savoring my reaction as I flinched at his every touch.
The place I was stabbed had properly returned back to normal along with my old scar.
“Is this where you got hurt…?”
“…! Ah, um…”
“Crash told me you got stabbed and almost fainted.” 
“No… don’t… your fingers… umm, it wasn’t that deep, ah…”
“It’s just that you couldn’t check it yourself, could you?”
Tracing along my scar with his hand, he thrust deep inside me.
For a second, I felt like my mind went blank and a burning heat inside me was finally released. 
But, I could still feel him deep inside me. 
“Ah, a, AH!  Ah… no, wait, don’t, AH!” 
My mind was ablaze with passion, and all I could do was tightly cling onto him. 
My whole body trembled from the onslaught of pleasure that kept peaking with each thrust.
“…You’re so tight.”
Matching with my pace, his gentle thrusts became harder and faster, and he thrust inside me as deep as he could. 
The moment I felt him slowly releasing that burning liquid inside me, I also released my passion together with him.
Not wanting to be apart from his warmth, I clenched my hole tightly with my already exhausted body.#
“Vidello-san… I like you.”
“Mac, I love you.”
We showered each other with light kisses and I closed my eyes, feeling his strong arm under my head.


When I opened my eyes again, I was a little surprised to find myself in a familiar room.
Did I log out afterward?
Perhaps, did I log out while Vidello-san was still sleeping beside me? 
Oh, and what time is it now? 
I checked the clock and I was wide awake instantly. 
“8:30 already…!”
I’m totally late!
If I missed school because of a lack of sleep from gaming, my parents would hide my gear from me. 

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I hurriedly got up and changed into my uniform. 
When I rushed downstairs, it seemed like both of my parents had already left for work. There was no one at home but me.
Though relieved, there was no time for breakfast, and I ran out of the house without bothering to tidy up my hair.
On the way to school, I heard a loud growling in my stomach. 
Ugh, I’m so hungry.
I’m the type who likes to have a heavy breakfast, so it was so hard for me to skip it.
But it was my reunion with Vidello-san after a long time, so it was a waste to just see his face and log out.
I wanted to make love with him even if I had to oversleep…
I stopped my hasty steps and gently rubbed my stomach.
I really wish there were some traces of my lovemaking with Vidello-san still inside me. 
My mind wandered off to those silly things. 
I was already late anyway. 
I pulled my hands away from my stomach and looked up. 
Conveniently, there was a fast food store nearby. 
The store’s catchphrase was ‘Your Freshly Brewed Coffee’ and it was quite empty after morning rush hour.#
“Let’s eat something here.”
It’s hard to do anything on an empty stomach. 
So, I entered the shop and the doorbell rang as I walked in. 
I placed my order at the counter and proceeded to the eat-in area with my tray. 
As I made my way to the table with my bedhead while trying my best to stay awake, I tripped over something. 
Oh, no, I’m gonna fall! 
I closed my eyes on reflex. 
The next moment, someone caught me in his arms, holding me. 
“I’m sorry, are you okay?”
I opened my eyes, hearing the voice close to me. 
Sure enough, all my drinks and the food on the tray were a mess, but that didn’t matter. 
This voice, this feeling of the arm around me. 
Where have I…?
When I looked up, what came to my sight was an expensive-looking suit, and
A foreigner with a striking resemblance to Vidello-san… so much so that I couldn’t help but be surprised.

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