This Love is Futile

Chapter 69

Chapter 69: Unexpected Meeting (NSFW)

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I felt Vidello-san deep inside me and clutched the feather. He gave me a kiss on that hand.


His arms wound around my body, which was still wrapped in the robe. Only his upper body was bare: he had not even taken his pants off. Even so, the slightly visible collarbone and expression on his face made Vidello-san look more sexy than usual. I was a little embarrassed and hid my face with my robe while he rained down kisses from above.


“Nn… ah.”


As I muffled my voice with my robe, Vidello-san pulled back the cloth with his teeth as if the robe was a hindrance and pecked at my exposed lips. It felt good. Hot, deep inside, more. It felt so good with him so close to me. Vidello-san loves me so passionately, he’s amazing.




“Mac, I love you… does it feel good?”


“Ye…ah, amaz- ahh, I, I like it.”


As the words unconsciously spilled out of my mouth, Vidello-san’s eyes narrowed in satisfaction. Again, the look in his eyes shook my heart. As he devoured me, deep inside, I felt a pleasant sensation similar to dizziness, and clung to him, saying, “I’m cumming, I’m cumming…” I felt a momentary spark and a release with a torrent of heat which flooded deep inside me. I exhaled deeply as his love slowly flowed into me.


Vidello-san took what I held in my palm, and…


“D-don’t lick that kind of thing!”


The ejaculate that I got all over my hand of all things!


“I want to lick it. It’s your jizz after all.”

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“Don’t call it that!”


“You’re so cute when you turn red.”


Grr, Vidello-san really was something. Maybe I’ll do the same thing next time as payback… though I have a feeling that would only make him happy. Unbearably embarrassed, I wiped Vidello-san’s hand with the robe, which was the only thing that was at hand.


“Oh, even though you caught it in your hand so your robe wouldn’t get dirty, what are you going to do with your robe now?”


I pouted at Vidello-san’s wry smile. As I did, Vidello-san brushed my lips with his mouth in a gentle kiss.


“I’ll just take it off now.”


“You don’t want help?”


I grabbed the clasp of my robe and took off the feather. The moment I touched it, it felt different from usual. I lifted the feather up to eye level and peered at it. There was nothing unusual about it. Something was going on. When I gently traced it with my finger, the red jewel attached to the metal fittings was hot.


“Ah, 39%...”


The moment I mumbled, Vidello-san hugged me from behind and peeked at my hand from my shoulder. The moment I felt his chest and arms against me and my heart pounded, I saw the gauge rise.


“Now it’s 40%. It warms up a bit when the gauge rises.”


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“It’s the temperature of love.”


“Ahaha, I guess so. It feels really nice.”


“Oh really?”


I put my lips against his cheek and closed my eyes. I really liked this casual but gentle gesture. I love you, Vidello-san. The moment I thought that, the feather in my hand became warm again. 


“I wonder if my gauge will go up if I think about liking you, whether we have sex or not.”


Because it was now 41%. I wondered how it worked, but I was glad it went up. I wanted the gauge to fill quickly. Gently sending a kiss to the feather, I took off my robe, which was stained with my stuff.


I rolled back onto the bed with Vidello-san, logged out, took a bath, had dinner, did other things, and logged back in. I gave the sleeping man a light kiss and fell asleep in his arms. When I woke up, Vidello-san was already awake and combing my hair.




“Good morning Mac. Your sleeping face and half-asleep face are both very cute.”


“Vidello-san, you look fresh and handsome in the morning. I like it.”


While still half asleep, I traced his beautiful face with my palm, and he grabbed my hand and kissed it.


“We're going to the lake today, aren't we? It's about the same distance as going to the desert city, so if we don't leave early, we won't make it back by evening. But if you tempt me any more, I won't be able to leave this bed, is that ok…?”

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The words Vidello-san said while repeatedly kissing my hand echoed in my head for a moment before I jumped up with a start.


“I’m going! So come with me! Let’s get going…!”


“Thank you for your amazing word choice in the morning.”


“Tha-that’s not what I mean!!”


I couldn't help but cover my face with both hands when he thanked me for saying something so ridiculous as if to stop me. Dirty talk is not something I want to do in the morning!! Why is this guy so tempting?! We're going on a lake date today too! I frantically slipped out of Vidello-san’s arms, who was grinning happily, and I put on my equipment while desperately fighting against my desire to stay in his arms. Vidello-san put on his sword and wore his usual rough clothes, while I was wearing a different robe from yesterday with a hood over my head and the feather on my chest.


As I left my room and headed for the innkeeper's counter, someone called my name. I turned around with a startled look. There, [ Takahashi and his Merry Men ] and [ Mad Ride ] were lined up in a row.


“Mac, is that you…?”


Kairi was looking at me as if I was suspicious. He seemed to doubt my current appearance. Well, that was reasonable. And Yuuta was staring at me, too.


“What, Mac, you’re staying here? What a coincidence, we are too.”


“Ah, yeah. Takahashi and the others are on a tight schedule, right? From Sette to here.”


It was no different than usual.


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“I was going to go to Torre, but my alarm for bed went off, so I had no choice but to stay here and it was just perfect. What are your plans for today?”




“Wait wait wait, Takahashi, what are you doing having a normal conversation? No matter how you look at it, it’s weird!” Harpon-san from [ Mad Ride ] interjected.


Yeah. I also thought Yuuta’s reaction was a bit weird. It was funny. As expected of Yuuta. Vidello-san, who was standing next to me, suddenly moved forward to hide me.


“Takahashi, you helped me the other day. Thank you for bringing Mac back safely. And you over there. Mac got cursed when we went out yesterday and ended up looking like this.”


With a slightly shadowed expression on his face, Vidello-san replied in an annoyed manner, reminding me that the story we came up with was that he went into a dungeon with me and I was cursed because he couldn't protect me. Quite a performance, huh?


“Cursed… that must’ve been awful, Mac. By the way, was there a dungeon around here with a curse like that?”


Harpon-san looked pained for a moment, then seemed to be checking his own memories. I wanted to know too. Then Vidello-san spoke nonchalantly.


“There are quite a few. There are about three in the northwest and a few more in the south. There are dungeons with all kinds of curses and gimmicks scattered about. However, most of them are difficult to get to without directions.”


Ah, that’s what that was, huh? It was a dungeon where you could join everyone in this town and go on quests and stuff. Maybe Regalo-san and Vidello-san know everything in the area… it seemed perfect.


“Huh, I want to go take a look.”


“I can tell you one that’s relatively easy to get to.”

“Huh, really?! Arigato!”

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