This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 100: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

The Chinese swimming team was in a strong position in the following events thanks to Li Cheng’s gold medal effect, and produced excellent results in individual contests. Individual matches included 24 events for both men and women. The women’s team won three silver and four bronze medals, while the men’s team gained four gold, five silver, and three bronze medals. Zhou Jian performed the best out of all of them. In the two long-distance freestyle events, he earned gold and silver medals. He was attractive and hailed from a wealthy family. His personal social account gained more than 100,000 fans overnight when the news of his triumph was broadcast.

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Li Cheng was intrigued and downloaded the social software to investigate. Zhou Jian’s comment section was basically a giant chicken farm, with some netizens licking his chest, some licking his abs, and some leaving “husband” remarks under his winning-award photo…… 

One of the chickens… Ahem, someone inquired if, because Zhou Jian and Li Cheng were teammates, could Li Cheng also register a social account? Everyone was fascinated by the omega captain and wanted to befriend him.

Li Cheng wondered do you think I don’t surf on the Internet? There was a famous remark on the Internet at the time—”Since we’re already friends, let’s make out~”




Li Cheng was afraid of being caught making out on social media, so he didn’t register a social account.

The last two days of the competition were arranged as a team competition. The mixed 4x100m medley relay was a new event at the Games. Previously, the medley relay was made-up of same-sex players. This new event was not introduced in a world-class competition until two years ago. 

And this newly introduced event was the center of attention at the World Youth Games.


There were no tactics used in the relay medley. The strategy for the event was as easy as sending the fastest person in each stroke. However, passing the baton was the most problematic. Sometimes the players were overly excited, and the next player took off before the preceding player had touched the wall. As a result, they would default, and their result would be invalid.

The organizing committee merely required each team to have two men and two women for the contest. The sequence of the four participants was not specified, which added to the competition’s uncertainty.

According to the information available at that point, most countries had chosen two male players to play in the front to determine their dominant position. Coach Yu, after careful thought, adopted the “Tian Ji's races his horse” principle, mixing and matching women and men, with Li Cheng’s freestyle as the finale.


“Will you be under too much pressure in this manner?” Xiao Yiheng inquired over the phone, concerned.

Li Cheng laughed, completely optimistic: “It’s okay! Pressure is motivation. Wasn’t it said in a superhero movie that with great power comes great responsibility? I am the team’s captain. If I’m not the final act, who will be?”

Xiao Yiheng laughed: “Yes, you are the superhero of all of us.”

Li Cheng inquired about Xiao Yiheng’s recent activities. Xiao Yiheng stated that the three-week Huamei winter camp was halfway through, and the teacher had given the final week for everyone to finish their artwork. The Huamei professors would undertake a double-blind selection when the artworks were done. Finally, 15 pupils out of 50 would qualify for the recommendation. 

Li Cheng couldn’t stop himself from clicking his tongue: “Fifty to fifteen? Damn, that much elimination in one swipe?! The men’s team draft is less stringent than yours.”

Xiao Yiheng: “Don’t you believe in me?”

“How is that even possible? Don’t say fifty into fifteen; even fifty into ten, fifty into five, or fifty into one, you’ll surely get the recommendation!” exclaimed Li Cheng.

In actuality, Li Cheng had no knowledge of painting. He’d never been to a museum, and his only understanding of oil painting came from art textbooks… He did, however, have 10,000% confidence in Xiao Yiheng. He believed that the emotions depicted in Xiao Yiheng’s paintings would shake everyone who saw them. 

If Xiao Yiheng failed to get a recommendation in the end, it must be… it must be… it must be because the selection was shady!

Li Cheng wondered as to what Xiao Yiheng was painting. Xiao Yiheng said nothing explicitly. He just stated: “What is the point of hearing me describe it? When you return, you will be able to witness it with your own eyes.”

Li Cheng: “But I still have a team match to compete in. We have to participate in the closing ceremony and then travel home together after the Games are over…”

“Isn’t that just right? My work isn’t finished yet. The artwork will be finished when you return.” 

Xiao Yiheng’s remarks delighted Li Cheng and made him want to act. He wished that time would go by faster. He couldn’t wait to get home and bury himself in his boyfriend’s arms!

… …


Even if Li Cheng was in a rush, the forthcoming match was the most important thing.

To be on the podium, he had to put aside distracting thoughts and work hard. 

Li Cheng and his three teammates qualified handily on the fourth day of the preliminary and semifinals, with nearly no setbacks.

It was the day of the finals in the blink of an eye. The only team contest in the swimming competition was the mixed medley relay. It would be a huge victory if they won. All of the members of the Chinese swimming squad who did not compete appeared on the scene to watch the contest.

What struck Li Cheng the most was the number of black-haired and dark-eyed Chinese compatriots in the audience!

They were all local Chinese. The day of the competition was not a day off, but they took time off and arrived at the scene to cheer for the Chinese swimming team. 

When Li Cheng first entered the tournament, he noticed that all of the stands were packed with foreign spectators, but today, hundreds of compatriots gathered, wearing uniform red T-shirts, holding banners in their hands, and waving the national flag, producing a sea of red!

When he saw this sight, Li Cheng’s attitude soared, as if he had an inexhaustible supply of power coursing through his veins.

The relay team’s other members were ecstatic. They had to win medals not only for themselves, but also for their yelling compatriots in the final that day.

“Come on, everyone, stretch your hands out.” Li Cheng instructed everyone to stack their hands together before the match began. 

The four hands overlapped, and the coach placed her hand on the backs of their hands. The five hands shook up and down as they shouted in unison: “We are the champions!”

Soon after, a pleasant female voice came over the speakers in the lounge, reminding everyone that the match was about to begin and that all athletes should line up as soon as possible and enter the stadium one by one.

Mbgas qjgalmlqjcar ogbw afc mbecaglfr fwfgufv ogbw atf ibecuf, jmmbwqjclfv ys ilnfis werlm, jcv abbx atflg qijmfr lc ogbca bo atf mgbkv.

Ktf Jtlcfrf ojcr lc atf rajvlew delmxis uba eq jcv jqqijevfv ktfc atf Jtlcfrf rdejv jqqfjgfv. Ktfs sfiifv atf cjwfr bo atf qijsfgr, klat “Ol Jtfcu” yflcu atf wbra jevlyif. 

“Captain, you have a lot of supporters.” One of the team members stated enviously.

“When you win the gold medal, you can have so many fans!” Li Cheng exclaimed proudly.

The deputy referee instructed the players to be ready as soon as possible, indicating that the game would begin in two minutes.

For the final, the Chinese and Australian teams lined up on adjoining tracks. 

The Chinese team’s tactics alternated between women and men, with two A, one B and one O. The Australian team consisted of men and women who were all alpha, posing a significant threat to the Chinese swimming team.

“Come on! Don’t look at that troop of yellow monkeys!” Alexander, the Australian team’s captain, shouted rudely, “Lina, do you not understand what I’m saying?! What’s so good about that omega? Do you want to mate with him that badly?”


Lina was a breaststroker assigned to the match by the Australian side. She was only 16 years old and had a somewhat introverted nature. She performed admirably, earning a bronze medal in the women’s breaststroke.

Even if she won the medal, she wasn’t able to gain Alexander’s slightest respect. 

Lina admitted that she was quite curious about the captain of the Chinese national team. Li Cheng was an omega. Alexander was defeated by an omega, breaking the event’s record. Wasn’t that something incredible? She couldn’t help but sneak a few glances at Li Cheng, and was caught by Alexander, who lectured her severely in front of her teammates…

After all, she was a girl, and her face flushed when the captain insulted her with such vile language.

However, Alexander’s nasty temper was well-known across the team, and no one dared to oppose him. Lina could only keep her bellyful of resentment hidden. She bent her head to hide the tears in the corners of her eyes from Alexander.

“Now listen to me very carefully,” Alexander threatened, “This match is critical. No one can hold back! If any of you dare to not stake it all and go all-out while swimming, I’ll ensure that they will never be able to act like an alpha again!” 

Lina shivered violently, her legs shaking in terror… No! She couldn’t have stage fright. If she couldn’t play at full strength in a short match, Alexander would most likely kill her…

Lina didn’t dare to think about the team members who had inexplicably resigned due to a disagreement with Alexander.

The Chinese squad heard the disturbance among the Australian players.

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In contrast to the Australian swimming team’s apprehensive tension, the Chinese swimming squad had a carefree and pleasant mood. 

A team member inquired of Li Cheng: “What are they on about, Captain? How did I come across your name, eh?”

Li Cheng shrugged his shoulders: “I’m not fluent in canine language. I’m not sure what he was barking about.”

The first relay stroke was the backstroke, which began in the pool rather than on the starting block.

The ten contestants all dove into the pool. Li Cheng took a quick look at the pool and noted that only three of the ten participants were female. The majority of teams had passed the baton to the male players first. 

The Chinese team’s female player plunged into the pool and placed both hands on the starting block on the shore, her voice trembling: “Oh my God, they’re all males… Captain, what if I swim all the way to the bottom with this baton, ah?”

Li Cheng crouched down and looked her in the eyes: “Don’t compare yourself to others; instead, compare yourself to yourself. You don’t have to swim to first place; you just have to swim your best.”

He then put on swimming goggles for her and carefully arranged the edge of her swimming cap.

Li Cheng’s remarks seemed to have a kind of enchantment about them, causing others to be persuaded involuntarily. He was born with a sort of cohesion that caused everyone to surround him and obey his commands. 

The anxiety in the female player’s heart gradually dissipated after hearing his comments. She was the first to take the field, and the most important thing was to remain consistent. It would be a disgrace to their captain if she flinched because she was afraid of the player’s gender.

Finally, the whistle blew.


Ten contenders of various skin tones kicked the wall at the same time. They resembled fish flying in the opposite direction. Their upper bodies departed the water’s surface and rapidly submerged.

They swam fast to the other side, flailing their arms alternately! 

The Chinese female player outperformed everyone’s expectations. She finished fifth out of ten players, surpassing not just the two female players in the same group, but also three male players!

The 50m swimming lap flew by in the blink of an eye. When she touched the wall, the male breaststroke athlete who was following her leaped into the water and dived in quickly!

Lina, the Australian breaststroker, had just entered the water a few seconds earlier.

Li Cheng reached out and pulled up his backstroke squad member. As soon as she got out of the water, the young girl began to cry. She couldn’t decide whether she was exhausted or excited. 

“Okay, okay.” Li Cheng rubbed her head lightly, “You are an alpha. If you cry like this, others will laugh at you.”

The young girl hugged Li Cheng’s shoulders and sniffled for a while. Li Cheng mumbled helplessly: “Don’t cry. Your sister-in-law must be watching the live broadcast right now. If he sees me holding you, he’ll accuse me of taking advantage of a little girl.”

The young girl burst into tears and questioned him: “Captain, I always hear you talk about my sister-in-law. When are you going to introduce him to us?”

“Let me see.” Li Cheng continued, “When I win the championship this time, I’ll take him out for you to see!” 

The competition at the swimming pool had reached boiling point. The second leg of the breaststroke was completed. The Chinese team’s male player was also a champion. He pursued all the way, catching up with two positions and rising to third place!

When the breaststroke swimmer made contact with the wall, the butterfly stroke began. Nine out of ten contestants in the third leg were female. Everyone was unique. The third place was tightly guarded by the female player from China. The first three positions pursued each other closely, and they arrived at the turning point one after the other. They touched the wall, turned around, and swam back towards the shore!

The butterfly stroke was the most aesthetically pleasing of the four strokes. From a distance, the athletes could be seen using both hands to stroke the water at the same time, resembling a butterfly fluttering on the water’s surface. It was extremely pleasing to watch.

Li Cheng was standing on the starting block when he noticed his teammate riding the waves towards him. This sensation was indescribably revitalizing. 

Alexander, who was standing next to him on the starting block at the time, glared at him with contempt in his eyes.

Li Cheng gave him an equally cold look. They held a profound grudge against each other. They didn’t have to say anything; all they had to do was gaze at one other. The sword in their eyes struck at the other immediately.

This match would reveal who was the champion and who was the loser!

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The Australian team deserved to be called a veteran team. Their third baton player was the first to arrive. Alexander took off and flew away. The Chinese team’s butterfly swimmer also hit the shore at the same time he fell into the water! 

Li Cheng smashed both feet into the leaping platform, his body stretched in the air like a crescent, and dropped into the pool.

Despite the fact that there was about a half-second gap between Alexander’s departure time, Li Cheng remained unconcerned. His advantage lay in turning back. He had exercised tumble turning at the turning point for more than 10,000 times, and he had created muscle memory long before. The pace compensated for the half-second variation in starting time!


Li Cheng had a sprint speed right from the start of this race because it was only 100m long. From above, the high-speed camera spotted that gorgeous honey-colored figure, like a flying fish, soaring across the blue water and racing onward!

Thirty meters, twenty meters, ten meters… 

The opposite bank was right in front of Li Cheng. He executed a perfect flip turn, and pushed his feet against the pool wall—at that moment, he was the ocean’s most beloved mermaid prince. The waves drove him forward as he swam, and every inch of his muscles seemed to be imbued with mystical strength.

Huge cheers erupted in the audience as everyone experienced the magic act with their own eyes—Li Cheng had once again performed a miracle. When he turned around, he had more than made up for the time he had lost and had successfully caught up with Alexander!

The two tracks were tightly linked, and the two players went head-to-head, with no one daring to relax the tiniest bit.

They just had one thought in their hearts—they must never lose to the other!! 

The invisible yellow record line reappeared, and this time, the two players’ outstanding performance left the record line far behind.

Almost there… Almost there… Almost there!!

The finish line was close at hand, and the ten deputy referees were waiting for the gate-chrashers to arrive.

Ten meters…nine meters…eight meters… 

Three meters…two meters…one meter…

Li Cheng’s right finger unexpectedly reached the shore during the final stroke. The sensor swiftly captured the race times to the millisecond and promptly posted them to the stadium’s huge screen at the top.

The audience erupted in rapturous applause. Countless cheers were stacked on top of one another, creating a gigantic noise.

Li Cheng emerged from the water. He didn’t even bother looking at Alexander beside him. He hurriedly wiped the water from his face and turned to face the massive screen— 

— The champion’s mark emerged on the screen, in front of the Chinese team’s national flag!!!

The Chinese team was the champion!!

However, Li Cheng’s expression froze before he could smile.

Because—there was a championship logo in front of the Australian team’s national flag as well?! 

Li Cheng massaged his eyes incongruously and attentively examined the two figures juxtaposed together.

Same score.


Same seconds.

Same milliseconds. 

The Chinese and Australian swimming teams actually tied for first place???

Li Cheng: “…”

Shit! What is this?!

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Why are you so sullen after winning the championship??? 

Li Cheng cursed quietly, pushed the pool wall with both hands, and leaped out. The water on his body dropped to the ground as a result of gravity’s pull. He noticed Alexander in the swimming lane beside him had a black face, as if he could squeeze out stinky water.

Inwardly, Li Cheng exclaimed, “Pah!”

Who wants to be tied for first place with this piece of trash?

Who knew if eight people could squeeze onto the small podium. 

Despite Li Cheng’s discomfort, his three teammates were ecstatic. They flocked to Li Cheng, each of them like a screaming rooster, crowing so loudly that Li Cheng’s ears went deaf.

Driven by them, Li Cheng’s flattened lips quickly curled up.

Hey! It was the championship after all.

Damn! It was another 250,000 dollars. 

Regardless of how many people were on the podium, he treated Alexander like a crazed barking dog. They had won and would receive the money.

The four of them happily went to wrap up, and they even considered how to persuade the coach to ask everyone to a wonderful supper for a bit.

However, an unusually loud debate could be heard coming from the referee’s bench on the side of the pool at that time.

In the midst of the squabble, a highly recognizable Chinese voice was also heard… 

Everyone was surprised, and they all looked to the referee’s bench at the same time.

At some point, Alexander and his coach had arrived at the referee’s bench, and Coach Yu was also standing nearby with the team’s interpreter.


The two teams were red in the face, especially the always calm and expressionless Coach Yu, who pointed at Alexander with one finger and began striking the table with the fist of the other hand.

Li Cheng’s heart skipped a beat. He reflected on Alexander’s heinous behavior, and then on the Australian Organizing Committee’s mutual act of protection between the snakes and rats, a dreadful premonition spontaneously arising in his thoughts. 

The players exchanged glances, feeling that something was wrong in their hearts.

At that critical moment, Li Cheng stepped up and ordered, “Stand here and don’t move. No matter who approaches you, don’t respond. I am the team’s captain. I will go over there and take a look.”

With that, he dashed for the referee’s bench.

He heard Coach Yu’s angry accusations the moment he arrived: “Your team members can’t do it. That’s your problem. Our team members can do it. It’s their ability! Instead of focusing on your own issues, you accuse us of cheating. How can you people be so shameless?!” 

When Li Cheng heard this, he immediately questioned, “Coach, what happened?”

Coach Yu drew Li Cheng to her side as soon as she noticed him approaching.

Coach Yu drew Li Cheng behind her as if guarding him and looked at the referees on the bench as well as the two Australian team members standing opposite her: “Li Cheng, contestant Alexander has reported you. He claims you cheated while hitting the wall and turning around. That’s why you were able to catch up with him so quickly!”

Li Cheng: “??????” 

Li Cheng yanked on the interpreter instantly: “You tell them on my behalf—they’re spouting fucking nonsense!!!”

The interpreter’s face stiffened: “This… This is difficult to translate… These words are not in line with the spirit of athletics.”

Li Cheng: “Sports spirit is for persons who have sportsmanship. He’s merely an orangutan who can swim. Is he aware of what sportsmanship entails?”

The Chinese swimming team was in a strong position in the following events thanks to Li Cheng’s gold medal effect, and produced excellent results in individual contests. Individual matches included 24 events for both men and women. The women’s team won three silver and four bronze medals, while the men’s team gained four gold, five silver, and three bronze medals. Zhou Jian performed the best out of all of them. In the two long-distance freestyle events, he earned gold and silver medals. He was attractive and hailed from a wealthy family. His personal social account gained more than 100,000 fans overnight when the news of his triumph was broadcast.

Li Cheng was intrigued and downloaded the social software to investigate. Zhou Jian’s comment section was basically a giant chicken farm, with some netizens licking his chest, some licking his abs, and some leaving “husband” remarks under his winning-award photo…… 

One of the chickens… Ahem, someone inquired if, because Zhou Jian and Li Cheng were teammates, could Li Cheng also register a social account? Everyone was fascinated by the omega captain and wanted to befriend him.

Li Cheng wondered do you think I don’t surf on the Internet? There was a famous remark on the Internet at the time—”Since we’re already friends, let’s make out~”




Li Cheng was afraid of being caught making out on social media, so he didn’t register a social account.

The last two days of the competition were arranged as a team competition. The mixed 4x100m medley relay was a new event at the Games. Previously, the medley relay was made-up of same-sex players. This new event was not introduced in a world-class competition until two years ago. 

And this newly introduced event was the center of attention at the World Youth Games.


There were no tactics used in the relay medley. The strategy for the event was as easy as sending the fastest person in each stroke. However, passing the baton was the most problematic. Sometimes the players were overly excited, and the next player took off before the preceding player had touched the wall. As a result, they would default, and their result would be invalid.

The organizing committee merely required each team to have two men and two women for the contest. The sequence of the four participants was not specified, which added to the competition’s uncertainty.

According to the information available at that point, most countries had chosen two male players to play in the front to determine their dominant position. Coach Yu, after careful thought, adopted the “Tian Ji's races his horse” principle, mixing and matching women and men, with Li Cheng’s freestyle as the finale.


“Will you be under too much pressure in this manner?” Xiao Yiheng inquired over the phone, concerned.

Li Cheng laughed, completely optimistic: “It’s okay! Pressure is motivation. Wasn’t it said in a superhero movie that with great power comes great responsibility? I am the team’s captain. If I’m not the final act, who will be?”

Xiao Yiheng laughed: “Yes, you are the superhero of all of us.”

Li Cheng inquired about Xiao Yiheng’s recent activities. Xiao Yiheng stated that the three-week Huamei winter camp was halfway through, and the teacher had given the final week for everyone to finish their artwork. The Huamei professors would undertake a double-blind selection when the artworks were done. Finally, 15 pupils out of 50 would qualify for the recommendation. 

Li Cheng couldn’t stop himself from clicking his tongue: “Fifty to fifteen? Damn, that much elimination in one swipe?! The men’s team draft is less stringent than yours.”

Xiao Yiheng: “Don’t you believe in me?”

“How is that even possible? Don’t say fifty into fifteen; even fifty into ten, fifty into five, or fifty into one, you’ll surely get the recommendation!” exclaimed Li Cheng.

In actuality, Li Cheng had no knowledge of painting. He’d never been to a museum, and his only understanding of oil painting came from art textbooks… He did, however, have 10,000% confidence in Xiao Yiheng. He believed that the emotions depicted in Xiao Yiheng’s paintings would shake everyone who saw them. 

If Xiao Yiheng failed to get a recommendation in the end, it must be… it must be… it must be because the selection was shady!

Li Cheng wondered as to what Xiao Yiheng was painting. Xiao Yiheng said nothing explicitly. He just stated: “What is the point of hearing me describe it? When you return, you will be able to witness it with your own eyes.”

Li Cheng: “But I still have a team match to compete in. We have to participate in the closing ceremony and then travel home together after the Games are over…”

“Isn’t that just right? My work isn’t finished yet. The artwork will be finished when you return.” 

Xiao Yiheng’s remarks delighted Li Cheng and made him want to act. He wished that time would go by faster. He couldn’t wait to get home and bury himself in his boyfriend’s arms!

… …


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Even if Li Cheng was in a rush, the forthcoming match was the most important thing.

To be on the podium, he had to put aside distracting thoughts and work hard. 

Li Cheng and his three teammates qualified handily on the fourth day of the preliminary and semifinals, with nearly no setbacks.

It was the day of the finals in the blink of an eye. The only team contest in the swimming competition was the mixed medley relay. It would be a huge victory if they won. All of the members of the Chinese swimming squad who did not compete appeared on the scene to watch the contest.

What struck Li Cheng the most was the number of black-haired and dark-eyed Chinese compatriots in the audience!

They were all local Chinese. The day of the competition was not a day off, but they took time off and arrived at the scene to cheer for the Chinese swimming team. 

When Li Cheng first entered the tournament, he noticed that all of the stands were packed with foreign spectators, but today, hundreds of compatriots gathered, wearing uniform red T-shirts, holding banners in their hands, and waving the national flag, producing a sea of red!

When he saw this sight, Li Cheng’s attitude soared, as if he had an inexhaustible supply of power coursing through his veins.

The relay team’s other members were ecstatic. They had to win medals not only for themselves, but also for their yelling compatriots in the final that day.

“Come on, everyone, stretch your hands out.” Li Cheng instructed everyone to stack their hands together before the match began. 

The four hands overlapped, and the coach placed her hand on the backs of their hands. The five hands shook up and down as they shouted in unison: “We are the champions!”

Soon after, a pleasant female voice came over the speakers in the lounge, reminding everyone that the match was about to begin and that all athletes should line up as soon as possible and enter the stadium one by one.

Mbgas qjgalmlqjcar ogbw afc mbecaglfr fwfgufv ogbw atf ibecuf, jmmbwqjclfv ys ilnfis werlm, jcv abbx atflg qijmfr lc ogbca bo atf mgbkv.

Ktf Jtlcfrf ojcr lc atf rajvlew delmxis uba eq jcv jqqijevfv ktfc atf Jtlcfrf rdejv jqqfjgfv. Ktfs sfiifv atf cjwfr bo atf qijsfgr, klat “Ol Jtfcu” yflcu atf wbra jevlyif. 

“Captain, you have a lot of supporters.” One of the team members stated enviously.

“When you win the gold medal, you can have so many fans!” Li Cheng exclaimed proudly.

The deputy referee instructed the players to be ready as soon as possible, indicating that the game would begin in two minutes.

For the final, the Chinese and Australian teams lined up on adjoining tracks. 

The Chinese team’s tactics alternated between women and men, with two A, one B and one O. The Australian team consisted of men and women who were all alpha, posing a significant threat to the Chinese swimming team.

“Come on! Don’t look at that troop of yellow monkeys!” Alexander, the Australian team’s captain, shouted rudely, “Lina, do you not understand what I’m saying?! What’s so good about that omega? Do you want to mate with him that badly?”


Lina was a breaststroker assigned to the match by the Australian side. She was only 16 years old and had a somewhat introverted nature. She performed admirably, earning a bronze medal in the women’s breaststroke.

Even if she won the medal, she wasn’t able to gain Alexander’s slightest respect. 

Lina admitted that she was quite curious about the captain of the Chinese national team. Li Cheng was an omega. Alexander was defeated by an omega, breaking the event’s record. Wasn’t that something incredible? She couldn’t help but sneak a few glances at Li Cheng, and was caught by Alexander, who lectured her severely in front of her teammates…

After all, she was a girl, and her face flushed when the captain insulted her with such vile language.

However, Alexander’s nasty temper was well-known across the team, and no one dared to oppose him. Lina could only keep her bellyful of resentment hidden. She bent her head to hide the tears in the corners of her eyes from Alexander.

“Now listen to me very carefully,” Alexander threatened, “This match is critical. No one can hold back! If any of you dare to not stake it all and go all-out while swimming, I’ll ensure that they will never be able to act like an alpha again!” 

Lina shivered violently, her legs shaking in terror… No! She couldn’t have stage fright. If she couldn’t play at full strength in a short match, Alexander would most likely kill her…

Lina didn’t dare to think about the team members who had inexplicably resigned due to a disagreement with Alexander.

The Chinese squad heard the disturbance among the Australian players.

In contrast to the Australian swimming team’s apprehensive tension, the Chinese swimming squad had a carefree and pleasant mood. 

A team member inquired of Li Cheng: “What are they on about, Captain? How did I come across your name, eh?”

Li Cheng shrugged his shoulders: “I’m not fluent in canine language. I’m not sure what he was barking about.”

The first relay stroke was the backstroke, which began in the pool rather than on the starting block.

The ten contestants all dove into the pool. Li Cheng took a quick look at the pool and noted that only three of the ten participants were female. The majority of teams had passed the baton to the male players first. 

The Chinese team’s female player plunged into the pool and placed both hands on the starting block on the shore, her voice trembling: “Oh my God, they’re all males… Captain, what if I swim all the way to the bottom with this baton, ah?”

Li Cheng crouched down and looked her in the eyes: “Don’t compare yourself to others; instead, compare yourself to yourself. You don’t have to swim to first place; you just have to swim your best.”

He then put on swimming goggles for her and carefully arranged the edge of her swimming cap.

Li Cheng’s remarks seemed to have a kind of enchantment about them, causing others to be persuaded involuntarily. He was born with a sort of cohesion that caused everyone to surround him and obey his commands. 

The anxiety in the female player’s heart gradually dissipated after hearing his comments. She was the first to take the field, and the most important thing was to remain consistent. It would be a disgrace to their captain if she flinched because she was afraid of the player’s gender.

Finally, the whistle blew.


Ten contenders of various skin tones kicked the wall at the same time. They resembled fish flying in the opposite direction. Their upper bodies departed the water’s surface and rapidly submerged.

They swam fast to the other side, flailing their arms alternately! 

The Chinese female player outperformed everyone’s expectations. She finished fifth out of ten players, surpassing not just the two female players in the same group, but also three male players!

The 50m swimming lap flew by in the blink of an eye. When she touched the wall, the male breaststroke athlete who was following her leaped into the water and dived in quickly!

Lina, the Australian breaststroker, had just entered the water a few seconds earlier.

Li Cheng reached out and pulled up his backstroke squad member. As soon as she got out of the water, the young girl began to cry. She couldn’t decide whether she was exhausted or excited. 

“Okay, okay.” Li Cheng rubbed her head lightly, “You are an alpha. If you cry like this, others will laugh at you.”

The young girl hugged Li Cheng’s shoulders and sniffled for a while. Li Cheng mumbled helplessly: “Don’t cry. Your sister-in-law must be watching the live broadcast right now. If he sees me holding you, he’ll accuse me of taking advantage of a little girl.”

The young girl burst into tears and questioned him: “Captain, I always hear you talk about my sister-in-law. When are you going to introduce him to us?”

“Let me see.” Li Cheng continued, “When I win the championship this time, I’ll take him out for you to see!” 

The competition at the swimming pool had reached boiling point. The second leg of the breaststroke was completed. The Chinese team’s male player was also a champion. He pursued all the way, catching up with two positions and rising to third place!

When the breaststroke swimmer made contact with the wall, the butterfly stroke began. Nine out of ten contestants in the third leg were female. Everyone was unique. The third place was tightly guarded by the female player from China. The first three positions pursued each other closely, and they arrived at the turning point one after the other. They touched the wall, turned around, and swam back towards the shore!

The butterfly stroke was the most aesthetically pleasing of the four strokes. From a distance, the athletes could be seen using both hands to stroke the water at the same time, resembling a butterfly fluttering on the water’s surface. It was extremely pleasing to watch.

Li Cheng was standing on the starting block when he noticed his teammate riding the waves towards him. This sensation was indescribably revitalizing. 

Alexander, who was standing next to him on the starting block at the time, glared at him with contempt in his eyes.

Li Cheng gave him an equally cold look. They held a profound grudge against each other. They didn’t have to say anything; all they had to do was gaze at one other. The sword in their eyes struck at the other immediately.

This match would reveal who was the champion and who was the loser!

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The Australian team deserved to be called a veteran team. Their third baton player was the first to arrive. Alexander took off and flew away. The Chinese team’s butterfly swimmer also hit the shore at the same time he fell into the water! 

Li Cheng smashed both feet into the leaping platform, his body stretched in the air like a crescent, and dropped into the pool.

Despite the fact that there was about a half-second gap between Alexander’s departure time, Li Cheng remained unconcerned. His advantage lay in turning back. He had exercised tumble turning at the turning point for more than 10,000 times, and he had created muscle memory long before. The pace compensated for the half-second variation in starting time!


Li Cheng had a sprint speed right from the start of this race because it was only 100m long. From above, the high-speed camera spotted that gorgeous honey-colored figure, like a flying fish, soaring across the blue water and racing onward!

Thirty meters, twenty meters, ten meters… 

The opposite bank was right in front of Li Cheng. He executed a perfect flip turn, and pushed his feet against the pool wall—at that moment, he was the ocean’s most beloved mermaid prince. The waves drove him forward as he swam, and every inch of his muscles seemed to be imbued with mystical strength.

Huge cheers erupted in the audience as everyone experienced the magic act with their own eyes—Li Cheng had once again performed a miracle. When he turned around, he had more than made up for the time he had lost and had successfully caught up with Alexander!

The two tracks were tightly linked, and the two players went head-to-head, with no one daring to relax the tiniest bit.

They just had one thought in their hearts—they must never lose to the other!! 

The invisible yellow record line reappeared, and this time, the two players’ outstanding performance left the record line far behind.

Almost there… Almost there… Almost there!!

The finish line was close at hand, and the ten deputy referees were waiting for the gate-chrashers to arrive.

Ten meters…nine meters…eight meters… 

Three meters…two meters…one meter…

Li Cheng’s right finger unexpectedly reached the shore during the final stroke. The sensor swiftly captured the race times to the millisecond and promptly posted them to the stadium’s huge screen at the top.

The audience erupted in rapturous applause. Countless cheers were stacked on top of one another, creating a gigantic noise.

Li Cheng emerged from the water. He didn’t even bother looking at Alexander beside him. He hurriedly wiped the water from his face and turned to face the massive screen— 

— The champion’s mark emerged on the screen, in front of the Chinese team’s national flag!!!

The Chinese team was the champion!!

However, Li Cheng’s expression froze before he could smile.

Because—there was a championship logo in front of the Australian team’s national flag as well?! 

Li Cheng massaged his eyes incongruously and attentively examined the two figures juxtaposed together.

Same score.


Same seconds.

Same milliseconds. 

The Chinese and Australian swimming teams actually tied for first place???

Li Cheng: “…”

Shit! What is this?!

Why are you so sullen after winning the championship??? 

Li Cheng cursed quietly, pushed the pool wall with both hands, and leaped out. The water on his body dropped to the ground as a result of gravity’s pull. He noticed Alexander in the swimming lane beside him had a black face, as if he could squeeze out stinky water.

Inwardly, Li Cheng exclaimed, “Pah!”

Who wants to be tied for first place with this piece of trash?

Who knew if eight people could squeeze onto the small podium. 

Despite Li Cheng’s discomfort, his three teammates were ecstatic. They flocked to Li Cheng, each of them like a screaming rooster, crowing so loudly that Li Cheng’s ears went deaf.

Driven by them, Li Cheng’s flattened lips quickly curled up.

Hey! It was the championship after all.

Damn! It was another 250,000 dollars. 

Regardless of how many people were on the podium, he treated Alexander like a crazed barking dog. They had won and would receive the money.

The four of them happily went to wrap up, and they even considered how to persuade the coach to ask everyone to a wonderful supper for a bit.

However, an unusually loud debate could be heard coming from the referee’s bench on the side of the pool at that time.

In the midst of the squabble, a highly recognizable Chinese voice was also heard… 

Everyone was surprised, and they all looked to the referee’s bench at the same time.

At some point, Alexander and his coach had arrived at the referee’s bench, and Coach Yu was also standing nearby with the team’s interpreter.


The two teams were red in the face, especially the always calm and expressionless Coach Yu, who pointed at Alexander with one finger and began striking the table with the fist of the other hand.

Li Cheng’s heart skipped a beat. He reflected on Alexander’s heinous behavior, and then on the Australian Organizing Committee’s mutual act of protection between the snakes and rats, a dreadful premonition spontaneously arising in his thoughts. 

The players exchanged glances, feeling that something was wrong in their hearts.

At that critical moment, Li Cheng stepped up and ordered, “Stand here and don’t move. No matter who approaches you, don’t respond. I am the team’s captain. I will go over there and take a look.”

With that, he dashed for the referee’s bench.

He heard Coach Yu’s angry accusations the moment he arrived: “Your team members can’t do it. That’s your problem. Our team members can do it. It’s their ability! Instead of focusing on your own issues, you accuse us of cheating. How can you people be so shameless?!” 

When Li Cheng heard this, he immediately questioned, “Coach, what happened?”

Coach Yu drew Li Cheng to her side as soon as she noticed him approaching.

Coach Yu drew Li Cheng behind her as if guarding him and looked at the referees on the bench as well as the two Australian team members standing opposite her: “Li Cheng, contestant Alexander has reported you. He claims you cheated while hitting the wall and turning around. That’s why you were able to catch up with him so quickly!”

Li Cheng: “??????” 

Li Cheng yanked on the interpreter instantly: “You tell them on my behalf—they’re spouting fucking nonsense!!!”

The interpreter’s face stiffened: “This… This is difficult to translate… These words are not in line with the spirit of athletics.”

Li Cheng: “Sports spirit is for persons who have sportsmanship. He’s merely an orangutan who can swim. Is he aware of what sportsmanship entails?”

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