Bonus chapter (3/5)

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Building A, Huihuang Community. 

Xiao family.

The young alpha knelt facing the wall. The specially designed bookcase was crammed with trophies, medals, and certificates. The golden colors were linked together, reflecting the alpha’s brilliance from the time he learnt to walk until the age of eighteen.



And now he was kneeling in front of that same “Glory,” “repenting” for taking the “wrong step” and committing a crime.

The boy’s back was straight even when he was kneeling. The weight of those awards could not bend his back even an inch. 

A pen and a huge stack of draft paper were on the floor in front of him.


On the paper, there was a lot of blank space. At the top of the first page, only four huge words were written—”Explanation of the situation.”

The frigid four-word title resembled a subordinate reporting to the boss.

Those four words, however, were clearly not written by his hand. The strokes were haughty, as if the person who wrote the words for him had deigned to lower their noble self and offered to write the words for him as a great favor.


The young alpha glanced at the stack of blank draft paper waiting to be filled by him. Except for a sneer at the corners of his mouth, his face was expressionless.

The door to his room was pushed open at that moment.

A middle-aged woman entered the room. Despite the fact that she was at home, she was dressed to impress, oozing elegance and refinement. Her eyeliner was meticulously applied, and her hair was neatly coiled into a bun.

In her hand was a tray containing tea, snacks, and sliced fruits. This set of “props” was to make her appear more cordial. 

“Yiheng, mom has made some food for you. They are all fresh fruits that I purchased today.” She worked hard to make her voice sound friendly.

Xiao Yiheng remained quiet.

The woman didn’t care about his silence. She entered the room with the tray and stated kindly: “You are as obstinate as your father. You went away without saying anything. That’s terrifying. Did you know that when mom and dad went to look for you at winter camp, the teacher reported you never showed up? Mom’s vision had gone black, and I was on the verge of having a heart attack!… Child, if  you have any thoughts, you must inform your parents. Don’t take decisions on your own. Mom and Dad have consumed more salt than you have consumed rice. All decisions are made for your benefit. How concerned we will be if you confront danger outside. You were certainly not always like this. Why have you suddenly started rebelling?”

Every word she spoke was as if she were a regular mother concerned about her son. 

Instead of using these extravagant phrases, if she actually cared about him, she would instantly rescind the physical punishment.

She walked over to Xiao Yiheng’s side as she was speaking.

“Yiheng, how many words have you written? Come on, let mom look—” All her efforts to appear cordial went down the drain when she spotted the blank draft paper in front of Xiao Yiheng, “What’s the matter with you?! How come you haven’t written anything yet?!!”

Xiao Yiheng gave her a serene glance. 

“Didn’t I write the introduction for you?” Mother Xiao, her voice shrill and stern, pointed to the four-word title, “Mom and Dad simply want to know what happened. Simply write it down as it is!”

“Write what?” Xiao Yiheng inquired indifferently.


“What could it be?! You are the city’s topper and have no idea what to write? Just as when you write an essay—time, place, people, events—you need to explain to us who on earth fostered such horrible thoughts in you, causing you to defy your parents, sneak out, and go to…whatever art winter camp!! Who taught you to pay lip service, who duped you into giving up your studies?! Do you realize how many problems your stubbornness has caused?”

“…” Xiao Yiheng broke his long silence with a loud laugh. 

But his laughter, like a trigger, aggravated Mother Xiao.

“Qtja jgf sbe ijeutlcu jybea?”

“P’w meglber lo sbe tfjgv j rlcuif kbgv bo ktja P rjlv ogbw rajga ab olclrt.” Wljb Tltfcu gjlrfv tlr tfjv, tlr fsfr jr rtjgq jr jc jggbk, “P’nf abiv sbe cewfgber alwfr atja cb bcf aglmxfv wf, atja cb bcf fcalmfv wf, jcv atja P vlvc’a ub ab raevs jga yfmjerf P kjr lgglajafv klat sbe. Snfc lo sbe obgmf wf, P mjc’a mbwf eq klat j cjwf atja vbfrc’a fzlra.”

Mother Xiao was enraged: “Xiao Yiheng, stop talking rubbish! Do you want us to believe that you genuinely enjoy painting and that you withheld your whereabouts from us for your own reasons?” 

“…Yes.” Xiao Yiheng’s tone was cold, as were his eyes. “That is the case. Why aren’t you convinced?”


Mother Xiao, incensed, flung everything in her hands at Xiao Yiheng in the next second. Tray, cup of water, porcelain bowl, plate…

Those heavy items crashed mercilessly into Xiao Yiheng’s body. He did not try to escape. The porcelain bowl landed forcefully on his brow and broke his skin, causing blood to pour. It slid over the corner of his eye, as if leaving a path of blood and tears in its wake. 

Xiao Yiheng smiled sarcastically from the corner of his mouth. Mother Xiao’s phony maternal love was mocked by his smile, the look in his eyes, and the wound on his head.

Mother Xiao couldn’t take it any longer. Her rage was instantly frozen by the expression in his eyes. She yelled, “You best behave!” and dashed out the door. The room’s door was slammed shut, causing the lights on the roof to quake.

Father Xiao sat on the sofa in the living room, his face expressionless as he read the newspaper in his hands.

When Father Xiao noticed Mother Xiao angrily exiting Xiao Yiheng’s room, he looked up. He had heard the quarrel between mother and son in the bedroom clearly. 

“Ha! What did I say? He’s been tainted by bad examples, and his thoughts have turned skewed! He’s taken the wrong path! It’s pointless to try to be kind to him!” In a mocking tone, Father Xiao asked, “What is he unhappy about? We gave him good food and drink and cultivated him. But, what about him? He didn’t say anything and sneaked off to make big news! Would he have vanished without a trace if my old classmate who works at the police station hadn’t discovered his mobile phone location? He changed schools without informing us this time, so will he change universities without informing us the next time?”

Mother Xiao asked impatiently, “Yes, yes, yes, what you said is correct. So, how do you intend to discipline him?”

“Do you have to ask me such a simple question?” Father Xiao sneered, “Discipline him in the same way that you would a disobedient dog. Don’t give him anything to eat or drink. When he realizes he is wrong and confesses it honestly, he will be allowed to eat. Of course, this does not imply that he will be pardoned. He’s at the age when he has a lot of small ideas. The third year of high school has only half a year left. We must keep a close eye on him.”


“Didn’t I smash his phone that day? Don’t let him touch a cell phone for the next six months. He botched up the winter camp recommendation, so let him take the college entrance examination. I don’t believe he can fail the exam with his brains!!” Father Xiao hesitated and abruptly stated, “By the way, I feel you should resign. You should become a housewife, keep an eye on him every day, and when he goes to college, you should rent a room near his school…”

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Mother Xiao’s expression changed as soon as this was spoken.


“Are you serious? In any case, I’m an alpha as well. You expect me to be a full-time housewife while also accompanying him to his studies?!” Mother Xiao’s long, shapely brows furrowed, “I think since you are spewing these great ideas, why don’t you sacrifice your career and accompany him to college!”

“Are you out of your mind? I’m now an associate professor. My career is on an upward trajectory. Should we allow the whole family to go hungry and cold if I quit my job as a teacher?” 

“Oh! Goodness! You still believe you’re an ‘associate professor’ on your way up the ladder? Here’s some news for you: you won’t be climbing the career ladder in this life! Did you forget you’d been accused of sexism? Your name is now on file with the Education Bureau. Even if you wait three years…no, five years, don’t even think about climbing one rung!!”

“You—! So, how about you? Do you believe you’re better than I am? That you’re the real principal because you handle paperwork in the administrative office and believe you’re in charge of stamping the official seal on documents? Those wealthy kids seek you out to stamp the seal on forged transcripts. You’re far more courageous than your son!”

The man and woman who had just returned to the unified front became embroiled in another internal struggle, revealing one other’s flaws and stabbing each other fiercely and accurately.

The house furniture suffered yet again as a result of endless squabbles, and everything was broken. 

Xiao Yiheng remained in his bedroom, blankly listening to the smashing sounds in the living room, as if it were not his biological parents battling, but passersby in the vegetable market arguing for a dollar.

He used a handkerchief to cover the wound on his forehead and handled the computer with his free hand.

His motions were fast, and the sound of keyboard tapping continued for some time. Fortunately, the argument outside the room was loud enough that his parents were unaware of what he was doing.

A few days ago, during the Academy of Fine Arts’ training camp, Xiao Yiheng received a call from the police station. Only then did he realize that his parents had contacted the police since he couldn’t be found. The policeman was an old classmate of his father and utilized his contacts to track down Xiao Yiheng by tracking his cell phone signal. 

Because his parents came right to the door, and Xiao Yiheng didn’t want things to get too unpleasant in front of the school and teachers, he chose to leave.

When he obeyed this time, he admitted that he still had some hope in his heart—he was an adult, and he hoped that as three adults, he could have a decent chat with his parents and tell them all his feelings and thoughts. He wanted to express everything. He wanted to tell them how miserable he had been for the last eighteen years, how he yearned to be independent, how he wished to pursue the people and things he adored. He aspired to be someone who followed his heart. He desired to be respected by his parents.

However…he should not have taken such risks.

Some alpha believed they were noble from birth. Some parents never heard the voices of their children. 

This unsuccessful attempt was not only Xiao Yiheng’s last hope for himself, but also the last opportunity he had given to his parents.

Unfortunately, they turned down the opportunity for “reconciliation.”

Then they shouldn’t blame him for his ruthlessness.

Xiao Yiheng quietly turned on the computer and connected to the camera at home—the previous time he paid a hacker to assist him in tampering with the surveillance video, he also instructed the hacker to leave a backdoor program in the camera. 

This backdoor program would capture key terms from the couple’s conversation and then store all videos relating to their work and transmit them to Xiao Yiheng’s private account.

More than a dozen short videos were now saved in the secret account, and they were all related to the two people’s dirty work.

Visit for extra chapters.


Father Xiao was a sexist; he purposely gave beta and omega low scores during graduation interviews, all of his alpha students became his cheap labor, and he even stole the students’ research results passing them as his own work. Mother Xiao conspired with the wealthy second generation students, surreptitiously stamping official stamps on their fabricated international transcripts and even forged the professor’s private seal to sign a recommendation letter…

These secrets were unknown to Xiao Yiheng until he watched the videos. 

The pair would face an unfathomable calamity once this evidence was thrown out!

But Xiao Yiheng would not be softhearted.

He would mail the proof straight to the Education Bureau, rather than the university’s dean, for fear of the scandal being suppressed. But he needed to think hard about how to defend himself and get out of this situation.

A loud noise sounded from the community’s street park when Xiao Yiheng was composing an anonymous letter on the computer. 

The noise was so loud that even though the Xiao family resided on a high floor, they could easily hear it.

The Xiao couple, who were arguing furiously in the living room, came to a halt at the same time. They couldn’t even argue since the surroundings were so loud!

Father Xiao stepped to the balcony and glanced down to find a large crowd gathered in the garden downstairs for an unknown reason. The mob had gathered around a young boy with blond hair. A swarm of grandpas and grandmas surrounded him, joyfully caressing his hair and pulling his clothes.

When Mother Xiao noticed this, she immediately dialed the internal phone number for the property security on the first level. 


As soon as the call was answered, Mother Xiao vented her rage by saying caustically: “Hello? What do you mean by “hello”? Is this how you manage the community? The commotion downstairs is similar to that of the farmers’ market. What type of affluent neighborhood is this? Why haven’t you dealt with the commotion yet?”

The security guard had known the Xiao family’s name for a long time. The couple’s gaze was fixed on the sky, and they didn’t even greet the security guard as they walked in and out, as if they weren’t people at all, but two watchdogs on the first level.

The duo annoyed all of the security guards. They were tired of dealing with them. 

When the security guard heard Mother Xiao begin her petty criticism again, he responded promptly.

“Mrs. Xiao, I’m sorry, but we really don’t have any control over it—a world champion came to our neighborhood, and the people flocked around him, asking for signatures. The other residents will be upset if you drive him away!”

“World champion? Which world champion?” Mother Xiao inquired.

“It’s the omega swimmer who just won two championships in the World Youth Games! He’s been in the news several times. Don’t you typically pay attention to such details?” 

Mother Xiao’s interest vanished as soon as she learned it was an omega. She thought the world champion was simply the world champion. What did an omega have anything to do with her?

She rolled her eyes as she hung up the phone.


“What’s going on downstairs?” Father Xiao inquired.

Mother Xiao: “An omega world champion swimmer has arrived downstairs. He imagines himself to be a famous star.” 

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Father Xiao was about to say something when the house’s internal phone rang again. For whatever reason, the first-floor security guard called them back.

Mother Xiao turned around and returned to the internal line, where she picked it up.

“What’s the problem? You’ve finally realized your dereliction of duty and decided to put an end to the noise downstairs?” Mother Xiao inquired furiously.

“…” The security guard was rendered speechless. “The world champion wants to pay you a visit.” 


“This world champion is your son’s classmate,” stated the security guard.

Mother Xiao: “…”

Mother Xiao cast an unintentional glance at Xiao Yiheng’s closed door. 

“No. Xiao Yiheng has been very busy these days,” she said right away. He was busy kneeling, acknowledging mistakes, and being chastised. “He doesn’t have time to meet people. As for the champion classmate… simply ask him to return.”

Her guilty conscience compelled her to hang up the phone as soon as she finished speaking.

Father Xiao, who was standing nearby, clearly heard the two people’s chat.

Father Xiao frowned: “Sports champion? Isn’t Xiao Yiheng in the rocket class? Is there still a sports student in the class?” 

“How is that possible? My son is in class one, and the school places all students with special skills in class thirteen. The two classes are separated by a huge chasm.”

“Then how did they meet? Why did that omega come specifically to look for him?”

The couple locked their gazes on each other. Neither of them could understand the reason.

The intercom phone rang again as they stood there staring at each other. 

Mother Xiao did not answer the phone this time. Father Xiao grabbed the receiver and yelled, “Hey—”

Surprisingly, the voice on the other end of the phone was no longer that of the security guard, but rather that of a boy’s aggressive speech.


“Stop shouting “hey” already. You two are so old! How can you be that impolite?! You hung up on the security uncle before he had even finished speaking. Someone else might have thought you hung yourself!”

“Who are you?” Father Xiao was enraged when he heard the words, “You’re so foul-mouthed you little rascal!” 

The question was quite pertinent.

“Because you begged so earnestly and sincerely, I will show mercy and tell you—” The youngster’s voice was crisp, and his words were fiery “—My name is Li Cheng, and I’m your son’s boyfriend. I’ve come to abduct my bride!”

Bonus chapter (3/5)

Building A, Huihuang Community. 

Xiao family.

The young alpha knelt facing the wall. The specially designed bookcase was crammed with trophies, medals, and certificates. The golden colors were linked together, reflecting the alpha’s brilliance from the time he learnt to walk until the age of eighteen.



And now he was kneeling in front of that same “Glory,” “repenting” for taking the “wrong step” and committing a crime.

The boy’s back was straight even when he was kneeling. The weight of those awards could not bend his back even an inch. 

A pen and a huge stack of draft paper were on the floor in front of him.


On the paper, there was a lot of blank space. At the top of the first page, only four huge words were written—”Explanation of the situation.”

The frigid four-word title resembled a subordinate reporting to the boss.

Those four words, however, were clearly not written by his hand. The strokes were haughty, as if the person who wrote the words for him had deigned to lower their noble self and offered to write the words for him as a great favor.


The young alpha glanced at the stack of blank draft paper waiting to be filled by him. Except for a sneer at the corners of his mouth, his face was expressionless.

The door to his room was pushed open at that moment.

A middle-aged woman entered the room. Despite the fact that she was at home, she was dressed to impress, oozing elegance and refinement. Her eyeliner was meticulously applied, and her hair was neatly coiled into a bun.

In her hand was a tray containing tea, snacks, and sliced fruits. This set of “props” was to make her appear more cordial. 

“Yiheng, mom has made some food for you. They are all fresh fruits that I purchased today.” She worked hard to make her voice sound friendly.

Xiao Yiheng remained quiet.

The woman didn’t care about his silence. She entered the room with the tray and stated kindly: “You are as obstinate as your father. You went away without saying anything. That’s terrifying. Did you know that when mom and dad went to look for you at winter camp, the teacher reported you never showed up? Mom’s vision had gone black, and I was on the verge of having a heart attack!… Child, if  you have any thoughts, you must inform your parents. Don’t take decisions on your own. Mom and Dad have consumed more salt than you have consumed rice. All decisions are made for your benefit. How concerned we will be if you confront danger outside. You were certainly not always like this. Why have you suddenly started rebelling?”

Every word she spoke was as if she were a regular mother concerned about her son. 

Instead of using these extravagant phrases, if she actually cared about him, she would instantly rescind the physical punishment.

She walked over to Xiao Yiheng’s side as she was speaking.

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“Yiheng, how many words have you written? Come on, let mom look—” All her efforts to appear cordial went down the drain when she spotted the blank draft paper in front of Xiao Yiheng, “What’s the matter with you?! How come you haven’t written anything yet?!!”

Xiao Yiheng gave her a serene glance. 

“Didn’t I write the introduction for you?” Mother Xiao, her voice shrill and stern, pointed to the four-word title, “Mom and Dad simply want to know what happened. Simply write it down as it is!”

“Write what?” Xiao Yiheng inquired indifferently.


“What could it be?! You are the city’s topper and have no idea what to write? Just as when you write an essay—time, place, people, events—you need to explain to us who on earth fostered such horrible thoughts in you, causing you to defy your parents, sneak out, and go to…whatever art winter camp!! Who taught you to pay lip service, who duped you into giving up your studies?! Do you realize how many problems your stubbornness has caused?”

“…” Xiao Yiheng broke his long silence with a loud laugh. 

But his laughter, like a trigger, aggravated Mother Xiao.

“Qtja jgf sbe ijeutlcu jybea?”

“P’w meglber lo sbe tfjgv j rlcuif kbgv bo ktja P rjlv ogbw rajga ab olclrt.” Wljb Tltfcu gjlrfv tlr tfjv, tlr fsfr jr rtjgq jr jc jggbk, “P’nf abiv sbe cewfgber alwfr atja cb bcf aglmxfv wf, atja cb bcf fcalmfv wf, jcv atja P vlvc’a ub ab raevs jga yfmjerf P kjr lgglajafv klat sbe. Snfc lo sbe obgmf wf, P mjc’a mbwf eq klat j cjwf atja vbfrc’a fzlra.”

Mother Xiao was enraged: “Xiao Yiheng, stop talking rubbish! Do you want us to believe that you genuinely enjoy painting and that you withheld your whereabouts from us for your own reasons?” 

“…Yes.” Xiao Yiheng’s tone was cold, as were his eyes. “That is the case. Why aren’t you convinced?”


Mother Xiao, incensed, flung everything in her hands at Xiao Yiheng in the next second. Tray, cup of water, porcelain bowl, plate…

Those heavy items crashed mercilessly into Xiao Yiheng’s body. He did not try to escape. The porcelain bowl landed forcefully on his brow and broke his skin, causing blood to pour. It slid over the corner of his eye, as if leaving a path of blood and tears in its wake. 

Xiao Yiheng smiled sarcastically from the corner of his mouth. Mother Xiao’s phony maternal love was mocked by his smile, the look in his eyes, and the wound on his head.

Mother Xiao couldn’t take it any longer. Her rage was instantly frozen by the expression in his eyes. She yelled, “You best behave!” and dashed out the door. The room’s door was slammed shut, causing the lights on the roof to quake.

Father Xiao sat on the sofa in the living room, his face expressionless as he read the newspaper in his hands.

When Father Xiao noticed Mother Xiao angrily exiting Xiao Yiheng’s room, he looked up. He had heard the quarrel between mother and son in the bedroom clearly. 

“Ha! What did I say? He’s been tainted by bad examples, and his thoughts have turned skewed! He’s taken the wrong path! It’s pointless to try to be kind to him!” In a mocking tone, Father Xiao asked, “What is he unhappy about? We gave him good food and drink and cultivated him. But, what about him? He didn’t say anything and sneaked off to make big news! Would he have vanished without a trace if my old classmate who works at the police station hadn’t discovered his mobile phone location? He changed schools without informing us this time, so will he change universities without informing us the next time?”

Mother Xiao asked impatiently, “Yes, yes, yes, what you said is correct. So, how do you intend to discipline him?”

“Do you have to ask me such a simple question?” Father Xiao sneered, “Discipline him in the same way that you would a disobedient dog. Don’t give him anything to eat or drink. When he realizes he is wrong and confesses it honestly, he will be allowed to eat. Of course, this does not imply that he will be pardoned. He’s at the age when he has a lot of small ideas. The third year of high school has only half a year left. We must keep a close eye on him.”


“Didn’t I smash his phone that day? Don’t let him touch a cell phone for the next six months. He botched up the winter camp recommendation, so let him take the college entrance examination. I don’t believe he can fail the exam with his brains!!” Father Xiao hesitated and abruptly stated, “By the way, I feel you should resign. You should become a housewife, keep an eye on him every day, and when he goes to college, you should rent a room near his school…”

Mother Xiao’s expression changed as soon as this was spoken.


“Are you serious? In any case, I’m an alpha as well. You expect me to be a full-time housewife while also accompanying him to his studies?!” Mother Xiao’s long, shapely brows furrowed, “I think since you are spewing these great ideas, why don’t you sacrifice your career and accompany him to college!”

“Are you out of your mind? I’m now an associate professor. My career is on an upward trajectory. Should we allow the whole family to go hungry and cold if I quit my job as a teacher?” 

“Oh! Goodness! You still believe you’re an ‘associate professor’ on your way up the ladder? Here’s some news for you: you won’t be climbing the career ladder in this life! Did you forget you’d been accused of sexism? Your name is now on file with the Education Bureau. Even if you wait three years…no, five years, don’t even think about climbing one rung!!”

“You—! So, how about you? Do you believe you’re better than I am? That you’re the real principal because you handle paperwork in the administrative office and believe you’re in charge of stamping the official seal on documents? Those wealthy kids seek you out to stamp the seal on forged transcripts. You’re far more courageous than your son!”

The man and woman who had just returned to the unified front became embroiled in another internal struggle, revealing one other’s flaws and stabbing each other fiercely and accurately.

The house furniture suffered yet again as a result of endless squabbles, and everything was broken. 

Xiao Yiheng remained in his bedroom, blankly listening to the smashing sounds in the living room, as if it were not his biological parents battling, but passersby in the vegetable market arguing for a dollar.

He used a handkerchief to cover the wound on his forehead and handled the computer with his free hand.

His motions were fast, and the sound of keyboard tapping continued for some time. Fortunately, the argument outside the room was loud enough that his parents were unaware of what he was doing.

A few days ago, during the Academy of Fine Arts’ training camp, Xiao Yiheng received a call from the police station. Only then did he realize that his parents had contacted the police since he couldn’t be found. The policeman was an old classmate of his father and utilized his contacts to track down Xiao Yiheng by tracking his cell phone signal. 

Because his parents came right to the door, and Xiao Yiheng didn’t want things to get too unpleasant in front of the school and teachers, he chose to leave.

When he obeyed this time, he admitted that he still had some hope in his heart—he was an adult, and he hoped that as three adults, he could have a decent chat with his parents and tell them all his feelings and thoughts. He wanted to express everything. He wanted to tell them how miserable he had been for the last eighteen years, how he yearned to be independent, how he wished to pursue the people and things he adored. He aspired to be someone who followed his heart. He desired to be respected by his parents.

However…he should not have taken such risks.

Some alpha believed they were noble from birth. Some parents never heard the voices of their children. 

This unsuccessful attempt was not only Xiao Yiheng’s last hope for himself, but also the last opportunity he had given to his parents.

Unfortunately, they turned down the opportunity for “reconciliation.”

Then they shouldn’t blame him for his ruthlessness.

Xiao Yiheng quietly turned on the computer and connected to the camera at home—the previous time he paid a hacker to assist him in tampering with the surveillance video, he also instructed the hacker to leave a backdoor program in the camera. 

This backdoor program would capture key terms from the couple’s conversation and then store all videos relating to their work and transmit them to Xiao Yiheng’s private account.

More than a dozen short videos were now saved in the secret account, and they were all related to the two people’s dirty work.

Visit for extra chapters.

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Father Xiao was a sexist; he purposely gave beta and omega low scores during graduation interviews, all of his alpha students became his cheap labor, and he even stole the students’ research results passing them as his own work. Mother Xiao conspired with the wealthy second generation students, surreptitiously stamping official stamps on their fabricated international transcripts and even forged the professor’s private seal to sign a recommendation letter…

These secrets were unknown to Xiao Yiheng until he watched the videos. 

The pair would face an unfathomable calamity once this evidence was thrown out!

But Xiao Yiheng would not be softhearted.

He would mail the proof straight to the Education Bureau, rather than the university’s dean, for fear of the scandal being suppressed. But he needed to think hard about how to defend himself and get out of this situation.

A loud noise sounded from the community’s street park when Xiao Yiheng was composing an anonymous letter on the computer. 

The noise was so loud that even though the Xiao family resided on a high floor, they could easily hear it.

The Xiao couple, who were arguing furiously in the living room, came to a halt at the same time. They couldn’t even argue since the surroundings were so loud!

Father Xiao stepped to the balcony and glanced down to find a large crowd gathered in the garden downstairs for an unknown reason. The mob had gathered around a young boy with blond hair. A swarm of grandpas and grandmas surrounded him, joyfully caressing his hair and pulling his clothes.

When Mother Xiao noticed this, she immediately dialed the internal phone number for the property security on the first level. 


As soon as the call was answered, Mother Xiao vented her rage by saying caustically: “Hello? What do you mean by “hello”? Is this how you manage the community? The commotion downstairs is similar to that of the farmers’ market. What type of affluent neighborhood is this? Why haven’t you dealt with the commotion yet?”

The security guard had known the Xiao family’s name for a long time. The couple’s gaze was fixed on the sky, and they didn’t even greet the security guard as they walked in and out, as if they weren’t people at all, but two watchdogs on the first level.

The duo annoyed all of the security guards. They were tired of dealing with them. 

When the security guard heard Mother Xiao begin her petty criticism again, he responded promptly.

“Mrs. Xiao, I’m sorry, but we really don’t have any control over it—a world champion came to our neighborhood, and the people flocked around him, asking for signatures. The other residents will be upset if you drive him away!”

“World champion? Which world champion?” Mother Xiao inquired.

“It’s the omega swimmer who just won two championships in the World Youth Games! He’s been in the news several times. Don’t you typically pay attention to such details?” 

Mother Xiao’s interest vanished as soon as she learned it was an omega. She thought the world champion was simply the world champion. What did an omega have anything to do with her?

She rolled her eyes as she hung up the phone.


“What’s going on downstairs?” Father Xiao inquired.

Mother Xiao: “An omega world champion swimmer has arrived downstairs. He imagines himself to be a famous star.” 

Father Xiao was about to say something when the house’s internal phone rang again. For whatever reason, the first-floor security guard called them back.

Mother Xiao turned around and returned to the internal line, where she picked it up.

“What’s the problem? You’ve finally realized your dereliction of duty and decided to put an end to the noise downstairs?” Mother Xiao inquired furiously.

“…” The security guard was rendered speechless. “The world champion wants to pay you a visit.” 


“This world champion is your son’s classmate,” stated the security guard.

Mother Xiao: “…”

Mother Xiao cast an unintentional glance at Xiao Yiheng’s closed door. 

“No. Xiao Yiheng has been very busy these days,” she said right away. He was busy kneeling, acknowledging mistakes, and being chastised. “He doesn’t have time to meet people. As for the champion classmate… simply ask him to return.”

Her guilty conscience compelled her to hang up the phone as soon as she finished speaking.

Father Xiao, who was standing nearby, clearly heard the two people’s chat.

Father Xiao frowned: “Sports champion? Isn’t Xiao Yiheng in the rocket class? Is there still a sports student in the class?” 

“How is that possible? My son is in class one, and the school places all students with special skills in class thirteen. The two classes are separated by a huge chasm.”

“Then how did they meet? Why did that omega come specifically to look for him?”

The couple locked their gazes on each other. Neither of them could understand the reason.

The intercom phone rang again as they stood there staring at each other. 

Mother Xiao did not answer the phone this time. Father Xiao grabbed the receiver and yelled, “Hey—”

Surprisingly, the voice on the other end of the phone was no longer that of the security guard, but rather that of a boy’s aggressive speech.


“Stop shouting “hey” already. You two are so old! How can you be that impolite?! You hung up on the security uncle before he had even finished speaking. Someone else might have thought you hung yourself!”

“Who are you?” Father Xiao was enraged when he heard the words, “You’re so foul-mouthed you little rascal!” 

The question was quite pertinent.

“Because you begged so earnestly and sincerely, I will show mercy and tell you—” The youngster’s voice was crisp, and his words were fiery “—My name is Li Cheng, and I’m your son’s boyfriend. I’ve come to abduct my bride!”

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