Ch117 - Extra 10: The cub is here (1)

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Li Cheng’s belly grew to the size of a balloon in the blink of an eye.

Overall, a male omega’s bodily structure differed from that of a female omega. A pregnant male omega gave birth after eight months. 

Xiao Yiheng had deep pockets, therefore he didn’t think twice about spending money at this time. He had already reserved a room at a reputable private hospital, and the entire course of VVIP care would ensure that Li Cheng did not suffer the slightest grievance.

It was only that this baby was extremely lazy. He was still sleeping in Li Cheng’s womb a few days after his due date.



Li Cheng was worried.

How could Li Cheng not be worried? 

Xiao Yiheng was in charge of the entire hospital selection procedure. Li Cheng hadn’t given it a second thought. However, the instant Li Cheng entered the hospital and saw the magnificent decoration and considerate staff, he realized that things were not going well.


Li Cheng: “Xiao Yiheng, tell me the truth. What are the daily charges of this hospital?”

Xiao Yiheng: “It’s not too pricey.”

Li Cheng: “How much is it if it’s not too pricey?”


“…” Xiao Yiheng remained silent.

Li Cheng was not a moron. He had a phone and instantly looked up the rates on the hospital’s official website.

Li Cheng nearly fainted after counting the number of zeros.

Seeing how upset he was, Xiao Yiheng quickly coaxed him: “Don’t worry, ChengCheng. The charges listed on the official website are simply a guideline. You get a discount if you order a monthly package with the postpartum care center!” 

“You fucking also purchased a monthly package???” Li Cheng suspected that after the kid was born, he would have to return home and sell his gold medals!

Li Cheng’s stay would be extended by a day for every day the baby was lazy in the belly, and for every day Li Cheng stayed, their money would fly away for one more day…

Xiao Yiheng walked outside to respond to a work call. When he returned to the ward, he noticed Li Cheng standing on the balcony of the VVIP unit, his tummy ballooned, reading the hospital’s billing details loudly.

Li Cheng was stroking his stomach while reading: “Baby, don’t sleep any longer; pay close attention. The following are the single-day charges for the VVIP ward: Infrastructure fee: xxxx yuan per day, bed fee: xxxx yuan per day, designated doctor’s fee: xxxx yuan per day, nutritious meal: 1688 dollars per day… Fuck! It takes more than a thousand dollars every day to eat? I didn’t consume any abalone or lobster! Oh, my child! When your dad was training for the Olympics, the team’s food expenditure was at this level. If you can’t swim 100m after birth, you’re not deserving of this 1688 dollars!” 

Xiao Yiheng, who had been listening to all of this: “…”

It is unknown whether Li Cheng’s reading of the fee schedule played a part, but Li Cheng “mobilized” that night.

Before being sent to the delivery room while lying on a bed, he was completely unclothed and covered with a thin blanket. Xiao Yiheng dressed in sterile clothing, accompanied him all the way to the surgery room, and kept an eye on him.

Xiao Yiheng was determined to cut his child’s umbilical cord on his own. (This was an additional charge.) 

Li Cheng’s stomach hurt horribly. He had the sensation that the baby was punching and kicking him in the stomach. He wanted to hold his belly and shout: “Don’t fucking somersault! This is Laozi’s belly, not your swimming pool!”

When Xiao Yiheng noticed Li Cheng’s lips were white, he grabbed his hand and clasped their fingers, silently imparting strength to him.

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When Li Cheng spotted Xiao Yiheng’s worried expression, he refused to let Xiao Yiheng worry about him.

While waiting for the anesthetic to take effect, Li Cheng had the courage to make a joke with Xiao Yiheng and purposefully amuse him: “Okay, okay, to whom are you showing such an ugly expression? By the way, you’re not going to pass out, are you?” 

Xiao Yiheng clutched his hand and shook his head: “No, I’m not going to pass out. Why are you asking?”

Li Cheng: “I previously read a post. An alpha accompanied his wife into the delivery room with the intention of cutting the child’s umbilical cord. As a result of seeing the blood, the alpha became ill and threw up all over the place before the operation was finished!”

Xiao Yiheng, who truly admired his ability to be a wet blanket: “…”

Li Cheng smiled heartlessly: “Xiao Yiheng, you can leave…” 

The anesthetic kicked in before he could finish speaking, and Li Cheng fell unconscious.

… …

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Li Cheng was already lying back on the huge bed in his VVIP room when he regained consciousness. In the room, only a little night light was switched on, lighting a small section of the floor. There was a small glass crib in the open space next to the hospital bed. From Li Cheng’s point of view, only a small swaddle could be seen in the crib.

Ol Jtfcu: “Ct…” 

Ktf jcfratfalm tjvc’a kbgc boo sfa, jcv tlr atbeutar kfgf obuus, ilxf lo tf kfgf lc j mibev.

Dea tf kjr mfgajlc atja ktja kjr riffqlcu lc atf mgly kjr tlr mtliv, tlr mey.

Qtfc atfs tfjgv tlr nblmf, atf akb qfbqif ktb kfgf ktlrqfglcu lc ogbca bo atf mgly aegcfv ab ojmf tlw. Ktf ajii wjc gertfv ab tlr yfv jcv rabbqfv vbkc ab fzjwlcf tlw.

It was, of course, the attractive and slightly extravagant alpha. 

The alpha’s eyes were filled with love as he softly addressed him, “Are you awake, ChengCheng? How do you feel?”

Li Cheng blinked and asked hoarsely, “…Who are you?”

The alpha: “…”

Li Cheng reached out from beneath the quilt, stroked his face, and laughed foolishly, saying: “Wow! You’re so handsome. You’re exactly the type I like.” 

The alpha: “…”

Li Cheng sighed regretfully: “It’s a shame I have a husband. But you can wait till my husband dies. I’ll marry you and bring my cub with me.”


The alpha: “…” The blue veins in the alpha’s forehead seemed to be popping, “ChengCheng, take a good look at who I am.”

“Hmm…” Li Cheng held his face, looked left and right, and shook his head blankly, “I don’t know you. But it doesn’t matter. This way, my husband won’t find out about our secret love affair~!” 

With that, he pouted his lips and gave a resounding “muah” on the alpha’s face.

The alpha’s expression was incredibly complicated after being kissed by him. He appeared to be angry, but also amused.

The alpha sighed and turned around to question the other person in the room, “Youyou, is your brother anesthetic intolerant?”

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Li Cheng shifted his gaze to the other individual. It was a young female beta with two large braids and a fashionable appearance. 

The young lady pondered: “My brother is in good health and has never been hospitalized. I honestly don’t know… Ah! I recall.” The girl covered her mouth and continued while snickering, “My brother had a tooth extraction when I was a kid. He seemed like a different person after taking the anesthetics, spouting rubbish all the time.”

It was merely that the anesthesia used for tooth extraction was minimal. Her brother was only confused for a short time before regaining his senses and refusing to admit he had become stupid.

She hadn’t expected to be lucky and witness her gege‘s foolish appearance this time. She had to record it on her phone this time! She’d have evidence if he refused to acknowledge it again.

Li Cheng’s head was still spinning, but after listening to their conversation, he concluded they should all knew each other. 

Li Cheng held the alpha’s hand in his and asked softly, “Handsome guy, who is she?”

Youyou took a step nearer, holding her phone in her hand, mocking her brother: “Who am I? Do you not recognize me? I’m your great aunt. Come on! Quickly call me great aunt.”

“Oh…” Li Cheng finally saw the light, “Great aunt, you look so young. Did you have a face lift?”

“…” Youyou almost shattered her phone. 

She now had a strong suspicion that her brother had long since sobered up and was purposefully playing tricks on her!

… …

Li Cheng dozed off again and awoke for the second time. The growling in his stomach jolted him awake.

At this point, the anesthetic had worn off completely, and he had no recollection of waking up earlier, flirting with his husband and bullying his sister. 

Giving birth was an extremely physically exhausting task. Li Cheng’s chest was pushed against his back because he was so hungry. He couldn’t sit up straight because of the scar on his abdomen. He could just half-lay on the bed to take a drink of soup.

Li Cheng had obviously lost weight in just three days. He was nearly a size smaller.


However, when Li Cheng saw the peacefully sleeping little baby on the bed, he felt that the suffering he had gone through had been completely worth it!

His cub was the cutest cub in the world! 

His cub was a strong boy. His wail was the loudest among the newborns in the hospital. Every time a nurse took him for breastfeeding, he drank the most milk and drank it the fastest of all the newborns.

The cub’s skin tone matched that of Xiao Yiheng. He was extremely fair. His features were similar to Li Cheng’s, which were both beautiful and sharp. His large eyes, in particular, were far too appealing.

Li Cheng still couldn’t believe such a cute baby had popped out of his stomach. They had been connected by blood for eight months before he entered their lives.

Xiao Yiheng decided the child’s name by combining the surnames of his two fathers. The baby was named “Xiao Lizhi“. 

It represented the two husbands’ mutual love and understanding.

The baby’s pet name was “Little Lychee”, which could also be written as Zhizhi, Zhizhi, and Zhizhi.

He was called Zhizhi right after drinking milk because his body smelled of milk; when he mumbled “gu gu ga ga” as he dreamed and smacked his lips, he was called Zhizhi; when he slept in his father’s arms, because they looked like a big tree bearing small fruits, he was called Zhizhi…

It is unnecessary to point out that these names were far superior to “Xiao Jinpai” and “Li Dichengfo.” 

Li Cheng was hospitalized for three days. He did not return home after being discharged from the hospital. Instead, he went straight to the postpartum care center, where he stayed for a month. (Yes, the one with a monthly charge.)

He got along well with others. During his month of recuperation, his old classmates and team members came to see him in groups. Huang Yelun and the others flew in from Huacheng. What surprised Li Cheng the most was the presence of his two coaches, Coach Wu and Coach Yu.

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Not only that, but Youyou’s adoptive parents made the trip as well.

Because they were unable to have children due to health difficulties, they chose to adopt Youyou as a child. Youyou left home to attend university after growing up. The old couple’s hearts were always lonesome. They rushed over to see Li Cheng after learning that he had given birth to a child. 

They adored Little Lychee and lavished him with baby clothes and toys. Youyou’s adoptive mother was especially attentive. She actually gave Li Cheng a hefty notebook with solid parenting advice she had jotted down.

When the old couple witnessed Li Cheng skillfully scooping up the infant to coax him to sleep, they were overcome with emotion.

“Li Cheng, you’re plainly still a youngster in my eyes…but you have a child in the blink of an eye.” Youyou’s adoptive mother sighed.

Xiao Yiheng accompanied the elderly couple to the dining hall for lunch at midday. Li Cheng was still unable to leave the recovery center and could only stay to enjoy the nutritious lunch for $1688. 

Youyou stayed with him to look after Little Lychee.

Little Lychee was not even a month old and slept all the time. He slept for at least 20 hours per day. After drinking milk, he went to bed without a fuss. He was an extremely worry-free child.


Li Cheng glanced down at the cub in the cradle and remarked, “Youyou, you were just like this when you were born. You were a teeny-tiny bundle in mother’s arms. Our family’s circumstances were bad. We only had a boat, but Dad still built you a cradle, and Mom made you a quilt out of the stuffed cotton of my teddy bear.”

Youyou was quiet for a moment before saying, “…It’s a shame I don’t recall it anymore.” 

Li Cheng chuckled: “How old were you when our parents… When they left, you were only two years old.”

Both of Li Cheng’s parents were beta. Their four-person joyful family had been wrecked by a natural disaster, leaving only the brother and sister duo. Fortunately, they had discovered their own happiness and begun a new life. Youyou had earned admission to Capital University via her own efforts, and she had a promising future. Li Cheng became a world champion who stunned the swimming world, married, and had a little lychee.

Their parents in heaven would certainly be proud of them, right?

Li Cheng decided that when Little Lychee could fly, he and Xiao Yiheng would take their child to visit his parents’ graves. 

Li Cheng murmured: “I found such an excellent alpha. Our parents will undoubtedly be pleased, right?”

Youyou swiftly nodded: “Of course! Hoof… I mean, my sister-in-law is handsome and adores you. Our parents will certainly be overjoyed!”

Li Cheng coughed: “Alright, he’s not here. There’s no need to blow his rainbow fart.”

“I’m not blowing rainbow farts,” Youyou stated earnestly. “Brother, didn’t my sister-in-law accompany you into the operating room when you gave birth? You weren’t awake when you came out, but my sister-in-law was right there with you, holding your hand the whole time, and…” 

“And?” Li Cheng inquired, his eyes wide with curiosity. In truth, he had always been curious about one thing: did Xiao Yiheng feel sick when he saw blood and throw up everywhere when he cut Little Lychee’s umbilical cord? It was unfortunate that when he asked all the nurses, they simply covered their mouths and laughed. Nobody would tell him what had occurred.

“…and his face was full of tears, and his eyes were red,” Youyou remarked.

Li Cheng: “????” He said incredulously, “Xiao Yiheng? He cried????”

Xiao Yiheng was a reserved individual. He never showed his emotions, whether they were happy or sad. Even his smile was faint. 

Li Cheng never imagined that Xiao Yiheng would cry for him…

Li Cheng’s heart felt sour and sweet for a while, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t stop rising.

… …

After the guests had left in the evening, Xiao Yiheng led Li Cheng to the recovery center suite to rest. 

Li Cheng was tossing and turning in bed, like a pancake flipped over and over again, unable to sleep.

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Xiao Yiheng reached out his arm and hugged him: “Why are you tossing about? You will wake up Zhizhi if you don’t sleep.”


Li Cheng made an odd sounding mischievous chuckle.

His eyes flashed with a sly look as he lay in Xiao Yiheng’s arms: “Xiao Yiheng, I heard Youyou say today that you cried the day I gave birth to our son! Did you, did you, did you?” 

Xiao Yiheng’s body suddenly became rigid: “…She’s mistaken.”

His efforts to conceal it simply made it more apparent. Li Cheng knew Xiao Yiheng had definitely, positively, certainly cried the instant he heard his refusal!

Li Cheng had never previously seen Xiao Yiheng cry. When he realized he had missed such a magnificent scene, he felt terrible and his heart itched tremendously.

“Xiao Yiheng~~ You cry again.” Li Cheng, the Internet hunk, acted like a spoiled brat, “I didn’t see it the last time. It doesn’t count if I didn’t see it! You must only show me your tears if you cry again.” 

Xiao Yiheng, who kept a straight face and didn’t say anything: “…”

“I want to see the beauty cry, let me see, let me see!”


Seeing that his lover didn’t speak, Li Cheng simply jumped into his lover’s arms and crushed his limbs to his body, twisting left and right like a spoiled little brat acting coquettishly, to make Xiao Yiheng yield. 

But he forgot about the “consequences” he’d cause by wearing only light pajamas and rubbing around in the alpha’s arms…

Xiao Yiheng utilized his might to turn over, holding Li Cheng in his arms.

In an instant, the two men changed their upper and lower positions, with Li Cheng pressed under Xiao Yiheng’s body.

With one hand, Xiao Yiheng grasped his lover’s wrists and placed Li Cheng’s hands against the pillow above his head. With his other hand, he undid Li Cheng’s pajamas one button at a time, revealing his bare chest. 

The alpha’s gaze traveled to Li Cheng’s waist and abdomen, where a scar from the operation remained.

Xiao Yiheng looked at the wound quietly, then leaned down and kissed it solemnly.

Li Cheng trembled from head to toe as the alpha’s hot lips delicately brushed the scar, and an unexplainable numb sensation snaked up the scar, striking his heart.

Thump, thump, thump. 

Li Cheng’s face reddened, and his heart raced furiously.

Just…just one month after giving birth, they…is it a bit too fast?


Who would have thought that once Xiao Yiheng branded a kiss, he would suddenly stop all his movements and lie back down next to Li Cheng as if his strength had flowed out quickly?

Li Cheng: …? 

He stared blankly at Xiao Yiheng, who was lying next to him.

Seeing his perplexed expression, Xiao Yiheng sighed helplessly. He embraced him once again with one arm while covering his eyes with the other, pushing him to sleep by covering his eyes.

“All right.” Xiao Yiheng remarked softly, “You must rest properly now. If you seduce me again, you will undoubtedly be the one to cry.”

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