Ch119 - Extra 12: Coach Li Cheng vs The Bear Kids

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Bear Kids are spoiled, obnoxious brats.

Every day after becoming a coach, Li Cheng engaged in a battle of wits with his students. 

Huacheng No. 1 High School initially only had a men’s swimming team, but a few years ago the school extended its enrollment and began recruiting female swimmers. The school swimming team currently consisted of ten men and ten women. Overall, their results were fairly good.

There was no reason to be concerned about the women’s swimming team. The girls were extremely well-behaved and held him in high regard as a coach. They swam the prescribed number of kilometers, took their assignments seriously, and never bargained.



The men’s swimming squad, on the other hand… was a bunch of ***! (Swear words have been excluded under the teacher’s code of conduct.)

Li Cheng could only remind himself again and again that these children were his students, not his little brothers. God knows how much he wanted to drag those pricks out and beat them up, to force them to be completely honest and to keep them from covertly resorting to tricks. 

Qin Feng was one of Li Cheng’s most difficult students.


Qin Feng was an alpha with exceptional natural talent. He had long hands and feet. He was only seventeen years old, 1.9 meters tall, and more than 1.95 meters with his arms outstretched. According to Coach Wu, when this boy started school, he aspired to be a basketball specialist. Coach Wu had “torch-like acumen,” and he simply dug him up and put him on the swimming squad. He became an overnight celebrity, as expected. He had won numerous provincial medals in the two years after joining the school.

Coach Wu expressly advised Li Cheng before he retired: “Qin Feng is a good seedling, but he’s extremely bothersome – to be honest, I’ve trained a lot of athletes over the years, and I’ve only encountered two such ‘special’ players. The first is him, and the second is you.”

Li Cheng’s face reddened: “Aiya! Lao Wu, I’m embarrassed by your praise.”


Coach Wu: “…I wasn’t complimenting you.”

Li Cheng: “…oh.”

The files of this group of kids were handed to Li Cheng after Coach Wu left. Li Cheng combed through Qin Feng’s records and discovered that, just as Coach Wu had stated, this boy was a replica of himself, specializing in 100m and 200m freestyle and was unbeatable in the U18 age category.

In short, he could be described in four words—proud son of heaven. 

This ‘proud son of heaven’ classmate, however, was often goofing off in training due to his outstanding achievements. He frequently fished for three days and dried the net for two days, evading training on occasion.

He was squandering his gift entirely.

Li Cheng was used to seeing hard working athletes. He’d never seen such a sloppy, happy-go-lucky athlete before.

He hadn’t been such a bastard back then, had he? No, absolutely not! 

Although he frequently went over the wall, skipped school, and got into fights while studying, he never missed swimming practice. Even when he had to fight a guild war, he would finish his evening training before heading to the Internet cafe.

After such a comparison. it was clear that boy Qin Feng had no idea what was good for him.

Li Cheng had an abundance of curse words stored in his chest, but he couldn’t utter them. He could only express himself through a different channel…

… His text t-shirts returned from exile after many years. 

He ordered a number of T-shirts online to express himself and wore a different one every day, such as “Zhen”, “Call me Daddy”, and “The bigger the muscles, the greater the responsibility,” but the results were disappointing.

He wore a text T-shirt and strutted through school every day, drawing throngs of students wherever he went.


Within a week, he was summoned urgently by the principal.

Despite having been the principal of Huacheng No.1 High School for many years, Xu Wanli had not retired. He was 62 years old and had white hair, yet the gleam in his eyes as he looked at Li Cheng was the same as it had been more than ten years before. 

“Li Cheng, we have recently received several complaints from parents,” remarked Principal Xu.

A question mark slowly appeared above Li Cheng’s head.

“Parents said the phrases written on your T-shirt have a negative influence on the students,” added Principal Xu.

Li Cheng curled his lips and questioned in disdain, “What’s wrong with them?” 

Principal Xu raised his hand with a complicated expression and motioned for Li Cheng to examine himself in the mirror next to him.

Thus, Li Cheng’s sight was drawn to the floor mirror near him.

The young man in the mirror was tall and had a defiant expression on his face. He was dressed simply in a T-shirt and sweatpants. A long rope hung around his neck, the other end of which was attached to a whistle and a stopwatch, both of which are required items for any physical education teacher.

The young man was born to be a clothes rack. Even in a plain white T-shirt, he looked like a supermodel, but the word emblazoned on the T-shirt was extremely unpleasant to the eyes─ 


That’s right. Li Cheng was dressed in a T-shirt that said “Homicide” in black on a white background.

Ha! It was no surprise that the parents’ committee filed a complaint.

Li Cheng: “…” 

Li Cheng laughed awkwardly and yanked the hem of his T-shirt from his sweatpants, showing two more words at the bottom─

─Is Unlawful.

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The words formed the phrase: Homicide Is Unlawful.

Principal Xu: “…” 

Li Cheng puffed out his chest, saying confidently: “This is to remind myself to read it, it’s not for students!”

Principal Xu smacked the table: “You are not permitted to show it to anyone! Li Cheng, take off that T-shirt right now! At once, this instant! Obediently wear sportswear to class in the future. No more T-shirts!”


Li Cheng truly didn’t have an option. He grumbled as he removed the T-shirt, flipped it inside out, and then wore it on his body, hiding the printed words in this way.

He ran into a teacher in the corridor after leaving the principal’s office. 

“Coach Li, you appear to have worn your T-shirt inside out,” the teacher kindly noted after looking at Li Cheng’s inside-out T-shirt and hesitating for a moment.

Li Cheng was very concerned with his reputation. How could he acknowledge such a thing? He countered: “Oh, no! How Can I possibly do that? It’s impossible that I wore it inside out. Clothing with seams on the exterior is a fashion style.”

The teacher: “… Even if the seams on the outside are a fashion style, the label on the neckline is clearly visible. That’s somewhat unusual, isn’t it?”

Li Cheng’s lie was exposed. He ran away in embarrassment, covering his face. 

… …

Li Cheng couldn’t go through the day wearing an inside-out T-shirt. Fortunately, there was a locker in the swimming pool’s changing area that belonged to him. He had, if he remembered correctly, thrown a sports jacket in the locker. He could temporarily cover his shameful self by wearing that jacket.

Li Cheng sighed for a moment as he recalled the swimming pool’s changing room.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lejmtfcu Rb. 1 Llut Vmtbbi’r rklwwlcu rdejv tjv j agjvlalbc: atf akb gbkr bo ibmxfgr lc atf mtjculcu gbbw kfgf cba atf rjwf rlhf. Ycf bo atf ibmxfgr kjr WWWO lc rlhf, ktlmt wfjca la mbeiv ola akb jveiar lo atfs rdeffhfv lc. Ycis atf ragbcufra jatifaf ogbw fjmt rfrrlbc kjr qfgwlaafv ab ealilhf atlr wjuclolmfca ibmxfg, ktlmt rluclolfv j obgw bo uibgs. 

When Li Cheng was a student, the enormous locker had always been his sole possession. In fact, he and Xiao Yiheng hid in the locker once. It was totally due to a bizarre mix of variables at the time and had caused unending embarrassment between the two; nevertheless, in retrospect, it was an indescribably sweet and emotionally stirring moment.

If he could stroll “down memory lane,” he would…

…Alas! It was impossible.

The enormous locker now belonged to that Qin Feng fellow: he was the captain and the best player on the swimming team, and he was the only one who could use it. 

Li Cheng, as a coach, couldn’t rob a student’s locker. He could only find one of the small, unused lockers at the corner and temporarily store some sundries in it.

Because of this, Li Cheng rarely went to the locker room. He was bound to feel uncomfortable by it.

But today was an out-of-the-ordinary circumstance. Even though he didn’t want to see the small locker again, he had no choice but to go.

His stride was quick, and he soon found himself at the swimming pool. 

The time was 5:50 p.m., and the swimming team’s evening practice would begin in ten minutes. Li Cheng thought, I wonder if that gang of stinky boys has assembled obediently?

Coincidentally, the boisterous voices of those bastards raised in amusement came from the locker room at the same time Li Cheng raised his hand to push the locker room door open.


Li Cheng’s steps halted.

“Damn! I’m not sure how Li Cheng will torment us today.” 

“I’ve never seen a coach brag as much as he does. At every opportunity, he brags about his heroics with the national team.”

“It’s fine to bring up the national team. I’m most irritated when he says things like, ‘When I was studying…’, ‘When I was seventeen…’, ‘When I was…’, because who knows if what he said is true or false?”

“He’s been retired for a long time. His child is three years old, his husband is a painter, and he is especially wealthy, according to what I’ve heard. Why did he come to mentor us instead of staying at home and being a rich wife?”

“Before leaving, Lao Wu told us many excellent things about Li Cheng and asked us to cooperate with him. I had the impression that he has exceptional abilities. However, I believe he is an average omega. He’s not remarkable in any way.” 

Li Cheng: “…”

The gang of brats inside, separated by a door, had no idea that Li Cheng had overheard all of their private nasty comments.

At one point, Li Cheng was their age as well. He was well aware of how foolish boys are at this age. They are all arrogant and self-assured. They consider themselves to be second only to God. Even if they come upon a tiger, they dare to charge up and fight.

Li Cheng, in their opinion, was too young. He was more than twenty years younger than Wu Xu and lacked experience. They had no faith in the new airborne coach and even scoffed at Li Cheng’s sparkling world championship titles. 

Li Cheng stood outside the locker room with his head bowed and fists clenched, his head echoing with “bang, bang.”

He exhaled─inhaled─exhaled─inhaled─

He gazed down at his T-shirt and silently chanted in his heart Homicide is unlawful, homicide is unlawful, homicide is unlawful, homicide…

…Huh! How could he have forgotten? His T-shirt was no longer emblazoned with the words “homicide is unlawful.”  

The bear children inside the room had no idea the Great Demon King was on his way, and they were still talking wildly.

Qin Feng, who was wearing a jacket and standing next to his locker, put his arms across his chest and sloppily muttered, “Let me say that Li Cheng, the world champion, is nothing great…”

Before he could continue his sentence, the locker room door was kicked open with a “boom.”

The door lock was shattered into pieces, spilling sawdust on the ground. 

With his head held high, the omega coach, whom they had just discussed, stood amidst the gunpowder smoke. The setting sun’s rays spilled on him as they came in through the door, forming his shadow, which was exceedingly long and extremely lofty.

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The brats had no idea that every word they had just said would be heard by the person involved.


The silence was stifling.

Li Cheng was all too familiar with them. This bunch of idiots dared to talk rubbish behind the coach’s back, but if they were permitted to converse face to face, none of them would be able to say anything. 

Indeed quite childish and ridiculous.

Li Cheng had a cold expression on his face as he swept his piercing glance across the bunch of idiots one by one.

Finally, his gaze was drawn to the captain, Qin Feng.

“Are you having a good time gossiping about me with your group of little brothers, Qin Feng?” 

“Coach, we…” Qin Feng was at a loss for words.

“Stop talking rubbish,” Li Cheng stated coldly. “Put on your swimming trunks and roll to the pool. You have the option of 100m or 200m.”

Qin Feng: “…?”

Li Cheng: “Today, Laozi will let you gain insight, little foolish *. I’ll show you what a world champion is all about!” 

… …

The swimming pool was ringed by the melon eaters.

The women’s team had long been dissatisfied with the men’s team. All of the girls became fascinated when they learned that Coach Li was personally entering the water to teach a lesson to the captain of the men’s squad.

They couldn’t even concentrate on training and hurried to the shore, chatting nonstop in support of the coach. 

There were two figures particularly conspicuous among this group of girls standing in a circle to watch.

The handsome alpha wore a solemn expression. He was holding a snow-white, adorable child in his arms. Their facial characteristics were comparable in certain ways. At first glimpse, it was obvious that they were father and son.

Li Cheng was warming up on the bank. When he spotted the father and son pair, the omega’s face took on an unusual expression: “…Yiheng, why are you and Zhizhi here?”

Xiao Yiheng smiled as he patted the chubby Little Lychee in his arms: “He was insistent on coming over to pick you up from work, so I brought him here. I wasn’t expecting to witness such a great show.” 

“…Don’t blame me.” Li Cheng muttered, “That group of little bastards don't know the immensity of heaven and earth. If I don’t show them a good show of strength, pretty soon, they won’t even know how to write Li-ge’s name!”

Xiao Yiheng didn’t know what transpired between Li Cheng and the group of students, but judging by Li Cheng’s demeanor, he knew he was infuriated by the stinky boys.


Li Cheng: “In short, you have to cheer for me in a while. Your voice must be loud enough for me to hear it when I swim to the other side!”

Before Xiao Yiheng could agree, the little lychee in his arms raised his small fist and yelled: “Jiayou, jiayou! Dad, rush the duck!” 

Little Lychee had a natural affinity for water. Despite the fact that he was only three years old, he already swam well. He flopped all his limbs energetically for a long period every time Li Cheng put him in the water. Xiao Yiheng accompanied him as he watched numerous tapes of Li Cheng’s competition. Little Lychee would dance around in delight whenever he watched Li Cheng climb onto the high podium, and he would even rush to the TV, pouting his lips to kiss his father on the screen.

Little Lychee was confident that his father would triumph once more!

Li Cheng had been retired for a few years, but he had not neglected his own training. When he removed his sportswear and changed into swimming trunks, his chiseled muscles were on display for all to see.

The girls whispered among themselves in hushed tones about how great he was. 

“Coach Li’s figure is stunning, isn’t it?”

“Unexpectedly, after so many years of retirement, his figure is still the same as what I saw on TV!”

“These are tempered muscles. All of the boys on our team are like bullfrogs in comparison to Coach Li…”

As they said, Li Cheng’s figure was very beautiful. He was tall, with long legs and lean but strong muscles that covered his bones evenly, giving him the appearance of a sculpture. 

He had minimal abdominal fat with chocolate abdominal muscles that were closely grouped behind a thin layer of skin. The most noticeable feature was a 20-centimeter-long scar across his lower abdomen, two fingers below his belly button.

─That was the mark left by Little Lychee when he was born.

He was aware that everyone was staring at the scar, but he refused to cover it up.

Li Cheng entered the water first and swam back and forth to warm up and prepare for the match. He then swam up to Qin Feng and asked, “Smelly boy, are you ready?” 

Qin Feng was conversing with his little brothers. He turned to face Li Cheng and remarked, with a somewhat complex expression, “Coach, I’m ready.”

Li Cheng gave a nod: “OK! Do you want to compete in the 100m or the 200m?”

Qin Feng: “100m.”

Li Cheng readily agreed. He summoned the girls on the shore, handed them the whistle and timer, and asked them to serve as referees. Naturally, the girls consented cheerfully. 

Qin Feng was quiet for a time before abruptly saying, “Coach, do you really want to compete with me?”

“What’s wrong, are you scared?” Li Cheng asked, frowning.


“No.” Qin Feng gritted his teeth. “Coach, I know you were a world champion once, and your peak performance must have been superior to mine. But you’re thirty years old, and you’ve had a child…”

His gaze wandered vaguely across Li Cheng’s abdomen. 

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Li Cheng rudely interrupted him: “So? Do you believe you will not survive to be thirty years old, or that you will be unable to have children in this life?”

Qin Feng: “…”

“Alright, don’t try to pressure me.” Li Cheng had lived in the north for more than ten years and had long developed a fluent northern dialect. “I’ll skin you if you try it again.”

… … 

When the starting whistle blew, Li Cheng’s heartbeat was louder than the whistle.

He kicked his legs and dived. After tens of thousands of hours of practice, his muscle memory had allowed him to execute the dive flawlessly. He entered the water like a sharp arrow. In his peripheral vision, he noted that Qin Feng, who was in the swimming lane next to him, had entered the water a fraction faster than him.

Even though the difference was only 0.01 seconds, it was still faster.

Li Cheng remained calm and disregarded the opponent next to him. He submerged for fifteen meters before rapidly surfacing. 

He vividly heard a milky voice cheering him on as he emerged from the water, “Dad, jiayou!”

It felt as if he was being supported by a warm current. Li Cheng’s limbs felt lighter, and his stroke pace was a little faster.

To be honest, Li Cheng was not certain that he would win this match.

Qin Feng was a young man. As an athlete, he was far from peak condition, and he had not undergone any higher degree of professional training. He was competing in practically every game with his talent. His most significant advantage was his youth. Li Cheng, on the other hand, had been retired for many years and had given birth to a child, which had resulted in a significant drop in his physical state. He had, however, won over 20 international gold medals and had been on the field for over ten years, giving him unrivaled experience. 

Neither had a distinct advantage over the other. Each had their own set of strengths and drawbacks.

The most intriguing match was one like this ─ with an uncertain outcome.

Li Cheng hadn’t fought as if his life depended on it with anyone in a long time. After giving birth to Little Lychee, he felt as though his entire being was intimately tied to “Buddha,” and he was disinclined to fight with others. He no longer used his fists to argue with others.

He honestly believed he had renounced the butcher knife and become a Buddha. 

As a result, he now realized that what he had accomplished was to defeat Buddha by fighting 

As he thought this, Li Cheng kicked the water even harder and jumped ahead for a short distance.


On the shore, Xiao Yiheng’s gaze was stuck to Li Cheng’s body, as if he didn’t want to leave for a second.

It had been far too long since he saw ChengCheng compete against others. 

What he admired best about Li Cheng was how he battled in the swimming pool. He appeared to be an insatiable fire, a surge of wind breaking through the waves and reaching the other side.

“ChengCheng, jiayou!” Xiao Yiheng held one hand against his mouth, shouting, “ChengCheng, jiayou!!”

Little Lychee in his arms giggled excitedly when he heard his Big Dad yelling. He mimicked his father’s stance. He cheered heartily for his Papa Li Cheng, holding his two plump tiny fists together like a trumpet.

The cub’s milky voice and the alpha’s magnetic voice combined and travelled into the pool, giving Li Cheng limitless power. 

The female team members on the shore examined their shimu(?) and the cub. Aww, he’s so cute! I wish I could pinch Little Lychee’s plump cheeks…

Huacheng No. 1 High School’s swimming pool had a 25-meter-long lane. As a result, 100m was equivalent to two laps.

Li Cheng was slightly inferior to Qin Feng in the first three turns, and the distance between them was roughly half an arm’s length.

The male athletes on the beach were ecstatic, and they cheered Qin Feng in unison, hoping that he could defeat the coach so that the coach would never dare to criticize them again! 

But what they didn’t expect was Li Cheng to accelerate in the final 25 meters!

He still had the stamina to accelerate?!!!!

Water splashed quickly under Li Cheng’s feet. In the rushing white foam, looming in the water waves, his feet were like a mermaid’s tail.

Li Cheng’s sudden acceleration shocked everyone into dropping their jaws. Only Xiao Yiheng, who was familiar with Li Cheng’s combat style, showed a smile at the corner of his mouth. 

Little Lychee clenched his tiny fists and shouted “Dad, jiayou. Dad, jiayou.” His small milky voice was exhilarating.

The women athletes ran to the finish line, clutching a stopwatch in their hands and nervously watched the two people coming through the waves.

Almost there… Almost there… Almost there!

Li Cheng went from being half an arm behind Qin Feng to being head-to-head with him… 

The match was thrilling, and everyone held their breath, waiting for the moment when the miracle would occur─

─Li Cheng hit the wall!


─Li Cheng was the first to touch the wall!!

When they were about to approach the finish line, Li Cheng outpaced Qin Feng and was the first to touch the wall!! 

“The coach is far too powerful!!!”

“The coach is out of this world!”

“Even after retiring, he’s still so strong!!”

The women’s team roared, their small heads gathering beside the pool, their fervent gazes fixed on Li Cheng in the water. 

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Little Lychee couldn’t stop himself. He pointed one finger at Li Cheng and grabbed Xiao Yiheng’s collar with the other hand, yelling, “Go find Dad, go find Dad!”

Li Cheng emerged from the water in the swimming pool, climbing the lane rope with both hands and cocking his brows to stare at the student in the lane next to him.

Qin Feng got a perplexed look in his eyes after losing the game. His look was a mix of annoyance and surprise. He had no idea how he had lost this match.

The men’s team members who had initially cheered him on had all turned into enigmas, as quiet as a pack of dead dogs. 

“Do you want to know how you lost, Qin Feng? You lost because of your arrogance,” Li Cheng stated coolly. “Yes, I acknowledge that you are talented, but do you believe that you are the only talented person in the world? You can indeed insta-skill those brats who are at your level. But whenever you reach a higher level of competition and come up against a genius like me, your coach, you will only suffer a devastating defeat.”


“There has never been and will never be a shortcut in sporting tournaments. If you want to achieve success and keep winning, you must work a hundred times harder than the average person.” Li Cheng added, “Listen to me carefully – the next time you and your group of lackey little brothers dare to flee basic training, you will be expelled from the swimming team immediately. You don’t need to come again in the future.”

“What?!” The men’s team members were terrified and stared at Li Cheng with wide eyes in bewilderment. They couldn’t believe Li Cheng could be that cruel. After all, they were a group of minors. They could only study at a good school like Huacheng No. 1 High School because they passed the swimming test. If they were kicked off the swimming team… 

Li Cheng looked at them: “Do you think the swimming team of Huacheng No. 1 High School cannot do without you? Even if there is no men’s team, the little girls on the women’s team are eager for me to coach them. Isn’t the title ‘world champion’? On the podium, there has never been a gender differentiation, whether male or female, A, B, or O. So, what’s the harm in trying it?”

Qin Feng and the other team members bowed their heads in shame as a result of these words.

Qin Feng admitted that he was conceited. He was not only arrogant, but also nasty to the coach. He was fortunate that Li Cheng was prepared to give him a second chance.

He didn’t dare to say anything else. He bowed his head, preparing to exit the pool. 

“Hold on! Did I say you could go?” Li Cheng suddenly stopped him.

Qin Feng paused: “…”


Li Cheng: “If you lose, you must accept punishment.”

Qin Feng looked at him carefully: “What punishment?” 

Li Cheng pondered for a moment before spitting out the answer: “Go and free up your locker ─ Laozi is the strongest person on the team now; Laozi wants to use the biggest locker!!”

… …

The students swiftly dispersed one by one until only Xiao Yiheng and Little Lychee remained alongside the big swimming pool.

Li Cheng stood motionless in the pool, staring in the direction where the students were departing. 

Little Lychee was placed on the ground by Xiao Yiheng. The cub staggered to the edge, squatted down to the pool, and enthusiastically splashed water on Li Cheng’s body with his little fleshy hands.

Li Cheng floated over the water, his image reflected on the surface. He appeared to be a fish princess who had swum to shore, his clear eyes reflecting the appearance of a human prince.

Xiao Yiheng moved slowly to the pool’s edge, his hands in his pockets. The gushing water had soaked his trousers, but he didn’t stop.

“ChengCheng, the match was thrilling.” Xiao Yiheng succumbed to nostalgia, “I haven’t seen you compete with anyone in a long time. The match right now reminds me of the first time I watched you go to the provincial swimming pool to compete.” 

They were still teenagers at the time, seventeen-year-olds laughing and cursing, much like the children just now.

Li Cheng didn’t respond.

Little Lychee squatted on the shore, staring at them with interest. What were his fathers talking about? What first match? That must have been a long time ago.

Xiao Yiheng went on to say: “I know. You’re particularly fond of swimming… No, it should be called adore. You adore swimming, and I adore this kind of you.” 

His ChengCheng would always be the water-born child, and his pure heart would never fade with age.

And it was his undying love that captivated Xiao Yiheng.

As a result, after retiring, Li Cheng opted to return to his alma mater and become a coach to aid more students with swimming ambitions; Xiao Yiheng steadfastly joined him and returned to his hometown with the crystallization of their love.

Their story began in Huacheng and would end in Huacheng. 

Xiao Yiheng said a lot of sweet things, but Li Cheng never responded.

Xiao Yiheng sensed something was off. “ChengCheng, why don’t you speak?”


Li Cheng: “…”


“It’s not as if I don’t want to speak…” Li Cheng’s entire body lay on the swimming lane rope, like a suddenly deflated balloon. “I’m so exhausted that my brain has shut down…”

Xiao Yiheng: “…”

“Damn, swimming is really tiring!” Li Cheng whined incessantly, “I am, indeed, becoming older. I used to be able to swim eight kilometers every day at this speed. Laozi nearly lost my swimming trunks when competing in a match after not training for three years! You have no idea how I made it the last 50 meters. I kept telling myself, ‘I can’t lose, I can’t lose’. If Laozi loses to those little brats, what face will I have as their coach?! That was the only thing that kept me going…”

Xiao Yiheng: “…” 

“Luckily, I won a narrow victory and saved my face!” Li Cheng raised his arms and shouted, then instantly lowered them and floated on the pool water like a floating corpse. He was so exhausted that his eyes were clumping together. “By the way, what did you just say? I just fell asleep with my eyes open and I didn’t hear a word.”

Xiao Yiheng: “…”

Xiao Yiheng picked up Little Lychee and turned to leave: “I said, get out of the water quickly. Zhizhi is hungry, so we’re going home for dinner.”

Little Lychee: ??? 

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