This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 14: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch14 - His Scent

When it got completely dark, Li Cheng held the jacket and furtively went out of the alley.

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The police had long been led away by Xiao Yiheng and the “helpful” grandma had gone back to cook for her granddaughter. 

Holding Xiao Yiheng’s jacket in his arms, he looked at the deserted alley and suddenly felt extremely lonely.

He couldn’t understand why Xiao Yiheng decided to come out at the last minute and lead the policeman away and he was even more unable to understand why his mind went blank after smelling Yiheng’s pheromones.

Li Cheng took out his phone and started searching⸺

What does knockout drops smell like? 

Is there a pheromone that smells like knockout drops?


Do cold-smelling pheromones have a narcotic effect?

Why did my mind go blank after smelling an alpha’s pheromone?

Does smelling alpha pheromones after a fight affect someone’s IQ?


He searched all sorts of strange questions and after searching ten questions one after another, the web page crashed.

Li Cheng: “……”

Forget it.

Li Cheng thought, I can only blame this unsolvable matter on my earlier vigour and lack of oxygen. 

He held his phone in hesitation for a while. He had wanted to send a thank you message to Xiao Yiheng but when he opened his Contacts, he realised that he didn’t have Xiao Yiheng’s number.

In fact, with his connections, there were several ways for him to contact Xiao Yiheng. However, Li Cheng forced himself to slip his phone back into his pocket.

Streetlights illuminated the street that was bustling with people getting off work. Li Cheng was the only person walking opposite the flow of the crowd. The eyes of everyone who brushed past him subconsciously lingered on his beautiful face.

Li Cheng went to the supermarket to buy a plastic bag and stuffed the school jacket inside. The heaviness of the jacket in his hand had seemed too apparent. 

Li Cheng went back to school. This time, the ladder outside the wall was still there and no one had stolen it. He scuttled towards the grove in the school’s sports field and followed the surveillance cameras’ blind spots to return to his dormitory.

Huacheng No.1 Senior High School’s dormitory was divided into three buildings according to the student’s secondary gender. Each building had four floors: the lower two floors were the boys’ dormitory whereas the upper two floors were the girls’ dormitory.

Li Cheng snuck into his dormitory with familiarity. His roommates were still having self-study sessions and had not come back.

Fortunately they haven’t returned. 

Li Cheng carried Xiao Yiheng’s jacket around the room twice, like a puppy toting a bone with his mouth pondering where to hide its loot.

Keep it inside the cabinet?


The bunk beds in their dormitory were designed to have the bed on top while the desk and cabinet were at the bottom. Li Cheng carefully opened the cabinet and glanced inside. It was completely packed with clothes and thick winter quilts. A little bit of carelessness could cause the huge pile to topple down. He really couldn’t squeeze in another school jacket.

Throw it on the ground? 

Li Cheng picked up the coat and looked at it and saw that the cuffs were white. Even the collar that was most susceptible to sweat stains was clean as if it was new. If one placed it next to Li Cheng’s jacket for comparison, one would find that Li Cheng’s was clearly darker.

Hang it on the balcony?

It’s possible but it’s too obvious. When his roommates return, they would find an unfamiliar school uniform on the balcony. If they asked…

Before Li Cheng could figure out what to do with the jacket, noises could be heard from the corridor. The voices were from the students who had just finished their evening self-study session! 

Three footsteps stopped outside the dormitory door. Someone took out the key and was about to open the door.

Li Cheng became frantic so he threw the uniform onto his bed without thinking.

At the same time, the dormitory door was pushed open and his three omega roommates appeared outside the door.

Seeing him there, his three roommates were also somewhat surprised. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Li Cheng, you came back so early today?” A chubby omega greeted him. He was holding a late-night snack which was the newly-released Malatang from the cafeteria.

Li Cheng nodded stiffly, “Yeah, I came back early today.”

“Strange.” Baffled, the fatty sniffed the air, the freckles on his face jumping along with him, “Why is there a scent of a wild alpha in our dorm?”

Li Cheng: “……” 

Do foodies have such sensitive noses?!

The other two heard what he said and curiously sniffed left and right.

“Huh, it seems like there really is one…”

“But the scent is so weak that I can’t figure out what kind of smell it is.” 

“It’s different from other alphas. There are some alphas who have a stinky scent.”

The three of them were like groundhogs thoroughly sniffing the whole dormitory. Li Cheng stood stiffly under his bed, afraid that they would find that something was wrong.


“Your Malatang is getting cold!” Li Cheng suddenly came up with a clever idea in desperation, “It’s delicious to eat it when it’s hot, it isn’t nice to eat it when it’s gone cold!”

Sure enough, the fatty was distracted by him. When he heard about food, he immediately stopped thinking about the mysterious alpha’s scent. 

Phew… Li Cheng exhaled a sigh of relief. He didn’t know why he was so nervous.

The three roommates shared the malatang and enthusiastically asked Li Cheng if he would like to eat.

Li Cheng had been so scared that he was already full with fright. How could he still eat?

The three roommates were in a different class from Li Cheng. A male omega in their class had transferred to another school thus leaving a vacant bed before Li Cheng transferred. 

When they first heard that the school’s famous little tyrant was going to be transferred to their dormitory, they were all terrified. They started imagining their miserable lives of being enslaved and bullied.

After actually meeting him, they found that Li Cheng was a nice person. He was not fussy nor unreasonable. Not only that, because he was familiar with the secret route to sneak outside school premises, he frequently brought them snacks and magazines.

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The three of them finished eating the malatang. Today was the fatty’s turn to wash the dishes.

The fatty started climbing to his bed. 

His bed was next to Li Cheng. If he climbed to his bed, he would definitely see the jacket on Li Cheng’s bed!

Li Cheng asked, “Why are you climbing to your bed if you’re going to wash the dishes?”

The fatty replied, “I’m still wearing my uniform. The dorm is so hot so I want to change into my pajamas first.”

As he spoke, his hands and feet were already on the ladder. 

Li Cheng stood up and grabbed the bowls and chopsticks, “I’m not feeling hot. I’ll do it!”

Fatty: “……?”

It was as if Li Cheng had stepped on a wind-and-fire wheel like Nezha, flying to the washroom to wash the dishes and flying back.

As soon as he went back, he saw his second roommate standing in front of his bed’s ladder. 

The second roommate said, “My phone’s dead. The charger is on my bed.”

Li Cheng swooped forward and threw his charger over, “I don’t need it tonight. You can use it!”


The second roommate: “……?”

Just after settling him, the last roommate actually went up! 

Li Cheng nearly lost his temper, “Y-y-you! Why are you going up?”

The last roommate smiled and said, “No reason. It’s just that I wanted to go up and see what’s on your bed after seeing you so nervous trying to stop us going on ours.”

People who could get admitted to Huacheng No.1 Senior High School didn’t have low IQ. Moreover, Li Cheng was behaving so abnormally that everyone had noticed that something was up.

Li Cheng: “……” 

Li Cheng cracked his knuckles. Is it because I’m always nice to them? They actually don’t take Huacheng No.1 Senior High School’s big bro seriously!

The four chased each other around the dormitory, making a ruckus which attracted the attention of the dormitory supervisor.

The supervisor knocked at their door, “227! Quiet down! Look at the time, it’s nearly lights out.”

When they realised that it was already so late, they rushed to the washroom at once to wash up. 

Li Cheng wore his slippers and was the fastest out of all of them. He was also the first to return to their dorm.

When the others were changing their pajamas, he had already taken off all of his clothes. Then, he dashed to his bed after only wearing his pajama pants.

Xiao Yiheng’s jacket was still on his bed.

He shook the quilt with both hands. He pretended to nonchalantly pick up the clothes using his toes and kicked it into the quilt at the right moment. 

When the fatty climbed up his ladder, he saw that Li Cheng was already lying inside his quilt. The quilt was rolled like a barrel, tightly wrapping his body. There was nothing else on his bed apart from this.

Li Cheng glanced at him. Then, he leisurely took out a comic book from under his pillow and started reading it while whistling a tune.

Seeing him behaving as usual, the fatty scratched his head as he thought, ‘Were we thinking too much?’


Late at night, the dormitory was quiet and peaceful breathing could be heard from the other three beds.

However, the sound of Li Cheng’s heartbeat wasn’t peaceful.


Unlike his roommates, Li Cheng never had the habit of sleeping in pajamas. In a place like an orphanage, it would already be pretty good for them to have clean jackets. How could they have spare fabric for long pants? All boys only slept in shorts and he was no exception.

It was only after his differentiation that he changed from wearing shorts to wearing pants. However, he was still accustomed to sleeping without a shirt on and was unable to sleep if he wore one. 

However, there was an additional thing on his bed tonight.

The rough fabric of the jacket rubbed against his skin; the ice-cold zipper stuck close to his chest, causing goosebumps to rise on his warm skin.

He moved around uncomfortably, quietly pulling the quilt open and drilling himself into the quilt.

However, such a narrow and warm place was all the more conducive for pheromones to accumulate. 

The faint scent of frost assaulted Li Cheng’s senses and he dazedly thought that he had buried himself into Xiao Yiheng’s arms.

It’s really… It’s really…

Li Cheng clamped his legs together.

…It’s really too shameful. 


Li Cheng had countless dreams that night. After waking up, his mind was muddled and he couldn’t remember specifically what he did.

The dorm was completely empty. His roommates had gotten up and had gone to their self-study session. He had always been late as he would sleep an hour longer than others.

He sat up in a daze. His blonde hair appeared translucent under the morning light. If he did not speak, everyone who saw him would think that he was an angel doted on by God. 

After a long while, Li Cheng finally sobered up.

He had the habit of straddling his quilt when sleeping. When he got up in the morning, he would usually find that most of his body was exposed while the quilt that was already rolled into a ball would be between his legs.

Today, however, his quilt was still perfectly covering his body and what was between his legs was…


Flustered, Li Cheng took the alpha’s jacket out of the quilt and threw it to the ground like it was a hot potato.

After throwing it away, he regretted it and quickly jumped down to pick up the jacket.


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The faint alpha scent had disappeared. Li Cheng wondered if he was thinking too much but he felt that the clothes had more of his scent.

He wanted to return the jacket to Xiao Yiheng today but he was afraid that Xiao Yiheng would smell something. 

Thus, he had no choice but to sneakily bring the detergent and basin to the washroom to wash the jacket. He even nearly ran into the dorm supervisor on the way.

It’s really strange. It’s just washing clothes, what is there to hide?

In the Xiao family. 

Xiao Yiheng bathed, packed his bag and walked out of his room.

Seeing that he was only wearing the summer school uniform that had short sleeves, Father Xiao frowned and asked, “Why didn’t you wear a jacket today? Isn’t it cold in the morning?”

Xiao Yiheng indifferently replied, “I left the jacket in school.”

“Don’t catch a cold.” 

“I know.”

If this conversation occurred in another home, it would certainly be a warm conversation between an affectionate father who was concerned about his dutiful son’s health. However, Xiao Yiheng clearly understood that his father only advised him as it would affect his studies if he fell sick.

The breakfast had already been prepared on the table.

The Xiao family’s dining table had always been silent. The rule of not speaking during mealtime and bedtime was something that he had followed since he was in kindergarten. 

The dishes were light. Each of them had a cup of coffee, sandwich with ham, cheese and vegetables, and an egg. It was a very simple breakfast.

In the eyes of Yiheng’s mother and father who placed efficiency above all else and ate just to survive, this kind of breakfast was quick and nutritious. They could even eat jam sandwiches every day for three month without changing the flavour of the jam.

Xiao Yiheng silently finished his meal and Mother Xiao brought out the fruits from the kitchen.

Mother Xiao prepared fresh, organic oranges today. She was extremely particular to their quality of living. She would never spare a glance at the fruits and vegetables in the market. She would only serve them organic food that could be bought in membership-shopping supermarkets that were packaged in a box that had an ‘ecofarm’ label on it. 

After all, they were an alpha family! There was not another family in their neighbourhood who was as outstanding and noble as them!

The orange had been cut into several pieces. Xiao Yiheng took one and brought it to his mouth. The pulps’ juice burst inside his mouth and a sweet fragrance traversed to the tip of his tongue.


This smell…

Xiao Yiheng was taken aback. He couldn’t help but think of the fruity scent he smelled in the dark alley yesterday. 

At that time, time was pressing and the smell was extremely faint and fleeting so Xiao Yiheng didn’t pay much attention to the fragranced that suddenly appeared and disappeared without a trace.

However, the scent had been lingering deep inside his mind, only needing a little opportunity to billow forth.

The corner of Xiao Yiheng’s mouth curved up slightly and his slender fingers picked up another piece.

⸺It seems like I’ve discovered what the pheromones of that undisciplined and out-of-control tyrant smells like. 

Ch14 - His Scent

When it got completely dark, Li Cheng held the jacket and furtively went out of the alley.

The police had long been led away by Xiao Yiheng and the “helpful” grandma had gone back to cook for her granddaughter. 

Holding Xiao Yiheng’s jacket in his arms, he looked at the deserted alley and suddenly felt extremely lonely.

He couldn’t understand why Xiao Yiheng decided to come out at the last minute and lead the policeman away and he was even more unable to understand why his mind went blank after smelling Yiheng’s pheromones.

Li Cheng took out his phone and started searching⸺

What does knockout drops smell like? 

Is there a pheromone that smells like knockout drops?


Do cold-smelling pheromones have a narcotic effect?

Why did my mind go blank after smelling an alpha’s pheromone?

Does smelling alpha pheromones after a fight affect someone’s IQ?


He searched all sorts of strange questions and after searching ten questions one after another, the web page crashed.

Li Cheng: “……”

Forget it.

Li Cheng thought, I can only blame this unsolvable matter on my earlier vigour and lack of oxygen. 

He held his phone in hesitation for a while. He had wanted to send a thank you message to Xiao Yiheng but when he opened his Contacts, he realised that he didn’t have Xiao Yiheng’s number.

In fact, with his connections, there were several ways for him to contact Xiao Yiheng. However, Li Cheng forced himself to slip his phone back into his pocket.

Streetlights illuminated the street that was bustling with people getting off work. Li Cheng was the only person walking opposite the flow of the crowd. The eyes of everyone who brushed past him subconsciously lingered on his beautiful face.

Li Cheng went to the supermarket to buy a plastic bag and stuffed the school jacket inside. The heaviness of the jacket in his hand had seemed too apparent. 

Li Cheng went back to school. This time, the ladder outside the wall was still there and no one had stolen it. He scuttled towards the grove in the school’s sports field and followed the surveillance cameras’ blind spots to return to his dormitory.

Huacheng No.1 Senior High School’s dormitory was divided into three buildings according to the student’s secondary gender. Each building had four floors: the lower two floors were the boys’ dormitory whereas the upper two floors were the girls’ dormitory.

Li Cheng snuck into his dormitory with familiarity. His roommates were still having self-study sessions and had not come back.

Fortunately they haven’t returned. 

Li Cheng carried Xiao Yiheng’s jacket around the room twice, like a puppy toting a bone with his mouth pondering where to hide its loot.

Keep it inside the cabinet?


The bunk beds in their dormitory were designed to have the bed on top while the desk and cabinet were at the bottom. Li Cheng carefully opened the cabinet and glanced inside. It was completely packed with clothes and thick winter quilts. A little bit of carelessness could cause the huge pile to topple down. He really couldn’t squeeze in another school jacket.

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Throw it on the ground? 

Li Cheng picked up the coat and looked at it and saw that the cuffs were white. Even the collar that was most susceptible to sweat stains was clean as if it was new. If one placed it next to Li Cheng’s jacket for comparison, one would find that Li Cheng’s was clearly darker.

Hang it on the balcony?

It’s possible but it’s too obvious. When his roommates return, they would find an unfamiliar school uniform on the balcony. If they asked…

Before Li Cheng could figure out what to do with the jacket, noises could be heard from the corridor. The voices were from the students who had just finished their evening self-study session! 

Three footsteps stopped outside the dormitory door. Someone took out the key and was about to open the door.

Li Cheng became frantic so he threw the uniform onto his bed without thinking.

At the same time, the dormitory door was pushed open and his three omega roommates appeared outside the door.

Seeing him there, his three roommates were also somewhat surprised. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Li Cheng, you came back so early today?” A chubby omega greeted him. He was holding a late-night snack which was the newly-released Malatang from the cafeteria.

Li Cheng nodded stiffly, “Yeah, I came back early today.”

“Strange.” Baffled, the fatty sniffed the air, the freckles on his face jumping along with him, “Why is there a scent of a wild alpha in our dorm?”

Li Cheng: “……” 

Do foodies have such sensitive noses?!

The other two heard what he said and curiously sniffed left and right.

“Huh, it seems like there really is one…”

“But the scent is so weak that I can’t figure out what kind of smell it is.” 

“It’s different from other alphas. There are some alphas who have a stinky scent.”

The three of them were like groundhogs thoroughly sniffing the whole dormitory. Li Cheng stood stiffly under his bed, afraid that they would find that something was wrong.


“Your Malatang is getting cold!” Li Cheng suddenly came up with a clever idea in desperation, “It’s delicious to eat it when it’s hot, it isn’t nice to eat it when it’s gone cold!”

Sure enough, the fatty was distracted by him. When he heard about food, he immediately stopped thinking about the mysterious alpha’s scent. 

Phew… Li Cheng exhaled a sigh of relief. He didn’t know why he was so nervous.

The three roommates shared the malatang and enthusiastically asked Li Cheng if he would like to eat.

Li Cheng had been so scared that he was already full with fright. How could he still eat?

The three roommates were in a different class from Li Cheng. A male omega in their class had transferred to another school thus leaving a vacant bed before Li Cheng transferred. 

When they first heard that the school’s famous little tyrant was going to be transferred to their dormitory, they were all terrified. They started imagining their miserable lives of being enslaved and bullied.

After actually meeting him, they found that Li Cheng was a nice person. He was not fussy nor unreasonable. Not only that, because he was familiar with the secret route to sneak outside school premises, he frequently brought them snacks and magazines.

The three of them finished eating the malatang. Today was the fatty’s turn to wash the dishes.

The fatty started climbing to his bed. 

His bed was next to Li Cheng. If he climbed to his bed, he would definitely see the jacket on Li Cheng’s bed!

Li Cheng asked, “Why are you climbing to your bed if you’re going to wash the dishes?”

The fatty replied, “I’m still wearing my uniform. The dorm is so hot so I want to change into my pajamas first.”

As he spoke, his hands and feet were already on the ladder. 

Li Cheng stood up and grabbed the bowls and chopsticks, “I’m not feeling hot. I’ll do it!”

Fatty: “……?”

It was as if Li Cheng had stepped on a wind-and-fire wheel like Nezha, flying to the washroom to wash the dishes and flying back.

As soon as he went back, he saw his second roommate standing in front of his bed’s ladder. 

The second roommate said, “My phone’s dead. The charger is on my bed.”

Li Cheng swooped forward and threw his charger over, “I don’t need it tonight. You can use it!”


The second roommate: “……?”

Just after settling him, the last roommate actually went up! 

Li Cheng nearly lost his temper, “Y-y-you! Why are you going up?”

The last roommate smiled and said, “No reason. It’s just that I wanted to go up and see what’s on your bed after seeing you so nervous trying to stop us going on ours.”

People who could get admitted to Huacheng No.1 Senior High School didn’t have low IQ. Moreover, Li Cheng was behaving so abnormally that everyone had noticed that something was up.

Li Cheng: “……” 

Li Cheng cracked his knuckles. Is it because I’m always nice to them? They actually don’t take Huacheng No.1 Senior High School’s big bro seriously!

The four chased each other around the dormitory, making a ruckus which attracted the attention of the dormitory supervisor.

The supervisor knocked at their door, “227! Quiet down! Look at the time, it’s nearly lights out.”

When they realised that it was already so late, they rushed to the washroom at once to wash up. 

Li Cheng wore his slippers and was the fastest out of all of them. He was also the first to return to their dorm.

When the others were changing their pajamas, he had already taken off all of his clothes. Then, he dashed to his bed after only wearing his pajama pants.

Xiao Yiheng’s jacket was still on his bed.

He shook the quilt with both hands. He pretended to nonchalantly pick up the clothes using his toes and kicked it into the quilt at the right moment. 

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When the fatty climbed up his ladder, he saw that Li Cheng was already lying inside his quilt. The quilt was rolled like a barrel, tightly wrapping his body. There was nothing else on his bed apart from this.

Li Cheng glanced at him. Then, he leisurely took out a comic book from under his pillow and started reading it while whistling a tune.

Seeing him behaving as usual, the fatty scratched his head as he thought, ‘Were we thinking too much?’


Late at night, the dormitory was quiet and peaceful breathing could be heard from the other three beds.

However, the sound of Li Cheng’s heartbeat wasn’t peaceful.


Unlike his roommates, Li Cheng never had the habit of sleeping in pajamas. In a place like an orphanage, it would already be pretty good for them to have clean jackets. How could they have spare fabric for long pants? All boys only slept in shorts and he was no exception.

It was only after his differentiation that he changed from wearing shorts to wearing pants. However, he was still accustomed to sleeping without a shirt on and was unable to sleep if he wore one. 

However, there was an additional thing on his bed tonight.

The rough fabric of the jacket rubbed against his skin; the ice-cold zipper stuck close to his chest, causing goosebumps to rise on his warm skin.

He moved around uncomfortably, quietly pulling the quilt open and drilling himself into the quilt.

However, such a narrow and warm place was all the more conducive for pheromones to accumulate. 

The faint scent of frost assaulted Li Cheng’s senses and he dazedly thought that he had buried himself into Xiao Yiheng’s arms.

It’s really… It’s really…

Li Cheng clamped his legs together.

…It’s really too shameful. 


Li Cheng had countless dreams that night. After waking up, his mind was muddled and he couldn’t remember specifically what he did.

The dorm was completely empty. His roommates had gotten up and had gone to their self-study session. He had always been late as he would sleep an hour longer than others.

He sat up in a daze. His blonde hair appeared translucent under the morning light. If he did not speak, everyone who saw him would think that he was an angel doted on by God. 

After a long while, Li Cheng finally sobered up.

He had the habit of straddling his quilt when sleeping. When he got up in the morning, he would usually find that most of his body was exposed while the quilt that was already rolled into a ball would be between his legs.

Today, however, his quilt was still perfectly covering his body and what was between his legs was…


Flustered, Li Cheng took the alpha’s jacket out of the quilt and threw it to the ground like it was a hot potato.

After throwing it away, he regretted it and quickly jumped down to pick up the jacket.


The faint alpha scent had disappeared. Li Cheng wondered if he was thinking too much but he felt that the clothes had more of his scent.

He wanted to return the jacket to Xiao Yiheng today but he was afraid that Xiao Yiheng would smell something. 

Thus, he had no choice but to sneakily bring the detergent and basin to the washroom to wash the jacket. He even nearly ran into the dorm supervisor on the way.

It’s really strange. It’s just washing clothes, what is there to hide?

In the Xiao family. 

Xiao Yiheng bathed, packed his bag and walked out of his room.

Seeing that he was only wearing the summer school uniform that had short sleeves, Father Xiao frowned and asked, “Why didn’t you wear a jacket today? Isn’t it cold in the morning?”

Xiao Yiheng indifferently replied, “I left the jacket in school.”

“Don’t catch a cold.” 

“I know.”

If this conversation occurred in another home, it would certainly be a warm conversation between an affectionate father who was concerned about his dutiful son’s health. However, Xiao Yiheng clearly understood that his father only advised him as it would affect his studies if he fell sick.

The breakfast had already been prepared on the table.

The Xiao family’s dining table had always been silent. The rule of not speaking during mealtime and bedtime was something that he had followed since he was in kindergarten. 

The dishes were light. Each of them had a cup of coffee, sandwich with ham, cheese and vegetables, and an egg. It was a very simple breakfast.

In the eyes of Yiheng’s mother and father who placed efficiency above all else and ate just to survive, this kind of breakfast was quick and nutritious. They could even eat jam sandwiches every day for three month without changing the flavour of the jam.

Xiao Yiheng silently finished his meal and Mother Xiao brought out the fruits from the kitchen.

Mother Xiao prepared fresh, organic oranges today. She was extremely particular to their quality of living. She would never spare a glance at the fruits and vegetables in the market. She would only serve them organic food that could be bought in membership-shopping supermarkets that were packaged in a box that had an ‘ecofarm’ label on it. 

After all, they were an alpha family! There was not another family in their neighbourhood who was as outstanding and noble as them!

The orange had been cut into several pieces. Xiao Yiheng took one and brought it to his mouth. The pulps’ juice burst inside his mouth and a sweet fragrance traversed to the tip of his tongue.


This smell…

Xiao Yiheng was taken aback. He couldn’t help but think of the fruity scent he smelled in the dark alley yesterday. 

At that time, time was pressing and the smell was extremely faint and fleeting so Xiao Yiheng didn’t pay much attention to the fragranced that suddenly appeared and disappeared without a trace.

However, the scent had been lingering deep inside his mind, only needing a little opportunity to billow forth.

The corner of Xiao Yiheng’s mouth curved up slightly and his slender fingers picked up another piece.

⸺It seems like I’ve discovered what the pheromones of that undisciplined and out-of-control tyrant smells like. 

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