This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 19: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch19 - Pan Jinlian and Ximen Qing

Seeing that it was getting late, Qiu Xian rose to see her guest out.

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“Well, you’ve been held up here for too long. I have an art class soon so I can’t entertain you anymore. You should immediately return to class.” 

When Li Cheng heard her driving him back to his class, he started pestering her.

“Teacher, your classroom hasn’t been tidied up yet. Let me help you out.” Li Cheng got an instant headache at the thought of the core subjects and purposely wanted to delay his leave.

“That’s fine.” Qiu Xian pointed at the window sill, “There’s a bucket of water for rinsing the brushes there. Can you help me throw it away?”

“No problem!” Li Cheng immediately hurried over. 

There was an oil painting at the corner of the room. It had just been varnished and was drying in the shade.


Li Cheng had just shot a glance but was unable to shift his gaze away.

What kind of painting is this?

There were all shades of orange in the painting. Orange sky, orange shadows, orange field… The painter used many kinds of orange but it didn’t seem chaotic or messy. Instead, it had a kind of subtle vagueness.


Even Li Cheng who believed that he didn’t have any sense of aesthetic appreciation was not just fascinated.

In the centre of the dark-orange painting, there was a golden figure hanging on the wall. Its appearance of clumsily climbing the wall was really too funny.

Li Cheng asked, “Teacher Qiu, did you paint this? This painting is so beautiful.”

Qiu Xian wanted to say that Xiao Yiheng painted it, but when she remembered Xiao Yiheng asking her not to tell anyone the truth, she changed her words at the last moment, “No, it was painted by…. someone I know. Why? Do you like this painting?” 

“Like it.” Li Cheng frankly admitted, “Teacher, honestly I didn’t understand what you meant by alpha’s pheromone making me feel warm and comfortable. But this painting… It really makes me feel warm and comfortable.”

If possible, he really wanted to know the person who painted this painting. He must be a gentle and amazing painter!

“……” Qiu Xian smiled, “Alright, stop dawdling. Go and throw the water away.”

“Oh.” Li Cheng carefully walked around the painting and carried the big bucket. 

However, Li Cheng had underestimated the nearing of his estrus’ influence on him. Not only did he fail to lift the bucket of rinse water, he also accidentally let go of it because of his weak body.

A crash could be heard right after as the bucket filled with water was all thrown out of the window into the grove next to the school building.


In the school building’s grove, two people stood face to face. 

The girl’s hair was tied up into a high ponytail and her smile was bright and relaxed, like a flower in spring.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

She looked at the boy standing opposite her with fascination.


“Hey, Xiao Yiheng.” Her eyes brazenly leered the boy as she asked him, “Do you know why I called you out here?”

A trace of helplessness flashed through Xiao Yiheng’s eyes. 

If he had a choice, he really didn’t want to hear an alpha confess to him.

This girl who had brazenly asked Xiao Yiheng to come out for a private chat was the class monitor of the class next door, Class 3-2, Xu Yinyin.

Both of them were alphas. They would sometimes meet each other in the Physics study group so they talked quite often. Xu Yinyin was a girl with a spirited personality and was extremely popular with the omegas thus Xiao Yiheng had never imagined that Xu Yinyin would like him.

Before Xu Yinyin could speak, Xiao Yiheng asked her, “Did you ask me to come out to ask about a physics question?” 

Xu Yinyin: “What? Of course not. I…”

Xiao Yiheng: “Then you don’t need to say it.”

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Xu Yinyin: “……” She stamped her feet fiercely, “Come on! I can’t even confess to you huh?”

Xiao Yiheng indifferently looked at her and replied without a shred of emotion, “There wouldn’t be a difference whether you say it out or not.” 

“……” Xu Yinyin thought, Oh, it seems like this iceberg guy had never considered accepting it.

Her shoulders slumped, thinking that she should be feeling depressed after being rejected. However, she found that she didn’t feel anything in particular. In fact, she already understood before confessing that with Xiao Yiheng’s character, it was absolutely impossible for him to say yes to her.

The main reason she confessed was merely to realise her dream.

She could still clearly remember the day Xiao Yiheng reported for school. Xiao Yiheng, who was garbed in simple, casual attire, stepped into the morning light as he came in through the school gate. 

At that time, his height had not shot up yet. He was rather thin and his jaws were reservedly shut tight like a lonely crane. His lips were pursed into a thin line and his emotionless red phoenix eyes that had an slightly upward slant swept over the crowd. It was not an exaggeration to say that he caught everyone’s attention at that moment. Even Xu Yinyin forgot how to breathe.

Everyone’s eyes were focused on him and even the seniors were whispering, asking for his name. So many fervent gazes followed him but he remained unruffled, maintaining a courteous yet unfamiliar distance from everyone.

It could be said that at that moment, Xu Yinyin had lust at first sight with Xiao Yiheng (Scratch that. It was love at first sight!). However, everyone had just started school at that time and were still freshmen so she found it truly embarrassing to confess. Little did she know that Xiao Yiheng would go on an exchange programme during his second year in high school without saying a single goodbye to his classmates. Many people had said that ‘long-distance love’ was hard, but hers had upgraded into a ‘long-distance unrequited love’!

Now that she was in third year of high school, Xiao Yiheng had finally returned. She had not seen him for a year. His figure was much taller and his appearance was more exquisite and handsome than she had imagined. Thus, the face-con Xu Yinyin had once again fallen under his spell. She didn’t want to hide the feeling in her heart anymore so she mustered up the courage and asked Xiao Yiheng to come out so that she could confess. 

She never thought that she would be KO’ed before the first round could even finish.

Still, Xu Yinyin refused to give up so she asked, “Can I ask you why you’re rejecting me? Do you discriminate against AA relationships?”


“Of course not,” Xiao Yiheng shook his head, “My parents are also AA.”

“Oh right, I remember,” Xu Yinyin clapped her hands as she remembered, “Every parent-teacher conference, your mother’s first sentence would always be ‘His father and I are both alphas. We are a triple A family: Almighty, Ambitious, Aristocracy’. Everyone had long been fed up of hearing it.” 

Although Xiao Yiheng was aware that his mother had always been proud of their family’s gender, he didn’t expect that his mother would have such a pompous and arrogant side. He didn’t know what expression he should show facing this embarrassing situation.

Seeing him remain silent, Xu Yinyin rolled her eyes and asked him, “Xiao Yiheng, if you don’t like alphas, I also have two sisters. One is an omega and the other is a beta. Do you want to see them?”

Xiao Yiheng: “……You’re too selfless.”

Xu Yinyin flung her ponytail and modestly replied, “Why not? There’s a saying that fertile water should not be dumped in other people’s fields.” 

Xiao Yiheng felt that the other person’s Chinese proficiency was a little concerning and was quite worried if she could get admitted into a prestigious university.

She impatiently looked at him and inquired, “What’s your ideal type? Can you tell me? My friends are out of the question but there’s still my friends’ friends. Cute? Gentle? Understanding? Proactive? Sexy? Reserved and sensitive? All of my lil’ sisters are very nice and have good personalities!”

If she was a stranger, Xiao Yiheng definitely would not say anything to her but she was unfortunately a fellow schoolmate and was looking at him with an expression of someone who wouldn’t give up until she reached her goal.

Xiao Yiheng wanted to pass it off by saying something random but somehow he blurted out, “⸺I don’t like people with good personalities.” 

Xiao Yiheng was surprised by what he had said without thinking.

Xu Yinyin looked at him with an expression of ‘Are you playing with me?’.

After saying the first sentence, Xiao Yiheng didn’t even need to think of what he was going to say next, the words flowed out automatically.

“His nature is more brash than bold and is more frivolous than arrogant. No matter what I say, he will deliberately talk back and argue for the sake of arguing; If he can’t win the argument, he’ll ask for a fight. If he can’t win the fight, he’ll run away. Before escaping, he’ll throw out a few cruel words. He believes that he’s fierce but in fact the corner of his eyes are red. He’s clearly the first to bare his fangs and brandish his claws but he’ll act as if I was the one who bullied him.” 

It was like a little wild cat blocking the road, coyly meowing at him, eating his dried fish and leaving three paw prints on him before swaggeringly departing.

Xu Yinyin couldn’t bear to listen anymore. She didn’t expect the male god’s ideal type to be so unique.

She blurted out, “Who would like a person with such a bad attitude?”

Xiao Yiheng shot a glance at her. It was brief but the coldness it contained penetrated deep inside her. 

“Many people like him. Don’t worry.” Xiao Yiheng indifferently responded.

So what if the little wild cat had a bad temper? If he continued petting, stroking and cuddling him, there would surely be a day when the lil’ wild cat trusted him and depended on him. That was an irresistible attraction to all owners.


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Xu Yinyin was a girl after all. Observing his expression, a thought sprang to her mind and she suddenly realised, “Your description is so detailed. Could it be because you already have someone you like?”

Xiao Yiheng was startled. 

When he said those words, there was indeed someone in his mind but…

He refuted, “How could I like……”


Before Xiao Yiheng could finish speaking, weird-smelling black water suddenly fell from the sky and splashed down his whole body. 

There was also a plastic bucket that fell together with it. If it had not been blocked by a branch above him, the bucket would definitely have hit Xiao Yiheng’s head!

“Fuck!” A curse sounded out from above them which startled the birds in the grove. The voice was incomparably familiar to Xiao Yiheng.

Xiao Yiheng who was drenched like a drowned rat, had a stern and brooding countenance as he looked up with narrowed eyes.

He saw Li Cheng leaning halfway out of the window, looking down at him with a stupefied expression. 

Li Cheng had never thought that such a coincidence would happen.

He wanted to help Teacher Qiu pour out the rinse water but he couldn’t hold it firmly so the bucket fell out of the window. The most unfortunate thing was that the person it fell on was actually Xiao Yiheng.

“Too freaking awesome.” The dumbstruck Xu Yinyin couldn’t help applauding the dramatic scene, “The last time I saw this kind of ‘something falling out of the window and hitting a stranger downstairs’ plot was when Pan Jinlian was having a tryst with Ximen Qing!”

Xiao Yiheng’s body had been doused with dirty water thus he clearly looked miserable but his manner remained the same as before. 

His icy gaze shifted onto her and he coldly asked, “Then who are you? Wu Dalang who was poisoned to death because of talking too much?”

Xu Yinyin: “……”

I feel extremely wronged so it would be better to change my name to Xu Yingying.

Ch19 - Pan Jinlian and Ximen Qing

Seeing that it was getting late, Qiu Xian rose to see her guest out.

“Well, you’ve been held up here for too long. I have an art class soon so I can’t entertain you anymore. You should immediately return to class.” 

When Li Cheng heard her driving him back to his class, he started pestering her.

“Teacher, your classroom hasn’t been tidied up yet. Let me help you out.” Li Cheng got an instant headache at the thought of the core subjects and purposely wanted to delay his leave.

“That’s fine.” Qiu Xian pointed at the window sill, “There’s a bucket of water for rinsing the brushes there. Can you help me throw it away?”

“No problem!” Li Cheng immediately hurried over. 

There was an oil painting at the corner of the room. It had just been varnished and was drying in the shade.


Li Cheng had just shot a glance but was unable to shift his gaze away.

What kind of painting is this?

There were all shades of orange in the painting. Orange sky, orange shadows, orange field… The painter used many kinds of orange but it didn’t seem chaotic or messy. Instead, it had a kind of subtle vagueness.


Even Li Cheng who believed that he didn’t have any sense of aesthetic appreciation was not just fascinated.

In the centre of the dark-orange painting, there was a golden figure hanging on the wall. Its appearance of clumsily climbing the wall was really too funny.

Li Cheng asked, “Teacher Qiu, did you paint this? This painting is so beautiful.”

Qiu Xian wanted to say that Xiao Yiheng painted it, but when she remembered Xiao Yiheng asking her not to tell anyone the truth, she changed her words at the last moment, “No, it was painted by…. someone I know. Why? Do you like this painting?” 

“Like it.” Li Cheng frankly admitted, “Teacher, honestly I didn’t understand what you meant by alpha’s pheromone making me feel warm and comfortable. But this painting… It really makes me feel warm and comfortable.”

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If possible, he really wanted to know the person who painted this painting. He must be a gentle and amazing painter!

“……” Qiu Xian smiled, “Alright, stop dawdling. Go and throw the water away.”

“Oh.” Li Cheng carefully walked around the painting and carried the big bucket. 

However, Li Cheng had underestimated the nearing of his estrus’ influence on him. Not only did he fail to lift the bucket of rinse water, he also accidentally let go of it because of his weak body.

A crash could be heard right after as the bucket filled with water was all thrown out of the window into the grove next to the school building.


In the school building’s grove, two people stood face to face. 

The girl’s hair was tied up into a high ponytail and her smile was bright and relaxed, like a flower in spring.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

She looked at the boy standing opposite her with fascination.


“Hey, Xiao Yiheng.” Her eyes brazenly leered the boy as she asked him, “Do you know why I called you out here?”

A trace of helplessness flashed through Xiao Yiheng’s eyes. 

If he had a choice, he really didn’t want to hear an alpha confess to him.

This girl who had brazenly asked Xiao Yiheng to come out for a private chat was the class monitor of the class next door, Class 3-2, Xu Yinyin.

Both of them were alphas. They would sometimes meet each other in the Physics study group so they talked quite often. Xu Yinyin was a girl with a spirited personality and was extremely popular with the omegas thus Xiao Yiheng had never imagined that Xu Yinyin would like him.

Before Xu Yinyin could speak, Xiao Yiheng asked her, “Did you ask me to come out to ask about a physics question?” 

Xu Yinyin: “What? Of course not. I…”

Xiao Yiheng: “Then you don’t need to say it.”

Xu Yinyin: “……” She stamped her feet fiercely, “Come on! I can’t even confess to you huh?”

Xiao Yiheng indifferently looked at her and replied without a shred of emotion, “There wouldn’t be a difference whether you say it out or not.” 

“……” Xu Yinyin thought, Oh, it seems like this iceberg guy had never considered accepting it.

Her shoulders slumped, thinking that she should be feeling depressed after being rejected. However, she found that she didn’t feel anything in particular. In fact, she already understood before confessing that with Xiao Yiheng’s character, it was absolutely impossible for him to say yes to her.

The main reason she confessed was merely to realise her dream.

She could still clearly remember the day Xiao Yiheng reported for school. Xiao Yiheng, who was garbed in simple, casual attire, stepped into the morning light as he came in through the school gate. 

At that time, his height had not shot up yet. He was rather thin and his jaws were reservedly shut tight like a lonely crane. His lips were pursed into a thin line and his emotionless red phoenix eyes that had an slightly upward slant swept over the crowd. It was not an exaggeration to say that he caught everyone’s attention at that moment. Even Xu Yinyin forgot how to breathe.

Everyone’s eyes were focused on him and even the seniors were whispering, asking for his name. So many fervent gazes followed him but he remained unruffled, maintaining a courteous yet unfamiliar distance from everyone.

It could be said that at that moment, Xu Yinyin had lust at first sight with Xiao Yiheng (Scratch that. It was love at first sight!). However, everyone had just started school at that time and were still freshmen so she found it truly embarrassing to confess. Little did she know that Xiao Yiheng would go on an exchange programme during his second year in high school without saying a single goodbye to his classmates. Many people had said that ‘long-distance love’ was hard, but hers had upgraded into a ‘long-distance unrequited love’!

Now that she was in third year of high school, Xiao Yiheng had finally returned. She had not seen him for a year. His figure was much taller and his appearance was more exquisite and handsome than she had imagined. Thus, the face-con Xu Yinyin had once again fallen under his spell. She didn’t want to hide the feeling in her heart anymore so she mustered up the courage and asked Xiao Yiheng to come out so that she could confess. 

She never thought that she would be KO’ed before the first round could even finish.

Still, Xu Yinyin refused to give up so she asked, “Can I ask you why you’re rejecting me? Do you discriminate against AA relationships?”


“Of course not,” Xiao Yiheng shook his head, “My parents are also AA.”

“Oh right, I remember,” Xu Yinyin clapped her hands as she remembered, “Every parent-teacher conference, your mother’s first sentence would always be ‘His father and I are both alphas. We are a triple A family: Almighty, Ambitious, Aristocracy’. Everyone had long been fed up of hearing it.” 

Although Xiao Yiheng was aware that his mother had always been proud of their family’s gender, he didn’t expect that his mother would have such a pompous and arrogant side. He didn’t know what expression he should show facing this embarrassing situation.

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Seeing him remain silent, Xu Yinyin rolled her eyes and asked him, “Xiao Yiheng, if you don’t like alphas, I also have two sisters. One is an omega and the other is a beta. Do you want to see them?”

Xiao Yiheng: “……You’re too selfless.”

Xu Yinyin flung her ponytail and modestly replied, “Why not? There’s a saying that fertile water should not be dumped in other people’s fields.” 

Xiao Yiheng felt that the other person’s Chinese proficiency was a little concerning and was quite worried if she could get admitted into a prestigious university.

She impatiently looked at him and inquired, “What’s your ideal type? Can you tell me? My friends are out of the question but there’s still my friends’ friends. Cute? Gentle? Understanding? Proactive? Sexy? Reserved and sensitive? All of my lil’ sisters are very nice and have good personalities!”

If she was a stranger, Xiao Yiheng definitely would not say anything to her but she was unfortunately a fellow schoolmate and was looking at him with an expression of someone who wouldn’t give up until she reached her goal.

Xiao Yiheng wanted to pass it off by saying something random but somehow he blurted out, “⸺I don’t like people with good personalities.” 

Xiao Yiheng was surprised by what he had said without thinking.

Xu Yinyin looked at him with an expression of ‘Are you playing with me?’.

After saying the first sentence, Xiao Yiheng didn’t even need to think of what he was going to say next, the words flowed out automatically.

“His nature is more brash than bold and is more frivolous than arrogant. No matter what I say, he will deliberately talk back and argue for the sake of arguing; If he can’t win the argument, he’ll ask for a fight. If he can’t win the fight, he’ll run away. Before escaping, he’ll throw out a few cruel words. He believes that he’s fierce but in fact the corner of his eyes are red. He’s clearly the first to bare his fangs and brandish his claws but he’ll act as if I was the one who bullied him.” 

It was like a little wild cat blocking the road, coyly meowing at him, eating his dried fish and leaving three paw prints on him before swaggeringly departing.

Xu Yinyin couldn’t bear to listen anymore. She didn’t expect the male god’s ideal type to be so unique.

She blurted out, “Who would like a person with such a bad attitude?”

Xiao Yiheng shot a glance at her. It was brief but the coldness it contained penetrated deep inside her. 

“Many people like him. Don’t worry.” Xiao Yiheng indifferently responded.

So what if the little wild cat had a bad temper? If he continued petting, stroking and cuddling him, there would surely be a day when the lil’ wild cat trusted him and depended on him. That was an irresistible attraction to all owners.


Xu Yinyin was a girl after all. Observing his expression, a thought sprang to her mind and she suddenly realised, “Your description is so detailed. Could it be because you already have someone you like?”

Xiao Yiheng was startled. 

When he said those words, there was indeed someone in his mind but…

He refuted, “How could I like……”


Before Xiao Yiheng could finish speaking, weird-smelling black water suddenly fell from the sky and splashed down his whole body. 

There was also a plastic bucket that fell together with it. If it had not been blocked by a branch above him, the bucket would definitely have hit Xiao Yiheng’s head!

“Fuck!” A curse sounded out from above them which startled the birds in the grove. The voice was incomparably familiar to Xiao Yiheng.

Xiao Yiheng who was drenched like a drowned rat, had a stern and brooding countenance as he looked up with narrowed eyes.

He saw Li Cheng leaning halfway out of the window, looking down at him with a stupefied expression. 

Li Cheng had never thought that such a coincidence would happen.

He wanted to help Teacher Qiu pour out the rinse water but he couldn’t hold it firmly so the bucket fell out of the window. The most unfortunate thing was that the person it fell on was actually Xiao Yiheng.

“Too freaking awesome.” The dumbstruck Xu Yinyin couldn’t help applauding the dramatic scene, “The last time I saw this kind of ‘something falling out of the window and hitting a stranger downstairs’ plot was when Pan Jinlian was having a tryst with Ximen Qing!”

Xiao Yiheng’s body had been doused with dirty water thus he clearly looked miserable but his manner remained the same as before. 

His icy gaze shifted onto her and he coldly asked, “Then who are you? Wu Dalang who was poisoned to death because of talking too much?”

Xu Yinyin: “……”

I feel extremely wronged so it would be better to change my name to Xu Yingying.

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