This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 61: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch61 - A passionate kiss hidden under the water

Xiao Yiheng first explained to Youyou how Archimedes discovered the principle of buoyancy while taking a bath, and this principle was actually the same in essence as Cao Chong's weighing of the elephant.

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Youyou had never heard of Archimedes, but she definitely knew the story of Cao Chong weighing the elephant! “Cao Chong weighs the elephant” was a required course content in elementary school textbooks. While the literature and language course emphasised Cao Chong’s wit and wisdom, Xiao Yiheng talked about the physical principles in it.

Youyou didn’t know until today that Cao Chong began to study physics at such a young age. The little friends in ancient times were too pitiful.

“In short, the buoyant force acting on an object will be equal to gravity.” Xiao Yiheng dipped his fingers in the water and simply drew a stick figure on the bank. The stick figure was in a swimming skirt. At first glance, it looked like Youyou. 

He drew the pool, drew the stick girl Youyou, and then drew a vertical upward arrow on the stick girl’s stomach.


And this was the force analysis diagram of Youyou’s swimming.

Youyou saw the diagram and half-understood: “Brother Xiao, do you mean when I was swimming, an invisible hook lifted me up?”

Xiao Yiheng: “…it’s not a hook, it’s buoyancy.”


“Does the elephant also have this hook?”

“…” Xiao Yiheng retreated in defeat, “Correct.”

“But if the hook could lift me, then why couldn’t it lift the elephant?”

“Because the density of elephants is greater than the density of water.” 

“Density? What is density?”

How could a ten-year-old child understand density and buoyancy? Xiao Yiheng explained for a long time. The more she listened, the more confused she became.

Youyou was tired and didn’t want to struggle anymore.

“Brother Xiao, I really don’t understand what you are talking about.” Youyou hugged the floating flamingo’s neck and spoke feeling wronged, “I can’t see that hook either.” 

Xiao Yiheng tried his best to explain: “The hook-I mean buoyancy-is not visible to the naked eye, but you can feel it.”

“But I can’t feel it!”

Li Cheng listened for ten minutes, watching Xiao Yiheng draw the stress analysis diagram and talking about the density formula. He had been busy for half of the day, but the progress was negative. He looked at Youyou–two big eyes were filled with big tears. She looked more pitiful than the little daylilies on the ground.

After all, Youyou was only ten years old, not even conversant in multiplication and division. Xiao Yiheng still wanted to make Youyou understand the stress analysis diagram that even Li Cheng couldn’t understand. This was forcing others to death. 

Li Cheng could not endure the smoke discharging from his brain. He jumped into the water and walked quickly to Xiao Yiheng’s side. He wanted to make the alpha spare this pair of brother and sister, and stop teaching those big formulae: “How can there be so many messy things in swimming? Do I have to calculate the buoyancy formula in my mind before every stroke? Swimming is an instinct. You have said so much, do you know how to swim?”

Xiao Yiheng was unexpectedly silent for a long time.


Li Cheng: !!!

Li Cheng was shocked: “Damn, you don’t really know how to swim, do you?” 

He was under the impression Xiao Yiheng was gold, but it turned out Xiao Yiheng was inferior to bronze.

Xiao Yiheng eloquently said: “Good gourmets don’t necessarily know how to cook; good film critics don’t necessarily make movies…”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“–but a good swimming coach is sure to swim!” Li Cheng interrupted his sophistry, “Come on Xiao Yiheng, go and stand by Youyou honestly for me! This Li-ge doesn’t believe in this evil. Isn’t it just swimming? I’m definitely going to teach you two today!”

Vb Ol Jtfcu mtjcufv ogbw afjmtlcu bcf qfgrbc ab afjmtlcu akb qfbqif. 

Rb, cba qfbqif, yea akb qlur.

Ktja kjr kgbcu. C qlu kjr rb meaf jcv kjr ybgc ab rklw. Lbk mbeiv tf erf atfrf akb raeqlv vewytfjvr ab lcreia atf meaf ilaaif qluus?

Ol Jtfcu bcmf atbeuta atja j raevs ubv ilxf Wljb Tltfcu wera yf qgbolmlfca lc fnfgsatlcu. Pc jvvlalbc ab qjlcalcu jcv rbinlcu qgbyifwr, tf rtbeiv yf ubbv ja jii xlcvr bo rqbgar. Lbk mbeiv Wljb Tltfcu cba yf ubbv ja j rlwqif atlcu ilxf rklwwlcu?

Xiao Yiheng forced a smile: “Remember, there is no causal relationship between ‘I am a top student’ and ‘I can swim’.” 

Li Cheng bared his little teeth fiercely, “Then what constitutes a causal relationship? ‘You are unable to learn swimming’ and ‘I may turn extremely stupid because of you’. Can there be a causal relationship between these two?”


Li Cheng looked at the two land ducks in front of him with his hands on his hips and issued orders with a serious face.

“I’ll count one, two, three.” Li Cheng said, “you dive down together and hold your breath. Be careful, don’t just dive straight down. Bend your legs slightly, lean over and bury your head in the water. You must relax your body. Especially your waist and abdomen. You will feel something pushing your lower body up to the surface. As long as your hips float up, your legs will naturally float up!” 

“That’s not ‘something’,” Xiao Yiheng corrected, “That’s ‘buoyancy’.”

“That’s not ‘something’,” Youyou followed suit, “that’s a ‘little hook’.”

Li Cheng scolded very hard, “I don’t care what it is. In short, you have to hold your breath for one minute under the water…Forget it, hold your breath for 30 seconds first.”

“Thirty seconds is so long.” Youyou said nervously, “What if I choke on water?” 

Li Cheng comforted her: “Don’t worry, your brother is here to guard you. My eyes will never leave you. And I have lifeguard training. If you really choke on water, your brother will give you artificial respiration.”

Hearing “artificial respiration” the little adult Youyou seemed to cover her mouth, and said disgustedly: “Eww, forget about it!”


Li Cheng: “…” Was there any reason for the older brother to actually be despised by the younger sister?

Under Li Cheng’s iron-faced deterrence, the two swimming beginners stopped dilly-dallying, stood up slowly, held their breaths, and plunged their heads into the water. 

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Li Cheng counted for them, one, two, three…

Maybe it was because of Xiao Yiheng accompanying Youyou. The little girl’s body, which was underwater, gradually relaxed and her waist gradually floated. Next it was her hips, then both legs and finally her feet lifted one by one. The whole person was lifted up by the water!

She stretched her limbs and closed her eyes tightly under the water, letting the invisible “little hook” drag her to the surface of the water.

It wasn’t until the oxygen in her lungs depleted that she burst out of the water with a splash, her entire face flushed with excitement. 

“Brother, did you see it?!” Youyou danced, “I learned how to swim!”

Li Cheng knocked on her head: “You just learned to float, you haven’t learned to swim yet. Come on, go to the bank and take a rest. Come back and continue practicing for a while.”

Youyou was tired after practicing for so long . After receiving the pardon from her brother, she immediately jumped ashore. There was a vending machine on the bank. Youyou dropped a coin for a can of chilled lemon tea.

When Youyou was free to relax, Li Cheng frowned and stared at the shadow of Xiao Yiheng under the water, his expression becoming more and more serious. 

A minute passed, but Xiao Yiheng’s figure was still motionless under the water, neither floating nor relaxing, like a heavy rock.

Was his lung capacity so strong? He hadn’t yet exhausted his breadth?

Li Cheng was worried that Xiao Yiheng was trying to show-off his ability. He quickly walked towards him and stretched out his hand to pull him out of the water.

Unexpectedly, Li Cheng’s hand was not stretched out yet, but his waist was held–the underwater Xiao Yiheng actually grabbed his waist, and forcefully dragged him into the water! 

“Fuck, you dare to attack me! Gulu, gulu, gulu…” Li Cheng was caught off guard, and the unspoken swear words all turned into a series of bubbles.

The shallow water area was only 1.2 meters deep. When Li Cheng stood up straight, the water just reached a little above his waist. Because of professional training, after entering the water, Li Cheng did not panic. Instead, he immediately opened his eyes, twisted around at the fastest speed, aimed at Xiao Yiheng’s shoulder and kicked him–This bastard actually dared to mount a sneak attack on him, the Little Dragon King of East China Sea, in the water. Who gave him this courage?

If he didn’t teach Xiao Yiheng a little lesson today, then Li-ge might as well follow his last name!

Unexpectedly, in the face of Li Cheng’s kick, Xiao Yiheng did not evade. Instead, he directly came forward, held Li Cheng’s ankle with his big hand, and arrogantly pulled the omega towards him. 

The water became the alpha’s most powerful assistant. Li Cheng’s body was lightened, and he was actually dragged in front of Xiao Yiheng.

Li Cheng’s eyes rounded in surprise, his lips opened unconsciously, and his bright red tongue flashed between the two rows of white teeth.


—The next second, Xiao Yiheng kissed him.

The four lips met, their breadths exchanged lingeringly. 

The light and shadow of the underwater, and the clear and mysterious blue surrounded the two teenagers. As the water waves rose and fell again and again, the chaotic light was divided into countless fragments.

Li Cheng stared at the alpha that was close at hand. Between the messy light and the blue water waves, Xiao Yiheng’s handsome face was a little distorted.

Xiao Yiheng’s eyelashes closed lightly, and the water gently brushed the corners of his eyes and brows. He was no longer a cold iceberg, he had already been melted by Li Cheng.

No one knew that in this seemingly calm pool, there was a passionate kiss hidden under the water. 


Youyou sat on the bank drinking the lemon tea, straw in her mouth, looking at the two people in the swimming pool suspiciously.

“Brother Xiao, what’s wrong with my brother?” she asked ignorantly.

Just now, Brother Xiao was practicing holding his breath underwater, her brother suddenly dived into the water, and then she saw the waves sway and gradually calm down–and then the two of them got out of the water at the same time! 

Li Cheng’s face was flushed and his lips were split. Xiao Yiheng half-supported him and half-carried him, and sent him to rest on a bench on the bank. His wet golden hair lay messily draped on his forehead, making him look like a cat who had just taken a bath.

Youyou hovered around in concern. She pulled Xiao Yiheng’s hand and asked again: “What’s wrong with my brother?”

Li Cheng heard his sister’s question, turned away in embarrassment, and covered his head with a towel to hide his red ears.

Finally, Xiao Yiheng answered her question. 

“I choked on water just now.” Xiao Yiheng touched her head and said solemnly, “Your brother gave me artificial respiration underwater, so he is very tired now and needs a good rest.”

Li Cheng: “… ”

What damned fucking artificial respiration!

Maybe it was because Xiao Yiheng’s expression was too serious. Faced with this explanation full of falsehoods and loopholes, Youyou was actually fooled. She sat aside obediently, waiting quietly for her brother to rest. 

Li Cheng hid his face under the towel, and after a long time, he managed to suppress the warmth on his face.

Damn, were alphas frivolous regardless of time and place? He actually attacked him in the swimming pool, making him burn hot from his earlobes to his tiptoes.


Xiao Yiheng entered the water without taking off his T-shirt. He was completely drenched in the water causing the white T-shirt to almost become transparent. The wet white T-shirt exposed his body contours vaguely and looked very sexy. He drew more attention than if he had completely stripped off.

Li Cheng sat on the bank for a while, and realised that several people were secretly watching Xiao Yiheng as they passed by. Some people took out their mobile phones and wanted to take a sneak shot. They were scared away by Li Cheng’s eyes! 

Li Cheng asked in a muffled voice, “Xiao Yiheng, how long do you plan to wear wet clothes?”

Xiao Yiheng was very “obedient”. He grabbed the collar with both hands, and directly took off the soaked T-shirt. Before Li Cheng was mentally prepared, the alpha’s strong and lean body filled his vision.

Unlike Li’s Cheng honey-colored skin, Xiao Yiheng’s skin was much whiter because he stayed indoors all year round. But, it was not at all thin and weak like a white cut chicken. He was the classic example of people who look thin when dressed. Once he undressed, his body was lean, layered with thin muscles that covered his skeleton, propping up straight shoulders and a thin waist.

Li Cheng glanced away in shame, but immediately looked back. 

He braced himself, and deliberately looked up and down Xiao Yiheng several times with a sort of assessing gaze, and finally uttered a few words from the corner of his mouth: “…Hmm alright, let’s count you as barely reaching the standard.”

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“Barely?” Xiao Yiheng raised his eyebrows, “Li-ge thinks I am not good enough, so please give me some advice.” As he said this, he put his hand on his arm: “Are the biceps not well developed?” Then, his hand moved towards his chest: “Are the chest muscles not strong enough?” Then, his hand slid down the chest, and finally fell to the waist and abdomen: “Are the abdominal muscles also…”

“——Stop!” Li Cheng immediately jumped up from the bench, covered Youyou’s eyes, and scolded him with a red face, “There is a little girl here. What are you doing acting like a rogue?!”

However, the little girl tried her best to break off her brother’s hand, looked out through Li Cheng’s fingers, and called out: “Brother, brother, let me take another look at the abdominal muscles of the handsome guy.” 

Li Chengyu asked earnestly: “Youyou, where is this handsome guy with abdominal muscles? When you were swimming just now, did you swallow too much water? Are you having hallucinations?”


After Li Cheng’s persistent teaching all afternoon, Youyou finally learned to swim!

Li Cheng taught her the most basic introductory breaststroke. Youyou’s hands and feet were very clumsy. She could swim 10 meters in the time Huang Yelun swam 50 meters. 

However, Li Cheng was quite satisfied. When Youyou relied on her own efforts to move forward in the swimming pool, the big stone in Li Cheng’s heart was finally set down.

Look, the water was nothing to be afraid of. Look, she could beat it.

As soon as Youyou learned to swim, she became courageous, took her brother by the hand and said that she wanted to go play at the ten-meter slide.

That large slide was the most eye-catching amusement facility in the entire indoor swimming pool. All visitors gathered there to enjoy the weightlessness and excitement of going downstream. 

“Then… alright.” Li Cheng hesitated for a moment and allowed his sister’s little willfulness.

Youyou was very happy. She hugged the neck of the inflatable flamingo, rushed to the slide, and ran away without a trace.


“Li Cheng, what about me?” Xiao Yiheng, who was also in the shallow water area, came over and deliberately spoke in Youyou’s tone, “I also want to play on the slide.”

“You can’t.” Li Cheng scowled, “Youyou has learned how to swim. You idiot haven’t learned it yet. That slide is dangerous. You can’t swim. What if you plunge into the water and can’t float up when you rush out of the slide?” 

“It doesn’t matter.” Xiao Yiheng pointed his finger at the publicity board next to him, “Look, there is a two-person slide, so two people can slide together.”

Li Cheng followed the direction of his finger and looked at it. When he saw the image on the board, his face turned red at once.

There are a lot of photos posted on the signboard. They were in groups of two. All of them were sweet couples. With the assistance of the staff, the young lovers hugged each other and lay on the slide, rushing down the water.

There was also a beating red heart next to the promotional photos, which said “Enjoy the feeling of extreme weightlessness with your loved one!” 

There was just a small problem. The single slide was free, but the double slide charged extra. The price was not cheap.

Li Cheng’s little abacus bead clacked again: “Out of the question. If you want to find excitement, why don’t we try the 10-meter diving platform for two people? Ten meters, two people, rapid weightlessness, swimming pool, the four keywords are all included. Why on earth should I spend money here and suffer guilt?”

“…” Xiao Yiheng asked quietly, “Li Cheng, have you only heard the word ‘lang‘ but not ‘lang man’??”

Ch61 - A passionate kiss hidden under the water

Xiao Yiheng first explained to Youyou how Archimedes discovered the principle of buoyancy while taking a bath, and this principle was actually the same in essence as Cao Chong's weighing of the elephant.

Youyou had never heard of Archimedes, but she definitely knew the story of Cao Chong weighing the elephant! “Cao Chong weighs the elephant” was a required course content in elementary school textbooks. While the literature and language course emphasised Cao Chong’s wit and wisdom, Xiao Yiheng talked about the physical principles in it.

Youyou didn’t know until today that Cao Chong began to study physics at such a young age. The little friends in ancient times were too pitiful.

“In short, the buoyant force acting on an object will be equal to gravity.” Xiao Yiheng dipped his fingers in the water and simply drew a stick figure on the bank. The stick figure was in a swimming skirt. At first glance, it looked like Youyou. 

He drew the pool, drew the stick girl Youyou, and then drew a vertical upward arrow on the stick girl’s stomach.


And this was the force analysis diagram of Youyou’s swimming.

Youyou saw the diagram and half-understood: “Brother Xiao, do you mean when I was swimming, an invisible hook lifted me up?”

Xiao Yiheng: “…it’s not a hook, it’s buoyancy.”


“Does the elephant also have this hook?”

“…” Xiao Yiheng retreated in defeat, “Correct.”

“But if the hook could lift me, then why couldn’t it lift the elephant?”

“Because the density of elephants is greater than the density of water.” 

“Density? What is density?”

How could a ten-year-old child understand density and buoyancy? Xiao Yiheng explained for a long time. The more she listened, the more confused she became.

Youyou was tired and didn’t want to struggle anymore.

“Brother Xiao, I really don’t understand what you are talking about.” Youyou hugged the floating flamingo’s neck and spoke feeling wronged, “I can’t see that hook either.” 

Xiao Yiheng tried his best to explain: “The hook-I mean buoyancy-is not visible to the naked eye, but you can feel it.”

“But I can’t feel it!”

Li Cheng listened for ten minutes, watching Xiao Yiheng draw the stress analysis diagram and talking about the density formula. He had been busy for half of the day, but the progress was negative. He looked at Youyou–two big eyes were filled with big tears. She looked more pitiful than the little daylilies on the ground.

After all, Youyou was only ten years old, not even conversant in multiplication and division. Xiao Yiheng still wanted to make Youyou understand the stress analysis diagram that even Li Cheng couldn’t understand. This was forcing others to death. 

Li Cheng could not endure the smoke discharging from his brain. He jumped into the water and walked quickly to Xiao Yiheng’s side. He wanted to make the alpha spare this pair of brother and sister, and stop teaching those big formulae: “How can there be so many messy things in swimming? Do I have to calculate the buoyancy formula in my mind before every stroke? Swimming is an instinct. You have said so much, do you know how to swim?”

Xiao Yiheng was unexpectedly silent for a long time.

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Li Cheng: !!!

Li Cheng was shocked: “Damn, you don’t really know how to swim, do you?” 

He was under the impression Xiao Yiheng was gold, but it turned out Xiao Yiheng was inferior to bronze.

Xiao Yiheng eloquently said: “Good gourmets don’t necessarily know how to cook; good film critics don’t necessarily make movies…”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“–but a good swimming coach is sure to swim!” Li Cheng interrupted his sophistry, “Come on Xiao Yiheng, go and stand by Youyou honestly for me! This Li-ge doesn’t believe in this evil. Isn’t it just swimming? I’m definitely going to teach you two today!”

Vb Ol Jtfcu mtjcufv ogbw afjmtlcu bcf qfgrbc ab afjmtlcu akb qfbqif. 

Rb, cba qfbqif, yea akb qlur.

Ktja kjr kgbcu. C qlu kjr rb meaf jcv kjr ybgc ab rklw. Lbk mbeiv tf erf atfrf akb raeqlv vewytfjvr ab lcreia atf meaf ilaaif qluus?

Ol Jtfcu bcmf atbeuta atja j raevs ubv ilxf Wljb Tltfcu wera yf qgbolmlfca lc fnfgsatlcu. Pc jvvlalbc ab qjlcalcu jcv rbinlcu qgbyifwr, tf rtbeiv yf ubbv ja jii xlcvr bo rqbgar. Lbk mbeiv Wljb Tltfcu cba yf ubbv ja j rlwqif atlcu ilxf rklwwlcu?

Xiao Yiheng forced a smile: “Remember, there is no causal relationship between ‘I am a top student’ and ‘I can swim’.” 

Li Cheng bared his little teeth fiercely, “Then what constitutes a causal relationship? ‘You are unable to learn swimming’ and ‘I may turn extremely stupid because of you’. Can there be a causal relationship between these two?”


Li Cheng looked at the two land ducks in front of him with his hands on his hips and issued orders with a serious face.

“I’ll count one, two, three.” Li Cheng said, “you dive down together and hold your breath. Be careful, don’t just dive straight down. Bend your legs slightly, lean over and bury your head in the water. You must relax your body. Especially your waist and abdomen. You will feel something pushing your lower body up to the surface. As long as your hips float up, your legs will naturally float up!” 

“That’s not ‘something’,” Xiao Yiheng corrected, “That’s ‘buoyancy’.”

“That’s not ‘something’,” Youyou followed suit, “that’s a ‘little hook’.”

Li Cheng scolded very hard, “I don’t care what it is. In short, you have to hold your breath for one minute under the water…Forget it, hold your breath for 30 seconds first.”

“Thirty seconds is so long.” Youyou said nervously, “What if I choke on water?” 

Li Cheng comforted her: “Don’t worry, your brother is here to guard you. My eyes will never leave you. And I have lifeguard training. If you really choke on water, your brother will give you artificial respiration.”

Hearing “artificial respiration” the little adult Youyou seemed to cover her mouth, and said disgustedly: “Eww, forget about it!”


Li Cheng: “…” Was there any reason for the older brother to actually be despised by the younger sister?

Under Li Cheng’s iron-faced deterrence, the two swimming beginners stopped dilly-dallying, stood up slowly, held their breaths, and plunged their heads into the water. 

Li Cheng counted for them, one, two, three…

Maybe it was because of Xiao Yiheng accompanying Youyou. The little girl’s body, which was underwater, gradually relaxed and her waist gradually floated. Next it was her hips, then both legs and finally her feet lifted one by one. The whole person was lifted up by the water!

She stretched her limbs and closed her eyes tightly under the water, letting the invisible “little hook” drag her to the surface of the water.

It wasn’t until the oxygen in her lungs depleted that she burst out of the water with a splash, her entire face flushed with excitement. 

“Brother, did you see it?!” Youyou danced, “I learned how to swim!”

Li Cheng knocked on her head: “You just learned to float, you haven’t learned to swim yet. Come on, go to the bank and take a rest. Come back and continue practicing for a while.”

Youyou was tired after practicing for so long . After receiving the pardon from her brother, she immediately jumped ashore. There was a vending machine on the bank. Youyou dropped a coin for a can of chilled lemon tea.

When Youyou was free to relax, Li Cheng frowned and stared at the shadow of Xiao Yiheng under the water, his expression becoming more and more serious. 

A minute passed, but Xiao Yiheng’s figure was still motionless under the water, neither floating nor relaxing, like a heavy rock.

Was his lung capacity so strong? He hadn’t yet exhausted his breadth?

Li Cheng was worried that Xiao Yiheng was trying to show-off his ability. He quickly walked towards him and stretched out his hand to pull him out of the water.

Unexpectedly, Li Cheng’s hand was not stretched out yet, but his waist was held–the underwater Xiao Yiheng actually grabbed his waist, and forcefully dragged him into the water! 

“Fuck, you dare to attack me! Gulu, gulu, gulu…” Li Cheng was caught off guard, and the unspoken swear words all turned into a series of bubbles.

The shallow water area was only 1.2 meters deep. When Li Cheng stood up straight, the water just reached a little above his waist. Because of professional training, after entering the water, Li Cheng did not panic. Instead, he immediately opened his eyes, twisted around at the fastest speed, aimed at Xiao Yiheng’s shoulder and kicked him–This bastard actually dared to mount a sneak attack on him, the Little Dragon King of East China Sea, in the water. Who gave him this courage?

If he didn’t teach Xiao Yiheng a little lesson today, then Li-ge might as well follow his last name!

Unexpectedly, in the face of Li Cheng’s kick, Xiao Yiheng did not evade. Instead, he directly came forward, held Li Cheng’s ankle with his big hand, and arrogantly pulled the omega towards him. 

The water became the alpha’s most powerful assistant. Li Cheng’s body was lightened, and he was actually dragged in front of Xiao Yiheng.

Li Cheng’s eyes rounded in surprise, his lips opened unconsciously, and his bright red tongue flashed between the two rows of white teeth.


—The next second, Xiao Yiheng kissed him.

The four lips met, their breadths exchanged lingeringly. 

The light and shadow of the underwater, and the clear and mysterious blue surrounded the two teenagers. As the water waves rose and fell again and again, the chaotic light was divided into countless fragments.

Li Cheng stared at the alpha that was close at hand. Between the messy light and the blue water waves, Xiao Yiheng’s handsome face was a little distorted.

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Xiao Yiheng’s eyelashes closed lightly, and the water gently brushed the corners of his eyes and brows. He was no longer a cold iceberg, he had already been melted by Li Cheng.

No one knew that in this seemingly calm pool, there was a passionate kiss hidden under the water. 


Youyou sat on the bank drinking the lemon tea, straw in her mouth, looking at the two people in the swimming pool suspiciously.

“Brother Xiao, what’s wrong with my brother?” she asked ignorantly.

Just now, Brother Xiao was practicing holding his breath underwater, her brother suddenly dived into the water, and then she saw the waves sway and gradually calm down–and then the two of them got out of the water at the same time! 

Li Cheng’s face was flushed and his lips were split. Xiao Yiheng half-supported him and half-carried him, and sent him to rest on a bench on the bank. His wet golden hair lay messily draped on his forehead, making him look like a cat who had just taken a bath.

Youyou hovered around in concern. She pulled Xiao Yiheng’s hand and asked again: “What’s wrong with my brother?”

Li Cheng heard his sister’s question, turned away in embarrassment, and covered his head with a towel to hide his red ears.

Finally, Xiao Yiheng answered her question. 

“I choked on water just now.” Xiao Yiheng touched her head and said solemnly, “Your brother gave me artificial respiration underwater, so he is very tired now and needs a good rest.”

Li Cheng: “… ”

What damned fucking artificial respiration!

Maybe it was because Xiao Yiheng’s expression was too serious. Faced with this explanation full of falsehoods and loopholes, Youyou was actually fooled. She sat aside obediently, waiting quietly for her brother to rest. 

Li Cheng hid his face under the towel, and after a long time, he managed to suppress the warmth on his face.

Damn, were alphas frivolous regardless of time and place? He actually attacked him in the swimming pool, making him burn hot from his earlobes to his tiptoes.


Xiao Yiheng entered the water without taking off his T-shirt. He was completely drenched in the water causing the white T-shirt to almost become transparent. The wet white T-shirt exposed his body contours vaguely and looked very sexy. He drew more attention than if he had completely stripped off.

Li Cheng sat on the bank for a while, and realised that several people were secretly watching Xiao Yiheng as they passed by. Some people took out their mobile phones and wanted to take a sneak shot. They were scared away by Li Cheng’s eyes! 

Li Cheng asked in a muffled voice, “Xiao Yiheng, how long do you plan to wear wet clothes?”

Xiao Yiheng was very “obedient”. He grabbed the collar with both hands, and directly took off the soaked T-shirt. Before Li Cheng was mentally prepared, the alpha’s strong and lean body filled his vision.

Unlike Li’s Cheng honey-colored skin, Xiao Yiheng’s skin was much whiter because he stayed indoors all year round. But, it was not at all thin and weak like a white cut chicken. He was the classic example of people who look thin when dressed. Once he undressed, his body was lean, layered with thin muscles that covered his skeleton, propping up straight shoulders and a thin waist.

Li Cheng glanced away in shame, but immediately looked back. 

He braced himself, and deliberately looked up and down Xiao Yiheng several times with a sort of assessing gaze, and finally uttered a few words from the corner of his mouth: “…Hmm alright, let’s count you as barely reaching the standard.”

“Barely?” Xiao Yiheng raised his eyebrows, “Li-ge thinks I am not good enough, so please give me some advice.” As he said this, he put his hand on his arm: “Are the biceps not well developed?” Then, his hand moved towards his chest: “Are the chest muscles not strong enough?” Then, his hand slid down the chest, and finally fell to the waist and abdomen: “Are the abdominal muscles also…”

“——Stop!” Li Cheng immediately jumped up from the bench, covered Youyou’s eyes, and scolded him with a red face, “There is a little girl here. What are you doing acting like a rogue?!”

However, the little girl tried her best to break off her brother’s hand, looked out through Li Cheng’s fingers, and called out: “Brother, brother, let me take another look at the abdominal muscles of the handsome guy.” 

Li Chengyu asked earnestly: “Youyou, where is this handsome guy with abdominal muscles? When you were swimming just now, did you swallow too much water? Are you having hallucinations?”


After Li Cheng’s persistent teaching all afternoon, Youyou finally learned to swim!

Li Cheng taught her the most basic introductory breaststroke. Youyou’s hands and feet were very clumsy. She could swim 10 meters in the time Huang Yelun swam 50 meters. 

However, Li Cheng was quite satisfied. When Youyou relied on her own efforts to move forward in the swimming pool, the big stone in Li Cheng’s heart was finally set down.

Look, the water was nothing to be afraid of. Look, she could beat it.

As soon as Youyou learned to swim, she became courageous, took her brother by the hand and said that she wanted to go play at the ten-meter slide.

That large slide was the most eye-catching amusement facility in the entire indoor swimming pool. All visitors gathered there to enjoy the weightlessness and excitement of going downstream. 

“Then… alright.” Li Cheng hesitated for a moment and allowed his sister’s little willfulness.

Youyou was very happy. She hugged the neck of the inflatable flamingo, rushed to the slide, and ran away without a trace.


“Li Cheng, what about me?” Xiao Yiheng, who was also in the shallow water area, came over and deliberately spoke in Youyou’s tone, “I also want to play on the slide.”

“You can’t.” Li Cheng scowled, “Youyou has learned how to swim. You idiot haven’t learned it yet. That slide is dangerous. You can’t swim. What if you plunge into the water and can’t float up when you rush out of the slide?” 

“It doesn’t matter.” Xiao Yiheng pointed his finger at the publicity board next to him, “Look, there is a two-person slide, so two people can slide together.”

Li Cheng followed the direction of his finger and looked at it. When he saw the image on the board, his face turned red at once.

There are a lot of photos posted on the signboard. They were in groups of two. All of them were sweet couples. With the assistance of the staff, the young lovers hugged each other and lay on the slide, rushing down the water.

There was also a beating red heart next to the promotional photos, which said “Enjoy the feeling of extreme weightlessness with your loved one!” 

There was just a small problem. The single slide was free, but the double slide charged extra. The price was not cheap.

Li Cheng’s little abacus bead clacked again: “Out of the question. If you want to find excitement, why don’t we try the 10-meter diving platform for two people? Ten meters, two people, rapid weightlessness, swimming pool, the four keywords are all included. Why on earth should I spend money here and suffer guilt?”

“…” Xiao Yiheng asked quietly, “Li Cheng, have you only heard the word ‘lang‘ but not ‘lang man’??”

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