This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 64: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch64 - Long-distance romance is full of unknown risks!

The new week arrived in a jiffy.

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Every Monday afternoon from 4:00 to 5:00, all the students of Huacheng No. 1 High School would gather on the playground for a weekly assembly.

The content of the weekly assembly was almost the same. The two thousand students in the school had to stand on the playground in rows. They couldn’t chat or play with their mobile phones. In short, it was boring. All the students had a countdown in their hearts, as they looked forward to the end of the five o’clock weekly assembly, so they could go eat in the school cafeteria.

It was just that today’s weekly assembly was different from those in the past. 

Li Cheng hid behind the platform, stealthily peeped at the densely packed “stakes” on the playground, and quickly retracted his head.


“Now you know how to be shy?” Coach Wu knocked him on the head and laughed at him, “Every time you win the gold medal, you yell around, ‘Why doesn’t the school hold a commendation meeting for me?’ How about that? This time your wish was fulfilled, right?”

Li Cheng was itching to slip away now: “This is too shameful… and if it is a commendation, why do I have to speak in front of the whole school?”

On the podium, the principal Xu Wanli dragged his voice and recited the content of his speech: “Li Cheng, a student of class 2-13, has won honors for the school many times since entering the school. He has won xx municipal gold medals and x provincial gold medals. In the recent U18 level competition, he won three gold medals alone, setting a school history record! Because of Li Cheng’s outstanding performance, he will leave for the capital in ten days to participate in the national team training. In the future, he will be able to represent the country and compete in the ‘World Highschool students’ Games’!”


“Ahhhh…!” Hearing the loud clamor, Li Cheng, who was hiding behind the stage, squatted down covering his head with his hands, just like a Shiba Inu expression pack that didn’t want to go home. He resisted with his heart and soul to avoid going on the stage to make a speech.

All the tyrants in other schools went on stage to read aloud their self reflection essays because of fighting and playing truant; and he, the number one tyrant, actually had to go on stage to make a speech because he was commended…if this news spread like wildfire, could he maintain his title of a school bully?

Just a moment ago, Li Cheng had seen it – two cameras had been set up under the platform. The principal intended to record this assembly, and save it in the school history records. It would also be edited into a video for the alumni to watch during the anniversary celebration.

For this reason, in order to hide his blond hair, Li Cheng was forced to wear a super ugly wig. His head had been labelled with the black “three good students” hairstyle, making him look ugly and gauche. 

Li Cheng asked, “Where did this wig come from? It’s so old-fashioned, it doesn’t fit a young man’s aesthetic at all! Isn’t this the principal’s treasure used to cover up his baldness?”

“Nonsense.” Coach Wu said,”Is his baldness still hidden?”

Li Cheng: “…”

Coach Wu didn’t understand why he was mincing words: “Little ancestor, I have prepared the speech for you. Just go up and read it! After reading, accept the award, bow, and step down. You don’t even need to bring your brain with you, you just need to open your mouth!” 

But Li Cheng still refused to budge.

At this moment, a teacher in charge of logistics hurried over and urged them: “Li Cheng are you ready? When the principal’s speech is over, it is time for Li Cheng to come on stage.”

Li Cheng squatted in the corner like a small mushroom: “I am not ready, I will never be ready.”

Coach Wu: “He is ready!” His voice was loud enough to overshadow Li Cheng, “He can be on stage anytime!” 

Li Cheng: “…”

The logistics teacher turned to Li Cheng. After observation, he noticed that the badges of the Azure Dragon on the left and the White Tiger on the right, had been painted over with black marker pen. He shook his head repeatedly in disapproval: “Why is your school uniform jacket so garish? How can you go on stage like this?”


Li Cheng was delighted: “Then I won’t…”

Coach Wu interrupted him: “It’s okay. Anyway, it’s hot now, so just take off the school uniform jacket and go on stage in the T-shirt you are wearing inside.” 

Li Cheng: “…”

Li Cheng reluctantly took off his school uniform jacket.

Unexpectedly, the T-shirt he had worn was even more unsightly – who knew where the bastard bought the t-shirt with four big words printed on the chest: Surfing for the sky.

Coach Wu: “…” 

Logistics teacher: “…”

Li Cheng: Hehe, if you want Laozi to go on stage, let alone the doors, no window will be left for you:)

Coach Wu said in embarrassment: “Or just let him go on stage in that school uniform jacket, right?”

The logistics teacher was reluctant to do so: “Forget it, let me find a student to lend you a school uniform jacket.” 

She took out her cell phone and called a class teacher she knew: “Hello? Teacher Wang, it’s me, Xiao Yang from the logistics department! I remember that your class is very close to the podium, right? It’s an emergency. I want to borrow a boy’s school uniform jacket. It must be clean and the size should be at least 1.8 meters. …Uh, uh, I’m backstage! Hurry up and let someone send it over. Ask them to walk around the back door, not on the playground, and don’t let too many people pay attention.”

Coach Wu gave a thumbs up: “It’s still you who is great. You can borrow a school uniform jacket so quickly!”

The logistics teacher said modestly: “I have a good relationship with Teacher Wang from the rocket class, and the senior third year class is standing in front close to the stage. They will bring over the jacket in a moment.”

Li Cheng: “…” 

Huh? Wait a minute…

High school senior rocket class, 1.8 meter tall boy with clean…

These keywords when combined…

As if to confirm his guess, a minute later, a series of familiar footsteps sounded backstage. 

Li Cheng braced himself and looked back. As expected, the person sent by the head teacher of the rocket class to deliver the school uniform jacket was Xiao Yiheng.

Li Cheng reflexively tried to hide the black wig on top of his head.


He hadn’t dyed his hair black in eight hundred years, especially with such an uncouth hairstyle! He couldn’t bear to look at himself in the mirror, let alone allow his brilliant and powerful image to be destroyed in front of his boyfriend.

But the more he hid, the more Xiao Yiheng wanted to see it. 

In front of the logistics teacher, Xiao Yiheng’s eyes were smiling, his gaze slid over the black hair on top of Li Cheng’s head, and then fell on the “surfing for the sky” on his chest.

Xiao Yiheng pretended to be unfamiliar and asked, “Is this the student who wants to borrow my school uniform?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Li Cheng snapped around: “That’s right! It’s Laozi…cough cough cough, it’s me.”

Jbjmt Qe vlvc’a fzqfma atlcur ab yf rb mblcmlvfcaji. Lf xcfk jybea atf gfijalbcrtlq yfakffc Ol Jtfcu jcv Wljb Tltfcu, rb tf vlvc’a fnfc atlcx aklmf yfobgf ybggbklcu atlcur ogbw atf ojwlis. 

Wljb Tltfcu abbx boo tlr pjmxfa jcv fzmtjcufv la klat Ol Jtfcu.

Ol Jtfcu mbnfgfv atf yijmx klu bc atf abq bo tlr tfjv klat bcf tjcv jcv kfca ab qlmx eq atf rmtbbi eclobgw klat atf batfg. Dea obg rbwf gfjrbc, Wljb Tltfcu ifa ub yfobgf Ol Jtfcu mbeiv tbiv atf pjmxfa.

Li Cheng: !!!

Seeing that the clean school uniform jacket was about to fall to the ground, he reflexively reached out and fished it – in the end, he saved the clean jacket, and thoroughly exposed the “Three good students” style wig on his head in front of Xiao Yiheng. 

How ugly was this wig?

So ugly, Li Cheng was afraid that Xiao Yiheng would look at him and die.

He never thought that Xiao Yiheng wouldn’t find it ugly. On the contrary, he smiled and said, “Why are you hiding it? It looks pretty good.”

In fact, Li Cheng had never looked in a mirror at all, but he presupposed the word “ugly” in his heart, so he believed that he would look ugly when he wore it. 

He asked in disbelief: “Isn’t it ugly?”

“Where is it ugly?” Li Cheng acted like a puppet as Xiao Yiheng put his school uniform jacket on him. As soon as Xiao Yiheng hooked his finger, he raised his arms obediently, put his arms into the sleeves, and let Xiao Yiheng help him put on his school uniform jacket.

Xiao Yiheng’s long fingers pinched the small zipper, and gently lifted it, the chain teeth biting one by one, hiding the omega boy’s body.

Both of them were about 1.8 meters tall and wore a slightly loose-fitting school uniform, but they didn’t appear bloated at all. Instead, they appeared tall and straight. 

Xiao Yiheng zipped Li Cheng, straightened the folds of his shoulders, tugged at the cuffs, and quietly admired him by taking two steps back.

“Very handsome,” he said.


All the ruffled feathers on Li Cheng’s body were smoothed.

Since my boyfriend said I look handsome – then I must be very handsome! 

Li Cheng was overjoyed and no longer resisted going on stage to give the speech.

It was fine for the whole school to hold a commendation meeting for him, right? The history of their school showed they did not have many award-winning students like him! There were thousands of eyes staring at him in the audience, but it wasn’t a big deal. After all, wasn’t he about to stare at only one pair of eyes?

Xiao Yiheng left the backstage and quietly slipped back into the class group. 

He came and went very carefully. Except for Liu Ke who was standing next to him, no one noticed that he had left the playground halfway through.

Seeing him back, Liu Ke curiously asked: “Old Xiao, what were you doing just now?”

Xiao Yiheng didn’t tell the truth: “I went to the toilet.”

Liu Ke insisted on getting to the heart of the matter: “But you were wearing the school uniform jacket before you left. Why are you back with only the school uniform T-shirt? What about your jacket?” 

Xiao Yiheng replied lightly, “The jacket fell in the toilet.”

Liu Ke: “…”

The head teacher came over with a dark face when she heard the movement on their side. “Is this the time to chat? Our class is the closest to the podium. When you open your mouth, everyone on the podium can see it clearly. Liu Ke, especially you, you are the class monitor and the monitor can’t take the lead in talking!”

Liu Ke shrank his neck and said nothing. 

Really wronged.jpg.

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Finally, the principal on the podium finished reading the long speech and spoke the closing remarks – “Next, let’s welcome Li Cheng, who has won honor for the school, to accept the commendation on stage with a warm applause!”

Li Cheng’s name was known by everyone in school. It was just that before today, the students’ evaluations of him were polarized. Some people hated him for skipping classes and constantly getting into fights. They felt he was a burden on the excellent campus atmosphere of No.1 Highschool. However, others felt he was loyal and forthright, and was their role model.

Today’s weekly assembly represented the attitude of the school leaders towards him – this was a legend who had won glory for the school. The kind of glory that made the school hold a commendation assembly especially for him. 

There was endless applause in the playground, especially from Li Cheng’s little brothers. Their eyes were filled with tears, their hands sore as they clapped and clapped.

Huang Yelun excitedly grabbed the student beside him, and kept saying: “Look, that’s my big brother! That’s my big brother!”


After today, who would dare to say that Li Cheng was an all brawn no brains reckless gang leader? Li-ge had been officially approved by the school as the campus big boss. They, as his little brothers, would also have face when they walked on the road!

On the podium, Li Cheng, wearing a wig and a clean school uniform, walked to the microphone. 

He raised his hand and touched the microphone, and the word “Hello” spread to every corner of the playground along with the sound.

It was Li Cheng’s first time on the podium. It was definitely a lie to say that he was not nervous.

His throat tightened, his palms were full of sweat, and all the words of the speech turned into obscure writing, like a group of small winged insects, flying everywhere.

“Hello everyone, I’m a senior in 3-1… No, I’m Li Cheng, a sophomore from class 13!” 

Damn, he could even make a mistake about which class he was in!

There was a buzzing sound of discussion in the playground, as two thousand pairs of eyes all focused on Li Cheng. Li Cheng swallowed nervously. As a result, the sound of this “gulp” was also caught by the microphone, and so everyone heard Li-ge swallowing.

Li Cheng: “…”

Li Cheng heard his titles of “daren” and “Laozi” shatter. 

In the midst of it, Li Cheng faintly felt a gentle gaze float over. He seemed to feel it, and struggled to lift his head from the speech, looking to the front of the podium.

—Sure enough, the class closest to the stage was 3-1, and the tall figure standing at the front of the group was his Xiao Yiheng.

They were so close that he could clearly see the smile in the corners of Xiao Yiheng’s eyes.

One of them stood on a high podium and attracted the attention of thousands of people; one stood under the stage, among thousands of people. No one knew their eyes met silently, exchanging faith, strength, and love. 

Xiao Yiheng opened his lips and mouthed a few words silently.

Li Cheng understood.

He was saying: “Chengcheng, come on.”


Li Cheng couldn’t remember how he finished the speech. It was as if time had pressed the fast-forward button. He read the five-page speech in one go, without a single stutter.

The subsequent award ceremony went smoothly. Li Cheng held a huge “bonus check” bigger than his body, with a string of large words printed on it: Campus first-class scholarship 20000 yuan.


That was a full 20000 yuan! It was so beautiful that he floated as he walked.

After stepping down, Coach Wu patted him on the shoulder: “See, didn’t it go smoothly!” 

Li Cheng thought to himself, that’s because I had the exclusive “Encouragement of Love”. If asked to give a speech, let alone five pages, he could finish reading even fifty pages!

Li Cheng cheerfully took off his school uniform jacket, and planned to go find Xiao Yiheng.

Coach Wu grabbed him: “Li Cheng, where are you going?”

Li Cheng: “To return the jacket!” 

Coach Wu quipped, “Anyway, you young lovers can meet every day, so don’t be in a hurry okay? Don’t forget our team will hold a farewell party for you tonight.”

Li Cheng then remembered that there was another highlight tonight, that is, the swimming team would hold a farewell party specially for him. The location of the farewell party was the fried chicken restaurant on the food street they were familiar with.

Li Cheng cheekily asked: “Can I bring someone to the farewell party?”

“No way!” Coach Wu immediately refused, “Don’t make me take special measures kid!” 

Li Cheng pouted, and could only take out his mobile phone to contact Xiao Yiheng.

Small Round Orange:  _(:з」∠)_ Baba cannot return your school uniform tonight.

Pursue Unremittingly: ?

Small Round Orange: Laozi was kidnapped by my teammates and coach. They said they would hold a farewell party… 

Pursue Unremittingly: Let’s leave the school uniform with you for now.

Pursue Unremittingly: Don’t rush to return it to me.

Pursue Unremittingly: If you remember correctly, you should still have another of my school uniforms.

Small Round Orange: [Shocked] [Shocked] 

Small Round Orange: Yes, I would have forgotten if you didn’t remind me.

Small Round Orange: Counting this time, I have borrowed your school uniform three times!


Pursue Unremittingly: It’s okay, you can keep it.

Small Round Orange: ? 

Small Round Orange: What do I keep so many of your clothes for?

Pursue Unremittingly: Keep them for you to build a nest.

Pursue Unremittingly: [smile]

Small Round Orange: … 

Half a minute later, Xiao Yiheng received a voice message on his mobile phone.

Xiao Yiheng found a quiet corner and clicked to listen. The next second, Li Cheng’s grumpy voice came through the phone.

“—Utter rubbish! Xiao Yiheng, listen to Laozi carefully. Laozi will definitely not use your stinky clothes to build a nest!!!!”

Even though separated by radio waves, Xiao Yiheng could imagine Li Cheng as he said these words. His face must be flushed, and his blond hair must have exploded resembling a little lion. 

After a few more seconds, the second voice message followed.

Xiao Yiheng clicked to listen again.

“—Bah, bah, bah! It was a slip of the tongue just now. I don’t know how to build a nest! It’s impossible for me to build a nest in this life!!”

Xiao Yiheng: “…” What’s to be done? I really want to continue bullying him ah! 

Li Cheng “severely reprimanded” Xiao Yiheng, and angrily put the phone in his pocket.

Today was a day for him to be elated. He must not let Xiao Yiheng, that bastard alpha, make him angry.

The members of the swimming team crowded Li Cheng as he stepped out of the school gate, and several young men swaggered into the fried chicken shop on the food street. 

Brother Hu and the other members of Little Tigers had been waiting for them for a long time.

Today, there were no customers at the fried chicken shop so the entire place was reserved for them. The restaurant had been decorated with banners, and inflatable balloons had been hung on the wall along with many photos of the swimming team. The whole place was very lively. As soon as Li Cheng stepped into the shop, the Little Tigers sprayed confetti all over his body and welcomed him with hand-held fireworks. Some people gave him flowers and presented him with a small crown.


Li Cheng was surprised and delighted. He had a little golden crown on his blond hair, which made him look like a little prince from a fairy tale book.

“But the store is so messy, your boss won’t mind it?” Li Cheng asked Brother Hu with some worry. 

“It’s okay, don’t worry about him,” Brother Hu waved his hand and said brightly, “He doesn’t dare to have any opinions!”

Li Cheng: “…”

Li Cheng thought about Brother Hu’s second-generation status, and had a bold idea: “You didn’t fucking buy this store, right???”

Brother Hu shook his head like a rattle drum when he heard this, “Don’t laugh at me. Where do I have a business sense? If I buy this store, I will lose it within two months!” 

Li Cheng: “Then why did you say ‘the boss doesn’t dare to have any opinions’?”

Brother Hu tone was casual like he was buying two tomatoes from the grocery shop in the morning. “Oh, I bought the land this store stands on, so I am now the landlord of the store owner.”

Li Cheng: “…”

“I couldn’t help it. The owner always grumbled about my attendance. Sometimes he complained that I was late and sometimes said I left early. I really couldn’t stand him, so I just became his landlord.” 

Li Cheng: Damn. It’s good to have money. jpg

With Brother Hu in attendance, the fried chicken shop naturally played along with them. Brother Hu, this amiable and approachable second-generation, personally cooked fried chicken for everyone, and also took out the beer and drinks in stock.

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“Adults can drink beer, and minors can only drink beverages.” Brother Hu got up and gave everyone drinks. Huang Yelun wanted to sneak a bottle of beer, but was hit hard by Brother Hu.

Li Cheng still had a few months to reach adulthood. Counting the days, he would be an adult when he came back after participating in the World High School Games! 

At that time, he could drink if he wanted, or if he wished, spend the night in an Internet cafe!

“Li-ge, what is the duration of your training?” Huang Yelun asked, “can you come back before the winter break?”

“I don’t think so,” Li Cheng calculated the time, “after training, there will be internal selection, and then we will fly abroad directly to participate in the Games. The competition will be held during the winter vacation.”

“Oh, it will take more than two months before and after!” Huang Yelun said sadly, “It will be so long before I see Li-ge!” 

Someone chimed in: “The climate in the capital is completely different from that in Huacheng. We enjoy summer all year round. When the cold wave comes, the coldest is only 6 to 15 degrees. But it will snow in the capital!”



Li Cheng hadn’t seen snow yet.

Li Cheng thought, Xiao Yiheng probably hadn’t seen it either. 

The two were about to face separation as soon as they fell in love. Li Cheng had no real feelings about it. Anyway, he didn’t see Xiao Yiheng every day at school. Besides, they all had mobile phones and it was very convenient to make calls and send WeChat messages.

Hmm…When it snowed, he could collect a bottle of snow and send it to Xiao Yiheng by express!

Just as Li Cheng was daydreaming about it, there was a loud sob in his ear.


A hoarse and painful cry interrupted the conversation between Li Cheng and his teammates.

He was taken aback, and followed the sound, only to see a senior third-year brother crying heartbreakingly holding a beer in his arms. He cut a sorry figure.

Li Cheng had a good relationship with this senior. He practiced backstroke. At the provincial competition, he won the 4×100 medley swimming championship with Li Cheng.

The senior brother started crying with earth-shattering sobs. Coach Wu sat next to him. Instead of persuading him to drink less, he opened another bottle and pushed it in front of him: “Let’s hear it. Why is a big man like you crying? Wipe away your tears, drink this bottle of wine and go back to the dormitory to sleep after drinking it!” 

Li Cheng felt that something was wrong.

He asked Huang Yelun in a low voice, “What’s the matter with senior brother?”

Huang Yelun shook his head and sighed: “What else? He’s trapped in love.”

Li Cheng: “?” 

Huang Yelun: “Do you remember senior brother calling his partner during the last match?”

Of course Li Cheng remembered.

This senior had been in love with his girlfriend for many years, but his girlfriend transferred to another place in the second year of high school. The young couple always stuck together after becoming a couple. The senior was a maniac who made public displays of affection, and often prattled others about the dribs and drabs of their love.

Huang Yelun threw out a heavy sentence: “They split up.” 

Li Cheng: “!!!” He asked hurriedly, “Why did they break up?”

“In a long-distance relationship…how can a couple split up?” Huang Yelun said in the tone of a passerby, “The distance is great, feelings are weakened, and the hearts of the people have changed – someone stepped in and pried senior brother’s girlfriend away!”


Li Cheng was shocked.

Huang Yelun continued: “You have also seen senior brother’s girlfriend. She is very gentle and beautiful. That third party adopted the attitude of incessant pestering. They pestered so much that she just…” 

In a word, a long-distance relationship was full of unknown risks!

If there was a powerful third party around your partner, and you were far away, no matter how long you stretched your hand, you would not be able to control a heart that was out of reach.

Li Cheng: …

Li Cheng: … … 

Li Cheng: … … …


He thought about Xiao Yiheng’s handsome face. He would be away for more than two months. Xiao Yiheng wouldn’t be entangled by some little fairy as soon as he stepped out, right?!!

Out of the question! He had to find a way to declare his sovereignty! 

Ch64 - Long-distance romance is full of unknown risks!

The new week arrived in a jiffy.

Every Monday afternoon from 4:00 to 5:00, all the students of Huacheng No. 1 High School would gather on the playground for a weekly assembly.

The content of the weekly assembly was almost the same. The two thousand students in the school had to stand on the playground in rows. They couldn’t chat or play with their mobile phones. In short, it was boring. All the students had a countdown in their hearts, as they looked forward to the end of the five o’clock weekly assembly, so they could go eat in the school cafeteria.

It was just that today’s weekly assembly was different from those in the past. 

Li Cheng hid behind the platform, stealthily peeped at the densely packed “stakes” on the playground, and quickly retracted his head.


“Now you know how to be shy?” Coach Wu knocked him on the head and laughed at him, “Every time you win the gold medal, you yell around, ‘Why doesn’t the school hold a commendation meeting for me?’ How about that? This time your wish was fulfilled, right?”

Li Cheng was itching to slip away now: “This is too shameful… and if it is a commendation, why do I have to speak in front of the whole school?”

On the podium, the principal Xu Wanli dragged his voice and recited the content of his speech: “Li Cheng, a student of class 2-13, has won honors for the school many times since entering the school. He has won xx municipal gold medals and x provincial gold medals. In the recent U18 level competition, he won three gold medals alone, setting a school history record! Because of Li Cheng’s outstanding performance, he will leave for the capital in ten days to participate in the national team training. In the future, he will be able to represent the country and compete in the ‘World Highschool students’ Games’!”


“Ahhhh…!” Hearing the loud clamor, Li Cheng, who was hiding behind the stage, squatted down covering his head with his hands, just like a Shiba Inu expression pack that didn’t want to go home. He resisted with his heart and soul to avoid going on the stage to make a speech.

All the tyrants in other schools went on stage to read aloud their self reflection essays because of fighting and playing truant; and he, the number one tyrant, actually had to go on stage to make a speech because he was commended…if this news spread like wildfire, could he maintain his title of a school bully?

Just a moment ago, Li Cheng had seen it – two cameras had been set up under the platform. The principal intended to record this assembly, and save it in the school history records. It would also be edited into a video for the alumni to watch during the anniversary celebration.

For this reason, in order to hide his blond hair, Li Cheng was forced to wear a super ugly wig. His head had been labelled with the black “three good students” hairstyle, making him look ugly and gauche. 

Li Cheng asked, “Where did this wig come from? It’s so old-fashioned, it doesn’t fit a young man’s aesthetic at all! Isn’t this the principal’s treasure used to cover up his baldness?”

“Nonsense.” Coach Wu said,”Is his baldness still hidden?”

Li Cheng: “…”

Coach Wu didn’t understand why he was mincing words: “Little ancestor, I have prepared the speech for you. Just go up and read it! After reading, accept the award, bow, and step down. You don’t even need to bring your brain with you, you just need to open your mouth!” 

But Li Cheng still refused to budge.

At this moment, a teacher in charge of logistics hurried over and urged them: “Li Cheng are you ready? When the principal’s speech is over, it is time for Li Cheng to come on stage.”

Li Cheng squatted in the corner like a small mushroom: “I am not ready, I will never be ready.”

Coach Wu: “He is ready!” His voice was loud enough to overshadow Li Cheng, “He can be on stage anytime!” 

Li Cheng: “…”

The logistics teacher turned to Li Cheng. After observation, he noticed that the badges of the Azure Dragon on the left and the White Tiger on the right, had been painted over with black marker pen. He shook his head repeatedly in disapproval: “Why is your school uniform jacket so garish? How can you go on stage like this?”


Li Cheng was delighted: “Then I won’t…”

Coach Wu interrupted him: “It’s okay. Anyway, it’s hot now, so just take off the school uniform jacket and go on stage in the T-shirt you are wearing inside.” 

Li Cheng: “…”

Li Cheng reluctantly took off his school uniform jacket.

Unexpectedly, the T-shirt he had worn was even more unsightly – who knew where the bastard bought the t-shirt with four big words printed on the chest: Surfing for the sky.

Coach Wu: “…” 

Logistics teacher: “…”

Li Cheng: Hehe, if you want Laozi to go on stage, let alone the doors, no window will be left for you:)

Coach Wu said in embarrassment: “Or just let him go on stage in that school uniform jacket, right?”

The logistics teacher was reluctant to do so: “Forget it, let me find a student to lend you a school uniform jacket.” 

She took out her cell phone and called a class teacher she knew: “Hello? Teacher Wang, it’s me, Xiao Yang from the logistics department! I remember that your class is very close to the podium, right? It’s an emergency. I want to borrow a boy’s school uniform jacket. It must be clean and the size should be at least 1.8 meters. …Uh, uh, I’m backstage! Hurry up and let someone send it over. Ask them to walk around the back door, not on the playground, and don’t let too many people pay attention.”

Coach Wu gave a thumbs up: “It’s still you who is great. You can borrow a school uniform jacket so quickly!”

The logistics teacher said modestly: “I have a good relationship with Teacher Wang from the rocket class, and the senior third year class is standing in front close to the stage. They will bring over the jacket in a moment.”

Li Cheng: “…” 

Huh? Wait a minute…

High school senior rocket class, 1.8 meter tall boy with clean…

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These keywords when combined…

As if to confirm his guess, a minute later, a series of familiar footsteps sounded backstage. 

Li Cheng braced himself and looked back. As expected, the person sent by the head teacher of the rocket class to deliver the school uniform jacket was Xiao Yiheng.

Li Cheng reflexively tried to hide the black wig on top of his head.


He hadn’t dyed his hair black in eight hundred years, especially with such an uncouth hairstyle! He couldn’t bear to look at himself in the mirror, let alone allow his brilliant and powerful image to be destroyed in front of his boyfriend.

But the more he hid, the more Xiao Yiheng wanted to see it. 

In front of the logistics teacher, Xiao Yiheng’s eyes were smiling, his gaze slid over the black hair on top of Li Cheng’s head, and then fell on the “surfing for the sky” on his chest.

Xiao Yiheng pretended to be unfamiliar and asked, “Is this the student who wants to borrow my school uniform?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Li Cheng snapped around: “That’s right! It’s Laozi…cough cough cough, it’s me.”

Jbjmt Qe vlvc’a fzqfma atlcur ab yf rb mblcmlvfcaji. Lf xcfk jybea atf gfijalbcrtlq yfakffc Ol Jtfcu jcv Wljb Tltfcu, rb tf vlvc’a fnfc atlcx aklmf yfobgf ybggbklcu atlcur ogbw atf ojwlis. 

Wljb Tltfcu abbx boo tlr pjmxfa jcv fzmtjcufv la klat Ol Jtfcu.

Ol Jtfcu mbnfgfv atf yijmx klu bc atf abq bo tlr tfjv klat bcf tjcv jcv kfca ab qlmx eq atf rmtbbi eclobgw klat atf batfg. Dea obg rbwf gfjrbc, Wljb Tltfcu ifa ub yfobgf Ol Jtfcu mbeiv tbiv atf pjmxfa.

Li Cheng: !!!

Seeing that the clean school uniform jacket was about to fall to the ground, he reflexively reached out and fished it – in the end, he saved the clean jacket, and thoroughly exposed the “Three good students” style wig on his head in front of Xiao Yiheng. 

How ugly was this wig?

So ugly, Li Cheng was afraid that Xiao Yiheng would look at him and die.

He never thought that Xiao Yiheng wouldn’t find it ugly. On the contrary, he smiled and said, “Why are you hiding it? It looks pretty good.”

In fact, Li Cheng had never looked in a mirror at all, but he presupposed the word “ugly” in his heart, so he believed that he would look ugly when he wore it. 

He asked in disbelief: “Isn’t it ugly?”

“Where is it ugly?” Li Cheng acted like a puppet as Xiao Yiheng put his school uniform jacket on him. As soon as Xiao Yiheng hooked his finger, he raised his arms obediently, put his arms into the sleeves, and let Xiao Yiheng help him put on his school uniform jacket.

Xiao Yiheng’s long fingers pinched the small zipper, and gently lifted it, the chain teeth biting one by one, hiding the omega boy’s body.

Both of them were about 1.8 meters tall and wore a slightly loose-fitting school uniform, but they didn’t appear bloated at all. Instead, they appeared tall and straight. 

Xiao Yiheng zipped Li Cheng, straightened the folds of his shoulders, tugged at the cuffs, and quietly admired him by taking two steps back.

“Very handsome,” he said.


All the ruffled feathers on Li Cheng’s body were smoothed.

Since my boyfriend said I look handsome – then I must be very handsome! 

Li Cheng was overjoyed and no longer resisted going on stage to give the speech.

It was fine for the whole school to hold a commendation meeting for him, right? The history of their school showed they did not have many award-winning students like him! There were thousands of eyes staring at him in the audience, but it wasn’t a big deal. After all, wasn’t he about to stare at only one pair of eyes?

Xiao Yiheng left the backstage and quietly slipped back into the class group. 

He came and went very carefully. Except for Liu Ke who was standing next to him, no one noticed that he had left the playground halfway through.

Seeing him back, Liu Ke curiously asked: “Old Xiao, what were you doing just now?”

Xiao Yiheng didn’t tell the truth: “I went to the toilet.”

Liu Ke insisted on getting to the heart of the matter: “But you were wearing the school uniform jacket before you left. Why are you back with only the school uniform T-shirt? What about your jacket?” 

Xiao Yiheng replied lightly, “The jacket fell in the toilet.”

Liu Ke: “…”

The head teacher came over with a dark face when she heard the movement on their side. “Is this the time to chat? Our class is the closest to the podium. When you open your mouth, everyone on the podium can see it clearly. Liu Ke, especially you, you are the class monitor and the monitor can’t take the lead in talking!”

Liu Ke shrank his neck and said nothing. 

Really wronged.jpg.

Finally, the principal on the podium finished reading the long speech and spoke the closing remarks – “Next, let’s welcome Li Cheng, who has won honor for the school, to accept the commendation on stage with a warm applause!”

Li Cheng’s name was known by everyone in school. It was just that before today, the students’ evaluations of him were polarized. Some people hated him for skipping classes and constantly getting into fights. They felt he was a burden on the excellent campus atmosphere of No.1 Highschool. However, others felt he was loyal and forthright, and was their role model.

Today’s weekly assembly represented the attitude of the school leaders towards him – this was a legend who had won glory for the school. The kind of glory that made the school hold a commendation assembly especially for him. 

There was endless applause in the playground, especially from Li Cheng’s little brothers. Their eyes were filled with tears, their hands sore as they clapped and clapped.

Huang Yelun excitedly grabbed the student beside him, and kept saying: “Look, that’s my big brother! That’s my big brother!”


After today, who would dare to say that Li Cheng was an all brawn no brains reckless gang leader? Li-ge had been officially approved by the school as the campus big boss. They, as his little brothers, would also have face when they walked on the road!

On the podium, Li Cheng, wearing a wig and a clean school uniform, walked to the microphone. 

He raised his hand and touched the microphone, and the word “Hello” spread to every corner of the playground along with the sound.

It was Li Cheng’s first time on the podium. It was definitely a lie to say that he was not nervous.

His throat tightened, his palms were full of sweat, and all the words of the speech turned into obscure writing, like a group of small winged insects, flying everywhere.

“Hello everyone, I’m a senior in 3-1… No, I’m Li Cheng, a sophomore from class 13!” 

Damn, he could even make a mistake about which class he was in!

There was a buzzing sound of discussion in the playground, as two thousand pairs of eyes all focused on Li Cheng. Li Cheng swallowed nervously. As a result, the sound of this “gulp” was also caught by the microphone, and so everyone heard Li-ge swallowing.

Li Cheng: “…”

Li Cheng heard his titles of “daren” and “Laozi” shatter. 

In the midst of it, Li Cheng faintly felt a gentle gaze float over. He seemed to feel it, and struggled to lift his head from the speech, looking to the front of the podium.

—Sure enough, the class closest to the stage was 3-1, and the tall figure standing at the front of the group was his Xiao Yiheng.

They were so close that he could clearly see the smile in the corners of Xiao Yiheng’s eyes.

One of them stood on a high podium and attracted the attention of thousands of people; one stood under the stage, among thousands of people. No one knew their eyes met silently, exchanging faith, strength, and love. 

Xiao Yiheng opened his lips and mouthed a few words silently.

Li Cheng understood.

He was saying: “Chengcheng, come on.”


Li Cheng couldn’t remember how he finished the speech. It was as if time had pressed the fast-forward button. He read the five-page speech in one go, without a single stutter.

The subsequent award ceremony went smoothly. Li Cheng held a huge “bonus check” bigger than his body, with a string of large words printed on it: Campus first-class scholarship 20000 yuan.


That was a full 20000 yuan! It was so beautiful that he floated as he walked.

After stepping down, Coach Wu patted him on the shoulder: “See, didn’t it go smoothly!” 

Li Cheng thought to himself, that’s because I had the exclusive “Encouragement of Love”. If asked to give a speech, let alone five pages, he could finish reading even fifty pages!

Li Cheng cheerfully took off his school uniform jacket, and planned to go find Xiao Yiheng.

Coach Wu grabbed him: “Li Cheng, where are you going?”

Li Cheng: “To return the jacket!” 

Coach Wu quipped, “Anyway, you young lovers can meet every day, so don’t be in a hurry okay? Don’t forget our team will hold a farewell party for you tonight.”

Li Cheng then remembered that there was another highlight tonight, that is, the swimming team would hold a farewell party specially for him. The location of the farewell party was the fried chicken restaurant on the food street they were familiar with.

Li Cheng cheekily asked: “Can I bring someone to the farewell party?”

“No way!” Coach Wu immediately refused, “Don’t make me take special measures kid!” 

Li Cheng pouted, and could only take out his mobile phone to contact Xiao Yiheng.

Small Round Orange:  _(:з」∠)_ Baba cannot return your school uniform tonight.

Pursue Unremittingly: ?

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Small Round Orange: Laozi was kidnapped by my teammates and coach. They said they would hold a farewell party… 

Pursue Unremittingly: Let’s leave the school uniform with you for now.

Pursue Unremittingly: Don’t rush to return it to me.

Pursue Unremittingly: If you remember correctly, you should still have another of my school uniforms.

Small Round Orange: [Shocked] [Shocked] 

Small Round Orange: Yes, I would have forgotten if you didn’t remind me.

Small Round Orange: Counting this time, I have borrowed your school uniform three times!


Pursue Unremittingly: It’s okay, you can keep it.

Small Round Orange: ? 

Small Round Orange: What do I keep so many of your clothes for?

Pursue Unremittingly: Keep them for you to build a nest.

Pursue Unremittingly: [smile]

Small Round Orange: … 

Half a minute later, Xiao Yiheng received a voice message on his mobile phone.

Xiao Yiheng found a quiet corner and clicked to listen. The next second, Li Cheng’s grumpy voice came through the phone.

“—Utter rubbish! Xiao Yiheng, listen to Laozi carefully. Laozi will definitely not use your stinky clothes to build a nest!!!!”

Even though separated by radio waves, Xiao Yiheng could imagine Li Cheng as he said these words. His face must be flushed, and his blond hair must have exploded resembling a little lion. 

After a few more seconds, the second voice message followed.

Xiao Yiheng clicked to listen again.

“—Bah, bah, bah! It was a slip of the tongue just now. I don’t know how to build a nest! It’s impossible for me to build a nest in this life!!”

Xiao Yiheng: “…” What’s to be done? I really want to continue bullying him ah! 

Li Cheng “severely reprimanded” Xiao Yiheng, and angrily put the phone in his pocket.

Today was a day for him to be elated. He must not let Xiao Yiheng, that bastard alpha, make him angry.

The members of the swimming team crowded Li Cheng as he stepped out of the school gate, and several young men swaggered into the fried chicken shop on the food street. 

Brother Hu and the other members of Little Tigers had been waiting for them for a long time.

Today, there were no customers at the fried chicken shop so the entire place was reserved for them. The restaurant had been decorated with banners, and inflatable balloons had been hung on the wall along with many photos of the swimming team. The whole place was very lively. As soon as Li Cheng stepped into the shop, the Little Tigers sprayed confetti all over his body and welcomed him with hand-held fireworks. Some people gave him flowers and presented him with a small crown.


Li Cheng was surprised and delighted. He had a little golden crown on his blond hair, which made him look like a little prince from a fairy tale book.

“But the store is so messy, your boss won’t mind it?” Li Cheng asked Brother Hu with some worry. 

“It’s okay, don’t worry about him,” Brother Hu waved his hand and said brightly, “He doesn’t dare to have any opinions!”

Li Cheng: “…”

Li Cheng thought about Brother Hu’s second-generation status, and had a bold idea: “You didn’t fucking buy this store, right???”

Brother Hu shook his head like a rattle drum when he heard this, “Don’t laugh at me. Where do I have a business sense? If I buy this store, I will lose it within two months!” 

Li Cheng: “Then why did you say ‘the boss doesn’t dare to have any opinions’?”

Brother Hu tone was casual like he was buying two tomatoes from the grocery shop in the morning. “Oh, I bought the land this store stands on, so I am now the landlord of the store owner.”

Li Cheng: “…”

“I couldn’t help it. The owner always grumbled about my attendance. Sometimes he complained that I was late and sometimes said I left early. I really couldn’t stand him, so I just became his landlord.” 

Li Cheng: Damn. It’s good to have money. jpg

With Brother Hu in attendance, the fried chicken shop naturally played along with them. Brother Hu, this amiable and approachable second-generation, personally cooked fried chicken for everyone, and also took out the beer and drinks in stock.

“Adults can drink beer, and minors can only drink beverages.” Brother Hu got up and gave everyone drinks. Huang Yelun wanted to sneak a bottle of beer, but was hit hard by Brother Hu.

Li Cheng still had a few months to reach adulthood. Counting the days, he would be an adult when he came back after participating in the World High School Games! 

At that time, he could drink if he wanted, or if he wished, spend the night in an Internet cafe!

“Li-ge, what is the duration of your training?” Huang Yelun asked, “can you come back before the winter break?”

“I don’t think so,” Li Cheng calculated the time, “after training, there will be internal selection, and then we will fly abroad directly to participate in the Games. The competition will be held during the winter vacation.”

“Oh, it will take more than two months before and after!” Huang Yelun said sadly, “It will be so long before I see Li-ge!” 

Someone chimed in: “The climate in the capital is completely different from that in Huacheng. We enjoy summer all year round. When the cold wave comes, the coldest is only 6 to 15 degrees. But it will snow in the capital!”



Li Cheng hadn’t seen snow yet.

Li Cheng thought, Xiao Yiheng probably hadn’t seen it either. 

The two were about to face separation as soon as they fell in love. Li Cheng had no real feelings about it. Anyway, he didn’t see Xiao Yiheng every day at school. Besides, they all had mobile phones and it was very convenient to make calls and send WeChat messages.

Hmm…When it snowed, he could collect a bottle of snow and send it to Xiao Yiheng by express!

Just as Li Cheng was daydreaming about it, there was a loud sob in his ear.


A hoarse and painful cry interrupted the conversation between Li Cheng and his teammates.

He was taken aback, and followed the sound, only to see a senior third-year brother crying heartbreakingly holding a beer in his arms. He cut a sorry figure.

Li Cheng had a good relationship with this senior. He practiced backstroke. At the provincial competition, he won the 4×100 medley swimming championship with Li Cheng.

The senior brother started crying with earth-shattering sobs. Coach Wu sat next to him. Instead of persuading him to drink less, he opened another bottle and pushed it in front of him: “Let’s hear it. Why is a big man like you crying? Wipe away your tears, drink this bottle of wine and go back to the dormitory to sleep after drinking it!” 

Li Cheng felt that something was wrong.

He asked Huang Yelun in a low voice, “What’s the matter with senior brother?”

Huang Yelun shook his head and sighed: “What else? He’s trapped in love.”

Li Cheng: “?” 

Huang Yelun: “Do you remember senior brother calling his partner during the last match?”

Of course Li Cheng remembered.

This senior had been in love with his girlfriend for many years, but his girlfriend transferred to another place in the second year of high school. The young couple always stuck together after becoming a couple. The senior was a maniac who made public displays of affection, and often prattled others about the dribs and drabs of their love.

Huang Yelun threw out a heavy sentence: “They split up.” 

Li Cheng: “!!!” He asked hurriedly, “Why did they break up?”

“In a long-distance relationship…how can a couple split up?” Huang Yelun said in the tone of a passerby, “The distance is great, feelings are weakened, and the hearts of the people have changed – someone stepped in and pried senior brother’s girlfriend away!”


Li Cheng was shocked.

Huang Yelun continued: “You have also seen senior brother’s girlfriend. She is very gentle and beautiful. That third party adopted the attitude of incessant pestering. They pestered so much that she just…” 

In a word, a long-distance relationship was full of unknown risks!

If there was a powerful third party around your partner, and you were far away, no matter how long you stretched your hand, you would not be able to control a heart that was out of reach.

Li Cheng: …

Li Cheng: … … 

Li Cheng: … … …


He thought about Xiao Yiheng’s handsome face. He would be away for more than two months. Xiao Yiheng wouldn’t be entangled by some little fairy as soon as he stepped out, right?!!

Out of the question! He had to find a way to declare his sovereignty! 

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