This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 66: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch66 - How is it man? Are you satisfied with what you see?

Let us rewind time to the start of morning self-study session. 

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As usual, Xiao Yiheng walked into the class five minutes in advance. The rocket class was worthy of its name. The other classes procrastinated during the morning self-study, either whispering to each other or copying homework. On the contrary, all the students in the rocket class were already in place. Everyone had taken out textbooks and exercise books to work on their weak subjects. The whole class was silent and extremely quiet.

As soon as Xiao Yiheng put down his schoolbag, his desk mate Liu Ke told him that the head teacher had asked him to go to the office, saying that she had something to discuss.

Xiao Yiheng vaguely knew what the head teacher wanted to talk about. He thanked Liu Ke and turned around, walking to the office.

The office was empty except for the head teacher of grade 3-1 who was sitting by the window looking through the documents in her hand. 

“Oh, Xiao Yiheng, you are here?” The head teacher of the rocket class was a female beta with a rich teaching experience. She had led many graduating classes and was rated as the teaching backbone every year. Xiao Yiheng was one of the most outstanding students she had ever taught who had won various competition awards. On his arrival, she tapped on the documents in her hand, and asked, “Where is your Winter Camp registration form? Today is the last day to submit the application form. Have you discussed this with your parents?”


The allotted registration time for the elite winter camps was one and a half months. Because of the limited number of places, each student could only apply for one major in one university. Of course, for an outstanding student like Xiao Yiheng, no matter which university he applied for, he was sure to receive the acceptance letter to the winter camp.

However, Xiao Yiheng’s own application was for the physics major at Huaqing University, but his parents were forcing him to apply for the English major at the Foreign Affairs University.

After the head teacher learned about this, she returned his registration form and gave him a month to communicate with his parents.


“I had a good discussion with them.” Xiao Yiheng took out the registration form prepared in advance and handed it to the head teacher.

The head teacher took a look and found that the school Xiao Yiheng had applied to, was neither his first choice Huaqing University nor the Foreign Affairs University requested by his parents, but a comprehensive college located in the capital, ranked second in the country.

“Why?” The head teacher was stunned. “Are you going to the capital?”

“Yes, my parents have agreed.” Xiao Yiheng blinked his eyelashes slightly, no fluctuation in his tone, “Although Huaqing is very good, the cultural atmosphere is stronger in the capital. I will have a better development if I go there to study.” 

“Then your major…”

“I am applying for a major jointly run with a foreign Ivy League university. The course is taught in English and the course content is international politics.”

On hearing this, the head teacher showed a particularly angry expression on her face: “This won’t do! I want to have a good talk with your parents. It is inconvenient to talk over the phone. Are your parents home tonight? I will visit them! You are good at science. It’s too much to make you give up physics like this…”

“Teacher, thank you for your concern.” Xiao Yiheng suddenly interrupted, “This major and this school is the choice of my parents and I after both of us took a step back.” He deliberately spoke in a serious tone, “Originally, they didn’t want me to leave Huacheng. Now that I have chosen a school in the capital, I can only listen to them about the major – after all, I am not an adult, I don’t have much room for argument.” 


“Moreover,” Xiao Yiheng was clearly a seventeen-year-old boy, but his eyes had a worldly maturity. “Although I am really good at science and have even won many medals in various physics competitions, it’s not because I like physics… but because my parents need a ‘genius son’ as a conversation resource. In order to meet their expectations, I can only study hard.”


“As far as I’m concerned, it doesn’t matter whether I study physics or politics. Neither of them is my choice.” Xiao Yiheng smiled, “So you don’t need to feel sorry for me.” 

His words came to this point. No matter how much regret the head teacher had, she could only press it back in her heart.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

After all, she was clear about the Xiao parents and their strong desire to control. She had experienced it in the past three years as the head teacher. If Xiao Yiheng went to a university in the capital and was so far away from his parents, he should be able to get a little respite, right?


“Yxjs, P klii jmmfqa sbeg gfulragjalbc obgw.” Ktf tfjv afjmtfg rbifwcis cbvvfv jcv qea atf gfulragjalbc obgw ja atf abq bo atf olif lc tfg tjcv. “P klii fcafg la lcab atf rsrafw abvjs. Tbeg jmmfqajcmf lr j regf atlcu. Dea vbc’a rijmx boo. Ktfgf lr ralii wbgf atjc j wbcat yfobgf atf klcafg njmjalbc. Zjxf regf sbe wjlcajlc sbeg ugjvfr lc atf cfza olcji fzjw…”

Before she finished her words, she heard a vague noise. It was loud, and it seemed to be coming from the other side of the corridor. 

The head teacher angrily knocked on the table and complained: “Which class is this? Instead of studying during the morning session, why are they making a ruckus?!”

Xiao Yiheng’s eyebrows twitched: …Weird, did he hear it wrong? Why was he hearing Li Cheng’s voice?

Nah, the second grade teaching building and the third grade teaching building were far away. How could Li Cheng come to the third grade? It’s impossible he was trying to find him, right?


This conversation lasted for a long time. When Xiao Yiheng returned to the class, the morning self-study session was over.

The strange thing was that when he stepped into the door of the class, every pair of eyes suddenly stuck to him. The class was extremely quiet. Xiao Yiheng felt like a giant atomic nucleus, and those eyesights were like electrons. Wherever he went, they followed.

Even though Xiao Yiheng had long been accustomed to living under the gaze of others, the eyes boring into him at present were very different from the past.

It only took him a dozen steps to walk from the class door back to his seat, but every step was extremely difficult. 

When he finally returned to his seat, those staring eyes looked away.

But Xiao Yiheng discovered that they were just “pretending” to look away. In fact, everyone had pricked their ears and paid attention to his every move.

Xiao Yiheng: “…?”

Even his desk mate, Liu Ke, secretly looked in his direction under the cover of studying. 

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Xiao Yiheng asked straightforwardly: “What happened?”

Liu Ke whispered, “Look inside your desk.”

So Xiao Yiheng bent down and looked inside the desk – inside the desk pocket originally full of textbooks, there was an extra crumpled plastic bag.

Xiao Yiheng did not take it out rashly, but cautiously asked: “What is this?” 

Liu Ke threw out one word: “Breakfast.”

Xiao Yiheng frowned: “Who gave it? I won’t accept it.”


As a recognized holder of the titles “Study God of the school” and “Mr. Perfect”, Xiao Yiheng occupied the top position of the school’s alpha rankings all year round. It was inevitable that from time to time, some younger brothers and sisters would confess to him. Some of them were shy and couldn’t say “I like you”, so they would prepare a loving breakfast for him and send it to his class.

Xiao Yiheng couldn’t bear to be disturbed, and had refused many times with a cold face. He thought that no one would bother him again. He didn’t expect that he would just leave the class for a while today, and someone would be brave enough to stuff things into his desk pocket. 

Liu Ke winked at him: “You have to accept this breakfast.”

Xiao Yiheng: “Why?”

“Because,” Liu Ke made a very flamboyant swimming posture, “This is from the ‘big brother’ who cannot be offended. Big brother said that if someone dared to touch it without permission, he would break that hand.”

Xiao Yiheng: “…” 

Xiao Yiheng’s current mood could no longer be described by the word “shock”. He never thought that Li Cheng would come to the third year building to send him breakfast!

He quickly pulled the crumpled plastic bag out of his desk pocket and without hesitation, immediately opened the tightly tied bag.

In an instant, a strong aroma poured out from the plastic bag and quickly spread to the surroundings.

Xiao Yiheng noticed that the classmates sitting around him who were pretending to be reading books, invariably sniffed and looked straight into the plastic bag in his hand, wanting to see what kind of breakfast Li Cheng had prepared for Xiao Yiheng. 

In fact, they didn’t need to look at it at all. Everyone could guess it just by smelling it.

——Two steamed buns stuffed with pork and scallions, a fried dough stick, a tea egg, and a small cup of congee wrapped with cling film.

With the crumpled plastic bag outside, it looked really…rustic.

Uh, how to describe it? 

The steamed buns were stuffed, the fried dough stick looked good, the tea egg provided nutrition, and the small congee cup was bursting at the seams…In short, it was a breakfast that couldn’t be faulted, and yet it seemed to be full of problems everywhere.

By the way, Xiao Yiheng had previously received “Love Bentos” from other omegas. The packaging was exquisite and usually consisted of coffee, sandwiches, and hand-made biscuits. Sometimes the bags were sprayed with perfume and also carried a love letter filled with corny words.

Xiao Yiheng looked at this generous breakfast and fell into deep thought.

Xiao Yiheng turned to his desk mate and asked, “When Li Cheng brought breakfast, did he say anything?” 

“Er…” Liu Ke’s imitation skill had reached perfection, “He said: Tell Xiao Yiheng to roll out! Laozi has brought him breakfast!”

“…he really said that?”


“Of course, there is a certain degree of artistic liberty.” Liu Ke said, “there was no “roll”, but we all feel that adding the word “roll” is more in line with his personality.”

Xiao Yiheng: “‘We’? Where did ‘we’ come from?” 

Liu Ke stretched out his hand and drew a big circle around him, encircling all the students in the class. And the classmates he included were like a group of long-tailed ferrets on the prairie. One by one, they craned their necks to look in the direction of Xiao Yiheng – they had all witnessed with their eyes when “the sophomore high school tyrant tried to poison the third year male god”.

“I get it!” Someone whispered, “Li Cheng’s purpose of delivering breakfast is not to poison Xiao Yiheng, but to make Xiao Yiheng embarrassed in front of the whole class!”

Xiao Yiheng: “…” That’s not true.

Xiao Yiheng was silent as he took out the breakfast from the plastic bag. 

That was when he found a crumpled piece of paper in the plastic bag.

Xiao Yiheng had a premonition and unfolded the piece of paper stained with oil spots.

The classmate sitting behind Xiao Yiheng relied on his good eyesight and read the words impatiently: “——It says ‘Xiao Yiheng comma don’t leave after school. See you in the small garden. Exclamation mark, exclamation mark, exclamation mark!'” [Xiao Yiheng, don’t leave after school. See you in the small garden!!!]

Exclamation mark, exclamation mark, exclamation mark appeared on the heads of the whole class. 

“Wait, there is something else on the flipside!” The classmate sitting behind said loudly, “It has been signed with a heart!”

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Question mark, question mark, question mark appeared on the heads of the whole class.

“But there is a sword in the heart!” The classmate said bitterly, “My God, God Xiao, does Li Cheng want to fight you after school in the small garden? Does he want to stab your heart?”

Three exclamation marks again popped up on their heads. 

Xiao Yiheng was silent.

Liu Ke could clearly see that his face had a queer expression and hastened to smooth things over: “What?! Where did you see this “sword through the heart”? It’s obviously an “arrow through the heart”. This is a love letter! I see, Li Cheng is asking Lao Xiao to go on a date in the small garden after school.”

The gossipy male classmate disagreed with Liu Ke’s interpretation, insisting that it was not a “love letter” but a “duel letter”. Other students in the class also stood on the same front with him, and some people kindly advised Xiao Yiheng asking him not to be afraid of the school tyrant’s provocation, and to send the duel letter to the principal. They were confident that the principal would definitely come forward to solve the problem.

Xiao Yiheng had a headache. Several times he tried to explain his relationship with Li Cheng, but he was interrupted by his classmates. 

He took out his cell phone helplessly and sent a message to Li Cheng.

Pursue Unremittingly: I received your breakfast.


Pursue Unremittingly: Why did you suddenly send me breakfast?

Small Round Orange: [Complacent] 

Small Round Orange: How is it man? Are you satisfied with what you see?

Pursue Unremittingly: …Very satisfied.

Pursue Unremittingly: Just a little surprised.

Small Round Orange: Don’t worry, I will continue tomorrow. 

Small Round Orange: I will let everyone in this school know that you are zhen’s aifei.


Ch66 - How is it man? Are you satisfied with what you see?

Let us rewind time to the start of morning self-study session. 

As usual, Xiao Yiheng walked into the class five minutes in advance. The rocket class was worthy of its name. The other classes procrastinated during the morning self-study, either whispering to each other or copying homework. On the contrary, all the students in the rocket class were already in place. Everyone had taken out textbooks and exercise books to work on their weak subjects. The whole class was silent and extremely quiet.

As soon as Xiao Yiheng put down his schoolbag, his desk mate Liu Ke told him that the head teacher had asked him to go to the office, saying that she had something to discuss.

Xiao Yiheng vaguely knew what the head teacher wanted to talk about. He thanked Liu Ke and turned around, walking to the office.

The office was empty except for the head teacher of grade 3-1 who was sitting by the window looking through the documents in her hand. 

“Oh, Xiao Yiheng, you are here?” The head teacher of the rocket class was a female beta with a rich teaching experience. She had led many graduating classes and was rated as the teaching backbone every year. Xiao Yiheng was one of the most outstanding students she had ever taught who had won various competition awards. On his arrival, she tapped on the documents in her hand, and asked, “Where is your Winter Camp registration form? Today is the last day to submit the application form. Have you discussed this with your parents?”


The allotted registration time for the elite winter camps was one and a half months. Because of the limited number of places, each student could only apply for one major in one university. Of course, for an outstanding student like Xiao Yiheng, no matter which university he applied for, he was sure to receive the acceptance letter to the winter camp.

However, Xiao Yiheng’s own application was for the physics major at Huaqing University, but his parents were forcing him to apply for the English major at the Foreign Affairs University.

After the head teacher learned about this, she returned his registration form and gave him a month to communicate with his parents.


“I had a good discussion with them.” Xiao Yiheng took out the registration form prepared in advance and handed it to the head teacher.

The head teacher took a look and found that the school Xiao Yiheng had applied to, was neither his first choice Huaqing University nor the Foreign Affairs University requested by his parents, but a comprehensive college located in the capital, ranked second in the country.

“Why?” The head teacher was stunned. “Are you going to the capital?”

“Yes, my parents have agreed.” Xiao Yiheng blinked his eyelashes slightly, no fluctuation in his tone, “Although Huaqing is very good, the cultural atmosphere is stronger in the capital. I will have a better development if I go there to study.” 

“Then your major…”

“I am applying for a major jointly run with a foreign Ivy League university. The course is taught in English and the course content is international politics.”

On hearing this, the head teacher showed a particularly angry expression on her face: “This won’t do! I want to have a good talk with your parents. It is inconvenient to talk over the phone. Are your parents home tonight? I will visit them! You are good at science. It’s too much to make you give up physics like this…”

“Teacher, thank you for your concern.” Xiao Yiheng suddenly interrupted, “This major and this school is the choice of my parents and I after both of us took a step back.” He deliberately spoke in a serious tone, “Originally, they didn’t want me to leave Huacheng. Now that I have chosen a school in the capital, I can only listen to them about the major – after all, I am not an adult, I don’t have much room for argument.” 


“Moreover,” Xiao Yiheng was clearly a seventeen-year-old boy, but his eyes had a worldly maturity. “Although I am really good at science and have even won many medals in various physics competitions, it’s not because I like physics… but because my parents need a ‘genius son’ as a conversation resource. In order to meet their expectations, I can only study hard.”

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“As far as I’m concerned, it doesn’t matter whether I study physics or politics. Neither of them is my choice.” Xiao Yiheng smiled, “So you don’t need to feel sorry for me.” 

His words came to this point. No matter how much regret the head teacher had, she could only press it back in her heart.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

After all, she was clear about the Xiao parents and their strong desire to control. She had experienced it in the past three years as the head teacher. If Xiao Yiheng went to a university in the capital and was so far away from his parents, he should be able to get a little respite, right?


“Yxjs, P klii jmmfqa sbeg gfulragjalbc obgw.” Ktf tfjv afjmtfg rbifwcis cbvvfv jcv qea atf gfulragjalbc obgw ja atf abq bo atf olif lc tfg tjcv. “P klii fcafg la lcab atf rsrafw abvjs. Tbeg jmmfqajcmf lr j regf atlcu. Dea vbc’a rijmx boo. Ktfgf lr ralii wbgf atjc j wbcat yfobgf atf klcafg njmjalbc. Zjxf regf sbe wjlcajlc sbeg ugjvfr lc atf cfza olcji fzjw…”

Before she finished her words, she heard a vague noise. It was loud, and it seemed to be coming from the other side of the corridor. 

The head teacher angrily knocked on the table and complained: “Which class is this? Instead of studying during the morning session, why are they making a ruckus?!”

Xiao Yiheng’s eyebrows twitched: …Weird, did he hear it wrong? Why was he hearing Li Cheng’s voice?

Nah, the second grade teaching building and the third grade teaching building were far away. How could Li Cheng come to the third grade? It’s impossible he was trying to find him, right?


This conversation lasted for a long time. When Xiao Yiheng returned to the class, the morning self-study session was over.

The strange thing was that when he stepped into the door of the class, every pair of eyes suddenly stuck to him. The class was extremely quiet. Xiao Yiheng felt like a giant atomic nucleus, and those eyesights were like electrons. Wherever he went, they followed.

Even though Xiao Yiheng had long been accustomed to living under the gaze of others, the eyes boring into him at present were very different from the past.

It only took him a dozen steps to walk from the class door back to his seat, but every step was extremely difficult. 

When he finally returned to his seat, those staring eyes looked away.

But Xiao Yiheng discovered that they were just “pretending” to look away. In fact, everyone had pricked their ears and paid attention to his every move.

Xiao Yiheng: “…?”

Even his desk mate, Liu Ke, secretly looked in his direction under the cover of studying. 

Xiao Yiheng asked straightforwardly: “What happened?”

Liu Ke whispered, “Look inside your desk.”

So Xiao Yiheng bent down and looked inside the desk – inside the desk pocket originally full of textbooks, there was an extra crumpled plastic bag.

Xiao Yiheng did not take it out rashly, but cautiously asked: “What is this?” 

Liu Ke threw out one word: “Breakfast.”

Xiao Yiheng frowned: “Who gave it? I won’t accept it.”


As a recognized holder of the titles “Study God of the school” and “Mr. Perfect”, Xiao Yiheng occupied the top position of the school’s alpha rankings all year round. It was inevitable that from time to time, some younger brothers and sisters would confess to him. Some of them were shy and couldn’t say “I like you”, so they would prepare a loving breakfast for him and send it to his class.

Xiao Yiheng couldn’t bear to be disturbed, and had refused many times with a cold face. He thought that no one would bother him again. He didn’t expect that he would just leave the class for a while today, and someone would be brave enough to stuff things into his desk pocket. 

Liu Ke winked at him: “You have to accept this breakfast.”

Xiao Yiheng: “Why?”

“Because,” Liu Ke made a very flamboyant swimming posture, “This is from the ‘big brother’ who cannot be offended. Big brother said that if someone dared to touch it without permission, he would break that hand.”

Xiao Yiheng: “…” 

Xiao Yiheng’s current mood could no longer be described by the word “shock”. He never thought that Li Cheng would come to the third year building to send him breakfast!

He quickly pulled the crumpled plastic bag out of his desk pocket and without hesitation, immediately opened the tightly tied bag.

In an instant, a strong aroma poured out from the plastic bag and quickly spread to the surroundings.

Xiao Yiheng noticed that the classmates sitting around him who were pretending to be reading books, invariably sniffed and looked straight into the plastic bag in his hand, wanting to see what kind of breakfast Li Cheng had prepared for Xiao Yiheng. 

In fact, they didn’t need to look at it at all. Everyone could guess it just by smelling it.

——Two steamed buns stuffed with pork and scallions, a fried dough stick, a tea egg, and a small cup of congee wrapped with cling film.

With the crumpled plastic bag outside, it looked really…rustic.

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Uh, how to describe it? 

The steamed buns were stuffed, the fried dough stick looked good, the tea egg provided nutrition, and the small congee cup was bursting at the seams…In short, it was a breakfast that couldn’t be faulted, and yet it seemed to be full of problems everywhere.

By the way, Xiao Yiheng had previously received “Love Bentos” from other omegas. The packaging was exquisite and usually consisted of coffee, sandwiches, and hand-made biscuits. Sometimes the bags were sprayed with perfume and also carried a love letter filled with corny words.

Xiao Yiheng looked at this generous breakfast and fell into deep thought.

Xiao Yiheng turned to his desk mate and asked, “When Li Cheng brought breakfast, did he say anything?” 

“Er…” Liu Ke’s imitation skill had reached perfection, “He said: Tell Xiao Yiheng to roll out! Laozi has brought him breakfast!”

“…he really said that?”


“Of course, there is a certain degree of artistic liberty.” Liu Ke said, “there was no “roll”, but we all feel that adding the word “roll” is more in line with his personality.”

Xiao Yiheng: “‘We’? Where did ‘we’ come from?” 

Liu Ke stretched out his hand and drew a big circle around him, encircling all the students in the class. And the classmates he included were like a group of long-tailed ferrets on the prairie. One by one, they craned their necks to look in the direction of Xiao Yiheng – they had all witnessed with their eyes when “the sophomore high school tyrant tried to poison the third year male god”.

“I get it!” Someone whispered, “Li Cheng’s purpose of delivering breakfast is not to poison Xiao Yiheng, but to make Xiao Yiheng embarrassed in front of the whole class!”

Xiao Yiheng: “…” That’s not true.

Xiao Yiheng was silent as he took out the breakfast from the plastic bag. 

That was when he found a crumpled piece of paper in the plastic bag.

Xiao Yiheng had a premonition and unfolded the piece of paper stained with oil spots.

The classmate sitting behind Xiao Yiheng relied on his good eyesight and read the words impatiently: “——It says ‘Xiao Yiheng comma don’t leave after school. See you in the small garden. Exclamation mark, exclamation mark, exclamation mark!'” [Xiao Yiheng, don’t leave after school. See you in the small garden!!!]

Exclamation mark, exclamation mark, exclamation mark appeared on the heads of the whole class. 

“Wait, there is something else on the flipside!” The classmate sitting behind said loudly, “It has been signed with a heart!”

Question mark, question mark, question mark appeared on the heads of the whole class.

“But there is a sword in the heart!” The classmate said bitterly, “My God, God Xiao, does Li Cheng want to fight you after school in the small garden? Does he want to stab your heart?”

Three exclamation marks again popped up on their heads. 

Xiao Yiheng was silent.

Liu Ke could clearly see that his face had a queer expression and hastened to smooth things over: “What?! Where did you see this “sword through the heart”? It’s obviously an “arrow through the heart”. This is a love letter! I see, Li Cheng is asking Lao Xiao to go on a date in the small garden after school.”

The gossipy male classmate disagreed with Liu Ke’s interpretation, insisting that it was not a “love letter” but a “duel letter”. Other students in the class also stood on the same front with him, and some people kindly advised Xiao Yiheng asking him not to be afraid of the school tyrant’s provocation, and to send the duel letter to the principal. They were confident that the principal would definitely come forward to solve the problem.

Xiao Yiheng had a headache. Several times he tried to explain his relationship with Li Cheng, but he was interrupted by his classmates. 

He took out his cell phone helplessly and sent a message to Li Cheng.

Pursue Unremittingly: I received your breakfast.


Pursue Unremittingly: Why did you suddenly send me breakfast?

Small Round Orange: [Complacent] 

Small Round Orange: How is it man? Are you satisfied with what you see?

Pursue Unremittingly: …Very satisfied.

Pursue Unremittingly: Just a little surprised.

Small Round Orange: Don’t worry, I will continue tomorrow. 

Small Round Orange: I will let everyone in this school know that you are zhen’s aifei.


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