This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 68: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch68 - The third day Li Cheng promised to deliver breakfast, growl

Li Cheng’s scalp was numb. He stared at Xiao Yiheng’s message and didn’t know how to reply.

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Especially the [smile] emoji sent by Xiao Yiheng at the end of the message which seemed to be on the verge of blackening.

Li Cheng ignored the other messages and immediately sent a string of words to his boyfriend.

Small Round Orange: I’m sorry! I shouldn’t pigeon you!! 

Small Round Orange: Listen to me. Although it’s called a hunk game, it’s really not that kind of hunk game!


Xiao Yiheng seemed to have been waiting by his mobile phone and replied to the message promptly.

Pursue Unremittingly: Oh? Li-ge, are you awake? [Smile]

Pursue Unremittingly: I’m very curious about this game. Why don’t you explain to me what kind of hunk game it is? [Smile]


The end of the sentence still had the same [smile] expression… It was obvious that Xiao Yiheng was still angry.

It was the first time in Li Cheng’s life that he felt such a strong sense of guilt. He was like a cat who had scratched the sofa at home and had all its dried fish taken away by its owner as punishment. It rubbed against the owner’s feet and acted coquettish, displaying its soft belly in the hope of gaining forgiveness.

Small Round Orange: It’s a very boring game!

Small Round Orange: It’s boring picking up branches, boring fishing, and boring building a house… 

Small Round Orange: Believe me, it’s very boring.

Pursue Unremittingly: I believe you.

Pursue Unremittingly: It does sound boring.

Li Cheng took a long breath of relief, but within half a second, he choked on it and started coughing. 

Pursue Unremittingly: You missed our appointment for such a boring game.

Pursue Unremittingly: It seems that I am not as good as a game in your heart.

Pursue Unremittingly: [smile]

…Damn, this Big Brother overreached himself and made sister-in-law angrier! 

Li Cheng, who had fallen in love for the first time and had no prior experience, was so nervous that his toes were curled up together. He tried his best to prove that he was not that kind of scumbag.

Small Round Orange: Who says you are less important than games?


Small Round Orange: Since we started dating, I barely play games! If you don’t believe me, ask Yelun!

Small Round Orange: Last night was a special situation! 

Small Round Orange: My roommates can testify. Even when I fell asleep, I was talking about buying breakfast for you…

Li Cheng glanced at the pancakes on the table that were already cold. He felt a sliver of guilt as he typed this sentence.

And this really diverted Xiao Yiheng’s attention.

Pursue Unremittingly: Oh? 

Pursue Unremittingly: What breakfast were you going to prepare for me?

Li Cheng was just waiting for this sentence!

His finger flew across the keyboard quickly typing a bunch of characters – wgnzbljb!

Small Round Orange: I have jb for you! 

Li Cheng: “…”

What kind of terrible input method was this mf?!

[Small Round Orange] deleted a message.

Pursue Unremittingly: Don’t delete. I already read it. 

Small Round Orange: …

Pursue Unremittingly: Since you are so sincere, I think you should bring the “breakfast” you prepared for me during lunch break today. Come to the art classroom to find me.

Li Cheng: “…”

Wait a minute. Why did you put double quotation marks on the word breakfast!! 

Li Cheng looked desperately at the cold pancakes on the table. His sixth sense told him that the “breakfast” Xiao Yiheng wanted to see would definitely not be this stuff.


Lunch break at Huacheng No. 1 High School was one and a half hours. When the bell rang at the end of the last class in the morning, the students from class 3-1 rushed out of the class and swarmed towards the cafeteria. They didn’t have time for courtesies like “See you teacher.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

After all, the top students were also humans. They had to compete with the other hungry wolves to rob the canteen. If they couldn’t get to the canteen within three minutes of the bell, they would be waiting in a long queue with no end in sight. These first three minutes of the lunch break every day was definitely the time when this group of bookworms exercised the most in a day. Even the P.E. teacher joked that the physical test should be changed to the noon test, which could definitely set a record. 

Wljb Tltfcu kjixfv bea bo atf afjmtlcu yelivlcu klat atf oibk bo qfbqif, jcv mtjcufv vlgfmalbcr tjiokjs klatbea jaagjmalcu jcsbcf’r jaafcalbc.

Ktfgf kjr cb bcf lc atf jezliljgs afjmtlcu yelivlcu veglcu iecmt ygfjx, jcv atf werlm mijrrgbbw jcv mtfwlrags ijybgjabgs kfgf jii fwqas.

Wljb Tltfcu kjixfv eq atf rajlgr ab atf abq oibbg, atf rbecv bo tlr rafjvs obbarafqr fmtblcu lc atf rajlgkfii. Lfjglcu atf ojwliljg obbarafqr, Ol Jtfcu, ktb kjr kjlalcu bearlvf atf jga mijrrgbbw, lwwfvljafis pewqfv ogbw atf ugbecv.

He had come in a hurry, and as a result half of his shirt was tucked into his trousers, and half was exposed. Seeing Xiao Yiheng arrive, he showed his little tiger teeth, half coquettish and half fawning: “You are here?” 

Xiao Yiheng glanced at the several take-out boxes he was holding. The smell of fried chicken wafted from the boxes. It seemed this little bastard had tortured his little brothers again.

Xiao Yiheng didn’t speak. He used the key to unlock the door of the art classroom with a straight face without uttering a word.

The windows were closed tightly, but the bright sunlight generously penetrated the glass windows and projected into the classroom, illuminating their private world.

Li Cheng sneaked into the art classroom behind Xiao Yiheng like a little tail, his expression droopy. 

Heh! The school tyrant boss had actually been reduced to a henpecked male.

The door was closed and locked. In the next second, Xiao Yiheng pulled Li Cheng's wrist forcefully and pressed him against the door.

Li Cheng’s fingers loosened, and the fried chicken boxes fell on the ground. Before he could say a word, the rich cedarwood pheromone enveloped him in a flash.

What followed was a kiss full of anger, pressed against his lips irresistibly. 

Four lips intertwined, their lips and tongue entangled, the lascivious sounds stirring their lust.

Li Cheng was kissed until his legs became soft, and his body slid uncontrollably. Xiao Yiheng held his waist firmly and put his big hand into the hem of his untucked school uniform, rubbed his thin waist, brushed his mermaid line, and finally stopped at the cute hollow in the middle of his lower abdomen, scraping it with nails again and again.

Li Cheng was both comfortable and diffident. The glands hidden in the femoral artery were hooked by the alpha pheromone, and also emitted a fresh orange fragrance.

In addition, there was another hidden place that was also burning hot… 

At this time, Li Cheng regretted his strong lung capacity—Fuck, he had been kissed so much that his mouth hurt. Why wasn’t he like those charming little O in the brain dead soap operas? Wouldn’t they have stopped by now due to lack of oxygen?

The length of the kiss is unknown, but it was long enough for Li Cheng to be dazed when it ended.


His mouth and tongue had been nibbled on and were swollen. Naturally, he hadn’t spared Xiao Yiheng. He had deliberately bitten Xiao Yiheng’s lower lip with his tiger teeth.

Every time the two kissed, it was like going to war. They drew blood again and again and fell into enemy hands again and again. 

“How…How about not getting angry anymore, okay?” Li Cheng consciously “paid the debt” and regained his stubbornness. He pulled the alpha’s big hand out of his clothes and warned him seriously, “Stop before going too far. Do you understand?”

That tone, that attitude, that little appearance, was exactly like a swaggering cat—”Although I scratched your sofa, bit your charging cable, stepped on your keyboard, and knocked down the cup of water on your desk, and did it deliberately when you were eating to escape blame, but I’ve already yielded to you once. Our debts have been settled. You’d better not get an inch and want a mile!”

Xiao Yiheng, however, was not someone who could be easily made to leave.

His gaze deliberately flicked between Li Cheng’s legs, but it was a pity that the loose school uniform pants blocked the scenery there. 

“Where is your love bento?”

Li Cheng crossed his legs and said in embarrassment: “It’s not where you are looking anyway.”

“How do you know where I’m looking?”

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Li Cheng hurriedly picked up the boxes of fried chicken that fell on the ground. Fortunately, they were in a plastic bag and the fried chicken was packed in air-tight boxes, so even if it fell on the ground, it did not affect the food inside.

He held a box of fried chicken in front of Xiao Yiheng’s eyes and said, “Eat chicken, eat chicken.”

He grabbed a table and opened the fried chicken and drinks from the bag. Because of the fall, the fried chicken had mixed with the ketchup inside the box and turned into a mess. Thankfully, it did not affect the taste of the fried chicken.

Xiao Yiheng was starving and was no longer angry. He dragged a chair and sat beside Li Cheng. The two adolescent boys shared fried chicken. 

Li Cheng’s mouth was greasy as he said while munching, “I have done a great job with this fried chicken!”

Xiao Yiheng raised his eyebrows: “What did you do? Did you help with the frying or the marinating?”

“Hehe,” Li Cheng said triumphantly, “After I got the fried chicken, I squeezed a heart on it with ketchup!”

“…” Well, I already ate the so-called heart, okay? 

Two seventeen, almost eighteen-year-old boys had a large appetite. The boxes of fried chicken soon turned into a pile of bones. Li Cheng patted his stomach, belched, and pursed his greasy mouth for a kiss, but was pushed away by Xiao Yiheng, the clean freak.

Xiao Yiheng went to throw out the trash. Meanwhile, Li Cheng inspected the art classroom with his hands behind his back like an old man.


He hadn’t been there for a while. There was another painting in the art classroom. However, it was not a portrait painting but a landscape painting.

Strangely enough, Li Cheng rummaged through the entire classroom, but didn’t see the one Xiao Yiheng had painted with him as the subject. 

“Where is my painting?” After Xiao Yiheng returned, Li Cheng immediately asked this question.

“Your painting? Why don’t I remember which painting has your name written on it?” Xiao Yiheng replied calmly.

“Don’t play the fool!” Li Cheng kicked him. “It’s that… it’s that… ” he said with a red face, “… It’s that naked painting.”

A faint smile flashed by Xiao Yiheng’s lips: “That painting is flawed, so I put it away.” 

“It’s flawed?” Li Cheng recalled how he felt when he saw the painting. He only remembered that it was very beautiful and pleasing, and his figure was surrounded by the sea. He didn’t notice anything else. “I think that painting is perfect.”

“It’s not.” Xiao Yiheng said.

He once thought that the painting was perfect. At the time, he hadn’t confessed to Li Cheng. What he had painted was the Li Cheng in his imagination—but when they formally started dating, he suddenly discovered that the boy he had portrayed with his brush was far less than even a fraction of Li Cheng. He was far more quick-witted and beautiful.

Li Cheng couldn’t understand his thoughts, and assumed that what he was referring to as being “not perfect” were the techniques. He could only lament that the artist was too harsh on his work. 

“Come on now, don’t change the subject.” Xiao Yiheng leaned against the easel and interrogated him, “Let’s talk about you standing me up in the morning.”

Li Cheng: “…Isn’t it all done?!”

Xiao Yiheng: “Who said that? We are only now officially entering the interrogation session.”

In this way, Li Cheng was forced to narrate the details of his crime from beginning to end. He also took out the game console as material evidence and showed Xiao Yiheng the game to prove that it was really a boring little game—there was no hunk, there really was no hunk. 

Xiao Yiheng’s expression hadn’t changed, and it was unknown whether he had accepted Li Cheng’s rhetoric.

“I’m sorry…” Li Cheng folded his hands together and said sincerely, “I’m really at fault today! So tomorrow… tomorrow morning, I won’t be late! This time I will buy whatever you want to eat and I’ll be sure to step in the door of your class at the seven o’clock bell for the morning self-study class!”

In order to save his precarious reputation in his boyfriend’s heart, Li Cheng vowed that he wouldn’t touch the game Hunk Picking Branches that night! 

As soon as he returned to the dormitory, he returned the game console to Xiao Pang. He even showered and went to bed early. As he lay down, he set the alarm to ring every five minutes from 5:55 am to 6:30 am. He was determined to wake up on time!

“If I don’t get up on time, you must, you must, you must definitely wake me up!” Li Cheng gave his roommates a thousand warnings and ten thousand exhortations, “If necessary, lift my quilt, splash water, and shake the bed. In short, don’t be soft-hearted. You must wake me up!”


The three roommates nodded quickly and patted their chests in response to this request.

Xiao Pang was a curious person, and asked him what he wanted to do when he got up early. 

Li Cheng thought for a while, felt that there was nothing to hide from his roommates, and said frankly, “Bring my boyfriend breakfast!”

Roommates: !!!

They were shocked and yet thought it made sense. This was Li-ge ah! – Li-ge had a righteous personality with sharp and beautiful features. A big brother like Li-ge ought to have a sister-in-law beside him! Wasn’t that how things should be?

It was just that Li Cheng had been single for two years, and he didn’t show any signs of falling in love. Now he suddenly said that he had a boyfriend, which made the roommates itch with curiosity. 

Xiao Pang was the first to gossip: “Oh! Who is it? Who is it? Is it that debater?”

“…I have said it eight hundred times that I have nothing to do with that debater!” Li Cheng said angrily, “I don’t like cute girls.”

“So it’s a guy?” Xiao Pang’s excitement was doubled. He recalled the boys who often appeared next to Li Cheng one by one. Even his little brother Huang Yelun was mentioned.

“Don’t make random guesses. Can those vulgar fans be worthy of this Li-ge?” Li Cheng decided to keep the last trace of mystery. He wanted to scare all the students into dropping their jaws when the truth was revealed! 

Xiao Pang was reluctant to give up, “Li-ge, Li-ge, just a little hint~”

Li Cheng was actually eager to show off. He pretended to think for a while, and finally decided to reveal a little clue: “I won’t tell you his name. But I can tell you that he is an alpha, and a particularly good alpha.”

The three roommates’ eyes were sparkling, and they began to think about which alpha in the school could be worthy of such an evaluation.

“He is handsome, has good grades, long legs, and a perky butt. Moreover—” Li Cheng raised his eyebrows and exaggerated deliberately, “He is fascinated by me, and he’s extremely enthusiastic every time we meet! I told him I don’t like clingy alphas, but he always clings to me this way, that way, this sort, that sort… Hey, forget it. Seeing ‘that aspect’ of him was quite vigorous, I decided to accept him. Got it?” 

Roommates: !!!

Everyone blushed, thinking that Li-ge deserved to be Li-ge. How many little O had held an alpha’s hand? Their Li-ge had preemptively inspected the goods…

In fact, where did Li-ge inspect the goods? He just sneaked a few peaks at his swimming trunks in the water park.


Li Cheng didn’t sleep well that night probably because he kept thinking about the breakfast delivery. He was in a daze, and had dreams one after another.

Just when he was half dreaming and half awake, he heard a scream vaguely and he was awake instantly, sitting up on the bed.


“It’s six o’clock?!” He rubbed his eyes, “Why didn’t I hear the alarm?!”

He took out his phone from under the pillow and squinted to see – the time was 4:15 in the morning. There were still two hours left before he needed to get up. 

There are still two full hours left. What’s going on?

“Li Cheng, Li Cheng, don’t sleep, something has happened!” Xiao Pang’s cry came from the darkness.

The other two roommates were also awakened by his voice. They hurriedly turned on their flashlights and looked at Xiao Pang on the balcony.

Xiao Pang was wearing loose, thin pajamas and squatted there, with a duck’s nest beside him. 

There was a large pool of vomit under his feet. Little Lemon lay limp in the vomit, still retching.

“I got up to go to the bathroom and heard Little Lemon making weird noises. I walked over to check on it and found that it had already vomited a lot…”

Before Xiao Pang’s words could finish, Li Cheng had already jumped off the bed, rushed to the balcony, and picked up the duck. The little duck was cold all over, and his abdomen was twitching constantly. Every time he twitched, he vomited out more things.

“Little Lemon, hold on!” Li Cheng looked anxious, “Daddy will take you to the hospital!!” 

Li Cheng lost his head completely. He put on clothes hurriedly, and rushed out of school by jumping over the wall. He even forgot to change out of his slippers, and rushed straight to the nearest veterinary. Little Lemon lay limp in his arms, his usual excitement nowhere to be seen.

However, the veterinary was not an ordinary hospital, and there was no 24-hour emergency department. Moreover, it was not easy to get a taxi at four in the morning. Li Cheng could only use a shared bicycle and follow the navigation around the city.

Fortunately, his efforts paid off. After he insisted on knocking on the doors of four hospitals, he finally found a pet hospital with an emergency department! 

Unexpectedly, when the front desk sister heard that it was a duck who was going to see the doctor, she frowned in embarrassment: “…Well, we usually only look at mammals. Dogs, cats, rabbits, and squirrels are fine. We don’t really treat birds.”

Li Cheng asked, “Where should I go?”

“You’d better go to the animal husbandry station.”

But where was the city’s animal husbandry station located? 

Li Cheng was worried that the duck couldn’t hold on, so after deliberating, he finally asked the doctor to agree to see Little Lemon.

Li Cheng gently placed the little duck on the table. The duck lay there languidly, looking quite dull. Li Cheng, the father, felt terribly distressed, and watched the doctor gently touch Little Lemon’s neck and stomach, then opened its wings and even checked its feet.


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Little Lemon acted very cooperatively, allowing his wings to be spread as needed and raising his feet as required. During this period, it vomited again. It was a mix of yellow and white goo and smelled foul.

The doctor thought for a while and asked the nurse to collect the vomit and send it for a laboratory test, while he himself held Little Lemon and took him to get an X-ray. 

All these things took a long time. Li Cheng waited outside the X-ray room, pacing anxiously.

He searched the Internet for causes of duck vomiting, and compared them with Little Lemon’s symptoms. The more he looked, the more frightened he became. Some talked about bird flu, some said it was duck plague, they also mentioned something called pericarditis…

When the doctor walked out of the consulting room holding the duck, Li Cheng looked at the doctor’s solemn expression, and he was ready for the worst.

“This classmate, we have already checked your duck. You see, in this X-ray film—” The doctor pointed to a large patch on the duck’s stomach in the X-ray film, “—look here.” 

Li Cheng looked at the patch, and asked in a dry voice: “…Is this stomach cancer?”

Little Lemon was only three months old. Was it going to leave him? Although he didn’t hatch it, in the past three months they had shared so much and created so many good memories…

“…” The doctor choked, “Uh, no. These are the things it has eaten but couldn’t digest them.”

Li Cheng: “…?” 

The doctor’s fingers traced the patch on its stomach and pointed to a channel leading to its buttocks: “Or in other words, this is the blockage left by the undigested food along the intestinal tract. It’s shit.”

Li Cheng: “…??”

The doctor prodded the sluggish little duck in his hands: “Don’t you find that it is much heavier than a duck of the same age? I just asked someone to test its vomit, and found that it was all food residue—it is over-nourished and under-exercised, leading to food accumulation. Moreover, the excretory organs of ducks are relatively small, and the digestive capacity of the stomach is insufficient. It cannot excrete, so it can only reflux from the stomach.”

Li Cheng: “…???” 

The doctor returned Little Lemon to Li Cheng’s arms: “Don’t worry, it’s okay. It’s just constipation because of overeating. Once it vomits and clears the stomach, it will feel comfortable.”

The doctor patted his shoulder and reminded kindly, “By the way, please go to the front desk to pay the emergency and X-ray fees.”

Li Cheng: “…”

He touched his wallet, took a deep breadth, and asked resolutely: “I was wondering… I have a student ID, can I get a discount for the medical treatment?” 

After running around for several hours, when Li Cheng walked out of the veterinary, he felt that his entire brain had turned to mush.
These fucking ups and downs were too exciting…


He rushed out of the school at four o’clock in the morning, so anxious that he even forgot to change his slippers, spent hundreds of yuan for the doctor to treat the duck, only to see it… shit???

Li Cheng was both angry and glad. He held Little Lemon who had recovered his spirits, and sat down beside the flower bed. For several hours, his heart was in his throat. He could finally relax. 

The sun was high in the sky, the streets were crowded with people, and the roads were jammed with the morning rush hour traffic. A tricycle that was converted into a hand-held pancake vendor stall passed by Li Cheng, a fascinating smell whaffing over.

Pancake… breakfast… pancake… breakfast…

Li Cheng: “…!!!”

He grabbed the phone, and saw that the time displayed was already eight o’clock. 

On the screen, there was a message from an hour ago, waiting quietly.

Pursue Unremittingly: Huh?

There was only one word, only one question mark.

But this was enough for Li Cheng to guess Xiao Yiheng’s tone and expression. 

Shit, shit, shit! What should he do?

Obviously, he had said that he would deliver breakfast on time, but he had stood up Xiao Yiheng for two consecutive days…

—No, that’s not right!

Li Cheng thought dazedly, what he had pulled today was not a pigeon, but a duck… 

Little Lemon: Ga!

Ch68 - The third day Li Cheng promised to deliver breakfast, growl

Li Cheng’s scalp was numb. He stared at Xiao Yiheng’s message and didn’t know how to reply.

Especially the [smile] emoji sent by Xiao Yiheng at the end of the message which seemed to be on the verge of blackening.

Li Cheng ignored the other messages and immediately sent a string of words to his boyfriend.

Small Round Orange: I’m sorry! I shouldn’t pigeon you!! 

Small Round Orange: Listen to me. Although it’s called a hunk game, it’s really not that kind of hunk game!


Xiao Yiheng seemed to have been waiting by his mobile phone and replied to the message promptly.

Pursue Unremittingly: Oh? Li-ge, are you awake? [Smile]

Pursue Unremittingly: I’m very curious about this game. Why don’t you explain to me what kind of hunk game it is? [Smile]


The end of the sentence still had the same [smile] expression… It was obvious that Xiao Yiheng was still angry.

It was the first time in Li Cheng’s life that he felt such a strong sense of guilt. He was like a cat who had scratched the sofa at home and had all its dried fish taken away by its owner as punishment. It rubbed against the owner’s feet and acted coquettish, displaying its soft belly in the hope of gaining forgiveness.

Small Round Orange: It’s a very boring game!

Small Round Orange: It’s boring picking up branches, boring fishing, and boring building a house… 

Small Round Orange: Believe me, it’s very boring.

Pursue Unremittingly: I believe you.

Pursue Unremittingly: It does sound boring.

Li Cheng took a long breath of relief, but within half a second, he choked on it and started coughing. 

Pursue Unremittingly: You missed our appointment for such a boring game.

Pursue Unremittingly: It seems that I am not as good as a game in your heart.

Pursue Unremittingly: [smile]

…Damn, this Big Brother overreached himself and made sister-in-law angrier! 

Li Cheng, who had fallen in love for the first time and had no prior experience, was so nervous that his toes were curled up together. He tried his best to prove that he was not that kind of scumbag.

Small Round Orange: Who says you are less important than games?


Small Round Orange: Since we started dating, I barely play games! If you don’t believe me, ask Yelun!

Small Round Orange: Last night was a special situation! 

Small Round Orange: My roommates can testify. Even when I fell asleep, I was talking about buying breakfast for you…

Li Cheng glanced at the pancakes on the table that were already cold. He felt a sliver of guilt as he typed this sentence.

And this really diverted Xiao Yiheng’s attention.

Pursue Unremittingly: Oh? 

Pursue Unremittingly: What breakfast were you going to prepare for me?

Li Cheng was just waiting for this sentence!

His finger flew across the keyboard quickly typing a bunch of characters – wgnzbljb!

Small Round Orange: I have jb for you! 

Li Cheng: “…”

What kind of terrible input method was this mf?!

[Small Round Orange] deleted a message.

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Pursue Unremittingly: Don’t delete. I already read it. 

Small Round Orange: …

Pursue Unremittingly: Since you are so sincere, I think you should bring the “breakfast” you prepared for me during lunch break today. Come to the art classroom to find me.

Li Cheng: “…”

Wait a minute. Why did you put double quotation marks on the word breakfast!! 

Li Cheng looked desperately at the cold pancakes on the table. His sixth sense told him that the “breakfast” Xiao Yiheng wanted to see would definitely not be this stuff.


Lunch break at Huacheng No. 1 High School was one and a half hours. When the bell rang at the end of the last class in the morning, the students from class 3-1 rushed out of the class and swarmed towards the cafeteria. They didn’t have time for courtesies like “See you teacher.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

After all, the top students were also humans. They had to compete with the other hungry wolves to rob the canteen. If they couldn’t get to the canteen within three minutes of the bell, they would be waiting in a long queue with no end in sight. These first three minutes of the lunch break every day was definitely the time when this group of bookworms exercised the most in a day. Even the P.E. teacher joked that the physical test should be changed to the noon test, which could definitely set a record. 

Wljb Tltfcu kjixfv bea bo atf afjmtlcu yelivlcu klat atf oibk bo qfbqif, jcv mtjcufv vlgfmalbcr tjiokjs klatbea jaagjmalcu jcsbcf’r jaafcalbc.

Ktfgf kjr cb bcf lc atf jezliljgs afjmtlcu yelivlcu veglcu iecmt ygfjx, jcv atf werlm mijrrgbbw jcv mtfwlrags ijybgjabgs kfgf jii fwqas.

Wljb Tltfcu kjixfv eq atf rajlgr ab atf abq oibbg, atf rbecv bo tlr rafjvs obbarafqr fmtblcu lc atf rajlgkfii. Lfjglcu atf ojwliljg obbarafqr, Ol Jtfcu, ktb kjr kjlalcu bearlvf atf jga mijrrgbbw, lwwfvljafis pewqfv ogbw atf ugbecv.

He had come in a hurry, and as a result half of his shirt was tucked into his trousers, and half was exposed. Seeing Xiao Yiheng arrive, he showed his little tiger teeth, half coquettish and half fawning: “You are here?” 

Xiao Yiheng glanced at the several take-out boxes he was holding. The smell of fried chicken wafted from the boxes. It seemed this little bastard had tortured his little brothers again.

Xiao Yiheng didn’t speak. He used the key to unlock the door of the art classroom with a straight face without uttering a word.

The windows were closed tightly, but the bright sunlight generously penetrated the glass windows and projected into the classroom, illuminating their private world.

Li Cheng sneaked into the art classroom behind Xiao Yiheng like a little tail, his expression droopy. 

Heh! The school tyrant boss had actually been reduced to a henpecked male.

The door was closed and locked. In the next second, Xiao Yiheng pulled Li Cheng's wrist forcefully and pressed him against the door.

Li Cheng’s fingers loosened, and the fried chicken boxes fell on the ground. Before he could say a word, the rich cedarwood pheromone enveloped him in a flash.

What followed was a kiss full of anger, pressed against his lips irresistibly. 

Four lips intertwined, their lips and tongue entangled, the lascivious sounds stirring their lust.

Li Cheng was kissed until his legs became soft, and his body slid uncontrollably. Xiao Yiheng held his waist firmly and put his big hand into the hem of his untucked school uniform, rubbed his thin waist, brushed his mermaid line, and finally stopped at the cute hollow in the middle of his lower abdomen, scraping it with nails again and again.

Li Cheng was both comfortable and diffident. The glands hidden in the femoral artery were hooked by the alpha pheromone, and also emitted a fresh orange fragrance.

In addition, there was another hidden place that was also burning hot… 

At this time, Li Cheng regretted his strong lung capacity—Fuck, he had been kissed so much that his mouth hurt. Why wasn’t he like those charming little O in the brain dead soap operas? Wouldn’t they have stopped by now due to lack of oxygen?

The length of the kiss is unknown, but it was long enough for Li Cheng to be dazed when it ended.


His mouth and tongue had been nibbled on and were swollen. Naturally, he hadn’t spared Xiao Yiheng. He had deliberately bitten Xiao Yiheng’s lower lip with his tiger teeth.

Every time the two kissed, it was like going to war. They drew blood again and again and fell into enemy hands again and again. 

“How…How about not getting angry anymore, okay?” Li Cheng consciously “paid the debt” and regained his stubbornness. He pulled the alpha’s big hand out of his clothes and warned him seriously, “Stop before going too far. Do you understand?”

That tone, that attitude, that little appearance, was exactly like a swaggering cat—”Although I scratched your sofa, bit your charging cable, stepped on your keyboard, and knocked down the cup of water on your desk, and did it deliberately when you were eating to escape blame, but I’ve already yielded to you once. Our debts have been settled. You’d better not get an inch and want a mile!”

Xiao Yiheng, however, was not someone who could be easily made to leave.

His gaze deliberately flicked between Li Cheng’s legs, but it was a pity that the loose school uniform pants blocked the scenery there. 

“Where is your love bento?”

Li Cheng crossed his legs and said in embarrassment: “It’s not where you are looking anyway.”

“How do you know where I’m looking?”


Li Cheng hurriedly picked up the boxes of fried chicken that fell on the ground. Fortunately, they were in a plastic bag and the fried chicken was packed in air-tight boxes, so even if it fell on the ground, it did not affect the food inside.

He held a box of fried chicken in front of Xiao Yiheng’s eyes and said, “Eat chicken, eat chicken.”

He grabbed a table and opened the fried chicken and drinks from the bag. Because of the fall, the fried chicken had mixed with the ketchup inside the box and turned into a mess. Thankfully, it did not affect the taste of the fried chicken.

Xiao Yiheng was starving and was no longer angry. He dragged a chair and sat beside Li Cheng. The two adolescent boys shared fried chicken. 

Li Cheng’s mouth was greasy as he said while munching, “I have done a great job with this fried chicken!”

Xiao Yiheng raised his eyebrows: “What did you do? Did you help with the frying or the marinating?”

“Hehe,” Li Cheng said triumphantly, “After I got the fried chicken, I squeezed a heart on it with ketchup!”

“…” Well, I already ate the so-called heart, okay? 

Two seventeen, almost eighteen-year-old boys had a large appetite. The boxes of fried chicken soon turned into a pile of bones. Li Cheng patted his stomach, belched, and pursed his greasy mouth for a kiss, but was pushed away by Xiao Yiheng, the clean freak.

Xiao Yiheng went to throw out the trash. Meanwhile, Li Cheng inspected the art classroom with his hands behind his back like an old man.


He hadn’t been there for a while. There was another painting in the art classroom. However, it was not a portrait painting but a landscape painting.

Strangely enough, Li Cheng rummaged through the entire classroom, but didn’t see the one Xiao Yiheng had painted with him as the subject. 

“Where is my painting?” After Xiao Yiheng returned, Li Cheng immediately asked this question.

“Your painting? Why don’t I remember which painting has your name written on it?” Xiao Yiheng replied calmly.

“Don’t play the fool!” Li Cheng kicked him. “It’s that… it’s that… ” he said with a red face, “… It’s that naked painting.”

A faint smile flashed by Xiao Yiheng’s lips: “That painting is flawed, so I put it away.” 

“It’s flawed?” Li Cheng recalled how he felt when he saw the painting. He only remembered that it was very beautiful and pleasing, and his figure was surrounded by the sea. He didn’t notice anything else. “I think that painting is perfect.”

“It’s not.” Xiao Yiheng said.

He once thought that the painting was perfect. At the time, he hadn’t confessed to Li Cheng. What he had painted was the Li Cheng in his imagination—but when they formally started dating, he suddenly discovered that the boy he had portrayed with his brush was far less than even a fraction of Li Cheng. He was far more quick-witted and beautiful.

Li Cheng couldn’t understand his thoughts, and assumed that what he was referring to as being “not perfect” were the techniques. He could only lament that the artist was too harsh on his work. 

“Come on now, don’t change the subject.” Xiao Yiheng leaned against the easel and interrogated him, “Let’s talk about you standing me up in the morning.”

Li Cheng: “…Isn’t it all done?!”

Xiao Yiheng: “Who said that? We are only now officially entering the interrogation session.”

In this way, Li Cheng was forced to narrate the details of his crime from beginning to end. He also took out the game console as material evidence and showed Xiao Yiheng the game to prove that it was really a boring little game—there was no hunk, there really was no hunk. 

Xiao Yiheng’s expression hadn’t changed, and it was unknown whether he had accepted Li Cheng’s rhetoric.

“I’m sorry…” Li Cheng folded his hands together and said sincerely, “I’m really at fault today! So tomorrow… tomorrow morning, I won’t be late! This time I will buy whatever you want to eat and I’ll be sure to step in the door of your class at the seven o’clock bell for the morning self-study class!”

In order to save his precarious reputation in his boyfriend’s heart, Li Cheng vowed that he wouldn’t touch the game Hunk Picking Branches that night! 

As soon as he returned to the dormitory, he returned the game console to Xiao Pang. He even showered and went to bed early. As he lay down, he set the alarm to ring every five minutes from 5:55 am to 6:30 am. He was determined to wake up on time!

“If I don’t get up on time, you must, you must, you must definitely wake me up!” Li Cheng gave his roommates a thousand warnings and ten thousand exhortations, “If necessary, lift my quilt, splash water, and shake the bed. In short, don’t be soft-hearted. You must wake me up!”


The three roommates nodded quickly and patted their chests in response to this request.

Xiao Pang was a curious person, and asked him what he wanted to do when he got up early. 

Li Cheng thought for a while, felt that there was nothing to hide from his roommates, and said frankly, “Bring my boyfriend breakfast!”

Roommates: !!!

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They were shocked and yet thought it made sense. This was Li-ge ah! – Li-ge had a righteous personality with sharp and beautiful features. A big brother like Li-ge ought to have a sister-in-law beside him! Wasn’t that how things should be?

It was just that Li Cheng had been single for two years, and he didn’t show any signs of falling in love. Now he suddenly said that he had a boyfriend, which made the roommates itch with curiosity. 

Xiao Pang was the first to gossip: “Oh! Who is it? Who is it? Is it that debater?”

“…I have said it eight hundred times that I have nothing to do with that debater!” Li Cheng said angrily, “I don’t like cute girls.”

“So it’s a guy?” Xiao Pang’s excitement was doubled. He recalled the boys who often appeared next to Li Cheng one by one. Even his little brother Huang Yelun was mentioned.

“Don’t make random guesses. Can those vulgar fans be worthy of this Li-ge?” Li Cheng decided to keep the last trace of mystery. He wanted to scare all the students into dropping their jaws when the truth was revealed! 

Xiao Pang was reluctant to give up, “Li-ge, Li-ge, just a little hint~”

Li Cheng was actually eager to show off. He pretended to think for a while, and finally decided to reveal a little clue: “I won’t tell you his name. But I can tell you that he is an alpha, and a particularly good alpha.”

The three roommates’ eyes were sparkling, and they began to think about which alpha in the school could be worthy of such an evaluation.

“He is handsome, has good grades, long legs, and a perky butt. Moreover—” Li Cheng raised his eyebrows and exaggerated deliberately, “He is fascinated by me, and he’s extremely enthusiastic every time we meet! I told him I don’t like clingy alphas, but he always clings to me this way, that way, this sort, that sort… Hey, forget it. Seeing ‘that aspect’ of him was quite vigorous, I decided to accept him. Got it?” 

Roommates: !!!

Everyone blushed, thinking that Li-ge deserved to be Li-ge. How many little O had held an alpha’s hand? Their Li-ge had preemptively inspected the goods…

In fact, where did Li-ge inspect the goods? He just sneaked a few peaks at his swimming trunks in the water park.


Li Cheng didn’t sleep well that night probably because he kept thinking about the breakfast delivery. He was in a daze, and had dreams one after another.

Just when he was half dreaming and half awake, he heard a scream vaguely and he was awake instantly, sitting up on the bed.


“It’s six o’clock?!” He rubbed his eyes, “Why didn’t I hear the alarm?!”

He took out his phone from under the pillow and squinted to see – the time was 4:15 in the morning. There were still two hours left before he needed to get up. 

There are still two full hours left. What’s going on?

“Li Cheng, Li Cheng, don’t sleep, something has happened!” Xiao Pang’s cry came from the darkness.

The other two roommates were also awakened by his voice. They hurriedly turned on their flashlights and looked at Xiao Pang on the balcony.

Xiao Pang was wearing loose, thin pajamas and squatted there, with a duck’s nest beside him. 

There was a large pool of vomit under his feet. Little Lemon lay limp in the vomit, still retching.

“I got up to go to the bathroom and heard Little Lemon making weird noises. I walked over to check on it and found that it had already vomited a lot…”

Before Xiao Pang’s words could finish, Li Cheng had already jumped off the bed, rushed to the balcony, and picked up the duck. The little duck was cold all over, and his abdomen was twitching constantly. Every time he twitched, he vomited out more things.

“Little Lemon, hold on!” Li Cheng looked anxious, “Daddy will take you to the hospital!!” 

Li Cheng lost his head completely. He put on clothes hurriedly, and rushed out of school by jumping over the wall. He even forgot to change out of his slippers, and rushed straight to the nearest veterinary. Little Lemon lay limp in his arms, his usual excitement nowhere to be seen.

However, the veterinary was not an ordinary hospital, and there was no 24-hour emergency department. Moreover, it was not easy to get a taxi at four in the morning. Li Cheng could only use a shared bicycle and follow the navigation around the city.

Fortunately, his efforts paid off. After he insisted on knocking on the doors of four hospitals, he finally found a pet hospital with an emergency department! 

Unexpectedly, when the front desk sister heard that it was a duck who was going to see the doctor, she frowned in embarrassment: “…Well, we usually only look at mammals. Dogs, cats, rabbits, and squirrels are fine. We don’t really treat birds.”

Li Cheng asked, “Where should I go?”

“You’d better go to the animal husbandry station.”

But where was the city’s animal husbandry station located? 

Li Cheng was worried that the duck couldn’t hold on, so after deliberating, he finally asked the doctor to agree to see Little Lemon.

Li Cheng gently placed the little duck on the table. The duck lay there languidly, looking quite dull. Li Cheng, the father, felt terribly distressed, and watched the doctor gently touch Little Lemon’s neck and stomach, then opened its wings and even checked its feet.


Little Lemon acted very cooperatively, allowing his wings to be spread as needed and raising his feet as required. During this period, it vomited again. It was a mix of yellow and white goo and smelled foul.

The doctor thought for a while and asked the nurse to collect the vomit and send it for a laboratory test, while he himself held Little Lemon and took him to get an X-ray. 

All these things took a long time. Li Cheng waited outside the X-ray room, pacing anxiously.

He searched the Internet for causes of duck vomiting, and compared them with Little Lemon’s symptoms. The more he looked, the more frightened he became. Some talked about bird flu, some said it was duck plague, they also mentioned something called pericarditis…

When the doctor walked out of the consulting room holding the duck, Li Cheng looked at the doctor’s solemn expression, and he was ready for the worst.

“This classmate, we have already checked your duck. You see, in this X-ray film—” The doctor pointed to a large patch on the duck’s stomach in the X-ray film, “—look here.” 

Li Cheng looked at the patch, and asked in a dry voice: “…Is this stomach cancer?”

Little Lemon was only three months old. Was it going to leave him? Although he didn’t hatch it, in the past three months they had shared so much and created so many good memories…

“…” The doctor choked, “Uh, no. These are the things it has eaten but couldn’t digest them.”

Li Cheng: “…?” 

The doctor’s fingers traced the patch on its stomach and pointed to a channel leading to its buttocks: “Or in other words, this is the blockage left by the undigested food along the intestinal tract. It’s shit.”

Li Cheng: “…??”

The doctor prodded the sluggish little duck in his hands: “Don’t you find that it is much heavier than a duck of the same age? I just asked someone to test its vomit, and found that it was all food residue—it is over-nourished and under-exercised, leading to food accumulation. Moreover, the excretory organs of ducks are relatively small, and the digestive capacity of the stomach is insufficient. It cannot excrete, so it can only reflux from the stomach.”

Li Cheng: “…???” 

The doctor returned Little Lemon to Li Cheng’s arms: “Don’t worry, it’s okay. It’s just constipation because of overeating. Once it vomits and clears the stomach, it will feel comfortable.”

The doctor patted his shoulder and reminded kindly, “By the way, please go to the front desk to pay the emergency and X-ray fees.”

Li Cheng: “…”

He touched his wallet, took a deep breadth, and asked resolutely: “I was wondering… I have a student ID, can I get a discount for the medical treatment?” 

After running around for several hours, when Li Cheng walked out of the veterinary, he felt that his entire brain had turned to mush.These fucking ups and downs were too exciting…


He rushed out of the school at four o’clock in the morning, so anxious that he even forgot to change his slippers, spent hundreds of yuan for the doctor to treat the duck, only to see it… shit???

Li Cheng was both angry and glad. He held Little Lemon who had recovered his spirits, and sat down beside the flower bed. For several hours, his heart was in his throat. He could finally relax. 

The sun was high in the sky, the streets were crowded with people, and the roads were jammed with the morning rush hour traffic. A tricycle that was converted into a hand-held pancake vendor stall passed by Li Cheng, a fascinating smell whaffing over.

Pancake… breakfast… pancake… breakfast…

Li Cheng: “…!!!”

He grabbed the phone, and saw that the time displayed was already eight o’clock. 

On the screen, there was a message from an hour ago, waiting quietly.

Pursue Unremittingly: Huh?

There was only one word, only one question mark.

But this was enough for Li Cheng to guess Xiao Yiheng’s tone and expression. 

Shit, shit, shit! What should he do?

Obviously, he had said that he would deliver breakfast on time, but he had stood up Xiao Yiheng for two consecutive days…

—No, that’s not right!

Li Cheng thought dazedly, what he had pulled today was not a pigeon, but a duck… 

Little Lemon: Ga!

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