This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 70: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch70 - The price of growl

Water rippled in the swimming pool.

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Li Cheng held his breath, and repeated the same action again and again under the lens of the camera.



The director sitting behind the monitor didn’t know that the actor in her camera lens had already had his soul flown into the cafeteria.

“Very good, stop!” 

Finally, the last shot was filmed!


Li Cheng dexterously turned over underwater and sliced the water with his hands while swimming towards the shore.

He pushed on the wall of the pool with both hands for support, jumped up with buoyancy, and climbed to the bank with ease. The waiting staff handed him a towel with a smile and asked the little actor to dry his body.

Li Cheng thanked him, prompting the staff to ask: “I heard you are the provincial champion?”


Li Cheng answered proudly: “Yeah. At present, I’m the provincial champion.” As for the future, he will be the national champion and the world champion.

“You’re an excellent swimmer,” The staff member glanced at his thin abdominal muscles, and then touched his protruding belly, sighing with regret, “When I was your age, I was also a good athlete. It’s a pity that my weight soared after I started working. Now I can’t run and can’t play basketball anymore. If you throw me into the pool, I will sink to the bottom as soon as I hit the water…”

Li Cheng refuted without thinking twice: “Gaining weight does affect running, but swimming has nothing to do with weight,” He was like a recorder, repeating the words that he didn’t know when had engraved in his mind verbatim. “According to Archimedes’ principle, buoyancy is equal to gravity. As long as you have learned to swim and know how to coordinate with your hands and feet, you can float even if you grow to two hundred catties!”

The staff member was stunned when he heard this: “…It seems that you are great in physics.” 

Li Cheng blushed, and realized what he had said after he had finished speaking.

Hey! Xiao Yiheng should be blamed for this.

Thinking of Xiao Yiheng, Li Cheng couldn’t help but remember that he’d again (again=3) stood him up this morning.

He trembled with a guilty conscience, wrapped his towel tightly, and looked up at the watch hung on the wall—in fact, he knew what time it was now without looking at the watch, because he heard it clearly just before he went ashore—the morning self-study bell that echoed in the campus. 

It was seven o’clock! Seven o’clock!

Li-ge, this scumbag O, once again played with the alpha’s pure heart!

At this moment, Coach Wu, standing behind the monitor, beckoned to him: “Li Cheng, what are you dawdling about? Come here and thank the director.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ol Jtfcu tegglfvis aegcfv jgbecv jcv kjixfv lc atf vlgfmalbc bo atf vlgfmabg kfjglcu j abkfi. 

Ktf vlgfmabg ibbxfv sbecu. Vtf kjr vfolclafis ifrr atjc atlgas sfjgr biv. Vtf tjv fzdelrlaf wjxfeq jcv j glmt qfgoewf bc tfg ybvs, wjxlcu la lwqbrrlyif ab vfafgwlcf tfg rfmbcvjgs ufcvfg jwbcu atf atgff rfzfr bo CDY.

She sat upright behind the monitor, her eyes sharp and conscientious in conduct.


Li Cheng had been tormented by her for several hours from yesterday to today, and felt particularly timid in his heart.

“Thank you director, for your hard work.” Li Cheng parroted. He simply repeated the words the coach asked him to say. 

The director’s eyes swept over, and her tone was calm: “For money, it’s not hard work.”

“…” Li Cheng thought to himself she is too fucking cocky, almost at par with me!

Although the director was very picky, her photography level really deserved her pickiness. Standing behind that little monitor, Li Cheng looked at himself in the center of the screen, feeling novel and shy—he was like a fish, breaking through the calm water and facing the sunrise. The golden red light spilled over his beautiful body highlighting the dripping droplets of water…

Under the lens that was gradually getting closer, the boy’s every move in the water was given a real aesthetic meaning. 

It was like looking in a mirror, and yet not. Obviously he was looking at himself, but for some reason Li Cheng blushed while he watched.

His eyes whirled as he watched the footage over and over again, and couldn’t help asking: “Director, when will this promo video be edited? Where will it be broadcast? Can it be seen on TV?”

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Before the director could answer his questions, Coach Wu, who was standing beside him, knocked him on the head.

“On TV? Do you think Headmaster Xu is the kind of person who is willing to spend money on advertising?” Coach Wu said, “This is reserved for school anniversary celebrations! If you want to watch it, you can go to the school’s official website. I reckon it’ll be released during the student enrollment season.” 

School anniversary? Admissions season? That was a really long time!

Li Cheng rubbed his sore head and turned to the director: “Director, after you finish editing, can you send me a copy?”

“?” The director did not speak, only questioned with her eyes.

Li Cheng neither blushed nor stammered as he lied, “This is the first time I made such a handsome video. I want my sister to see it.” 

Actually, Li Cheng didn’t want to show it to Youyou. He wanted to show it to his boyfriend! He was leaving for the capital in a few days. Over the next few months, he couldn’t kiss or hug his wife. Wouldn’t it be great to leave a video for Xiao Yiheng before setting off? Xiao Yiheng could play it and look at him whenever he misses him… … Hey, there was really no one in this world who loved his wife (?) more than him.

Since Li Cheng pulled out the sister card and it was a credible reason, the director naturally did not refuse. There was ample pre-production material of the promotional film, and the post-editing was very fast. The video could be produced in less than a week. Li Cheng gave his email ID and added the director to his sns friends. Within a few minutes, he upgraded her title from “director” to “senior sister”.

Coach Wu stood stunned at the side wondering when Li Cheng’s prickly mouth had turned so sweet.


The film crew had a few things to do before they could wrap up. Li Cheng hummed a little tune and walked into the dressing room with a swagger.

The changing rooms and bathrooms of the swimming pool were interconnected. In order to ensure privacy, the bathrooms were shower stalls arranged in a row. The swimming pool had a disinfectant mixed in, so every time they swam, their hair smelled a little strange. Li Cheng had developed the good habit of washing his hair after every swim.


He took a change of clothes, randomly picked a cubicle and walked in. Since he was the only person in the entire bathroom, he didn’t lock the door. He was facing the wall, ready to take off his swimming trunks.

The thin elastic fabric was tightly wrapped around his legs. His fingers hooked the waistband and pulled down—suddenly, a figure opened the door of the small cubicle and squeezed into the narrow space forcibly. 

Hearing the sound coming from behind, Li Cheng was startled. He was about to turn, but the person behind him unexpectedly stuck up, pushed his waist, and pressed him against the wall.

The boy’s naked body pressed against the hard wall, not an inch of space between the honey-colored skin and the white tiles.

The “sneak attacker” who ambushed, took advantage of his height to press Li Cheng firmly against the wall. His hot breath sprayed into Li Cheng’s ears.

There was a cold wall in front of Li Cheng, and a hot body behind him. He was trapped in this “cage”. 

No one knew that such an intense scene was being staged in the small bathroom cubicle.

The familiar smell swept over causing Li Cheng’s Adam’s apple to tremble slightly. Because of the limited viewing angle, he could only use his peripheral vision to capture the figure behind him.

“Xiao Yiheng… you, you, let me go?!” Li Cheng wanted to be blunt but he was stumped. It was beyond his expectations for Xiao Yiheng to skip the morning self-study session and make a special trip to wait for him in the bathroom! As for who gave the key to enter and exit, Li Cheng could guess with his toes. It was definitely Huang Yelun, that traitor!

“Let go of you?” The alpha laughed from behind, “Chengcheng, before I let you go, why don’t you explain to me first about the matter of standing me up for three consecutive days?” 

“…” Li Cheng had a guilty conscience.

Xiao Yiheng pinched his thin waist. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, his thumb scratched the most sensitive part of the boy’s waist, leading to shivers.

The rough school uniform fabric on his body rubbed against Li Cheng’s naked skin. Xiao Yiheng put his chin on Li Cheng’s shoulder and asked lazily: “Besides, the first two missed appointments were unexpected, but today you obviously had the opportunity to explain. You didn’t say anything to me and directly asked your little brothers to ‘accompany’ me to breakfast… Did you think I would like this ‘surprise’?”

When the word “surprise” was mentioned, Xiao Yiheng unexpectedly pinched Li Cheng’s waist! In fact, he hadn’t exerted much strength while pinching, but Li Cheng was caught off guard and couldn’t help but scream. 

“I…” Li Cheng could only spit out the truth dryly, “…I thought I could make it, but later when I found out that I couldn’t, I didn’t dare to tell you…”

“So you came up with this one stupid trick to ‘compensate’ me?” The majestic public persona of Li-ge thoroughly changed into a henpecked man and immediately begged for mercy: “I was afraid of you being angry.”

“Oh? So you think I’m very happy now?” Xiao Yiheng’s tone was heavy. If used as a voice-over in the video games that Li Cheng often played, it would obviously be the prelude to the big attack before the boss unleashed his skills!

Li Cheng’s little heart trembled: Hey, I only heard that a girlfriend needs to be coaxed. Who would think that a boyfriend needed even more coaxing! He backed his hand laboriously, and touched Xiao Yiheng’s hand with his own, like a cat’s paw, scratching the back of the alpha’s hand for a while, and hooking the alpha’s fingers for a while. He began to implement the foul play of evoking tenderness, in the hope that Xiao Yiheng would soften and forgive him. 

What a pity that the scumbag who made mistakes again and again had no credibility.

Xiao Yiheng was not fooled by him at all. His palms restrained his lawless hands, and said in a light tone: “Li Cheng, let me remind you that if you make a mistake, you will have to pay the price—you missed our appointment without giving any prior notice for three consecutive days. Have you thought about how to repay it?”


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Li Cheng almost choked to death with saliva: “How, how do you want me to repay?”

Xiao Yiheng tilted his head, his teeth lightly bit Li Cheng’s earlobe, and he spit out two words—”Repay with your body.” 

“?????” Li Cheng’s face instantly blushed, “We can’t, right? We are not adults yet. Doing this kind of thing is not in line with the core system of values, right?”

Xiao Yiheng smiled lightly and drawled, “Oh…It turns out that Li-ge was expecting that kind of thing.”

Xiao Yiheng suddenly released his hands shackling Li Cheng’s body and turned him around, their gazes colliding.

“It’s quite unfortunate that I don’t mean that kind of thing by body compensation. I lack a model. Painting others isn’t as picturesque as you,” Xiao Yiheng was so close to him that Li Cheng could almost count Xiao Yiheng’s eyelashes, “How about it Chengcheng? Do you want to be my model?” 

“…” Li Cheng struggled to maintain his sanity, “Will it be with clothes or without clothes?

“For the time being, you’ll be dressed,” Xiao Yiheng chuckled softly. He blinked and his eyelashes swept like a small fan across Li Cheng’s heart. “When you come back as the world champion, I will draw you without clothes.”

Li Cheng: “…” This stinky hooligan!

Xiao Yiheng read Li Cheng’s softening from his eyes, and deliberately asked again: “Well, do you agree?” 

Hearing that “well?” Li Cheng’s body went soft, and he nodded in a daze, completely unconscious about the type of contract he had signed.

Seeing the fish take the bait, Xiao Yiheng smiled: “Good. I’ll write a note with the appointment time. Remember to arrive on time. You’re not allowed to miss the appointment this time.”

Li Cheng was surprised and was about to ask him why he didn’t say it directly instead of writing a note? As a result, Xiao Yiheng actually pulled open his swimming trunks, and sandwiched the small piece of paper in his swimming trunks!

The alpha’s fingers loosened, and the swimming trunks snapped back to Li Cheng’s waist with a crisp “pa”. 

Li Cheng: “…”

He stupidly looked down at the piece of paper wedged in his swimming trunks, and then looked up at Xiao Yiheng’s calm expression.

……What kind of fucking H game plot was this ah?

Ch70 - The price of growl

Water rippled in the swimming pool.

Li Cheng held his breath, and repeated the same action again and again under the lens of the camera.



The director sitting behind the monitor didn’t know that the actor in her camera lens had already had his soul flown into the cafeteria.

“Very good, stop!” 

Finally, the last shot was filmed!


Li Cheng dexterously turned over underwater and sliced the water with his hands while swimming towards the shore.

He pushed on the wall of the pool with both hands for support, jumped up with buoyancy, and climbed to the bank with ease. The waiting staff handed him a towel with a smile and asked the little actor to dry his body.

Li Cheng thanked him, prompting the staff to ask: “I heard you are the provincial champion?”


Li Cheng answered proudly: “Yeah. At present, I’m the provincial champion.” As for the future, he will be the national champion and the world champion.

“You’re an excellent swimmer,” The staff member glanced at his thin abdominal muscles, and then touched his protruding belly, sighing with regret, “When I was your age, I was also a good athlete. It’s a pity that my weight soared after I started working. Now I can’t run and can’t play basketball anymore. If you throw me into the pool, I will sink to the bottom as soon as I hit the water…”

Li Cheng refuted without thinking twice: “Gaining weight does affect running, but swimming has nothing to do with weight,” He was like a recorder, repeating the words that he didn’t know when had engraved in his mind verbatim. “According to Archimedes’ principle, buoyancy is equal to gravity. As long as you have learned to swim and know how to coordinate with your hands and feet, you can float even if you grow to two hundred catties!”

The staff member was stunned when he heard this: “…It seems that you are great in physics.” 

Li Cheng blushed, and realized what he had said after he had finished speaking.

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Hey! Xiao Yiheng should be blamed for this.

Thinking of Xiao Yiheng, Li Cheng couldn’t help but remember that he’d again (again=3) stood him up this morning.

He trembled with a guilty conscience, wrapped his towel tightly, and looked up at the watch hung on the wall—in fact, he knew what time it was now without looking at the watch, because he heard it clearly just before he went ashore—the morning self-study bell that echoed in the campus. 

It was seven o’clock! Seven o’clock!

Li-ge, this scumbag O, once again played with the alpha’s pure heart!

At this moment, Coach Wu, standing behind the monitor, beckoned to him: “Li Cheng, what are you dawdling about? Come here and thank the director.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ol Jtfcu tegglfvis aegcfv jgbecv jcv kjixfv lc atf vlgfmalbc bo atf vlgfmabg kfjglcu j abkfi. 

Ktf vlgfmabg ibbxfv sbecu. Vtf kjr vfolclafis ifrr atjc atlgas sfjgr biv. Vtf tjv fzdelrlaf wjxfeq jcv j glmt qfgoewf bc tfg ybvs, wjxlcu la lwqbrrlyif ab vfafgwlcf tfg rfmbcvjgs ufcvfg jwbcu atf atgff rfzfr bo CDY.

She sat upright behind the monitor, her eyes sharp and conscientious in conduct.


Li Cheng had been tormented by her for several hours from yesterday to today, and felt particularly timid in his heart.

“Thank you director, for your hard work.” Li Cheng parroted. He simply repeated the words the coach asked him to say. 

The director’s eyes swept over, and her tone was calm: “For money, it’s not hard work.”

“…” Li Cheng thought to himself she is too fucking cocky, almost at par with me!

Although the director was very picky, her photography level really deserved her pickiness. Standing behind that little monitor, Li Cheng looked at himself in the center of the screen, feeling novel and shy—he was like a fish, breaking through the calm water and facing the sunrise. The golden red light spilled over his beautiful body highlighting the dripping droplets of water…

Under the lens that was gradually getting closer, the boy’s every move in the water was given a real aesthetic meaning. 

It was like looking in a mirror, and yet not. Obviously he was looking at himself, but for some reason Li Cheng blushed while he watched.

His eyes whirled as he watched the footage over and over again, and couldn’t help asking: “Director, when will this promo video be edited? Where will it be broadcast? Can it be seen on TV?”

Before the director could answer his questions, Coach Wu, who was standing beside him, knocked him on the head.

“On TV? Do you think Headmaster Xu is the kind of person who is willing to spend money on advertising?” Coach Wu said, “This is reserved for school anniversary celebrations! If you want to watch it, you can go to the school’s official website. I reckon it’ll be released during the student enrollment season.” 

School anniversary? Admissions season? That was a really long time!

Li Cheng rubbed his sore head and turned to the director: “Director, after you finish editing, can you send me a copy?”

“?” The director did not speak, only questioned with her eyes.

Li Cheng neither blushed nor stammered as he lied, “This is the first time I made such a handsome video. I want my sister to see it.” 

Actually, Li Cheng didn’t want to show it to Youyou. He wanted to show it to his boyfriend! He was leaving for the capital in a few days. Over the next few months, he couldn’t kiss or hug his wife. Wouldn’t it be great to leave a video for Xiao Yiheng before setting off? Xiao Yiheng could play it and look at him whenever he misses him… … Hey, there was really no one in this world who loved his wife (?) more than him.

Since Li Cheng pulled out the sister card and it was a credible reason, the director naturally did not refuse. There was ample pre-production material of the promotional film, and the post-editing was very fast. The video could be produced in less than a week. Li Cheng gave his email ID and added the director to his sns friends. Within a few minutes, he upgraded her title from “director” to “senior sister”.

Coach Wu stood stunned at the side wondering when Li Cheng’s prickly mouth had turned so sweet.


The film crew had a few things to do before they could wrap up. Li Cheng hummed a little tune and walked into the dressing room with a swagger.

The changing rooms and bathrooms of the swimming pool were interconnected. In order to ensure privacy, the bathrooms were shower stalls arranged in a row. The swimming pool had a disinfectant mixed in, so every time they swam, their hair smelled a little strange. Li Cheng had developed the good habit of washing his hair after every swim.


He took a change of clothes, randomly picked a cubicle and walked in. Since he was the only person in the entire bathroom, he didn’t lock the door. He was facing the wall, ready to take off his swimming trunks.

The thin elastic fabric was tightly wrapped around his legs. His fingers hooked the waistband and pulled down—suddenly, a figure opened the door of the small cubicle and squeezed into the narrow space forcibly. 

Hearing the sound coming from behind, Li Cheng was startled. He was about to turn, but the person behind him unexpectedly stuck up, pushed his waist, and pressed him against the wall.

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The boy’s naked body pressed against the hard wall, not an inch of space between the honey-colored skin and the white tiles.

The “sneak attacker” who ambushed, took advantage of his height to press Li Cheng firmly against the wall. His hot breath sprayed into Li Cheng’s ears.

There was a cold wall in front of Li Cheng, and a hot body behind him. He was trapped in this “cage”. 

No one knew that such an intense scene was being staged in the small bathroom cubicle.

The familiar smell swept over causing Li Cheng’s Adam’s apple to tremble slightly. Because of the limited viewing angle, he could only use his peripheral vision to capture the figure behind him.

“Xiao Yiheng… you, you, let me go?!” Li Cheng wanted to be blunt but he was stumped. It was beyond his expectations for Xiao Yiheng to skip the morning self-study session and make a special trip to wait for him in the bathroom! As for who gave the key to enter and exit, Li Cheng could guess with his toes. It was definitely Huang Yelun, that traitor!

“Let go of you?” The alpha laughed from behind, “Chengcheng, before I let you go, why don’t you explain to me first about the matter of standing me up for three consecutive days?” 

“…” Li Cheng had a guilty conscience.

Xiao Yiheng pinched his thin waist. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, his thumb scratched the most sensitive part of the boy’s waist, leading to shivers.

The rough school uniform fabric on his body rubbed against Li Cheng’s naked skin. Xiao Yiheng put his chin on Li Cheng’s shoulder and asked lazily: “Besides, the first two missed appointments were unexpected, but today you obviously had the opportunity to explain. You didn’t say anything to me and directly asked your little brothers to ‘accompany’ me to breakfast… Did you think I would like this ‘surprise’?”

When the word “surprise” was mentioned, Xiao Yiheng unexpectedly pinched Li Cheng’s waist! In fact, he hadn’t exerted much strength while pinching, but Li Cheng was caught off guard and couldn’t help but scream. 

“I…” Li Cheng could only spit out the truth dryly, “…I thought I could make it, but later when I found out that I couldn’t, I didn’t dare to tell you…”

“So you came up with this one stupid trick to ‘compensate’ me?” The majestic public persona of Li-ge thoroughly changed into a henpecked man and immediately begged for mercy: “I was afraid of you being angry.”

“Oh? So you think I’m very happy now?” Xiao Yiheng’s tone was heavy. If used as a voice-over in the video games that Li Cheng often played, it would obviously be the prelude to the big attack before the boss unleashed his skills!

Li Cheng’s little heart trembled: Hey, I only heard that a girlfriend needs to be coaxed. Who would think that a boyfriend needed even more coaxing! He backed his hand laboriously, and touched Xiao Yiheng’s hand with his own, like a cat’s paw, scratching the back of the alpha’s hand for a while, and hooking the alpha’s fingers for a while. He began to implement the foul play of evoking tenderness, in the hope that Xiao Yiheng would soften and forgive him. 

What a pity that the scumbag who made mistakes again and again had no credibility.

Xiao Yiheng was not fooled by him at all. His palms restrained his lawless hands, and said in a light tone: “Li Cheng, let me remind you that if you make a mistake, you will have to pay the price—you missed our appointment without giving any prior notice for three consecutive days. Have you thought about how to repay it?”


Li Cheng almost choked to death with saliva: “How, how do you want me to repay?”

Xiao Yiheng tilted his head, his teeth lightly bit Li Cheng’s earlobe, and he spit out two words—”Repay with your body.” 

“?????” Li Cheng’s face instantly blushed, “We can’t, right? We are not adults yet. Doing this kind of thing is not in line with the core system of values, right?”

Xiao Yiheng smiled lightly and drawled, “Oh…It turns out that Li-ge was expecting that kind of thing.”

Xiao Yiheng suddenly released his hands shackling Li Cheng’s body and turned him around, their gazes colliding.

“It’s quite unfortunate that I don’t mean that kind of thing by body compensation. I lack a model. Painting others isn’t as picturesque as you,” Xiao Yiheng was so close to him that Li Cheng could almost count Xiao Yiheng’s eyelashes, “How about it Chengcheng? Do you want to be my model?” 

“…” Li Cheng struggled to maintain his sanity, “Will it be with clothes or without clothes?

“For the time being, you’ll be dressed,” Xiao Yiheng chuckled softly. He blinked and his eyelashes swept like a small fan across Li Cheng’s heart. “When you come back as the world champion, I will draw you without clothes.”

Li Cheng: “…” This stinky hooligan!

Xiao Yiheng read Li Cheng’s softening from his eyes, and deliberately asked again: “Well, do you agree?” 

Hearing that “well?” Li Cheng’s body went soft, and he nodded in a daze, completely unconscious about the type of contract he had signed.

Seeing the fish take the bait, Xiao Yiheng smiled: “Good. I’ll write a note with the appointment time. Remember to arrive on time. You’re not allowed to miss the appointment this time.”

Li Cheng was surprised and was about to ask him why he didn’t say it directly instead of writing a note? As a result, Xiao Yiheng actually pulled open his swimming trunks, and sandwiched the small piece of paper in his swimming trunks!

The alpha’s fingers loosened, and the swimming trunks snapped back to Li Cheng’s waist with a crisp “pa”. 

Li Cheng: “…”

He stupidly looked down at the piece of paper wedged in his swimming trunks, and then looked up at Xiao Yiheng’s calm expression.

……What kind of fucking H game plot was this ah?

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