This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 75: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch75 - Xiao Yiheng felt his hair looked a little green

The purpose of the training camp was to gather the champion players under the age of 18 from all provinces, and then select the top-notch athletes among them to form a “dream team” to participate in the International Youth Games. Although Li Cheng and Zhou Jian were both freestyle swimmers, one was short-distance and the other was long-distance, which was not a competitive relationship.

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Zhou Jian took the initiative to express his goodwill and said to Li Cheng, “I have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time”. 

Li Cheng was strangely embarrassed: “Truly? Sorry, but it’s the first time I heard your name.”

Li Cheng saw Zhou Jian raise his hand, and hurriedly stretched out his own. Their palms overlapped in a handshake.


Most of the people in the cabin had disembarked, and the stewardess urged them to get off as soon as possible. Coach Wu lifted his small bag and urged the two youngsters to leave.

Li Cheng had no idea about the winter in the north. As soon as he approached the hatch of the plane, he heard the whistling wind outside the plane. 

Li Cheng asked blankly: “Is someone blowing a whistle outside?”


“Oh, no.” The alpha who was walking behind him explained with a smile, “That’s the sound of the wind.”

“… Sound of the wind?”

Li Cheng stepped out of the cabin door, and the whistling north wind carrying snow smashed into him. The breath he exhaled from his mouth condensed into a cloud of white mist in the air, and at the same time the hospitable north wind filled him with cold air to show its cordiality.


… It was way more fucking freezing than what he’d imagined!!

Because of the snow, the gangway was a little slippery making Li Cheng stagger under his feet. Fortunately, Zhou Jian supported him from behind, which prevented him from landing on his butt.

“Be careful.” Zhou Jian exhorted.

“Thanks, brother!” Li Cheng walked down cautiously while holding on to the hand rail. In order to maintain his balance, he spread his legs apart, waddling like a duck. Fortunately, he had that long-sleeved hoodie, otherwise he would have definitely been frozen into an ice sculpture. 

Coach Wu was also shivering from the cold, one sneeze followed by another. The master and apprentice rushed into the shuttle bus and moved to the heating vent of the air conditioner to get warm.

Zhou Jian was a step slower and was rushed in the other direction by the flow of people when he got into the bus. There were many people between them.

Coach Wu lowered his voice and reproached Li Cheng: “Don’t you have any brains?!”

Li Cheng was baffled: “What have I done wrong?” 

Coach Wu: “Someone said to you ‘I have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time’, and you replied with, ‘I haven’t heard your name’? Are you stupid? Fortunately, Zhou Jian has a good personality. If it was someone else I’m sure they would’ve taken back the jacket they lent you.”

“…” Li Cheng shrugged innocently, “But I really haven’t heard of him. You can’t expect me to lie.” He looked at Wu Xu and asked, “Coach, have you heard of this person?”

As a coach, Wu Xu naturally paid attention to the good seedlings in the swimming circle. He replied: “I’ve never heard Zhou Jian’s name, but I’d contacted a few coaches I know, and I just remembered that the kid changed his name.”

“Changed his name? What was his previous name?” 

“He was called Zhou Jian'er.”

Li Cheng: “…”


Li Cheng: “I only heard that female stars were named Zu’er or Cai’er. It’s the first time I heard a guy named with ‘er’.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Coach Wu: “No, you are mistaken. It’s not the pronunciation of Jianer – it’s Jianér.” 

“…Are pérsons in the noérth so pompous? Do they use ér huà yīn names ???”

“There’s something you don’t know.” Coach Wu couldn’t help sharing gossip. “In some areas in the north, the A playing card is called ‘Jianér’. For example, two As are called Duijianér. I heard that Zhou Jianér… ahem, I mean classmate Zhou Jian’s family has several children. They are called Pan Jianér, Zhao Jianér, Ying Jianér, Lai Jianér… In the end, two of them differentiated into beta, and the other two differentiated into omega. His family consulted a fortune-teller who said that the fifth child was definitely alpha, so they named him Zhou Jianér. As expected, when he got older, he differentiated into an alpha. ”

Po la kjrc’a obg atf kgbcu bmmjrlbc, Ol Jtfcu kjcafv ab rajcv eq jcv jqqijev Itbe Aljc’r qjgfcar.

Qtja xlcv bo vffqis wbnlcu wfcajilas kjr atlr jt! Qtja jc ecslfivlcu vlrqijs bo rqlgla ab ylgat j Aljcég (jc jiqtj). Lbk obgaecjaf kjr la atja atf vfnfibqwfca bo rmlfcmf jcv afmtcbibus qbqeijglhfv atf jgalolmlji eafger! Yatfgklrf, lo tlr qjgfcar lcrlrafv bc ylgatlcu jc jiqtj ja atflg juf, la kbeiv’nf yffc wbgf agbeyifrbwf obg atf tbrqlaji. 

Li Cheng was an omega, and he’d never thought that omega were inferior to alpha. On the contrary, his performance on the field was enough to trample most of the alpha under his feet. He couldn’t appreciate this kind of family that regarded alpha as their backbone at all.

But on second thoughts, wasn’t it the same as his boyfriend Xiao Yiheng’s family? His parents racked their brains to give birth to an alpha, and flaunted their “triple A family” everywhere…Oh no, he should call them the “triple Jianér family” in the future.

Li Cheng happily roasted them for a while, planning to find an opportunity to share this anecdote with Xiao Yiheng.

He asked casually, “But nowadays, families with few children are always advocated. To think that Zhou Jian’s family has five children… Does the family own a mine ah!?” 

“En,” Coach Wu replied, “His family is in the coal mining business. Have you heard about it as well?”

“…” Li Cheng was speechless, “I haven’t heard of it.”

He finally understood. It turned out that Zhou Jian’s family had a throne waiting to be inherited.

“Even if you are not rivals, you shouldn’t take him lightly.” Coach Wu warned him, “He is from a wealthy family and he has been training with a famous foreign teacher since he was a child. For him to take the initiative to show goodwill towards you is not normal. I’m afraid things are not that simple.” 

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Li Cheng thought, what was so “abnormal” or “not simple”? It must be because of his ‘king of tyrants’ aura and his appearance of a champion that made Zhou Jian worship at his feet, right?

The shuttle bus crawled to the terminal building. After Li Cheng got the luggage, he opened the suitcase on the spot and took out his warm cotton jacket.

Huacheng did not have winter, so none of the stores sold winter clothes at all. Li Cheng simply brought all of his long-sleeved autumn clothes with him to the north, and wrapped himself into a ball layer by layer. Even so, the northern wind that continued to blow felt too cold. 

The staff of the training camp waited in advance at the airport pick-up hall, holding a sign in one hand and a list of players with their respective photos in the other. Li Cheng and Zhou Jian went over to sign in. The staff said, “Both of you wait here for a while. There is a pick up bus that comes every two hours, and the next one will depart after half an hour.”

Coach Wu went to the bathroom; Zhou Jian turned and walked towards the coffee shop. Before leaving, he asked Li Cheng if he wanted a cup.


Li Cheng shook his head: “No, no, I have a big reaction to coffee. If I have a drink now, I won’t be able to sleep at night.”

After Zhou Jian and Coach Wu left, Li Cheng was left standing there alone and had nothing to do. Although there were other athletes who flew over from different provinces nearby, Li Cheng had nothing in common with them since they were from different events. 

He couldn’t stand being alone, so he took out his cell phone and prepared to harass Xiao Yiheng who was still in class.

Small Round Orange: There is a loud noise in the sky, and your boyfriend arrives in a flash~ lights~ camera~ action~

Small Round Orange: Thunderbolt [Thunderbolt] [Cool] [Cool]

Small Round Orange: [Are you shocked~] 

Xiao Yiheng replied extremely quickly.

Pursue Unremittingly: Has the plane landed?

Pursue Unremittingly: Did you have a good journey?

Small Round Orange: Very smooth! 

Small Round Orange: But shouldn’t you be in class now? Aren’t you afraid the teacher will confiscate your phone?

Pursue Unremittingly: I said I was going to the bathroom so the teacher let me out.

Small Round Orange: So you are alone now?

Pursue Unremittingly: Yes. 

Li Cheng’s eyes lit up and he immediately made a video call.

The call was quickly connected and the alpha’s handsome face appeared on the screen. The camera angle was terrible and the toilet cubicle in the background captured by the front camera was deadly. However, Li Cheng’s eyes had an in-built ten-meter-thick beauty filter when it came to his boyfriend. No matter how Xiao Yiheng appeared, for Li Cheng, he was the best.

Because there was too much noise at the airport, Li Cheng put on earphones.

Xiao Yiheng asked him if it was cold in the capital. Li Cheng immediately described the freezing north, about the snowfall and the howling wind that welcomed him. Li Cheng’s eyes were gleaming when he talked about these things. 

“Aren’t you dressed too lightly?” Xiao Yiheng asked with concern, “It’s so cold, and everyone else is wearing down jackets, why are you still wearing denim jackets? Didn’t you buy thick clothes before you set off for the capital?”

“Uh, the notice said that during the training period, the players’ food, clothing, housing and transportation will be provided by the team. All the clothes, from swimming trunks to down jackets, must be uniform. I didn’t want to buy heavy ones, so I didn’t buy them separately,” Li Cheng was afraid he was worried and explained quickly, “And I’m really not cold. Look! I have worn several of them! I have brought all the long-sleeved clothes with me. You see, I’ve layered three shirts inside the denim jacket, and I’m wearing a hoodie, with a short-sleeved T-shirt inside it.”


Li Cheng held the mobile phone in one hand, and held up the bunch of collars with the other to show Xiao Yiheng.

Xiao “eagle-eyed” Yiheng noticed something wrong: “Why haven’t I seen you wearing that hoodie?” 

“Hoodie?” Li Cheng looked down at himself, “Oh, did you mean the black one?” He grinned as he unbuttoned, revealing the hoodie hidden underneath. There was a school badge with the name Shoutai High School printed in the center of the chest.

Li Cheng said disapprovingly: “I was unlucky. The plane was parked away from the terminal, so we had to disembark and transfer to a shuttle bus. I only wore a short-sleeved T-shirt and my luggage was checked in. A friendly guy in the back row saw that I didn’t wear much and he lent me a hoodie.”

“…Since someone lent it to you, after getting your luggage, shouldn’t you take it off and return it to him as soon as possible?”

“It’s a great coincidence!” Li Cheng said excitedly, “That guy is also going to the training camp, and he also specialises in freestyle! He said that there was no need to return the hoodie in a hurry. I could just give it back once we reach the dormitory.” 


Li Cheng spit out what happened in a snap, and even lowered his voice like a thief to talk about the gossip about Zhou Jian’s name change. He was heartless and didn’t notice that Xiao Yiheng’s brows on the screen were getting tighter and tighter as he frowned.

In Xiao Yiheng’s view, Zhou Jian sounded fishy.

Zhou Jian’s school was in the capital, and there was no holiday. Why did he take the plane from Huacheng to the capital? Secondly, if Zhou Jian’s family had a throne waiting to be inherited, why would such a rich second generation take economy class? Was it really a coincidence that his seat happened to be in the row behind Li Cheng? 

Looking at his image on the screen of his mobile phone, Xiao Yiheng vaguely felt that his hair was a little green…

On the other hand, Li Cheng was dull and terribly slow. Faced with this situation, Xiao Yiheng wanted to remind him to be careful, but he was afraid that Li Cheng would feel he thought too much.

Li Cheng talked and talked till his mouth was dry. Seeing that Xiao Yiheng didn’t reply, he asked, “What’s wrong, why are you not talking? Is it because the signal is not good and you didn’t hear it?”

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Xiao Yiheng: “No, I can hear you very clearly.” 

He pondered for a few seconds and was about to say something, when an unexpected picture suddenly appeared on the phone screen—a hand stretched out from behind Li Cheng, and unexpectedly tore off Li Cheng’s earphones.

Li Cheng was startled, and subconsciously looked at the people around him.

A man’s voice: “Li Cheng, I called you several times but you didn’t hear me. The staff said that the pick up bus has arrived. Let’s go quickly.”

The figure was standing away from the camera. Xiao Yiheng couldn’t see the man’s appearance, only half of his shoulder could be vaguely seen. The man was tall, and his heavy down jacket couldn’t cover his sturdy figure. 

Xiao Yiheng’s instinct told him—this person was definitely the “Zhou Jian” Li Cheng talked about!

Li Cheng looked back at the staff behind him, and saw that the other party was holding a loudspeaker and beckoning everyone to follow him to the parking lot. The speaker’s sound was actually quite loud, but Li Cheng had been wearing headphones, so he didn’t hear it at all.


Li Cheng looked at Zhou Jian: “Oh! Thank you, brother.”

Zhou Jian: “Wait a minute.” 

He took a drink from the coffee takeaway bag at hand and handed it to Li Cheng, “I think you’re dressed too lightly, so I just decided to buy you a cup of hot drink. Don’t worry, I got a decaf, so it’s caffeine free.”

Li Cheng’s eyes widened slightly. He didn’t expect that the brother he had just met would be so loyal. He stretched out his hand happily to grab the cup of hot drink.

However, Zhou Jian did not directly deliver the hot drink to Li Cheng’s hands. Instead, he deliberately raised his arm so that the cup of hot drink was gently pressed against Li Cheng’s cheek.

Zhou Jian: “Look, is it warmer now?” 

Xiao Yiheng, who watched the live broadcast on the screen: “…”

— He was now sure of one thing. That alpha was definitely greedy for Li Cheng’s body!


Did you read Fang Qian’s story? So sad and shocking! How can changing a name be so difficult in this day and age?! Let me share some cute art from Elyen after that depressing article~



Ch75 - Xiao Yiheng felt his hair looked a little green

The purpose of the training camp was to gather the champion players under the age of 18 from all provinces, and then select the top-notch athletes among them to form a “dream team” to participate in the International Youth Games. Although Li Cheng and Zhou Jian were both freestyle swimmers, one was short-distance and the other was long-distance, which was not a competitive relationship.

Zhou Jian took the initiative to express his goodwill and said to Li Cheng, “I have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time”. 

Li Cheng was strangely embarrassed: “Truly? Sorry, but it’s the first time I heard your name.”

Li Cheng saw Zhou Jian raise his hand, and hurriedly stretched out his own. Their palms overlapped in a handshake.


Most of the people in the cabin had disembarked, and the stewardess urged them to get off as soon as possible. Coach Wu lifted his small bag and urged the two youngsters to leave.

Li Cheng had no idea about the winter in the north. As soon as he approached the hatch of the plane, he heard the whistling wind outside the plane. 

Li Cheng asked blankly: “Is someone blowing a whistle outside?”


“Oh, no.” The alpha who was walking behind him explained with a smile, “That’s the sound of the wind.”

“… Sound of the wind?”

Li Cheng stepped out of the cabin door, and the whistling north wind carrying snow smashed into him. The breath he exhaled from his mouth condensed into a cloud of white mist in the air, and at the same time the hospitable north wind filled him with cold air to show its cordiality.


… It was way more fucking freezing than what he’d imagined!!

Because of the snow, the gangway was a little slippery making Li Cheng stagger under his feet. Fortunately, Zhou Jian supported him from behind, which prevented him from landing on his butt.

“Be careful.” Zhou Jian exhorted.

“Thanks, brother!” Li Cheng walked down cautiously while holding on to the hand rail. In order to maintain his balance, he spread his legs apart, waddling like a duck. Fortunately, he had that long-sleeved hoodie, otherwise he would have definitely been frozen into an ice sculpture. 

Coach Wu was also shivering from the cold, one sneeze followed by another. The master and apprentice rushed into the shuttle bus and moved to the heating vent of the air conditioner to get warm.

Zhou Jian was a step slower and was rushed in the other direction by the flow of people when he got into the bus. There were many people between them.

Coach Wu lowered his voice and reproached Li Cheng: “Don’t you have any brains?!”

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Li Cheng was baffled: “What have I done wrong?” 

Coach Wu: “Someone said to you ‘I have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time’, and you replied with, ‘I haven’t heard your name’? Are you stupid? Fortunately, Zhou Jian has a good personality. If it was someone else I’m sure they would’ve taken back the jacket they lent you.”

“…” Li Cheng shrugged innocently, “But I really haven’t heard of him. You can’t expect me to lie.” He looked at Wu Xu and asked, “Coach, have you heard of this person?”

As a coach, Wu Xu naturally paid attention to the good seedlings in the swimming circle. He replied: “I’ve never heard Zhou Jian’s name, but I’d contacted a few coaches I know, and I just remembered that the kid changed his name.”

“Changed his name? What was his previous name?” 

“He was called Zhou Jian'er.”

Li Cheng: “…”


Li Cheng: “I only heard that female stars were named Zu’er or Cai’er. It’s the first time I heard a guy named with ‘er’.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Coach Wu: “No, you are mistaken. It’s not the pronunciation of Jianer – it’s Jianér.” 

“…Are pérsons in the noérth so pompous? Do they use ér huà yīn names ???”

“There’s something you don’t know.” Coach Wu couldn’t help sharing gossip. “In some areas in the north, the A playing card is called ‘Jianér’. For example, two As are called Duijianér. I heard that Zhou Jianér… ahem, I mean classmate Zhou Jian’s family has several children. They are called Pan Jianér, Zhao Jianér, Ying Jianér, Lai Jianér… In the end, two of them differentiated into beta, and the other two differentiated into omega. His family consulted a fortune-teller who said that the fifth child was definitely alpha, so they named him Zhou Jianér. As expected, when he got older, he differentiated into an alpha. ”

Po la kjrc’a obg atf kgbcu bmmjrlbc, Ol Jtfcu kjcafv ab rajcv eq jcv jqqijev Itbe Aljc’r qjgfcar.

Qtja xlcv bo vffqis wbnlcu wfcajilas kjr atlr jt! Qtja jc ecslfivlcu vlrqijs bo rqlgla ab ylgat j Aljcég (jc jiqtj). Lbk obgaecjaf kjr la atja atf vfnfibqwfca bo rmlfcmf jcv afmtcbibus qbqeijglhfv atf jgalolmlji eafger! Yatfgklrf, lo tlr qjgfcar lcrlrafv bc ylgatlcu jc jiqtj ja atflg juf, la kbeiv’nf yffc wbgf agbeyifrbwf obg atf tbrqlaji. 

Li Cheng was an omega, and he’d never thought that omega were inferior to alpha. On the contrary, his performance on the field was enough to trample most of the alpha under his feet. He couldn’t appreciate this kind of family that regarded alpha as their backbone at all.

But on second thoughts, wasn’t it the same as his boyfriend Xiao Yiheng’s family? His parents racked their brains to give birth to an alpha, and flaunted their “triple A family” everywhere…Oh no, he should call them the “triple Jianér family” in the future.

Li Cheng happily roasted them for a while, planning to find an opportunity to share this anecdote with Xiao Yiheng.

He asked casually, “But nowadays, families with few children are always advocated. To think that Zhou Jian’s family has five children… Does the family own a mine ah!?” 

“En,” Coach Wu replied, “His family is in the coal mining business. Have you heard about it as well?”

“…” Li Cheng was speechless, “I haven’t heard of it.”

He finally understood. It turned out that Zhou Jian’s family had a throne waiting to be inherited.

“Even if you are not rivals, you shouldn’t take him lightly.” Coach Wu warned him, “He is from a wealthy family and he has been training with a famous foreign teacher since he was a child. For him to take the initiative to show goodwill towards you is not normal. I’m afraid things are not that simple.” 

Li Cheng thought, what was so “abnormal” or “not simple”? It must be because of his ‘king of tyrants’ aura and his appearance of a champion that made Zhou Jian worship at his feet, right?

The shuttle bus crawled to the terminal building. After Li Cheng got the luggage, he opened the suitcase on the spot and took out his warm cotton jacket.

Huacheng did not have winter, so none of the stores sold winter clothes at all. Li Cheng simply brought all of his long-sleeved autumn clothes with him to the north, and wrapped himself into a ball layer by layer. Even so, the northern wind that continued to blow felt too cold. 

The staff of the training camp waited in advance at the airport pick-up hall, holding a sign in one hand and a list of players with their respective photos in the other. Li Cheng and Zhou Jian went over to sign in. The staff said, “Both of you wait here for a while. There is a pick up bus that comes every two hours, and the next one will depart after half an hour.”

Coach Wu went to the bathroom; Zhou Jian turned and walked towards the coffee shop. Before leaving, he asked Li Cheng if he wanted a cup.


Li Cheng shook his head: “No, no, I have a big reaction to coffee. If I have a drink now, I won’t be able to sleep at night.”

After Zhou Jian and Coach Wu left, Li Cheng was left standing there alone and had nothing to do. Although there were other athletes who flew over from different provinces nearby, Li Cheng had nothing in common with them since they were from different events. 

He couldn’t stand being alone, so he took out his cell phone and prepared to harass Xiao Yiheng who was still in class.

Small Round Orange: There is a loud noise in the sky, and your boyfriend arrives in a flash~ lights~ camera~ action~

Small Round Orange: Thunderbolt [Thunderbolt] [Cool] [Cool]

Small Round Orange: [Are you shocked~] 

Xiao Yiheng replied extremely quickly.

Pursue Unremittingly: Has the plane landed?

Pursue Unremittingly: Did you have a good journey?

Small Round Orange: Very smooth! 

Small Round Orange: But shouldn’t you be in class now? Aren’t you afraid the teacher will confiscate your phone?

Pursue Unremittingly: I said I was going to the bathroom so the teacher let me out.

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Small Round Orange: So you are alone now?

Pursue Unremittingly: Yes. 

Li Cheng’s eyes lit up and he immediately made a video call.

The call was quickly connected and the alpha’s handsome face appeared on the screen. The camera angle was terrible and the toilet cubicle in the background captured by the front camera was deadly. However, Li Cheng’s eyes had an in-built ten-meter-thick beauty filter when it came to his boyfriend. No matter how Xiao Yiheng appeared, for Li Cheng, he was the best.

Because there was too much noise at the airport, Li Cheng put on earphones.

Xiao Yiheng asked him if it was cold in the capital. Li Cheng immediately described the freezing north, about the snowfall and the howling wind that welcomed him. Li Cheng’s eyes were gleaming when he talked about these things. 

“Aren’t you dressed too lightly?” Xiao Yiheng asked with concern, “It’s so cold, and everyone else is wearing down jackets, why are you still wearing denim jackets? Didn’t you buy thick clothes before you set off for the capital?”

“Uh, the notice said that during the training period, the players’ food, clothing, housing and transportation will be provided by the team. All the clothes, from swimming trunks to down jackets, must be uniform. I didn’t want to buy heavy ones, so I didn’t buy them separately,” Li Cheng was afraid he was worried and explained quickly, “And I’m really not cold. Look! I have worn several of them! I have brought all the long-sleeved clothes with me. You see, I’ve layered three shirts inside the denim jacket, and I’m wearing a hoodie, with a short-sleeved T-shirt inside it.”


Li Cheng held the mobile phone in one hand, and held up the bunch of collars with the other to show Xiao Yiheng.

Xiao “eagle-eyed” Yiheng noticed something wrong: “Why haven’t I seen you wearing that hoodie?” 

“Hoodie?” Li Cheng looked down at himself, “Oh, did you mean the black one?” He grinned as he unbuttoned, revealing the hoodie hidden underneath. There was a school badge with the name Shoutai High School printed in the center of the chest.

Li Cheng said disapprovingly: “I was unlucky. The plane was parked away from the terminal, so we had to disembark and transfer to a shuttle bus. I only wore a short-sleeved T-shirt and my luggage was checked in. A friendly guy in the back row saw that I didn’t wear much and he lent me a hoodie.”

“…Since someone lent it to you, after getting your luggage, shouldn’t you take it off and return it to him as soon as possible?”

“It’s a great coincidence!” Li Cheng said excitedly, “That guy is also going to the training camp, and he also specialises in freestyle! He said that there was no need to return the hoodie in a hurry. I could just give it back once we reach the dormitory.” 


Li Cheng spit out what happened in a snap, and even lowered his voice like a thief to talk about the gossip about Zhou Jian’s name change. He was heartless and didn’t notice that Xiao Yiheng’s brows on the screen were getting tighter and tighter as he frowned.

In Xiao Yiheng’s view, Zhou Jian sounded fishy.

Zhou Jian’s school was in the capital, and there was no holiday. Why did he take the plane from Huacheng to the capital? Secondly, if Zhou Jian’s family had a throne waiting to be inherited, why would such a rich second generation take economy class? Was it really a coincidence that his seat happened to be in the row behind Li Cheng? 

Looking at his image on the screen of his mobile phone, Xiao Yiheng vaguely felt that his hair was a little green…

On the other hand, Li Cheng was dull and terribly slow. Faced with this situation, Xiao Yiheng wanted to remind him to be careful, but he was afraid that Li Cheng would feel he thought too much.

Li Cheng talked and talked till his mouth was dry. Seeing that Xiao Yiheng didn’t reply, he asked, “What’s wrong, why are you not talking? Is it because the signal is not good and you didn’t hear it?”

Xiao Yiheng: “No, I can hear you very clearly.” 

He pondered for a few seconds and was about to say something, when an unexpected picture suddenly appeared on the phone screen—a hand stretched out from behind Li Cheng, and unexpectedly tore off Li Cheng’s earphones.

Li Cheng was startled, and subconsciously looked at the people around him.

A man’s voice: “Li Cheng, I called you several times but you didn’t hear me. The staff said that the pick up bus has arrived. Let’s go quickly.”

The figure was standing away from the camera. Xiao Yiheng couldn’t see the man’s appearance, only half of his shoulder could be vaguely seen. The man was tall, and his heavy down jacket couldn’t cover his sturdy figure. 

Xiao Yiheng’s instinct told him—this person was definitely the “Zhou Jian” Li Cheng talked about!

Li Cheng looked back at the staff behind him, and saw that the other party was holding a loudspeaker and beckoning everyone to follow him to the parking lot. The speaker’s sound was actually quite loud, but Li Cheng had been wearing headphones, so he didn’t hear it at all.


Li Cheng looked at Zhou Jian: “Oh! Thank you, brother.”

Zhou Jian: “Wait a minute.” 

He took a drink from the coffee takeaway bag at hand and handed it to Li Cheng, “I think you’re dressed too lightly, so I just decided to buy you a cup of hot drink. Don’t worry, I got a decaf, so it’s caffeine free.”

Li Cheng’s eyes widened slightly. He didn’t expect that the brother he had just met would be so loyal. He stretched out his hand happily to grab the cup of hot drink.

However, Zhou Jian did not directly deliver the hot drink to Li Cheng’s hands. Instead, he deliberately raised his arm so that the cup of hot drink was gently pressed against Li Cheng’s cheek.

Zhou Jian: “Look, is it warmer now?” 

Xiao Yiheng, who watched the live broadcast on the screen: “…”

— He was now sure of one thing. That alpha was definitely greedy for Li Cheng’s body!


Did you read Fang Qian’s story? So sad and shocking! How can changing a name be so difficult in this day and age?! Let me share some cute art from Elyen after that depressing article~ 



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