This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 82: This Omega is Sweet and Wild Chap

Ch82 - Three birthday wishes

Who knows whether or not it was Li Cheng’s misperception. During the entire evening training session, Zhou Jian seemed to be preoccupied, mulling over his thoughts. He opened his mouth several times to speak with Li Cheng and then stopped. Obviously, Li Cheng was not a mind-reader. How could he know what Zhou Jian wanted to say?

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The assistant coach in charge of supervision noticed Zhou Jian’s absent-mindedness. He yelled out Zhou Jian’s name after the training session and took him aside to reprimand him. 

Li Cheng was sweating buckets and went to the locker room for a quick shower. Because he didn’t have a down jacket, he could only put a bath towel on his head and rush back to the dormitory with his wet hair.

It was icy cold. No matter how swiftly he ran, his hair still froze when he arrived at the dormitory. The short golden hair was chilled into icicles, every strand of hair iced into a spike which made him resemble a little hedgehog. With a pinch, these spikes broke into tiny little shards of ice.

Li Cheng had never seen such an interesting thing. He stood facing the mirror in the bathroom of the dormitory and playfully squeezed each strand one by one till his hands were full of crushed ice in a short while.

His roommates were all northerners and were amused by his fuss. 

Chen Miao asked: “Li Cheng, where is your down jacket? Why do you have only a sweater on your back??”


Li Cheng pinched the ice dregs while answering, “I gave it to someone as a ‘love token‘~”

“Love token?”

“Yup!” Li Cheng turned around with a smile, “Didn’t you say that there was a very handsome and lightly dressed alpha outside the fence? I gave him my down jacket!”


Of course, Chen Miao didn’t believe it. He thought Li Cheng was joking.

The roommates chatted for a while, and soon it was time to turn off the lights. All of them were tired to death after training for the whole day. They said goodnight to each other and got into bed.

The training center’s dormitory building had a very strict schedule. The athletes were expected to wake up at 4:30 every morning after the lights were turned off at 10 p.m. What young person doesn’t like to stay up late? It was merely that the regime had turned these nocturnal owls into a flock of crowing roosters.

Usually, after the lights were turned off, Li Cheng would fall asleep in a wink. But he was too excited tonight. The moment he lay on the bed and closed his eyes, Xiao Yiheng’s appearance appeared in front of him. 

He recalled Xiao Yiheng standing under the street lamp in his woolen jacket, the temperature of his palm, the simple birthday cake, and the kiss across the fence.

In the darkness, Li Cheng reached out and touched his lips. The soft tip of his tongue touched his fingers, leaving a moist trace.

Li Cheng felt restless and hot from head to toe. He clamped his legs impatiently, and quietly rolled over on the bed.

The next second, he pulled the quilt over his head, took out the phone from under the pillow, and poked the chat software. 

Even though he knew Xiao Yiheng was still flying through the sky, he couldn’t help but send him a teasing emoji.

Come on! Nowadays, which youngster’s phone doesn’t have a few little yellow rabbits, right?

After the message was sent, Li Cheng began to look through their chat records. Although they didn’t formally communicate for long, they had a lot to say every day. Their chat record was simply an explosion of texts. When he finished going through them, Li Cheng’s hands were sore and finally reached the day they added each other as friends.

In the beginning, the two had an unfamiliar relationship and found each other an eye sore, their conversation like a gun with a stick. 

But now, it has changed to a “gun” with a “stick”.

Li Cheng hid himself in the quilt. He giggled at the chat log, pressing the screenshot button to cherish all those interesting memories.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Coafg lcveiulcu lc atlr abwobbifgs obg j ibcu alwf, atf mtja tlrabgs olcjiis gfjmtfv atf ijra wfrrjuf.

Ol Jtfcu’r olcufgr mbcalcefv rilvlcu bc atf ijra ofk ilcfr bo kbgvr, tlr ujhf rajslcu bc atf ijra wfrrjuf rfca ys Wljb Tltfcu. 

— “JtfcuJtfcu, ws ylgatvjs klrt lr ab rff sbe.”

Ktf wfrrjuf kjr rfca fjgis lc atf wbgclcu. Ca atf alwf, Ol Jtfcu tjv cb lvfj atja tf kbeiv jmaejiis rff Wljb Tltfcu joafg pera j ofk tbegr.

Li Cheng put his forehead on the phone and smiled quietly.

At this moment, the phone vibrated suddenly and a new message popped up. 

Pursue Unremittingly: I’m home. My phone ran out of power on the road. I just charged it up.

Li Cheng regained his energy and hurriedly responded.

Small Round Orange: Was the journey smooth?

Pursue Unremittingly: Very smooth. The plane landed 20 minutes early. They had not returned when I got home. 

Pursue Unremittingly: It’s almost eleven o’clock. Why are you still up?

In the small nest made by the heavy quilt, Li Cheng pressed the record button, folded his hands in a circle, and put his mouth near the microphone to whisper.

He was frank and coquettish: “… I miss you so much that I can’t sleep.”

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A few seconds later, Xiao Yiheng’s call request suddenly popped up on the phone screen. 

Li Cheng seemed to have a premonition. He turned the volume down to the lowest level, and then swiped the ACCEPT button.

After a slight buzzing sound, the call connected.

Xiao Yiheng was not in a hurry to speak. Neither did Li Cheng.

Their inaudible breaths were entangled, and it remained silent for a long time. Finally, the alpha’s hoarse voice came from the earpiece: “… Since we can’t sleep tonight, why don’t we do something else?” 

In an instant, Li Cheng’s blood rushed down uncontrollably, racing to some unspeakable place.

… Fuck!


He bit his lip, lifted the quilt, and quietly raised his head to look at the three surrounding beds.

The dormitory was dark, and his roommates had long been asleep. The sound of steady and heavy breathing came from the three beds. Because of the rigorous training, they were dead to the world and even an earthquake would not be able to wake them up. 

Li Cheng’s Adam’s apple bobbed. Who knew if it was his imagination or not. He thought the sound of swallowing saliva was particularly obvious in the quiet room.

His heart had moved, but his reason was still struggling.

Except for that temporary mark, he and Xiao Yiheng had only ever kissed. To be honest, if it weren’t for Li Cheng’s training camp, they would’ve probably gotten hot and heavy tonight.

Don’t be fooled by Li Cheng’s noisy mouth. Although he always pretended “I am greedy for an alpha’s body”, all his “experience” came from certain hidden folders on the computer. He’d never imagined that his first live gunplay would actually be to challenge the difficult phone play. 

He whispered hesitantly: “… Isn’t this bad?”

Xiao Yiheng was well aware about his soft spots, and gently coaxed him: “It’s not yet midnight. This is my birthday wish.”

“… Didn’t you say your birthday wish was to see me?”

“This is the second one.” The alpha chuckled softly, “You can make three wishes for your birthday.” 


Li Cheng scolded him for being greedy in his heart, but his body was extremely honest.

The blond boy got out of the bed in the dark and without even wearing slippers, simply walked to the bathroom barefoot. Stepping on the cold floor under his feet not only failed to calm him down, but instead fanned the raging fire in his body.

He closed the door and locked himself in the bathroom. 

He didn’t turn on the light. The only light source in the bathroom was a little moonlight from the ventilating window, gently illuminating a small open space in front of the toilet. In the dim and narrow space, everything looked hazy and ambiguous.

Li Cheng half-sat and half-leaned against the toilet. His pajamas slipped off his ankles, revealing his straight and toned legs.

His fingers tremblingly reached out.

In the bedroom across the door, he heard the vague sounds of his three roommates who were sleeping soundly, as if in a dream. 

The exciting fear that he would be discovered at any moment swept over Li Cheng, making his body more sensitive. He had to bite the hem of his pajama shirt in his mouth to stop himself from making a sound.

He was both enjoying and fighting against the ravaging pleasure in his body.


“Are you… are you there?” With the slightly wet hair on his forehead, the omega couldn’t tell whether it was sweat or tears that ran across his cheeks.

“I’m here,” The alpha’s voice was far and yet near, “I’ve been here all the time.” 

Li Cheng settled down; he knew that Xiao Yiheng must be the same as him.

The call duration displayed on the phone screen pulsed every second. They tacitly did not say a word. Only the rustling of their clothes and heavy pants intertwined with each other across the radio waves.

Xiao Yiheng was awakened by a quarrel. 

Yesterday, he spent the day rushing between two cities and had an “in-depth communication” with Li Cheng on his phone at night. He was physically exhausted, but his mind was brimming with energy. Although this level of naughtiness could only be regarded as “thinking of plums to quench one’s thirst“, it was a novel experience for them.

Last night, they fooled around till midnight. When Xiao Yiheng hung up the phone, the Xiao couple hadn’t returned home.

It was totally unexpected that this morning, the couple would  actually stage a brutal fighting scene in the living room, and go around breaking things.

“Mr. Xiao, what do you mean by this?” Mother Xiao asked in a hysterical voice, “Explain it clearly to me!” 

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“You want me to explain? I want you to explain it to me!!” Father Xiao’s voice was also full of anger, followed by the sound of another broken porcelain.

The AA couple were married for so many years, but there were no deep feelings between them. They were nothing but “comrades in arms” who lived together because their muzzles targeted the same things. In Xiao Yiheng’s memory, they had almost never quarreled. This was the first time they were making a big fuss over something.

If other children heard their parents arguing, they would try and persuade them as soon as possible, but Xiao Yiheng’s reaction was completely different. He slowly got up from the bed and opened the closet and took a look to ensure that Li Cheng’s down jacket was still hidden at the bottom of the cabinet. Then he opened the bedroom door with ease, and walked out with an indifferent expression.

On getting closer, the quarrel between them could be heard more clearly. 

The female voice complained: “I am an alpha just like you. If it weren’t for you, would I give up the front-line teaching position and go to the school administration office to help you clear your relationships? Do you have a conscience? If I didn’t ask someone to find the Head of the Education Bureau, do you think you could have drinks with them yesterday?”

The male voice rebuked, “That’s right! If I hadn’t drunk with that head at the dinner table, I would never know the truth of the matter!! Do you know what he said? The person who wrote to report my sexism against students had even mentioned clearly what I said privately, including the questions I prepared to make things difficult for omega during the interview. They described it in the exact same words!”

“So what? So you think it’s me?!!! Am I crazy? Don’t I want you to be a Professor or the deputy dean? Why should I report my husband to the Education Bureau?”

“I didn’t say you reported it!” The man snorted coldly, “But who knows who you told these things to? The people from your family, other teachers in your administrative office who are close to you… I only mentioned those things at home. Besides you, who else can it be?” 

“Ha, ridiculous!” The woman met him head-on, “You only know to blame me. Why don’t you think about yourself? Can you even count how many students were scolded by you? In my opinion, it is clear that you have offended the students in your usual style. Your students bear grudges so they reported you!”

The mutually accusing words, like sharp swords, were thrown at each other unceremoniously.


Xiao Yiheng’s expression was calm. He stood quietly at the entrance of the living room, observing the hysterical couple under the cover of green plants.

Father Xiao and Mother Xiao must have drunk a lot of alcohol last night. They still stank of alcohol. The alcohol had destroyed their sanity and turned them into a pair of rabid beasts that attacked each other. 

The floor was littered with broken cups and plates. Xiao Yiheng watched this scene quietly, a trace of deep meaning flashing in his eyes.

… It looked like his third birthday wish would soon come true.

Translator: Lovely fan art




Ch82 - Three birthday wishes

Who knows whether or not it was Li Cheng’s misperception. During the entire evening training session, Zhou Jian seemed to be preoccupied, mulling over his thoughts. He opened his mouth several times to speak with Li Cheng and then stopped. Obviously, Li Cheng was not a mind-reader. How could he know what Zhou Jian wanted to say?

The assistant coach in charge of supervision noticed Zhou Jian’s absent-mindedness. He yelled out Zhou Jian’s name after the training session and took him aside to reprimand him. 

Li Cheng was sweating buckets and went to the locker room for a quick shower. Because he didn’t have a down jacket, he could only put a bath towel on his head and rush back to the dormitory with his wet hair.

It was icy cold. No matter how swiftly he ran, his hair still froze when he arrived at the dormitory. The short golden hair was chilled into icicles, every strand of hair iced into a spike which made him resemble a little hedgehog. With a pinch, these spikes broke into tiny little shards of ice.

Li Cheng had never seen such an interesting thing. He stood facing the mirror in the bathroom of the dormitory and playfully squeezed each strand one by one till his hands were full of crushed ice in a short while.

His roommates were all northerners and were amused by his fuss. 

Chen Miao asked: “Li Cheng, where is your down jacket? Why do you have only a sweater on your back??”


Li Cheng pinched the ice dregs while answering, “I gave it to someone as a ‘love token‘~”

“Love token?”

“Yup!” Li Cheng turned around with a smile, “Didn’t you say that there was a very handsome and lightly dressed alpha outside the fence? I gave him my down jacket!”


Of course, Chen Miao didn’t believe it. He thought Li Cheng was joking.

The roommates chatted for a while, and soon it was time to turn off the lights. All of them were tired to death after training for the whole day. They said goodnight to each other and got into bed.

The training center’s dormitory building had a very strict schedule. The athletes were expected to wake up at 4:30 every morning after the lights were turned off at 10 p.m. What young person doesn’t like to stay up late? It was merely that the regime had turned these nocturnal owls into a flock of crowing roosters.

Usually, after the lights were turned off, Li Cheng would fall asleep in a wink. But he was too excited tonight. The moment he lay on the bed and closed his eyes, Xiao Yiheng’s appearance appeared in front of him. 

He recalled Xiao Yiheng standing under the street lamp in his woolen jacket, the temperature of his palm, the simple birthday cake, and the kiss across the fence.

In the darkness, Li Cheng reached out and touched his lips. The soft tip of his tongue touched his fingers, leaving a moist trace.

Li Cheng felt restless and hot from head to toe. He clamped his legs impatiently, and quietly rolled over on the bed.

The next second, he pulled the quilt over his head, took out the phone from under the pillow, and poked the chat software. 

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Even though he knew Xiao Yiheng was still flying through the sky, he couldn’t help but send him a teasing emoji.

Come on! Nowadays, which youngster’s phone doesn’t have a few little yellow rabbits, right?

After the message was sent, Li Cheng began to look through their chat records. Although they didn’t formally communicate for long, they had a lot to say every day. Their chat record was simply an explosion of texts. When he finished going through them, Li Cheng’s hands were sore and finally reached the day they added each other as friends.

In the beginning, the two had an unfamiliar relationship and found each other an eye sore, their conversation like a gun with a stick. 

But now, it has changed to a “gun” with a “stick”.

Li Cheng hid himself in the quilt. He giggled at the chat log, pressing the screenshot button to cherish all those interesting memories.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Coafg lcveiulcu lc atlr abwobbifgs obg j ibcu alwf, atf mtja tlrabgs olcjiis gfjmtfv atf ijra wfrrjuf.

Ol Jtfcu’r olcufgr mbcalcefv rilvlcu bc atf ijra ofk ilcfr bo kbgvr, tlr ujhf rajslcu bc atf ijra wfrrjuf rfca ys Wljb Tltfcu. 

— “JtfcuJtfcu, ws ylgatvjs klrt lr ab rff sbe.”

Ktf wfrrjuf kjr rfca fjgis lc atf wbgclcu. Ca atf alwf, Ol Jtfcu tjv cb lvfj atja tf kbeiv jmaejiis rff Wljb Tltfcu joafg pera j ofk tbegr.

Li Cheng put his forehead on the phone and smiled quietly.

At this moment, the phone vibrated suddenly and a new message popped up. 

Pursue Unremittingly: I’m home. My phone ran out of power on the road. I just charged it up.

Li Cheng regained his energy and hurriedly responded.

Small Round Orange: Was the journey smooth?

Pursue Unremittingly: Very smooth. The plane landed 20 minutes early. They had not returned when I got home. 

Pursue Unremittingly: It’s almost eleven o’clock. Why are you still up?

In the small nest made by the heavy quilt, Li Cheng pressed the record button, folded his hands in a circle, and put his mouth near the microphone to whisper.

He was frank and coquettish: “… I miss you so much that I can’t sleep.”

A few seconds later, Xiao Yiheng’s call request suddenly popped up on the phone screen. 

Li Cheng seemed to have a premonition. He turned the volume down to the lowest level, and then swiped the ACCEPT button.

After a slight buzzing sound, the call connected.

Xiao Yiheng was not in a hurry to speak. Neither did Li Cheng.

Their inaudible breaths were entangled, and it remained silent for a long time. Finally, the alpha’s hoarse voice came from the earpiece: “… Since we can’t sleep tonight, why don’t we do something else?” 

In an instant, Li Cheng’s blood rushed down uncontrollably, racing to some unspeakable place.

… Fuck!


He bit his lip, lifted the quilt, and quietly raised his head to look at the three surrounding beds.

The dormitory was dark, and his roommates had long been asleep. The sound of steady and heavy breathing came from the three beds. Because of the rigorous training, they were dead to the world and even an earthquake would not be able to wake them up. 

Li Cheng’s Adam’s apple bobbed. Who knew if it was his imagination or not. He thought the sound of swallowing saliva was particularly obvious in the quiet room.

His heart had moved, but his reason was still struggling.

Except for that temporary mark, he and Xiao Yiheng had only ever kissed. To be honest, if it weren’t for Li Cheng’s training camp, they would’ve probably gotten hot and heavy tonight.

Don’t be fooled by Li Cheng’s noisy mouth. Although he always pretended “I am greedy for an alpha’s body”, all his “experience” came from certain hidden folders on the computer. He’d never imagined that his first live gunplay would actually be to challenge the difficult phone play. 

He whispered hesitantly: “… Isn’t this bad?”

Xiao Yiheng was well aware about his soft spots, and gently coaxed him: “It’s not yet midnight. This is my birthday wish.”

“… Didn’t you say your birthday wish was to see me?”

“This is the second one.” The alpha chuckled softly, “You can make three wishes for your birthday.” 


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Li Cheng scolded him for being greedy in his heart, but his body was extremely honest.

The blond boy got out of the bed in the dark and without even wearing slippers, simply walked to the bathroom barefoot. Stepping on the cold floor under his feet not only failed to calm him down, but instead fanned the raging fire in his body.

He closed the door and locked himself in the bathroom. 

He didn’t turn on the light. The only light source in the bathroom was a little moonlight from the ventilating window, gently illuminating a small open space in front of the toilet. In the dim and narrow space, everything looked hazy and ambiguous.

Li Cheng half-sat and half-leaned against the toilet. His pajamas slipped off his ankles, revealing his straight and toned legs.

His fingers tremblingly reached out.

In the bedroom across the door, he heard the vague sounds of his three roommates who were sleeping soundly, as if in a dream. 

The exciting fear that he would be discovered at any moment swept over Li Cheng, making his body more sensitive. He had to bite the hem of his pajama shirt in his mouth to stop himself from making a sound.

He was both enjoying and fighting against the ravaging pleasure in his body.


“Are you… are you there?” With the slightly wet hair on his forehead, the omega couldn’t tell whether it was sweat or tears that ran across his cheeks.

“I’m here,” The alpha’s voice was far and yet near, “I’ve been here all the time.” 

Li Cheng settled down; he knew that Xiao Yiheng must be the same as him.

The call duration displayed on the phone screen pulsed every second. They tacitly did not say a word. Only the rustling of their clothes and heavy pants intertwined with each other across the radio waves.

Xiao Yiheng was awakened by a quarrel. 

Yesterday, he spent the day rushing between two cities and had an “in-depth communication” with Li Cheng on his phone at night. He was physically exhausted, but his mind was brimming with energy. Although this level of naughtiness could only be regarded as “thinking of plums to quench one’s thirst“, it was a novel experience for them.

Last night, they fooled around till midnight. When Xiao Yiheng hung up the phone, the Xiao couple hadn’t returned home.

It was totally unexpected that this morning, the couple would  actually stage a brutal fighting scene in the living room, and go around breaking things.

“Mr. Xiao, what do you mean by this?” Mother Xiao asked in a hysterical voice, “Explain it clearly to me!” 

“You want me to explain? I want you to explain it to me!!” Father Xiao’s voice was also full of anger, followed by the sound of another broken porcelain.

The AA couple were married for so many years, but there were no deep feelings between them. They were nothing but “comrades in arms” who lived together because their muzzles targeted the same things. In Xiao Yiheng’s memory, they had almost never quarreled. This was the first time they were making a big fuss over something.

If other children heard their parents arguing, they would try and persuade them as soon as possible, but Xiao Yiheng’s reaction was completely different. He slowly got up from the bed and opened the closet and took a look to ensure that Li Cheng’s down jacket was still hidden at the bottom of the cabinet. Then he opened the bedroom door with ease, and walked out with an indifferent expression.

On getting closer, the quarrel between them could be heard more clearly. 

The female voice complained: “I am an alpha just like you. If it weren’t for you, would I give up the front-line teaching position and go to the school administration office to help you clear your relationships? Do you have a conscience? If I didn’t ask someone to find the Head of the Education Bureau, do you think you could have drinks with them yesterday?”

The male voice rebuked, “That’s right! If I hadn’t drunk with that head at the dinner table, I would never know the truth of the matter!! Do you know what he said? The person who wrote to report my sexism against students had even mentioned clearly what I said privately, including the questions I prepared to make things difficult for omega during the interview. They described it in the exact same words!”

“So what? So you think it’s me?!!! Am I crazy? Don’t I want you to be a Professor or the deputy dean? Why should I report my husband to the Education Bureau?”

“I didn’t say you reported it!” The man snorted coldly, “But who knows who you told these things to? The people from your family, other teachers in your administrative office who are close to you… I only mentioned those things at home. Besides you, who else can it be?” 

“Ha, ridiculous!” The woman met him head-on, “You only know to blame me. Why don’t you think about yourself? Can you even count how many students were scolded by you? In my opinion, it is clear that you have offended the students in your usual style. Your students bear grudges so they reported you!”

The mutually accusing words, like sharp swords, were thrown at each other unceremoniously.


Xiao Yiheng’s expression was calm. He stood quietly at the entrance of the living room, observing the hysterical couple under the cover of green plants.

Father Xiao and Mother Xiao must have drunk a lot of alcohol last night. They still stank of alcohol. The alcohol had destroyed their sanity and turned them into a pair of rabid beasts that attacked each other. 

The floor was littered with broken cups and plates. Xiao Yiheng watched this scene quietly, a trace of deep meaning flashing in his eyes.

… It looked like his third birthday wish would soon come true.

Translator: Lovely fan art




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