Chapter 1: Jumped into the Lake

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Great Chu Kingdom, Prince Li’s manor

“Bitch, how dare you drug me, you done it knowingly that this prince is going to marry Rou’er tomorrow.”

That man dressed in silk brocade robe roared ferociously, glared at the woman on the bed. His eyes were fuming in fire, he really wanted to kill her right on the spot. He ripped off her clothes and instantly pounced on her.

When she realised that he was tormenting her, her heart turned cold. She sniffed silently as tears of pain ran down her cheeks.


Although she had been married to him for half a year, he had only Nangong Rou in his heart. He never touched her for once, all because she had an ugly face and a pair of parents whom he hated. 

“Aargh!” A sudden pain thrust in her lower body. That great pain was unbearable, she endured it by biting her own lip. When she opened her eyes, she met his angry eyes filled with disgust and disdain, it hurt her heart painfully. 

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She never knew his hatred towards her was that deep.

Chu Xuanchen stared coldly at her, “You should have gone to all the trouble to get close to me. Okay fine, if you wanted it so badly then this prince shall grant your wish! However, this prince  didn’t want to see your face, it’s disgusting!”

He tore off the silk curtains hanging at the bedpost and threw over it to cover her face.

Thump! As if a big rock just plummeted her heart.  


His words utterly crushed her, she instinctively raised her hand to stroke her right cheek. These big ugly scars underlying her shame and low-self-esteem.

Everyone disdained her ugly face. In this world, there was nothing left behind for her. All she had was a pure heart to chase after true love.

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The father knew her love for Chu Xuanchen since she was a child, hence he used his position and influence to request the Chu Emperor to bestow a marriage.


However, Chu Xuanchen did not love her.

In this moment, his movement suddenly became faster and heavier, he inserted her forcefully. His eyes darkened, filled with rancour as if he wanted to torment her to death. “Yun Ruoyue, you poisonous snake heart of a woman. You knew well that this prince love Rou’er, hence you played dirty tricks to married me. This prince finally got the chance to marry her, today you drugged me in order to climb my bed. It’s because this prince couldn’t press down the compulsion, or else would this prince really want to lay fingers on you? This prince would rather extricate myself on a prostitute than you! 


She looked at him with sorrowful eyes, trying hard to overcome his abuse and mockery. “In Your Highness’s eyes, am I worthless than a prostitute?”

“No, in this prince’s heart, you are worse than a cockroach, it has much more value than you!”       

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After a long time, after satisfyingly indulging her body, he abruptly gets off the bed. He doesn’t even bother to look at her and puts on his clothes promptly. She was left behind with bruises all over her body, lying there motionless, heartbroken as if she was about to die. 


He had extricated his lust so she is no longer in need.

He shot her with hateful eyes and walked out of the bedroom feeling unsympathetic. “Prepare water, this prince wants to cleanse this dirty body of mine!”. He gave away his bad moods to his maidservants. 

His extreme disgust makes Yun Ruoyue’s body involuntarily shiver. His words have pulled her back into reality. That’s when she realised that he has no other feelings for her, it’s only hatred. 

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In the past, he was a cold and unfeeling husband. She doesn’t mind at all because she thinks that as long as she treats him well, things would not be the same again. She knows he is not someone a judgement is easily swayed by a person’s face. Someday he will open up his heart for her. 


Sometimes, things don’t work out the way you want it. Just an unexpected, in his mind, she was someone who make him loss of appetite.

Looking at herself in this pitiful state, bedlinen and lower body were tainted with blood, this pure body has broken. As she recalled her memory, she remembered his disdainful eyes, that moment her heart suddenly drained empty. Her hands trembled as she put on her clothes, and barefooted as she walked into a cold cruel night. 

There was a placid lake not far away from Scarlet Moon Pavilion. In the deep late night, biting cold wind and freezing waters weren’t that cold compared to her heart. 

The heart has stopped. 


Someone shouted: “This is dreadful, the prince consort has jumped into the lake!” 

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