Chapter 14: Tetanus Shot

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He finally understood why she came to the wedding. She had come to have a remarkable display of her beautiful visage and enjoyed herself in the limelight to prove she was more splendorous and superior than Nangong Rou, aiming that he would be impressed and could get him to like her.  

It’s a pity that he, Chu Xuanchen, wasn’t a man who loved a woman because of her face, if he needed one, he could look at his own reflection. 

Just as Yun Ruoyue had expected, she knew Chu Xuanchen had misunderstood her, her intention by coming here, being an arrogant man and as part of his male ego thing, must have thought that she came for him. 

She frowned, sighed softly as she quietly contemplated the scene laid before her. She rose from the master’s seating, simply glanced at the wedding guests before waving her hand and leaving the hall. 

Actually her heart was beating nervously all along and couldn’t take it anymore if she continued to stay. She had attracted too much attention, being in the limelight wasn’t the slightest of her intention. It was Nangong Rou, who cut her wrist first as well as bringing upon these troubles. With that in mind, it’s better for her to take a leave now and go back to the courtyard to treat the wound. 

Scarlet Moon Pavilion

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After returning to the Scarlet Moon Pavilion, Yun Ruoyue immediately slumped down to the chair and folded up the sleeve to examine the wound. She squinted her eyes followed by a sharp breath and she cursed, “you little bitch sister, it’s painful!”

Feng’er pursed her lips tightly when she saw the cut on the wrist. “Your Ladyship, how did you get this cut!?”

When her words fell, her face slowly changed to puzzlement and asked, “What is a bitch?

The current mistress wasn’t the same as before, she had changed so much. 

“Nangong Rou did this to me during the tea ceremony, she hid a blade under her sleeves when nobody saw and sneakily cut my wrist.” Yun Ruoyue has never thought Nangong Rou was an utterly vicious and callous woman, to have dared to launch a sneak attack on her in the wedding reception. 

“What? Your Ladyship, she is too cruel, did you tell His Highness?” As she watched the wound on her mistress’s wrist, it felt as if her heart was enduring the same pain.”

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“Is there any difference if I tell him? Would he believe in me? You go, quickly go get a piece of gauze bandage for me. I can do the bandage myself.” Yun Ruoyue sighed. 

“This servant will go right now.” Feng’er bowed before running out hastily. 

After Feng’er left the room, Yun Rouyue lightly shut her eyes and ran through her mind because she could see the medical laboratory in her mind. 

She glanced through the medicine cabinet; she found the Iodophor and sterilized gauze. 

Iodophor is used for surface disinfectants, but she was looking for a TIG (Anti Tetanus Immunoglobulin), because she doesn’t know whether the blade used by Nangong Rou is rusty, if it is rusty, which can be life threatening. 

After a long while searching around the laboratory and still couldn’t find the TIG (Anti Tetanus Immunoglobulin). 

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She suddenly became nervous. The laboratory indeed stored various medicines and drugs, however seldom kept common medicines that could be easily bought from the pharmacies.

What if she really got the tetanus, isn’t her life in danger?

She was completely lost and couldn’t do anything. All of a sudden, the bottle of antitoxin appeared out of thin air inside the medicine cabinet. 

That bottle appeared suddenly right in front of her eyes, as if her mind would materialise an object that she desired, her bewildered gaze scrutinized the medicine cabinet. She was certained this cabinet was for storing Iodophor and nothing else. In a blink of an eye, there was an extra bottle of antitoxin. 

That’s amazing. 

Yun Ruoyue gazed intently at the bottle and her thoughts started to whirl like a tornado inside her head, her heart pounding fast. Somehow, the timespace laboratory in her mind could really materialise any medicines that she required? 

She didn’t ponder much because the vaccine must be taken within 72 hours. Without further hesitation, Yun Ruoyue quickly retrieved the medicine, took a syringe and placed it on the table. 

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Prior to the injection, she needs to do a skin test for detecting allergic reactions to a new drug. 

About ten minutes passed, the skin test result was negative, that means she is not allergic to the drug. 

It didn’t take long for her to disinfect the wound, give a shot of anti-tetanus vaccine, and then wrap the wound with sterile gauze. 

Fortunately the cuts were not too deep otherwise, her life will be at stake. 

Translator’s note:

I would like to express my gratitude and say Thank You for reading my translations. I’m glad to know that many readers like this story so much and eagerly waiting for the next new chapters. I have a hard time to decide on the frequency of the release, so I let you guys to decide. Do you prefer one (1) new chapter to be release on every 1-2 days? or three (3) chapters in one go by a week time?

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