Chapter 17: Teach the Slave a Lesson

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Yun Ruoyue was too small and insignificant in their master’s eyes, hence, why should they as servants bother so much about her?  

They clearly knew the prince favoured his side consort, very soon would elevate her position to become the mistress of the house as well as a person in charge of the manor’s fund. As one can see, Prince Li was intended to seize Yun Ruoyue’s authority and responsibility as a prince’s consort, so she was as good as over. 

What’s more, a servant is eventually a servant, they would yield themselves to a master who has much superior and stronger force than the other. Same as the saying goes, “sail the boat by following the direction of the wind”. Apparently, the strong wind was now blowing in Concubine Nangong’s direction. 

Well, actually, they wouldn’t say that they were changing according to the wind because all this while, the wind had never blown in Yun Ruoyue’s direction. 

When Old Maidservant Zhang broke the news, Yun Ruoyue was silent, but a line appeared between her brow, she clenched her hands tightly in anguish. 

So, this despicable Chu Xuanchen intended to make Nangong Rou to be the mistress of the house, to take over a power of responsibility as a prince’s consort and also control over the manor’s fund. 

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How about her? Does she still have a place to stand?

Although she felt deeply repugnance of this manor, she wouldn’t easily let go of her position and power. In any case, this place initially belonged to her, she wouldn’t allow anyone to snatch it away. 

However, it was easy for her to say, because by looking at her current miserable situation, she was just a powerless and incapable prince’s consort who could not even get a piece of gauze bandage for herself. 

After a long while, Old Maidservant Zhang seeing Yun Ruoyue wasn’t making any response, thus, she snorted coldly and said, “Your Ladyship, don’t say this old humble didn’t warn you. Today you had ruffled Madam Nangong’s feathers and she was greatly annoyed. If you obediently fulfill your duty, Madam Nangong might forgive you. Your Ladyship, that’s all I need to say, you better choose wisely.”

Old Maidservant Zhang simply glanced at Yun Ruoyue with a smug look on her face, she turned around and was about to take a leave. Suddenly Yun Ruoyue raised her eyes and bored into Old Maidservant Zhang. “Stand right there!” she bellowed out the order. “Damnservant, is this how you speak to your master?”

At this point of time, Old Maidservant Zhang stopped and turned her head around. She snorted coldly while replied, “I’m sorry, Your Ladyship, but at least for now, Prince Li is my master.” 

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And you’re not my master. 

Yun Rouyue responded with a condescending smile on her face as she said, “I am Prince Li’s official consort and was selected by His Majesty as your master. Just now, you offended a superior, you don’t know your place and I should discipline you some manners today, kneel!”

Old Maidservant Zhang was taken aback, “Why should I kneel? His Highness had said before, besides him, no other person was allowed to punish us. 

“Are you saying this princess is not allowed to punish merely a servant? Fine, you don’t kneel then I’m not going over to serve the prince. If His Highness asked me, I would say that it was you who offended me and delayed my time. Are you going to bear the consequences?” Yun Rouyue raised her eyebrow, her tone threatening.  

As soon as Old Maidservant Zhang heard Yun Ruoyue’s words, she was completely speechless and fear crossed her face. 

She began to contemplate. By the order of the prince, she was here to inform Yun Ruoyue to go over to the prince’s pavilion. If she fails to complete her task, then she won’t be able to free herself from responsibility. 

If the prince starts to investigate this matter, then I will suffer the consequences as well! 

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Prince Li can become downright coldhearted when he wants to and wouldn’t care for anybody including them as servants. 

Pausing here, she gritted her teeth and knelt down. “Okay fine, I will kneel down. Your Ladyship, please hurry and go. Don’t blame me when you are late.”

“Without my permission, you are not allowed to stand up. Feng’er, watch over her for me, if she dares to stand up before my return, report to me immediately and I will punish her according to house rules.” As she spoke, the thick oppressive aura emitted from her body. 

“This servant shall comply.” Feng’er replied without delay. 

Feng’er stared at Yun Ruoyue with total admiration. It was her first time seeing Mistress being so cool. In the past, Old Maidservant Zhang is the one who always bullied them, but this time she was subdued.  

However, the Old Maidservant Zhang was a sly, insidious woman, not easy to deal with. With such a thought, Feng’er was afraid that she would take revenge on them. 

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Meanwhile, Yun Ruoyue left with another servant girl who came together with Old Maidservant Zhang earlier and headed to Stars at Dawn Pavilion where Chu Xuanchen lived. 

When she was halfway there, Yun Ruoyue suddenly saw a lot of the Great Chu dynasty flags hung on the wall of the manor. The flags were printed with auspicious clouds and the dragon as the emblem of the Great Chu dynasty, which are very similar to country flags in modern times. 

In an instant, there was a smiling expression on her face, her eyes glinting with mischief. She gave her orders to the servant girl. “Go and bring me the flags.”

“Your Ladyship, why do you want the flags?” The servant girl asked curiously. 

Yun Rouyue answered smilingly, “Of course, it is for cheering your prince.”

“………” The servant girl was baffled. 

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