Chapter 35: Taught the Concubine a Lesson

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There was a smell of decaying food, she could smell the stench before getting close to it. They gave her a few plates of rotten vegetables together with a bowl of white rice full of maggots and a chicken drumstick covered with ants. Yun Ruoyue glancing it over with a cold look in her eyes, she snorted, “Young sister, everything here is rotten, how about you having some instead?”

Nangong Rou inclined her head forward with a pretence to take a sniff, she immediately replied in a disgruntled tone, “How is this possible, big sister? I personally gave the orders to the kitchen, the servants prepared this meal mainly for you, and it is still warm. What do you mean by saying everything is rotten!”

Nangong Rou was very angry, she continued to pretend that she didn’t do anything wrong. Instead, she turned the situation around by resented Yun Ruoyue for being ungrateful to bite the hand that feeds her.

Yun Ruoyue wasn’t the type of person who likes to arouse too much controversy with anyone, but that doesn’t mean she is afraid of them.  

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Her gaze swept over the food on the table, she spoke in an inquiring tone, “I do recall that you hadn’t paid a ceremonial respect to me on the second day morning, after your wedding night. Aside from that, you also haven’t let me inspect the drop of blood on the white handkerchief. Am I right?” 

Nangong Rou hadn’t expected Yun Ruoyue’s words, her expression instantly stiffened; her face turned pale as if Yun Ruoyue’s words were like a sharp knife that pierced through her heart.   

On that night, after Yun Ruoyue had made a commotion at their bridal chamber, Prince Li didn’t touch her at all. Thereafter, in the next three days, he just came to visit her and nothing more, thus, they did not consummate their marriage. 

Eventually, they didn’t sleep together, so, where was she supposed to find the bloodstained handkerchief?     

Yun Ruoyue already knew there was nothing happening between them, yet she just feigned ignorance and deliberately brought it up. 

Nangong Rou’s expression morphed from white to green, she pondered a moment before coming up with an excuse, “Please pardon me, I am having my period, so we haven’t had a chance to consummate our marriage.”

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How could she be willing to lose her face in front of Yun Rouyue, no matter how terrible she felt, she wouldn’t admit that Prince Li didn’t touch her. If Yun Ruoyue finds out, she would definitely become a laughingstock.  

“Oh? I see. When the period ends, don’t forget to bring the handkerchief and show it to me. As you should know, you mustn’t defy the custom rules.” Apparently, she already knew the answer and Nangong Rou was lying because Feng’er already told her beforehand.

In fact, this piece of news has been spreading out like a fire and it is no longer a secret! 

Whether Nangong Rou had a period or slept together with Prince Li or not, everybody knows.

It was Nangong Rou’s personal maidservants who leaked out the information, that’s how Feng’er got to know and then reported to her. Therefore, she is doing it on purpose to humiliate Nangong Rou by asking her to hand out the drop of blood handkerchief as a motive to counter back the attack. Don’t blame her for being ruthless, who told Nangong Rou to find trouble first and feed her with rancid rice and rotten vegetables. 

With such a thought, she was curious and began to mull over. Wasn’t he so much in love with Nangong Rou? It’s already been three days and why is he not touching her yet? 

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Could it be that he was shocked and traumatised by me? 

If that were the case, he deserved it!  

Feng’er could not hold it in any longer and coldly remarked, “Your Highness, this servant heard from the other’s whispering voices. They said the second Madame is not having a period at this time. There’s something happening here, but what it is ain’t exactly clear.” 

After Feng’er spoken, Nangong Rou raised to her feet and give Feng’er a slap in the face. “Impertinent servant, how dare you interject the master’s conversation. Is this a place for you to speak?” Nangong Rou roared angrily. 

Nangong Rou slapped so hard until Feng’er had flung directly onto the ground. Feng’er lying on the ground holding her face in pain and started to cry. 

“You dare to hit her?” Yun Ruoyue’s countenance changed instantly as anger swept over her. She immediately jumped to her feet, raised a hand to clutch Nangong Rou’s collar while the other hand rapidly grasped the rancid rice and directly shoved it into Nangong Rou’s mouth. “You like to bully people, don’t you? I’ll let you taste how it feels to be bullied. Here, eat the stinky rice!” 

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“Aah! Help me! Nangong Rou was already looking frightened with her mouth full of rancid rice, making her scream out loud. 

Yun Ruoyue disregarded her plea and kept stuffing the rice with maggots into Nangong Rou’s mouth despite her screaming with fright. Yun Ruoyue would never allow anyone to bully her!

At this point, a man’s oppressive voice could be heard from a distance, “Stop!” 

In a quick moment, the man in black robe rushed into the wooden shed and appeared into everyone’s sight. Chu Xuanchen quickly approached Nangong Rou and held her by the waist as he brought her into his embrace. 

He felt displeased in his heart as he called out her name, “Rou’er” (Please read original and free translations from

Chu Xuanchen glared at Yun Ruoyue with a frosty look and sounded her out, “What did you do to her? You vicious woman!”

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