Chapter 4: Cold and Arrogant Prince

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This bottle of Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin was her recent research made from grapes and berries extract. It can repair damaged skin, rebuild new skin cells and work as an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties. 

Without hesitation, she promptly stretched out her hands to take that medicine and also a few bottles of antiseptics and gauze. All of a sudden, she was snapped out of the dream.  

“Your Ladyship, are you asleep? The water must be cold by now, this humble one should pour hot water for you otherwise you will catch a cold”. Feng’er returned with a big water bucket. 

Yun Ruoyue abruptly awakened, seeing her servant girl was holding a big and heavy water bucket coming in her direction. She lowered her head and looked into her hands; she gasped in shock to see the medicine bottles and gauze that she’s holding. 

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What is going on? How did it end up here? She held her breath, the heartbeat was beating so fast until she almost screamed out from her lungs. 

She was very sure these things were taken out from her laboratory. She tried to recall what had happened a while ago. It seems like it was her imagination, some sort of mindspace where she can retrieve things that belong inside the medical laboratory through her mind! 

Could it be that the medical laboratory was time traveling together with her? And it was currently stored inside her mind.

That means, she can access the medical laboratory in any place and at any time. That was so cool! 

In this universe, there are many phenomena that can’t be explained scientifically. If her soul can pass through time travelling, then it can be possible too. 

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She was hit by the realisation of the possibility, the thoughts made her ecstatic just like a thunder just struck her, a cold shiver ran down her spine.  

“No need, I’m done bathing and I will dress myself. You may leave.” Yun Ruoyue immediately replied. 

“Your Ladyship, don’t you need this humble one to help you dress?”  

“It’s okay, I like to do it myself.” She gave her a convinced smile. 

Feng’er was stunned for a moment. She nodded and quickly walked out of the room in a bewildered expression. This is strange, the mistress has been behaving differently since she drowned in the lake. 

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Soon after Feng’er leaves the room, Yun Ruoyue slowly dragged her aching body out from the bathtub. The body was still weak, she was shivering from the cold and had a high fever too. It took her a while to figure out those complicated ancient clothes. After getting dressed, she quickly sat down at the dressing table and took out the medical supplies.

Looking at herself in the bronze colored mirror, judging the thickness of the scars and injuries caused by the poisons, this skin might take longer to recover. Without delaying the time, she immediately cleansed the scars by removing the scabs and yellowish thick pus on her right cheek, putting a few dabs of antiseptic before applying Proanthocyanidin. Then, the infected wounds were concealed with cotton gauze, this was to absorb the drainage of poisonous blood.   

These medicines were specially made by Yun Ruoyue, it was different from other ordinary Proanthocyanidin. It was enhanced and refined with faster healing reactions. All she needed was one night, after tonight, the scars will be cured. She checked herself again in the mirror, she met a hopeful smile in her reflection anticipating for tomorrow to come.  

At this time outside the entrance. “Your Highness, please wait for a moment, Her Ladyship was in the bath.” Feng’er anxiously stated. 

Her heart jumped when she saw him coming in the pavilion and afraid Prince Li might have returned to torment her mistress again. 

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He snorted. “Are you saying this prince wants to set foot in this damn place? Is she dead yet?” Chu Xuanchen retorted angrily. 

When Yun Ruoyue heard the noises at the door, she smiled and nimbly covered her visage with a satin face veil. She was calm and unhurried as she strides to the front door to give her command. “Feng’er, please tell His Highness, this princess was tired and already settled in for the night, so this princess won’t see any guests.” Yun Ruoyue sneered inwardly. 

The implication was obviously to tell him that he was an unwelcome guest! 

On hearing her response, Chu Xuanchen thought he must have misheard it. Wasn’t she yearning for him endlessly, shamelessly throwing herself upon him? What is with her now? All of a sudden turning a new leaf and now acting virtuous and noble? He laughed ironically.

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